JUNK IN MORE Sebring International Raceway will welcome clunkers THAN THE TRUNK and junkers for 24 Hours of LeMons in July A9 EWS UN NHighlands County’s Hometown Newspaper-S Since 1927 50¢ Family Easter Lake Placid police now wearing projects on-body video camera B2 B1 www.newssun.com Friday-Saturday, April 11-12, 2014 Report: DROPPING Citrus harvest could be worst Academy FORTUNES since 1990 lacked riot plan DJJ release fi ndings on August fracas at APYA BY BARRY FOSTER News-Sun correspondent AVON PARK — The Florida Depart- ment of Juvenile Justice has released its fi nal report on the Aug. 17, 2013 riot at the Avon Park Youth Academy. The 25-page Florida Inspector Gener- al’s analysis was issued late last Friday afternoon without fanfare. The facility was cited for sever- al shortcomings including the lack of a Riot and Major Disturbance Plan, Master Control failing to initially con- tact 911 and instruction to staff to dis- continue attempting to stop the youth from fi ghting. Areas of concern also included the lack of staff training on how to deal with disturbance and the absence of SEE RIOT | A7 Katara Simmons/News-Sun Fruit drop, while not as bad this year in Highlands County as it was last season, is a major problem statewide. This year’s citrus crop could be the lowest in de- cades, and a lot of that crop is lost to drop. Estimates keep sinking — now down 18% BY BARRY FOSTER rus Growers Association said those to- into a heavy Valencia harvest. My guess News-Sun Correspondent tals should be refl ected in the local har- is that the majority of fruit we grow here vest as well. actually is Valencia,” he said. “We picked Numbers released by the U.S. Depart- “The USDA formulates these num- some earlies and mids, but really, April ment of Agriculture this week are pre- bers from a statistical model and High- and May will be the big heavy harvest- dicting the state’s orange crop is ap- lands County represents about 13 per- ing season here in Highlands County.” proaching the lowest harvest numbers cent of Florida’s citrus industry, so there Statewide, the report shows fruit drop in nearly a quarter century. is a good representative sample that is appears to be more signifi cant than The Wednesday report indicated the being done here,” said HCCGA Execu- numbers estimated locally. 2013-2014 orange forecast at 110 mil- tive Director Ray Royce According to the USDA, a survey con- Courtesy photo lion boxes. That’s down 4 percent from He said the totals for Valencia orang- ducted in March showed droppage last month, and 18 percent less than last es are telling since that is the portion of at as much as 31 percent. If accurate, The windows in the medical center were broken season’s fi nal production fi gure. the season up next for local growers. out during a riot at Avon Park Youth Academy on Aug. 17. Offi cials of the Highlands County Cit- “I think Highlands County has evolved SEE CITRUS | A7 CANDIDATE PROFILE Groundbreaking Stephenson says his business Green Dragon experience would help school board Chair Co. to grow BY SAMANTHA GHOLAR County School Board Dis- enabled him to head a $7 Staff Writer trict 5 seat that opened million budget annual- BY PHIL ATTINGER Entrepreneurial Acade- when Andy Tuck was ap- ly for the Sebring Inter- Staff Writer my at Lake Placid High SEBRING — “I’m a pointed to a position with national Raceway opera- School next year. It will product of the school sys- the Florida Department of tions, experience he says LAKE PLACID — High set up at Lake Plac- Samantha Gholar/News Sun tem. My children come Education earlier this year would help the school school vocational train- id High School’s ex- from this system. This is by Gov. Rick Scott. board. Tres Stephenson is running for the ing is about to get an- isting Green Dragon District 5 school board seat. the opportunity to give Trevor Murphy, Dustin “I’m running on a busi- other boost with the ad- Chair Company and ex- back,” Sebring Interna- Woods, William “Pep” ness background,” Ste- dition of an Internet pand to include an “E- tional Raceway President Hutchinson, Jill Compton phenson said. “I think Stephenson said the marketing class and a commerce/Marketing William ‘Tres’ Stephenson and Clinton Culverhouse that I can be of assistance school district needs fi - production technician course” and to provide said from his offi ce chair have also fi led campaign to the board and be a nancial-minded people. certifi cation. skills in the areas of ma- Thursday morning. qualifying documents. working part of the qual- “Right now I know that The School Board chine and tool safe- Stephenson is the one of Stephenson’s business ifi ed people that are al- there are issues with the of Highlands Coun- ty, market research, six people who have fi led fi nance degree from the ready there. I just want to ty on Tuesday approved to run for the Highlands University of Florida has help them.” SEE SCHOOL | A7 the creation of a new SEE CHAIR | A7 facebook.com/ Partly sunny today, Classifi eds .............. B9 Obituaries .............. A6 Religion .................. B5 VOL. 95 newssun patchy clouds tonight High 82 Low 61 Dear Abby ................ B2 Lottery Numbers ...... A2 Sports on TV ......... A10 NO. 41 twitter.com/ thenewssun Details on B12 Healthy Living .......... B3 Movie Review .......... B2 Sudoku Puzzle......... B2 A2 | NEWS-SUN | Friday, April 11, 2014 www.newssun.com WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD Lake Placid police now NEWS-SUN wearing body Highlands County’s Hometown Newspaper Since 1927 http//:www.newssun.com The News-Sun (USPS – ISSN cameras 0163-3988) is published every Sunday, Wednesday & Friday. Peri- odical postage paid at Sebring, FL Department id Police Chief James and additional entry office(s). All Fansler. material contained herein is the hopes they will He hopes the camer- property of the News-Sun, which as will save money at the is an affiliate of Sun Newspa- save money, pers. Reproduction in whole or in department level and part is forbidden without the writ- improve safety state level by providing ten permission of the publisher. evidence that may mean All material submitted for publica- fewer challenges in tion becomes the property of the BY PHIL ATTINGER court, which would free newspaper and may be edited for Staff Writer clarity and space, as well as re- up officers from having printed, published and used in all to sit in court and reduce Romona Washington/News-Sun media. Postmaster: Send address LAKE PLACID — Po- prosecution costs. change to: News-Sun, 2227 U.S. Community leaders visited Avon Park Community Child Development Center this week to read to the chil- lice now have a new tool Given that many of- 27 S., Sebring, FL 33870. dren as part of Week of the Young Child, but they weren’t the only ones reading. Verkiera Bennett, one of on their uniforms: Tas- ficer encounters have the children at the center, took a few minutes to read to her friends as well. Verkiera will be entering kinder- er’s “Axon Body” camer- been recorded by smart COMMITMENT TO ACCURACY garten next school year. The News-Sun promptly cor- as to supplement their phones, it’s also hoped rects errors of fact appearing in in-car video systems. that the cameras may its news stories. If you believe we The lightweight, com- provide additional evi- have made an error, call the news- United Way Day solutely free. Breakfast, pact single-piece video dence that may show room at (863) 385-6155, ext. of Caring set SNAPSHOTS lunch, and snacks will be units attach directly to that officers conducted 516. If you have a question or comment about coverage, write to L WOCAL NE S provided at no cost, how- their uniforms in hopes themselves in a profes- Scott Dressel, editor, 2227 U.S. On Wednesday, May ever, transportation will of eliminating a limita- sional manner, Fansler 27 South, Sebring, FL 33870; 21, volunteer teams from Way Day of Caring and not be provided. tion of in-car video sys- said. email [email protected].; or local businesses and or- how you can submit your Busy Kids’ is at 922 tems: The fact that they The mere presence of call (863) 385-6155. ganizations will partici- team to participate, con- Persimmon Ave. For more only capture approx- the camera should im- pate in the 2014 United tact Kristin Handley, information, call Anne imately 10 percent of prove the behavior of all O FFICE Way Day of Caring in Highlands County direc- Lang or Kathi Borecky what happens, especial- participants during po- Location: 2227 U.S. 27 South, Highlands County. tor, United Way of Central with Busy Kids Creative ly if the officer steps out lice encounters, Fansler Sebring, FL 33870 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- Volunteer teams are Florida/Highlands Learning Center at 386- of the line of sight of the wrote in a press release day-Friday matched with United Way County Division, at 453- 0808 or email busykidsse- camera for any reason. about the cameras. Phone: (863) 385-6155 Partner Agencies and 3401 or email kristin. [email protected]. With an on-body cam- Anyone with questions Main Fax: (863) 385-1954 local non-profit groups [email protected]. era, officers will be able or has an interest in see- Newsroom Fax: 385-2453 in order to perform tasks O rchid Society, to capture nearly 100 ing the Axon Body cam- Dressel to hold SUBC S RIPTION RATES that the agencies might Robbins Nursery percent of the encoun- era is welcome to come Home not otherwise have the CD release party hold orchid ter.
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