TH€ PICTURGSQUG CRfTlPUS UJITH fl V/IGUJ No. 11 VOL. XXVI SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 13, 1946 Music Department Recital Fredlund Plays at Campus Feature Today The Music department of Santa Barbara College, University of ASB Formal Tonite California, is presenting a student recital this afternoon in'the Music Dancing amid soft glowing candle light and a holiday atmosphere hall at 4:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. The department’s to the music of Herb Fredlund and his band tonight will be members next recital will be in January. of the student body and their guests. The Associated Student Body PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------- Sheep May Safely Graze .... Bach-Howe Christmas dance will be at the Recreation Center, according to social Jamaican Rumba....... Arthur Benjamin chairman “Willie” Wigger, and will last from 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. Mary Francis Lee-Carolyn Blair Richardson Talks ---- :--------------------------------------------- Santa Claus will greet guests as they duo pianos arrive, and will present dance pro­ None But the Lonely Heart ........... GAUCHO CAGE TEAM grams. Admission is free and one stu­ .....__....1..!..........,.... Tschaikowski At Pan-Hell Tea dent body card is needed per couple. Rosina Tiberti, alto PLAYS TWO GAMES Inside the auditorium there will be Cloud Shadows ........................ Rogers a glittering Christmas tree, and holi­ Ross E. Sears, tenor For New Women ON ARMORY COURT day decorations will be carried out Thjee Preludes........... ............... Chopin An informal introduction for all new Opening the local basketball season, along the Candy Cane Lane theme. Irene Sdij erven, piano Light will be furnished entirely by women to the Pan-Hellenic organiza­ the Santa Barbara college quintet will Tu lo Saf ........... Toselli tional set up will be the theme of the candles and a blazing fire in the lounge. Robert Whelan, baritone Christmas tea to be given Sunday af­ play the fast Hollywood YMCA team Lois Vedder is in charge of decorations. Alleluia ........ Mozart ternoon, December 15, in the Rivera tonight and Chapman college tomorrow WALTZ CONTEST Claire Williamson, soprano campus Music hall, from 3:30 to 5:30 evening. Both contests will be played About eleven o’clock there will be Chanson de la N u it................. Salzedo a waltz contest, with first prize being pan., according to Dean Helen Sweet. on the National Guard Armory court Joe Andrews A general outline of the spring rush­ a gold cup furnished by the social Ave M aria...................... Bach-Gounod ing program will be given by Marian­ starting at 8:30. committee. Second prize is fifteen Barbara Marvel, mezzo soprano na Richardson, Alpha Theta Chi. Each These opponents will provide a real dollars worth of any kind of modern “Comfort Ye”, “Every Valley Shall respective sorority president will * in­ test for the Gauchos. The Hollywood dance lessons at the Virginia Cavonna Be Exalted”, “Messiah” ..... Handel troduce the members of her group and School of Dancing, a new local dance William Marvel, lyric tenor team has a record of eight wins and studio. Barbara Zink is managing the tea will be served following the pro­ one loss, while Chapman has two vic­ contest, and John McClutcheon will Dreams ............................. Wagner gram. Else Jensen, soprano Every new woman on campus has tories and two defeats this season. be master of ceremonies. Ballade ....................................... Chopin been invited and a large attendance Eight members of the YMCA squad ATTIRE Patty Maher, piano is expected. Dean Sweet reported that have played together for eight years. According to Miss Wigger, women “Depuis le jour”, “Louise” Charpentier the Pan-Hellenic tea was well attend­ In 1939 they won the Los Angeles city are expected to come in formals and June Lord, lyric soprano ed last year. championship while playing for Holly­ men will come in dark suits and black Piano Quartet, first movement....Mozart Mrs. J. Harold Williams, wife of the wood High school. shoes. Tuxes are not in order. Ronald Ankrom, violin provost, and Mrs. Harlan Merideth, HOLLYWOOD TEAM FAST Faculty members who have been in­ ■Bye- Betty Lang, cello Pan-Hellenic lawyer, have been invited vited to act as sponsors for the dance & Peggy Ford, viola Employing a fast break on offense, to pour and Dean Sweet will welcome the Hollywood team will be led by include Dean End Mrs. Paul A. Janes, Mary Frances Lee, piano all new women. