By Donna Thompson dragovich, county attorney you legalize it, it's like saying, movement. We're not after the from Missoula County; and it's okay if you want to use common user - we want the The pros and cons of Tom Rolfe, a state legislator it. I have four boys in school. pusher. marijuana were discussed by for Gallatin County. You're old enough to know "We're all a five man panel Wednesday for trained Goetz opened the dis­ what you're doing, but leave people to help the user," in Reid Hall. Laws, search and he Grass cussion of the panel by stating my kids alone! noted. "We will help fund it - seizure, and undercover that he was in favor of the "In Dillon we concerned but in one year a guy made agents were just a few aspects legalization of marijuana, a parents are going to trials of $18,000 pushing drugs. Hell of the issue discussed by the - I statement m et by applause. those charged on marijuana work every panel and the audience. day don't make He went on to say it wasn't cases," he stated. "We want that much!" The panel consisted of Bob nearly as harmful as cigar­ something done about the According to Mr. Milodra­ Under Campbell, lawyer, delegate to ettes or alcohol. Mr. Strozzi distributors who are running govich, the narcotic the Constitutional Convention teams he counteracted later by saying around selling this to our kids. is associated with ge and director of Montana's nerally do that just because cigarettes Two years ago in Dillon there not go after the common American Civil Liberty's user. and alcohol are more harmful, were twelve suspected cases Union. Neil Strozzi, a citizen They want the big man, he does that make one more evil of pot u ers in high school. Glass from the Dillon area; Jim stated. Usually the first time okay? Now 300 are suspected. How Goetz, lawyer; Mike Milo· someone with a clear record is Strozzi went on to say, "If many will there be in two more picked up with less than 60 years? grams, it is considered a "We feel that by going into misdemeanor, Milo­ the courtroom we are showing dragovich continued. If they -THE PON ENT our support for law enforce­ have a larger amount or have n1ent," Strozzi continued. been convicted of selling, they EX OF Mcu.JTANA STATE UNIVERSITY "We're not a vigilante {Continued on page 2) Vol. 64. No. 36 Bozeman, Montana Friday. March 2, 1973 Campus gets King concert By Pat Dawson Guitar," and the thumping, Sky ls Crying." The piano Entertainment Preview expressive "I'd Rather Be shuffles along on this one and Ju t got Freddie King's Blind." Freddie moans and picks like latest album in the mail today. Side Two, (cut in Holly­ the great bad-ass blues KGLT's been playing wood) has Russell also doing a it on the musician he is. air, too, so you might tune in little slide guitar and organ a_nvtime and pick up on it. The work and includes Chicago His concert in Saturday album, " Texas Cannonball," bluesman Donald "Duck" night in the SUB Ballroom and is U.S. Prime High Energy Dunn on bass. "Can't Trust those who go are gonna be Funkiness. It was produced by Your Neighbor" is an Ira knocked out. Thi man is a Leon Russell, half of it was Hayes tune delivered Ray performer. The stuff he plays / / recorded in Memphis, the Charles style, and is a real gin ain't no Helen Reddy Top 40 / ;,(- other half in Hollywood. and tears piece. "You Was pablum, but pure guts and Russell is featured on all the Wrong" is Freddie King's own soul, and .. it's infectious. cuts on piano, and is respon· composition of lowdown 12· This man sweats. He moans, sible for three of the songs on bar blues with he and guitar groan , laughs and comes. He the album. Russell's spooky­ player Don Preston trading talks to you with his guitar and I boogy keyboard style is some rippling treble licks. An his soul. What's inside comes out, and, if your' re there, you recognized throughout. old Howlin' Wolf number is 1 King leads off with a given a new yet soulful twist in won't be able to resist it. He' ll / surprising, driving rendition "How Many More Years," have your body movin' and :,t I or John Fogerty's "Lodi" Russel's piano pounding and your heart pumpin'. When Freddie King (titled here, "Lowdone in writhing throughout. some people think of " blues," Lodi."). "Reconsider Ba by" Bill Wither's "Ain't No they think of Kleenex music is a bluesy-boozy piece of Sunshine" is done up in fine that makes the lonely feel King's soul, his voice oozing style by Mr. Freddie King. hittier. It ain't true. Student regent