Cruise the Great Lakes the American way with the Georgian Bay Line, season 1940. [s.l.]: Chicago, Duluth and Georgian Bay Transit Company, 1940 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/ON7XGACR4KOKB8I http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/UND/1.0/ The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu mmmsermn iti canal gia SS we we Khe KK KK KK KK , ae — oo a ee a : : ee ee a oe ee ee es oe te ae a a . 2 eo ee .. QqXy Try . ae Z eR i ee 3 eae] Ae eee ee | ee Ie ee IOUT rae MH So AMER hee A Ni eee ieee tae Oe RIEU & wae ee Aster tccaal os ciarteaecneniam es 2 eee LULL NEe ee Bers cie Nanri ais eo ge Ee rea eae a q 4 ee OM as ee — LU os a! Cc. | es ee ee ar ne Se ee or aa) s (c7 a 75 es “ay i 2 ee ae ee eT ee ee 4 yy a Toe ee ot a ee ee 5 Fl A ey ee Sy PMG ee fee ee oe eee CUCU en co ee i ae —™ ¥ tae] Fecal | : CTT t / | pA! CO ee ee. ee ee 2 | | <i - ee UME ee We a fe Rare oe (ee A lO Se SO ea ee ee ome res es ey me LA ee lan Re. Ce THE Oe 7... (eo pew le ae ae ee ee i ee . fa if, ££ 4 Viv BM De ee eee CBC \¢ ea Be a A eg ee cs oa ag a= | e”dlCUee eee agua | ime eke onan oe pee er ; : t pe aed ef ~ ee See - # pra io ind ern Ree tes So if _ eee i pe ;. boas Sy aa Rn, ST —_, Ct» <a cam 7 ~ on ee eae ae ~ ee enum | TER: Pi =. AF 2* BPM "8 TS 7 ae ~~ pemema, Wee eeueeoumue ciemcccemmialaii, an aa aaa “ Se .rtw~—~wr—OC—C—C "y ao e poser ——xo e | a ee Be ee {a jj eae ee _————rr”~—~—CUEB“DBG rt~™ Fe eee UlUm.lCUG lO i (i. ect ea a: lUlUC Ul a —: ee an. x ee ia iw i a — rrrrrrrr— = CS SS, ee, rt—“—~— YC ,rr——“—i—i—s—sCiC‘C‘Cee N ee i a SS Oe a eh C—O eC l—lhlUhlULUU OF Ottis le 4 oo tt _ : FO yr hl loa rt ' ts a oe aS. tt” r™—— ‘ . ———™——=“‘CWNS rs Tae / —— ae ; eo ae me -— lULGlU ee e : * oo ~~ | @ aS rt—™B * i — ia Te aS - * i eee i. Po in ae . os = ae ne — ee: : wo a. oe fF Oe ee . ee ene Me Be Coe i Os Eagan sor = Sa rts—~— ee ol we) = AGO Dut en ce a fe tc -_trt—“C = 8 fj ite LNs aa ee [| 8s ASON 1 D400 = _ rs oe oT Re ee ee Pe ===: eg a rrrr—r——ers—CCE=*=e rr —*E or et e..lU oe rrr ——“ a —=—~S~—“—i—s—ssSts—SMAM A oF —”.,rm”m.lUl UL 7 A i. eC a OS eS ee ee ee ee ess—( el = Sees EER TSE CTTIASIGSTERDAI NS SSL na a | S. S. ALABAMA ea [ea a STATEROOMS DE LUXE BEDROOMS SEMI BEDROOMS SPORTS DECK. There is entertainment and social life for all . every moment is interesting. (erste et ee aie | sale | : om ee ee) ge ai fe ed SUN DECK “C’, De luxe bedrooms E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and © have twin beds. shower and toilet; de luxe bed- rooms M and N have double bed, shower and toilet. ‘All staterooms are outside and have hot and cold running water. 7 o a i FES mews] DO | = m Lo! ez a O ] Im easy) | “Las FAS ecb a PROMENADE DECK “A”, Semi bedrooms A, B, C and D have double bed and toilet. All staterooms are out- side and have hot and cold running water. Staterooms 100, 101, 144, 145, 146 and 147 have double lower berth. | ap om =o ATT | liiJO)| |Efeteistetes | tseom LOUNGE DECK “B”. All staterooms have hot and cold running water. —Ta [= | i Ri LoBey ear Pea CLUB ALABAM [ei] fe COCKTAIL LOUNGE | j i CLUB DECK, An excellent orchestra will furnish music for dancing and other social events. Tite. xc wt ere gees | 4 ee 7 A — - 4 led Meld a “a eC 4 4 ie ey >) rr OD s ep . : : yy | ty le “ — et | vay ve G cor gian Dey tenets ty you ee —a ae Pe ee !CO!”CtCtC~S ury you anticipate—and then more! Built - treorheg Ee oa ve yy - i a for fun and not for freight, they give fy a Wt BT q a | Wh you more attentive service—more solid fey me) sateen q ae | "De fac ge i. comfort. Fh ares j ia i A] . ie oA a @ The only lake liners with carpeted, ri, oT ar #3 “a I | sheltered promenade deck completely tae Pie Me Seay encircling the