DAILY PRESS. PORTLAND ■■■■»————^————^ ^—■ MORNING, MARCH 29, 1875. 88.C0 PER IN ADVANCE. ESTABLISHEDJUNE 23, 1802. VOL. 13 PORTLAND, MONDAY __TERMS ANNUM, EDUCATION AU. ENTERTAINMENTS. The Lewiston Journal is in a teriibla THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE REAL ESTATE. _WANTS. PRESS. sweat—hasn’t been so scared since the King- field ter- Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the rebellion. It is now oppressed with Booksellers and Stationers. Eaton Family School for Boys MONDAY 1875 rible lest Jert'. Davis should bo House for Sale. Ward’s House. MOllXlXprMAUCH^l), anxiety PUBLISHING Desirable HOYT, A- FOtiO No.OI Middle Hired. wanted! elected to the States troitt CO„ — Opera United PORTLAND — Senate convenient fora small ftmily, AT and siieciallv T. I*. McGOWAN, 954 Congress Ml. Every regular attache of tho Press is It cannot be on account of Da- 109 Exchange in an excellent neighbor- J. 1). WARD. Manager. furnished Mississippi. at St., Portland. NEATPleasantly located engagement with a kind and select family by ol the city. Good lot on the ME. WALTER C. Manager. with a Card certificate countersigned by T. vis’s participation in the rebellion that the hood in the Western part AN an aftectionate colored man wiili un- ft'OKKIDGEWOCK, KELLEY.....Stage Stanley Dollars a Year in Price and I eras favorable, Book Binders.- young All Journal since it from the Terms: Eight advance. To Sunny Sale ot the Street. questionable testimonials to act as their servant for a Pullen, E<ljtor. railway, steamboat and hotel objects, welcomed Address ”• <->. oOa 613. Room Printer’* mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if paid in ad- WM. A. QUINCY, II, chance of a education. Spring Term will commence March 29th, will confer a favor us same state Alcorn who was in it Ml. obtaining thorough GRAND managers upon by demanding engaged vance. Portland, March 27, Exchange, No. Ill Exchange Please address, RE-OPENING It must be that since the ad- 1875._ma27dlw« ■■AMLIN credentials of every person claiming to represent our throughout. SMALL A MHACIAFOKU, No. 35 Plum RICHARD E. KING, Student, F. EATON, Principal. March information that several vent of the lordly Revels and the statesman- Street. mbl5dlaw3wM* Post Office Washington D. C. marl6 d2w Monday Evening, 29tb, journal, as we have ‘’bum- THE MAINE STATE PRESS with the like Bruce it has become so enamored of following mers” are seeking courtesks In the name of tl;e dusky senators that it can abide noue but Is every Thursday Morning at a Wanted, and we have no to even published $2.50 Confectionery. # St. Augustine’s School for Boys, Press, disposition be, pas- if in at fORjALEl EXCELLENT COMPANY: long-heeled, thick-lipped, lousy in year, paid advance, $2.00 a niggers year. WO first-class new houses Nos. 101 and 103 New L, JT. PERKINS manufacturer of plain gentlemen boarders, and a few table board- sively, a party to such frauds. ril Bemored to School The LAMONTS, ALBERT & JFNNIE, the senate Irom Mississippi. Well, every one X High street, containing 11 good rooms each, and fancy Caudiea, 5187 C’outfrcMM St, ers, at NO. 34 FEDERAL ST. Frnnklia Family Rates of Advertising: One inch of tho TWO Gymnasts and Acrolats. to liis we must confess that we space, bath rooms, wash bowls, two water closets in each Portland Me* mar 25 #lw Top*hutu, Me, taste; would length of constitutes a MISS MINNIE column, “square.” good sewerage, Sebago and gas. GREY, We do not read letters and communi- to liafe: Davis there—and we per lirst week house, good cellars, Rt. Rev. If. A. D. Visitor. Oscar I*. Little anonymous prefer don’t $1.50 square daily week; 75 cents per at them. Neelv, D., The Comet. Call and look and Builders. Manure B A. cations. The name and address of the writer are in think much of either. after; three insertions, or less. $1.00; continuing W. STROUT. Carpenters Wanted. Billings, Rector. Semi for circular. oclOtf MAGGIE II ASS AN, Jeff., other after every day first week, 50 cents. mar23I2w*_C. WHITNEY A MEANS, Pearl Mtreet, op- take it imediately from public or piivate Serio-Comic. all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication A Tbomaston tho Halt three correspondent clips square, insertions, or less. 75 cents; one Park. stables and pay cash. LEW BALLET. posite WILL but as a guaranty of good faith. above re- week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. WM; THOMPSON, Negro Comedian. from the Rockland Opinion, and Westbrook We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- Special Notices, one third addi ional. at office of Mattocks & Fox, 183 Middle St. Seminary, FRED AND EMILY NEIGEL, marks Under head Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. that the senators frem Mississippi to of “Amusements,” and “Auction For Sale I ma20 dtf Ballet Dancers. nications that are not used. Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three inscitions WAI.TEK COBEY A CO., Arcade, No. The ST. FELIX BALLET-TROUPE, whom that paper refers, are the peers of edi- r less $1.50. IS Free Mtreet. STEVENS ME. 4 in Number. State PLAINS, tors who can use such Advertisements inserted in the “Maine GEORGE A. No. 5« Ex- Bottles Wanted Imediaiely. BARNEY McNlJLTY, language respecting Press” lias in WniTNEY, Irish (which a large circulation every part subscribers wishing to relinquish the Mt. of all kind* Comodian. cultivated men as and of Baking change Upholstering STATE OF HALVE. “lousy niggers,” the State) for $1.00 per square for tirst insertion, business, orter for sale their entire busine>s con- IIARIIY BLANCHARD, and usertion. THE done to order. Champagne, Tints. and Brandy TIIE that 50 cents per square tor each subsequent sisting of their two story Brick Building on Union Quarts, SPRING TERM Double-Voiced Tenor. thinks jf paper considers color an ob- AddresB all communications to Bottles CHASE AND BY THE Street, with all the Tools, Machines, Horses, Carts, DAVIS, GOVERNOR, in an office-holder, above all other Co. — jection PORTLAND PUBLISHING Steam Engine, etc., in fact everything usually found Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. BY — Song and Dance. The above of this Institution will commence on THE LERANONION BROS., it would be in a first class bakery. property is located J. A. MERRILL A CO., 139 Middle Mt. A considerations, well enough to in the business part of the is a desirable Double Trapeze. PROCLAMATION. city,and very J. A. MERKII, A. KEITH. W. S. MAINS, make the without the BUSINESS CARDS. location for business on account of its easy access to WALTER C. KELLEY, point adding epithets In accordance with a all the Railroads and Boats from all dire tions. Any 203 Middle Street, Portland, Maine. Tuesday, March The Popular Actor, venerated custom, and in ac- which are supposed to have gone out of use person wishing to engage in the business will find Pattern and Model Maker. mal9 dtf 9th, 1875, And Others. of our on tho Divine fa knjwledgment dependence the this a rare opportunity, as the business is well estab- Cor. of when Democratic party took Its .new de- J. I. HARBOUR, 950 Fore Street, and continue vor, I do hereby, with the advice ot tho Executive W. W. Thomas, Jr., lished. Address or apply to, Portland. fourteen weeks, closing June 10th. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Cross. Tenement Wanted. Council, tho of parture. Orchestra Chairs.50 cts. appoint Thursday, eighth day Apiil and wife a tenement of from 3 to 6 ■ gentleman .....35 cts. uext, to be observed as a day of Public COUNSELLOR AT-LAW SOTARDON, SCA5IUIAN & rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Two of the BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Parquetto. Humiliation, An writer in one of our exchan- CO,, Photographers. BY .25 cts. inquiring rooms must be and south or west. Ref- Gallery. Fasting and Prayer. of his at A. M. DAVIS A No. SO Middle Mtreet. largo facing ask3 au auswer to a which bo has resumed the practice profession on the CO., Boxes.$2 an $1. ges question premises. erences satisfactory. Address There are ten Given at the Council Chamber at this _mar23dtf J. H. I, 159 Middle Mt.,cor. Cross. regular teachers employed, giving Augusta, AMMON, marl9tf L. R., Press Office. Doors at commence at 8. Matinee* thus: “Who did Cain As 38 Exchange Slrcet, ample instruction in branch. open 7; twenty-third day of March, iu the year ot our puts marry?” For Sale, every WcdncMriny* mid SatarilnyH at 2J P. M. Ad- Lord one thousand hundred and the solution of this would require a PORTLAND, N1A.USTE. reasonable terms a House in Plumbers. Rooms Wanted. mission 25 cts. to all parts of the house. Children 15 eight seventy- question dim* Cottage Knight- mal7 6 rooms. A cosv home cts. Box olHce open daily from 9 30 A. M. to 4 P. M. live, and of tho Independence of tLc United deal of time and wouldn’t it ON ville, Cape Elizabeth, JAMES Mll.LEK.No.91 Federal Mtreet. or three good rooms, well located, unfur- For farther information, as to Expenses, Regula- great learning, a small to J. G. mar25 dlw States for family. Apply BATES, nished. Reference exchanged. Address the ninety-ninth. be (or to it Dry Dock. TWO tions, etc, Address, quite as well the writer postpone W. C. CLARK, marlOMwtf_Portland Real Estate Agents. marlOtf X. BOX 1557. NELSON DINGLEY, Jr. the while be makes the acquaintance of English JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange By Governor. Wanted. G. M. A. M., X. A. R. A. ? 103 FEDERAL STREET, For Sale at Windham. Mtreet. BODGE, Principal. George G. Stacv, Sec’y of State. grammar a steady man a situation to drive a Baker’s Cart, 5 Door* £a*t of 8l.» Stevens Plains, Feb.
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