Scholars Crossing 1988 The Fundamentalist Journal 1-1988 The Fundamentalist Journal Volume 7, Number 1 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_88 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal Volume 7, Number 1" (1988). 1988. 1. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_88/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1988 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FmdmeMist JANUARY1988/$2.00 $ound The Cry Of ,i,I l;z UrdGr! IF'* .,illtl .-.$, nilli,r wl$ I' i!rfi r ' 'hrough @ your home schoolyou havea unique through 8th grade. And junior high literatureelectives .&. opportunityto reachinto your child'slife with the add quality Christian fiction and challengingbiogra- truth of God'sWord. And that'san eternallyimportant phiesto completethe picture. responsibility! Yourchild will grow throughlessons that address So don't settlefor lessthan the best-LifeWay the issuesthey face everydayin their young world. Bible curriculumfrom ScripturePress. You will delight to teachthese complete lesson Basedon the solid authority of Scripture, LifeWay plans. And focusedlesson objectives keep eachday's reinforcesBible learning with related study right on target. LifeWaygives you activities,life application,and prayer. the tools you needto teachmost effec- Your children will learn early to tively and make profitable useof each find answersto life's questionsin the study minute. truth of God'sWord. They'll develop Call for a free catalog.Then exam- personalBible studyskills to lasta life- ine Life\ilay curriculum for yourself. See time. And in the processthey'll build a how LifeWaycan reachand teachyour CgNISTIAN child-with eternalresults ! firm foundationin Bible truth. scHoot Createdby educationand child CURRICULUM developmentprofessionals, LifeWay cur- LifeWay Curriculum Division of ScripturePress Publications, Inc. riculumaddresses the specificneeds and 1825Collegt: Avenue, Wheaton, IL @187 abilities of eachage-from preschool PhoneToll-I- e l-800-323-9449 I I FORSERIOUS CHRISTIANS, THISBOOKCRIEDOUTTO BEWRITTE]I Wequote from the editorinlrqort thd promptedw to relcct this bookfor the Conservdivehok Cfu.b: "Any honestbeliever will admit that he has often found himself facing uncomfortable dif- ficultiesand dilemmas when confronted by thepronouncements of scientists (genuine or pseudo)on matten that concern controvenial Biblical passages involving scientific area. Wesearch for explanations,but too oftencome up withweak ona thatdon't even convinceas. Thisbook should help straighten usout. Henry Monis brings together those key Biblical insightsand instructions related to all thenatural sciencrs. In hisown words: 'Whenever r Biblic'alprsage deals eillrcr wilh r bmrd riendic principleor wilh somepar- liculariiems of scientifrcdala, it will inevitablybe found on crlefrrlstudy to befully rcctratein its scientifrcinsighls, Often it will be foundeven to haveanliciprted scientific discoveries,' A largeordel but I ttrinkMonis fills it admirablyin whatcan only be calld a monumen- $24.95 in stores- tal volume.The main thru$ of thebook is to reassuretheists of thevalidity of theSrip YO''sFREE turesnot only as a guideto livingbut as an explanation of the facts of thenatural sciences, of mankind,and of theworld around us.lt may well be the muns of liberatinga rmder from longtimedoubts and give him ommunitionlor confrontations with the scofers." Dr. Monis hasservd for 28yean on thefacultia of z Problemswith the "big bang" theory.Other majorunivenitia - including13 yean as chairman Ansvenqueims m thittkitgfuliaur wt modemtheoria of creationand solar sy$em that of the Civil EngineeringDepartment of Virginia igme don'thold up - evenon scientificgounds. PolytechnicInstitute and StateUnivenity. He is the ,z "Fossilsand the Flood": new findingsthat praidentof the Institutefor CreationResearch. z Evolution,creation and the Bible:where the $rengthenthe old argumentsfor Genais. secularconsensus go€s wrong. Fallacia of evolu- So isnt this book heavygoing for the nonscienti$? publication would if tionishlike Huxleyand Teilhardde Chardin. One that be unsparing Dr. Agin, our oditor: Monisfaild to dojustice to thecase for inerrancyis z Apparentdiscrepancia in Scripture. Monis bookis a massof scientificexposition and @r. great "The givesunbelievers a hanng, ansverstheir TheBiblical Evangelisl. So itr rwiewcania widenca,but so clearlywritten