ship. ’ -_ asses cy ns ee @ Good food, graciously served. PT U . op £m! i Bakery, and refrigeration and ice- = i Bee making plants on board. Cou ~ oe : : @ Water purified and sterilized by fil- © o ee ee tration and ultra-violet ray. ti, _ 4 Bar i _— i“ ; EA ee @ Georgian Bay Tavern—Binnacle fo —Ballroom—Lounge—Grand Salon— | 5 . j Bie) 2 o eo Verandah Cafe. ae 4 ‘ t. Pa @ Physician and registered nurse. “ ee J ie ’ 8 @ Social directors—cruise director— oo” —— ‘ eee ea ss ship’s orchestra for dancing and enter- iv (| a» if JA _é © p " r = tainment—capable college-student wait- ea Bec ‘a ‘A @ 2 eT resses and bellboys—experienced deck on eel | re oP Sea i. ! = stewards and stewardesses. i m Pe. Coe " @ Barber, valet, and beauty shop service. ‘ | am a. ys ny Ls oo @ Newsstand and writing room. \at Ll. ry es w Re de a a @ Ship’s P's Pp photographer er ap! and daily y radio ee ws A | , EN iit newspaper. ae oi | ow eo : f o HERE’S A TIP FOR YOUR TRIP yo You need no extensive wardrobe or equip- } re" . a ment for your fun aboard a Georgian Bay | ‘| i ee Liner. Ordinary, comfortable summer clothes = ; ae bo —, - | are best for ship wear. Although some guests ee le fs Lt ue ete OR © UA like to dress for dinner, formal evening clothes ee — y i. ¥ Oa as a are not necessary. But bring your sportsclothes a is ~~ and slacks, and a pair of sun glasses. And lle C8 wee ee a | ae ‘a | Ve \ He i 2 a you may want a wrap or topcoat for cool a ti @e 7 7 naa oo fleet evenings on deck. If you haven't a costume rs ; LD “Et Op <a hf eee oD for the Masquerade Ball, your social director = og = ™ Dp ee i 18 A r i will help you devise one. (es a eg ~ . if ye Pree oer ie saat, - 3 Sm Be sure to bring your camera. You'll want FN a to use it often—to record the highlights of ta ~L =a ts HH) — a o the grandest holiday you've ever spent! 2 RTS k e fee ee Films are developed overnight aboard ship. ri = 7 : eh bo Ne 4 ENT | Pope gay CES 4 j a mv mt _ yi s Ol ‘ib ria Y A el | 3 ll bee 4 se A S.S. NORTH AMERICAN S.S. SOUTH AMERICAN S.S. ALABAMA EASTBOUND (via Georgian Bay) WESTBOUND (via Georgian Bay) WESTBOUND (via Mackinac Island First Sailing, July 6; Last Sailing, August 24 First Sailing, July 6; Last Sailing, August 24 and Isle Royale) (Round Trip) (Round Trip) First Sailing, June 29; Last Sailing, August 24 ys Chicago Saturday 4:30 PM If Lv. Buffalo Saturday 12:30 PM (ound TP) Leave Chicago Teca 3:30PM aoe Central Standard a Time Ti WA; ; Cleveland.....Saturday eas 11:45 : PM [| Ly. Av’ Buffalo.......Saturd: Cleveland... Sanday’, B30 45 AM PM Dee nractenaciau sunday 2:30 PM f Lv. Cleveland.....Saturday 11:59 PM ff Ly. Cleveland.....Sunday 9:00 AM Ly. Mackinac Isl. Sunday 5:30 PM | Ar. Detroit...... Sunday 8:00 AM JM Ar. Detroit.. Sunday Soe 2 LD, 5 Sund: 11:30 AM Ly. Detroit.......Sunday 5:30 PM Ar. Midland......Monday 10:00 AM Vv. pee ..., Sunday : Ar. Mackinac Isl. Monday 3:00 PM Ly. Midland... ... Monday 1:00 PM f§ Ar. Midland. Monday 10:00 AM Lv. Mackinac Isl. Monday 5:00 PM Ar. Detroit.......Tuesday 11:00 AM | Lv. Midland. ..... Monday 1:00 PM Pass “Soo”.......Tuesday 1:00 AM hy Detraik peste 12 Noon [gj Ar. Mackinac Isl. Tuesday 8:30 AM [ Ar. Isle Royale. Tuesday 4:30 PM ue Tee Mala Tal. -Tuesd 11:30 AM Ly. Isle Royale. Tuesday 6:30 PM Ar. Cleveland.....Tuesday 7:30 PM NE Sen odn magcaree ey. : Ar. Duluth.......Wednesday *7:30 AM IevaGleveland . Tuesday 8:30 PM Ar. Chicago ..Wednesday 9:30 AM Ar. Buffalo.......Wednesday 8:30 AM EASTBOUND (Direct) EASTBOUND (Direct) First Sailing, July 10; Last Sailing, August 28 First Sailing, July 3; Last Sailing, August 28 ; (Last sailirig one way only) (Last sailing one way only) WESTBOUND ‘ (Direct Ly.
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