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hayes, Mr. ■ w S&Iaccompanists two exceptionally speedy forwards, General chaiman for the affair is Mort Kert and Clayton Wilson. Their and Mrs. William Russell, and Dr. Marilyn Wiggins, Irving Eisley, Mary Mary Ellen Roberts, Phi Kappa Gam­ William Ellison. Frances Lee, Raylene Pierce starting center will be Ray Chisholm, ma. Other committee chairmen are: former Fairfax High school star, who HANDLING ARRANGEMENTS properties, Elsie Tatum, Delta Zeta is better than the Gaucho pivot men, Miss Wigger is being assisted in ar­ Delta; clean up, Suzanne Parks, Tau according to Eddie Toler, playing man­ rangements by Ed Morris. The Five UC Alumni Group Gamma Sigma; decorations, Naomi ager, who watched Santa Barbara play Footers Club is taking charge of re­ Dyer, Chi Delta Chi'; refreshments, UCLA and USC last week. Toler will freshments, Barbara Rush has serving Offers Gauchos Connie Terry, Gamma Delta Chi; tags start at one guard with Gordon Scol- and A1 Anderson is taking care of the and door, Jean Calderon, Alpha Theta lard at the other defensive position. publicity. Scholarships Chi; publicity and invitations, Trudy The game with Chapman college to­ Dance programs are being arranged Doerr, Delta Sigma Epsilon; budget, morrow night is expected to be an in­ by Helen Petre and committee, clean Alberta Casier, Alpha Theta Chi; hos­ teresting battle. Last Friday the Pan­ up by Francis Karpe, and Lois Stan- Applications for scholarships from tesses, Audrey Braun, Sigma Delta HARVEY HUBLER., Gaucho center, scored a field goal for Santa Barbara hilber has handled inviting and ar­ the University of California Alumni As­ thers scored a 39-35 victory over Phi; serving, Virginia Russum, Phi on this shot despite the close guarding of Don Barksdale, Bruins’ sensation­ Loyola, and they are pointing to this ranging for sponsors. sociation and the faculty of the Santa Kappa Gamma. al pivot man. On the left is Dave Minor, who led UCLA in scoring with 9 conttest with the Gauchos. This game Barbara college must apply before points, and to the right in Charlie Jones, Gaucho forward, who injured later will feature a battle of strategy between in the game. April 15, according to Miss Helen E. eacher and pupil. Warren Conrad, Tau Gamins Hold Sweet, secretary of applications for the Phi Kapps Close Chapman coach, played two years for Wilton, and he would like nothing faculty. Session With AS^B Play Cast Points better than a victory over his former Mr. Sydney Anderson, representative mentor. 22nd Formal for the association stated, “We would Closed Formal For January Performance Chapman’s starting team will average very much like to have more students With decorations following a yule- 6-feet, which is identical to the height Birthday Ball inquire about these scholarships which tide theme, Phi Kappa Gamma sorority With the cast working nearly six hours a day, scenery under of the Gaucho quintet. Bob Kuyken­ dall, a transfer from USC, is the are open to all students in any of the will hold their traditional Christmas construction, and all committees functioning smoothly, “The Little The formal anniversary ball, marking closed formal at the Lobero Hotel to­ Panthers’ leading offensive threat. He four classes of the college. Although morrow night, from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m., Foxes” is taking on polish and should be most successful when pre­ has averaged 14 points per game this the twenty-second birthday of Tau scholarships are filled for this and acording to Mary Ellen Roberts, presi­ sented on January 16 and 17. An excellent cast includes the following: season. He will start at one forward Gamma Sigma was ljeld last Saturday next semester, openings are available dent. Jim Colburn’s band will provide Regina wilLbe played by Nancy Roth; Ben, by Walter Beaver; Oscar with Bob Manring, fast and shifty evening at the Montecito Country Club. player, at the other. for the new fall Semester in 1947.” music for the affair, A Santa Claus by Robert Hennings; Leo, by Richard Dance music for members and their will be present to give out small favors Richard Clark; lights, Roland Adam- WILTON EXPERIMENTING ALUMNI WINNERS Clark; Birdie, by Barbara Rush; Alex­ to the guests. andria, by Marcia McAnley; Horace eck; make-up, Milton Commons and Willie Wilton, Gaucho mentor, has guests was played by Leno Mautino Winners of the University of Cali­ Among alumnae who are expected to by Dean Dillman, Jr.; Marshall, by S. Margaret Monohan; ushering, Rosa­ been experimenting with several dif­ and his orchestra. fornia Alumni scholarships are Robyn attend are Alice Barnes, Peggy Upson, Steve Smith, Jr.; Addie, by Nancy mund Myers. ferent combinations this week in an Birthday cake and coffee were served Badger, Carolyn Blair, Marilyn Bow­ Dolores Lindberg, Doreen Meagher, Derrer; Cal, by Milton Commons. The play is directed by Mr. Theodore effort to improve Santa Barbara’s of­ at the sorority house, 2532 State street, man, Gwendolyn Chard, William Allen and Edna Shearer. The following is a list of the com­ Hatlen with Doctor Joseph Free as fense. He said it would be impossible before the event. Gutting he cake was COMMITTEES mittees and their members: costumes, technical advisor. Noni Williams is as­ to name a starting lineup until game Mrs. Course, president of the sorority Davidson, Ruth Anne Groenink, There­ Working with Helene Harvey on Beverly Benedict, Rosamund Myers, sistant to the director.
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