SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA Editors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vefa KURBAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muvaffak DURANLI SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA Editors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vefa KURBAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muvaffak DURANLI Copyright © 2021 by iksad publishing house All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. Institution of Economic Development and Social Researches Publications® (The Licence Number of Publicator: 2014/31220) TURKEY TR: +90 342 606 06 75 USA: +1 631 685 0 853 E mail: [email protected] www.iksadyayinevi.com It is responsibility of the author to abide by the publishing ethics rules. Iksad Publications – 2021© ISBN: 978-625-7562-14-0 Cover Design: İbrahim KAYA June / 2021 Ankara / Turkey Size = 16x24 cm CONTENTS PREFACE FROM THE EDITORS……………………….…………………….1 REFEREES…………………………………………………………..3 AUTHORS………………………………………………………...…4 Chapter I KHAZAR IBRAHIM & NIGAR SHIRALIZADE AZERBAIJAN’S LONG SEARCH FOR JUSTICE: INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY OF BUILDING LASTING PEACE IN THE SOUTH CAUCASUS……………………………….5 Chapter II ЧИНГИЗ НИЯЗИ ОГЛЫ ИСМАИЛОВ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ НОВОГО ПОЛИТИКО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО ПОРЯДКА В ОСВОБОЖДЕННЫХ ОТ АРМЯНСКОЙ ОККУПАЦИИ РАЙОНАХ АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНА…………………..55 Chapter III ИГОРЬ ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ КРЮЧКОВ РАЗВИТИЕ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА ЧЕШСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ С ГОСУДАРСТВАМИ ЮЖНОГО КАВКАЗА В КОНЦЕ ХХ - НАЧАЛЕ XXI ВВ…………………………………………………...75 Chapter IV ЯРОСЛАВ ВАЛЕНТИНОВИЧ ПИЛИПЧУК АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНСКОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВО В КОНТЕКСТЕ РУССКО-ТУРЕЦКИХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ………………………….105 Chapter V SAMIR HAMIDOV & NIGAR TAHIR GIZI SULTANOVA YEAR 2020 IN REVIEW: AZERBAIJAN EU RELATIONS IN LIGHT OF THE SECOND KARABAKH WAR…………………..187 Chapter VI ЕЛЕНА БУТУСОВНА БЕСОЛОВА ЯЗЫКОВОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ КАВКАЗА КАК ОСНОВА МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОГО ДИАЛОГА, СОХРАНЕНИЯ ЭТНОСОВ И ЭТНОКУЛЬТУРНОГО РАЗВИТИЯ АРЕАЛА………………….207 Chapter VII FUAD HUMBATOV ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES OF ARMENIA AGAINST THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN……………………………………231 Chapter VIII LEYLA KAMIL GIZI SALIMOVA ON THE QUESTION OF RECOGNITION OF THE “ARMENIAN GENOCIDE” OF ARMENIANS BY THE USA GOVERNMENT COMPARATIVE LEGAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL FACTS……………………………………………………………..265 Chapter IX НАЗИЯ МАМЕДОВА УЧАСТИЕ АРМЯНСКИХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ В ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ ПРОЦЕССАХ В ГРУЗИИ ПОСЛЕ ОБРЕТЕНИЯ НЕЗАВИСИМОСТИ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ АБХАЗО-ГРУЗИНСКОЙ ВОЙНЫ)…………...285 Chapter X VEFA KURBAN INSIDE AND OUTSIDE SHAPING INITIATIVES OF RUSSIA IN SOUTH CAUCASUS AND NAGORNO-KARABAKH WAR WITH REFLECTIONS FROM TASS NEWS AGENCY…………………303 SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA | 1 PREFACE The period of geopolitical tension between the two superpowers, the beginning date of which was defined as after the Second World War and lasted for approximately fifty years, is called the "cold war" in the literature. It is thought that this period came to an end following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, many of the republics that formed the Union gained their independence and entered the struggle to obtain their economic and cultural sovereignty. Of course, it would not be realistic to expect the peoples who were under the influence of Soviet ideology for more than seventy years to solve all their problems in one day. By the 2020s, although important developments have been achieved in terms of independence and economic and cultural development, some problems that remained on the hush for years for some members of the former Union have flared up again. It seems that it will take more time to solve the emerging problems especially for the three republics located in the South Caucasus territories. The South Caucasus is a land that has been home to many peoples, many religions and many languages from ancient times to the present. This geography is an ancient geography that has nurtured and brought up various cultures. In addition to its historical importance, it also has a strategic importance because it is located in a region that connects north and south, east and west. Today, the republics of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia are located on these territories. