2016 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS PREsidENT’S REPORT 02 THE EXECUTivE AND STAff 05 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT 06 WAFC MANAGER UMPIRING PATHWAYS REPORT 08 WAFC GENERAL MANAGER COMMUNITY FOOTBALL REPORT 10 HONORARY LifE MEmbERS AND JOINT PATRONS 11 WACFL 2016 HighLighTS 12 WACFL EXECUTivE 14 WACFL STAff AND OfficE BEARERS 15 WA NEW HOLLAND STATE COUNTRY TEAM 16 WACFL RESULTS AND AWARD WINNERS 18 AFL PLAYERS LisT 20 AFL DRAFTEES 21 LANdmARK COUNTRY ALL STARS 21 CBH COUNTRY COLTS ALL STARS 21 LANdmARK COUNTRY FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS 21 COUNTRY FOOTBALL CHAMPIONshiP RECORD 22 2016 AwARds 23 MERIT AwARds FOR SERvicE 24 FINANciAL REPORT 25 THE WEST AUSTRALIAN COUNTRY FOOTBALL LEAGUE IS FORTUNATE TO HAVE THE COMMITMENT OF THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES FOR 2016 AND THANKS THEM FOR THEIR SUPPORT. PREMIER PARTNERS MAJOR PARTNERS PARTNERS WACFL SUPPORTS OFFICIAL SUPPLIERS PRESIDENT’S REPORT There has been some ongoing uncertainty around the future of football in the State which appears to be coming to a pointy end early in 2017. The WAFC continues its negotiations with the State Government around the future financial model of football and the WAFC is also conducting a 360 Review of Football - a review which has the potential to alter how football is run in the State. Both these projects could greatly impact Both were deserving recipients, Cathy ability to adequately staff country football IT is CRITicAL THAT THE on country football moving into the future, for her involvement in the Great Northern in 2017. so it is critical that the WACFL continues to Football League, women’s football and her WACFL CONTINUES TO represent the interests of Country Football 11 years of service to the WACFL. John The Country team of Joe, Brent, Robyn, to ensure the best outcomes for our has been a driving force behind the Great Kellie and Ben continued to work hard to REPRESENT THE INTERESTS Leagues, Clubs and players. Southern Colts Carnival for decades and develop country football and are a fantastic has given opportunity for countless Colts asset for our Executive and leagues. We OF COUNTRY FOOTBALL TO The WACFL’s 2014-2016 Strategic Plan is aged players to play representative football. are all excited about some of the initiatives coming to an end and we look forward to on the radar and their ability to enhance the ENSURE THE BEST OUTCOMES using this plan as a building block to a more Congratulations are also in order for WACFL management of country football. FOR OUR LEAGUES, CLUbs comprehensive plan for country football in Life Member Jock Beattie who was recently which we address the challenges faced by honoured with WAFC Life Membership for I’d like to thank my fellow Executive AND PLAYERS country football. more than 50 years’ service to the game. members for their contribution to country football in 2016. Each of us has our unique At the commencement of this year, the In February 2016, the WACFL lost a valued experiences, situations and challenges, but Country team changed its reporting lines Life Member with the passing of Clem Bray. it’s pleasing to see that we all put those through to a ‘Community Football’ branch Clem was a fantastic contributor to the aside for the betterment of country football under the management of Warren Nel. This WACFL and football in the Great Southern, and make decisions we feel are in the best decision was made by the WAFC as it felt so we offer our condolences to his wife interests of the game. that closer integration with community Jeanette and family and thank him for his football would result in more efficient contribution. management. We look forward to working with Warren and the Community Team into The WACFL’s financial position has the future. plateaued at $365,000 after returning a small profit in 2016. 2017 is shaping as A highlight of the 2016 year was the being the tightest budget in a number of appointment of WACFL Life Members years and the WACFL will be investigating TerrY HouSE Catherine VanderWeide and John Morton. strategies to increase our revenue and PreSIDent WACFL 022 WACFL ANNUAL REPORT 03 5000 VOLUNTEERS East Kimberley West 25 LEAGUESKimberley Central Kimberley 114150 CLUBS LGA’S THE EXECUTivE North Pilbara Newman Fortescue Gascoyne TERRY HOUSE JOHN SHADboLT MILtoN MILLoy JOE BurtoN COLIN COX President Senior Vice President Junior Vice President Great Northern Central Wheatbelt North Midlands Central MICHAEL HarDING NoEL MIguEL KEN ROWE IaN StaNLEY Barry TatE Midlands Coastal Goldfields Mortlock Eastern Districts Avon Esperance Districts Hills Ravensthorpe Peel Upper Great THE STAff Southern Ongerup South West & Onshore Cup Great Southern Lower Southwest JOE GEorgIADES SHauN JaspER BRENT SHERIDAN RobyN PAYNE KELLIE MORLEY General Manager Operations Coordinator Operations Manager Administration Administration 12500 PLAYERS (Resigned 5/2/16) Assistant Part-time Assistant Part-time 04 05 MORTLOck AND EASTERN DisTRicTS PLAYED A highLY COMPETITivE DivisiON 2 GRAND FINAL which MORTLOck NARROWLY WON. ThE SOUTH WEST WAS BAck TO ITS BEST IN THE COLTS SECTION DEFEATING A highLY COMPETITivE GREAT SOUTHERN UNIT. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT OUR NETWORK HAS EmbRACED A CONTINUAL imPROVEMENT APPROAch which HAS SEEN The 2016 season was a busy one for Country Football, especially our State programs with the CBH Colts DEVELOPMENT IN HOW WE MANAGE INcidENCES playing a number of matches including a curtain raiser on Domain Stadium in April and a match against the State Amateur Colts. Continuing to enhance the pathway and programs for country colts has been a LikE POOR PLAYER, OfficiAL AND SPECTATOR significant talking point for the Executive and an area in which we are keen to invest in years to come. BEHAviOUR. A highlight of the season was the State Netball League also ended the South West there was a significant drop in these 2017. The upside to country football if we review, so we look forward to early 2017 I’d like to take the time to acknowledge all side’s trip to Adelaide where they played League’s run of five straight Division 1 titles incidences in 2016 from previous years. can address this issue will be significant, when the findings and recommendations those who are exiting the administration of on the magnificent Adelaide Oval. It was when they brought a very strong side to We have finished off the year with further so we therefore felt it was well worth the will become public. country football at the end of this season a massive honour for all those who took town. improvements to our systems which should effort. The responsibility will now be put on and thank them for their services to their part in this match. Despite losing by 36 see further enhancements to the running clubs to try and win the premiership whilst I was happy with the volume of work our communities. Volunteering is a thankless job points, it was a highly competitive match Mortlock and Eastern Districts played and match day environments of country working within the set guidelines, with harsh WACFL staff members Shaun Jasper, Brent at times, but without our volunteers the game and there was improvement shown by all a highly competitive Division 2 Grand football in years to come. penalties for those that step outside them. Sheridan, Robyn Payne, Kellie Morley and would not be possible at a grass roots level. those who partook in the program. I’d like Final which Mortlock narrowly won. The volunteer Ben Ralph accomplished this to thank everyone who helped bring this trip South West was back to its best in the The Executive was also proactive in The WACFL again received fantastic support year and we continue to endeavour to help Thank you also to our Leagues and Clubs for together and look forward to hosting South Colts section defeating an improved introducing a Drug Policy to assist our from our partners including the WA Football support healthy competitions around the their support of our team throughout the year. Australia in 2017. Great Southern unit. A Regional All Stars network manage this concerning issue. Commission, ICWA, Landmark, The CBH state. composite side gave opportunity to players This initiative was strongly driven from our Group, The Regional Men’s Health Initiative, Finally, I’d like to thank the members The Landmark Country Football from outer lying leagues to experience regional stakeholders who were wanting New Holland, West Coast Poly and Media 365. Shaun resigned from the Operations of the Executive for their support in the Championships undertook a revised format Landmark and had a great Championships football to be proactive in addressing this Coordinator position early in the year to previous 12 months. I believe the WACFL in 2016 which saw regional matches which gave opportunity for some players to societal issue. The WAFC has undertaken a major review move to Queensland where he has since is becoming stronger each season and we played over a weekend in June, as well as play State football. of football and I’m confident there will be landed a job for AFL Queensland. I’d like to need to ensure we are well positioned in the a shortened weekend in July. This trial was Player payments have been the elephant in positive changes on the horizon for country thank him for his contribution to country coming years. done for several reasons and we will again From a competition management the room of country football for some time football that can support those running football. We are certainly proud to have look at carrying on a similar format in 2017. perspective, following a disappointing and the Executive was keen to implement competitions in the country.
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