and well arrangd /ull questions- pointd ques- weight: visuallythat it heldtle attentionof evena laymanwith and thenhres some tionsri$t backat them.) "Monis.. isthe man to whomBiblical Christianity minimalscientific backgound like myself." probably z Greatpioneers in sciencewho had no doubtthat owamore in ansvuingthe treudoscience of As for the theologlcalposition of Dr. Monis, our the Bibleis the inspird wordof God. wolutionthan to anyother.. .The average reader will editorwrites: h amazdtlnt theBible and sciena are so inter- z "Miraclesand the Lawsof Nature." related." "Basicallywangelical Protestant, but I thinl there\ verylifile that's not fully consonant with mnservative Catholicteaching. fu a matterof fact,I foundmuch of .516 pageso 41 tables and figures .3 indexes:Scripture (over histhinking and wen his style raninisent of Chster- proper . ton'sorlhdory.You mdd uy Monis'overall argu- 1,000citations), subiect and name EXTRA!"Global mentalmo$ para.llels Chesterton's, with dre addition ProcessesIndicating Recent Creation" of technicalreferences!" --r-- ---How to get this important$24.95 book FREE--- How the Club Works I Eurry4 weeks(13 times a year)you geta freecopy of the ClubBulletin which - coilsEnn/ArnrEtii BooK curB I otreri you the FeaturedSeleaion plus igood choiceofAltemates all of interest o I to conservatives.* lf you want the Featurd Sclction, do nothing;it will come 15Oakland Avenue Harrison.NY 10528 you I automatically.* If don't wantthe FeaturdSelction, or you do wantan i Alternate,indicate your wishes on thehandy card enclosd with your Bulletin and Pleaseaccept my membership in the Club and send FREE I return it by the deadlinedate. * The majorityof Club bookswill be ofreredat the $24.95 Biblical Basisfor Modern Scienceby Henry M. plus you ! 20-5090discounts, a chargefor shippingand handling.* As soonas Morris. 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Gtv State- Zip - l---------- JANUARY1988 voL. 7/NO.-1 of concePtion" f 34 ,Af,ilticle BarbaraMartin J 6 You Said lt r From the Publisher - 9 lfl Jerry FalwellComments 5 On Resolutionsand Challenges Concernfor personalsuccess will Celebratingthe anniversary of Four surelyresult in failureto accomplish FreedomsDay, four notable men tell purposes. God's RonaldE. Hawkins 1, FundamentalismToday whatthese freedoms mean and why offersthe keyto spiritualleadership theyare so special. 'A ;! WhenPastors Make Mistakes in Servant'sHeart." EdwardG Dobson l[J Biography == J.WilburChapman FamilVLiving BernardR DeRemer $$ Thunderin A Heart the Pulpit 14 Servant's 49 ls lt Wellwith Thee? The Keyto Spiritual - =ii In Review J Wilbur Leadership 45 Chapman RonaldE Hawkins Preaching& Pastoring 51 Biblical Leadership 18 MinistryUpdate M Yieldedness-Not Style 55 Doug Bookman 58 TheI:y: 1988Pro-Life Movement Four Freedoms, !f 22 Four Voices What'son the Agenda? AngelaE wel Hunt Martn Mawyer 559 to|-.;!'19S^ET9 ReachNext Generationflgl_ __^ Sound the AnnWharton Cry of MURDER! MarvinOlasky Thelady at theclinic spoke only of NewsBriefs the"mass of cells" before the abor- 62 tion was performed.But by the graceof GodJoshua survived the 30 Annice Craddock's procedure,proving that he was 66 After All Book of Love more than just "A Particleof - To Come AngelaElwell Hunt Conception." llumanDollar 4 FundamentalistJournal t r'i, _ rliiil, ..."... .i""' .i. .lil: rrl' ?' I'mso thankfulthat the Lordallowed meto attendand graduate from TennesseeTemple University. Each day as I compete,not only in thearena of life.but in thearena of NCAADivision l-AAcollege football, I f ind that the thingsI hadlearned at Templehave sustainedme. Theteachings that I learnedin theclassroom and in Chapel arethose things that I turnto now wheneverI am pressed."The platform tl !$uponwhich my lifeis builthas been thosethings which the Lordallowed a ffilrililtttfiiriffi LibeilyGodparent Home PuttingChrist's Love into Action CrisisPregnancy Counseling Services(Hot Line) MaternityCare Ministry A completeprogram of education, medicalservices. Christian counseling,and residential care. AdoptionServices NationalOutreach Ministry Positiveoutlook. more empathyin my ministry to help "Howto Begina Crisis those who are hurting and suffering. PregnancyMinistry" Youhave done an excellentjob ofput- Syllabus ting together an attractivepublication. JohnRomanosky, Pastor Kick-OffWeekends
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