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia declared their independence on October 18, 1991, September 23, 1991, and April 9, 1991 respectively, and the Republic of Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize the independence of these three countries. The relations between these republics, which shared the same fate until recently, are in a very problematic state today. “In the mountains of the Caucasus, flowers bloom 2 | SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA Golden sun sparks its rays there” As it is mentioned in the anthem of the Caucasus, it is important for the peace of not only them but also the surrounding states that the peoples of the South Caucasus lands, where the golden sun shines, maintain their existence in an environment where they respect each other's territorial integrity and peaceful relations prevail. The ten studies in this book were written by academics from five different countries (Azerbaijan, North Ossetia, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine) who are experts in the field of South Caucasus and Caucasus studies. We hope that this study will help the problems experienced in the South Caucasus to be understood by a wider audience and to offer solutions to the problems experienced. Finally, we would like to thank all those who contributed efforts, and state that the content of the studies and the ideas expressed in the studies are the responsibility of the authors. We would like to thank those who supported us while preparing this work, especially Mustafa Latif EMEK. Furthermore, we would like to thank the editorial board namely İbrahim KAYA, publishing group leader Sefa Salih BİLDİRİCİ and reviewers of İKSAD publishing. From the editors SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA | 3 REFEREES Prof. Dr. Asem NAUŞABAYEVA-HEKİMOĞLU (Kazakistan) Prof. Dr. Aydın İBRAHİMOV (Turkey) Prof. Dr. Yalçın SARIKAYA (Turkey) Doç. Dr. Ali ASKER (Azerbaijan) Doç. Dr. Güntekin NACAFLİ (Azerbaijan) Doç. Dr. İrade MEMMEDOVA (Azerbaijan) Doç. Dr. Muvaffak DURANLI (Turkey) Doç. Dr. Vefa KURBAN (Turkey) 4 | SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA AUTHORS ЕЛЕНА БУТУСОВНА БЕСОЛОВА FUAD HUMBATOV НАЗИЯ МАМЕДОВА KHAZAR IBRAHIM LEYLA KAMIL GIZI SALIMOVA NIGAR SHIRALIZADE NIGAR TAHIR GIZI SULTANOVA SAMIR HAMIDOV ИГОРЬ ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ КРЮЧКОВ VEFA KURBAN ЧИНГИЗ НИЯЗИ ОГЛЫ ИСМАИЛОВ ЯРОСЛАВ ВАЛЕНТИНОВИЧ ПИЛИПЧУК SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA | 5 CHAPTER I KHAZAR IBRAHIM* & NIGAR SHIRALIZADE ** AZERBAIJAN’S LONG SEARCH FOR JUSTICE: INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY OF BUILDING LASTING PEACE IN THE SOUTH CAUCASUS True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. Marthin Luther King Jr. * Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Turkey, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Republic of Turkey ** PhD candidate, Middle East Technical University, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3734-8436 6 | SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA | 7 Introduction The protracted conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan practically substituted its “frozen” status with 44 days war, as a consequence of which new regional conjecture came out. Azerbaijan in compliance with the international law liberated its territories had been retained under illegal military occupation of Armenia for almost three decades and restored the territorial integrity. Despite long-lasting Armenian aggression the country had suffered, Azerbaijan articulated novel realities emanated after the war as opportunities for fostering regional peace and stability. Azerbaijan offered a peace format tending to put past hostilities behind, focus on chances of nowadays and build a better future beneficial for all. Nevertheless, Armenia as in the period of the occupation and both wars continued its atrocious activities after the tripartite agreement signed on 9 November 2020 proving once again its reluctance in peace and stability in the South Caucasus. It is worth mentioning that without confidence provided to this country from overenthusiastic foreign supporters and ultra-nationalist Armenians living abroad Armenia would not be able to insist on such a destructive standpoint. During the recent war, the international community was inefficient in hindering the aggressor as in the last three decades. Besides being incompetent for contributing to the peaceful resolution of the conflict, negligence towards Azerbaijan, keeping a blind eye to the Armenian violation of humanitarian law, participating in Armenia’s blackmail 8 | SOUTH CAUCASIA IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROGRESS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA campaign against Azerbaijan and Turkey discredited faith to the objectivity of the international community
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