bill progresses Rav Charles like, and his axe Here is where Russell When you leave Freddie tasiing a bit like B.B., but still punctuates with his slide, and King's concert you 're gonna By Ginny Prior from the Governor of Massa­ all Freddie. The first side is King carries his style right to feel good all over. That's why Co-Editor chusC'tts, one of the states that completed with the three the bawling point. he does it. Take what the mans has effectively used a student Russell tunes, "Big Legged The album climaxes with an got to give. You'll be glad you HB 21. a measure that regent. Woman," "Me and My old Elmore James thing, "The did. entails a voting student on the The sc hool board associa­ Montana Board of Regents, lion, who had written letters to passed through the Senate lhe Senators in opposition to education committee hearing the bill, did not testify at the I Architect argues at hearing I yesterday morning. hearing, all hough present for A unanimous vote it. At a joint House-Senate long MSU's proposed building budget of 107,000 dollars for recommended that the bill be HB 21 will be introduced on passed on range building committee budget. fire protection; 68,000 dollars to the Senate. the Senate floor this after- Spcaking hearing in Helena last Thurs· The proposal, as recom­ for planning funds; 124,000 in favor of HB 21 at noon. If the bill passes through the hearing, day, campu architect Andy mended bv the state architect dollars for utilities; and were Regent the Senate, it will be up to the Harriet van Te~·lingen testified for to the Governor, calls for a 118.835 dollars for the feed­ Malloy, U of M Governor of the state to mill. Student Bady President Bob appoint the student on the Sorenson, In an Exponent inlerview ick Cladus, the Board of Regents. The student first held before the committee tudcnt on the Board of shall be chosen from a group Regents, hearing, van Teylingen and MSU-UM of ca ndidates selected by a lobbyist Tom explained these figures. "In Beehan. state·wide higher education Beehan cited the national student group. regard to the fire precaution trend for one money, these figures are as supporting state- The student regent will be ment. recommended from the stale "Seven other states required to be a full-time fire marshal. They include (Vermont, Massachusetts, student at an institution under only the precautions that are North Carolina, Ohio, the jurisdictionoftheBoardof absolutely necessary at the Connecticut, Kentucky and Regents, and will have to meet present time. The budget for Virginia) have a voling any other requirements as the feed mill is a very student regent, by law, as of established for the Board. important one. It will enable 1971," stated Beehan. House Bill 502, students the MSU agricultural experi· " A voting student on the equal rights, has passed board," ment station to do extended he continued, "would completely through the allow the research on animal feeding regents to draw from Senate. It passed through habits. The state of Montana a broadened scope of repre- third reading yesterday after­ should be quite concerned sentation. This would insure a noon with a 40 to 7 vote. with this research if it can positive approach to Senator John Breeden from develop new ways of making education and the needs of the Bozeman voted against the university." bill, with Andy van Teylingen, campus architect beef fatter." Bozeman Senator Photo hy Pike (Continued on page 2) Beehan also read a letter 1Pete Story voting for the bill. Drug panel we have every possible indi­ requires a ·narc' to reveal up a resistance to it." usually people already in (Continued from page 1) cation on the warrant. We himself if someone asks him if He went on, "We live in a trouble and in jeopardy, she may draw a s uspended sometimes even go into pa t he's a narc. He isn't revealed drug dependent society. If we concluded. sentence or go to Deer Lodge. records to get a full-scale until the time of trial and can get kids to realize there is Legislator Rolfe said that In the deferred sentence, report," Milodragovich usually not then, he stated. If a problem and help them build people in Moniana are not given too many first offend­ explained. "We realize it's the defendant pleads guilty their resistance - it'll do convinced marijuana i n't ers, diversion progran1s are possible for a girlfriend angry the narc will never be een more good than the dad who harmful.
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