Ann Inspired Care Ltd Support Service Westpoint House Prospect Road Arnhall Business Park Westhill AB32 6FJ Telephone: 01224 766904 Type of inspection: Announced (short notice) Completed on: 7 November 2019 Service provided by: Service provider number: Ann Inspired Care Ltd SP2014012341 Service no: CS2014329397 Inspection report About the service The Care Inspectorate regulates care services in Scotland. Information about all care services is available on our website at www.careinspectorate.com This service registered with the Care Inspectorate in November 2014. At the time of this inspection there were approximately 140 people receiving care and support from the service. Those people were living in the Peterculter, Milltimber, Cults, Airyhall and Mannofield areas of Aberdeen. The service is also available to people living in Aberdeenshire and mainly in Westhill and Banchory areas. The provider's aims state that they: 'Provide a care at home service as an alternative to moving into a Nursing Home within the Aberdeen/ Aberdeenshire area'. Enabling people to remain at home helps them maintain personal independence, comfort and contact with their local community. We believe that every individual, irrespective of their physical, social or psychological condition, has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and supported to maintain choice and control over their own lives'. What people told us Prior to this inspection we sent the service 50 care standard questionnaires to distribute to people who used the service and their relatives. 29 questionnaires were returned to us prior to inspection. People expressed a high level of satisfaction about the care and support they received and the quality of staff. Some of the comments included; 'Every aspect of our relationship with the company is very positive'. 'All carers are friendly, approachable and above all caring'. 'Generally excellent care and carers'. Very helpful'. 'I am very pleased with the staff and service'. 'There is a high turnover of staff which can sometimes be a little unsettling as it takes time to get to know and trust a carer'. 'I am 100% satisfied with the care I get'. 'The most important thing for us is time spent. Time taken to provide great care. The girls never appear rushed'. 'All the carers are very professional, caring, happy and friendly'. 'It would be better if the staff could wear their name badges as I have a bad memory for this.' Inspection report for Ann Inspired Care Ltd page 2 of 8 Inspection report 'Carers provide an excellence service'. 'There has been very little contact from Ann Inspired Care in general regarding the ongoing care plan and whether we are satisfied with the care/support in place'. 'Nothing is too much bother for them'. 'Overall I am very pleased with the service provided'. 'Staff are always pleasant and chatty but not intrusive'. 'Very very good, stepped up a gear recently compared to at the beginning'. 'Super girls - all very pleasant, attentive and always on time, very reliable. They have been a great support to me and my wife'. 'Girls are very good - so kind'. 'Girls are very reliable all very good. They were wonderful with my wife too.' 'They go at my pace and see how I feel'. 'I think they are absolutely brilliant'. Self assessment We did not ask the service to submit a self assessment prior to this inspection. During our visit we met with the managers and discussed areas for development and improvement and recommended they develop a service improvement plan to help prioritise and plan actions. From this inspection we graded this service as: Quality of care and support 5 - Very Good Quality of staffing 5 - Very Good Quality of management and leadership not assessed What the service does well During this inspection we evaluated he quality of care and support and the quality of staffing as very good. This evaluation was the result of feedback from people who used the service, relatives and staff as well as an audit of a range of documentation. People told us that their care and support fully met their needs and was the right support for them. People had concise personal plans that described the support that is required and been agreed with people and their appropriate family members. We saw that additional information had been added to plans since our last inspection however it would be good to see this developed further so that information is presented in a strengths led support plan that tells the reader more about the person. This could include information about Inspection report for Ann Inspired Care Ltd page 3 of 8 Inspection report what is important to the person and about past experiences which could help to inform care and support. It was very clear however that staff provided knew people who used the service well and responded sensitively to peoples individual needs. Regular review documentation were present in peoples files. The eviewr process was also used to check with people that they were happy with the staff who supported them. People told us they had been involved in creating their care plans and we saw how relatives had contributed too. The care and support provided not only provided support to people to remain living at home but also provided vital support for family members. It was important for to people that they knew who would be providing their care on a day to day basis and what they are expected to do. Where possible, people should have a say on who provides their care and support. People we spoke to provided very positive feedback about the staff who supported them. People told us they were always respectful, attentive to their needs, never rushed and all round very nice people. This had helped people feel more comfortable accepting the support they needed. People could have confidence in staff because they are trained, competent and skilled, and are able to reflect on their practice and follow professional and organisational codes. New staff received a comprehensive induction and those we spoke to confirmed that this had helped to prepare them for their roles. New staff were supported by an experienced member of staff until they felt confident to support people by themselves if this was appropriate. Staff had also had further training in Dementia, Palliative care and tissue viability was on the training plan. there was very good communication with other professionals who provided further support. Staff told us about spot checks with their line manager and that they felt very well supported. We saw minutes of team meetings that described an inclusive discussing with staff as well as the imparting of information about the development of the service. This is a well run service where people who use the service, their families and staff felt well supported. Staff we spoke to demonstrated very good person centred values and genuine warmth for people who used the service. This warmth was reciprocated by people who used the service who could not speak highly enough if the staff group. What the service could do better Last year, we discussed the value of introducing a 'one page profile' that could capture what was important to a person and what was important for a person and is a simple tool that could help develop the care plans to become more personalised and to reflect peoples wishes and choices. eW saw that further information had been added into some plans however we discussed how this could be improved further. (See above) Other areas highlighted was the need to ensure that when peoples needs change that the care plan and relevant documentation such as moving and handling assessments are updated promptly so the information provides an accurate picture of the support required that reflects the advice from other professionals and any other assessments. Whilst reviews were held regularly, the record of the discussions could be improved to reflect the discussions. The samples we saw were largely 'Yes' and 'No' answers to a series of questions. Whilst this provided confirmation that people were happy with their care and support the minute should include detail more explicitly that the personal plan and associated documentation had been reviewed, any guidance and advice from other Inspection report for Ann Inspired Care Ltd page 4 of 8 Inspection report professionals and confirm what changes if any had been made since the last eviewr . The managers planned to revisit the review documentation with this in mind. Although staff told us they felt well supported and seek guidance or advice at any time, it is important that staff have access to regular and planned supervision with their line manager. This would enable staff to plan ahead for these discussions, reflect on training and consider their own personal development. We signposted the managers to the following website that provides helpful information about supervision. http://www.stepintoleadership.info/supervision.html Requirements Number of requirements: 0 Recommendations Number of recommendations: 0 Complaints There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are published at www.careinspectorate.com. What the service has done to meet any requirements we made at or since the last inspection Previous requirements There are no outstanding requirements. Inspection report for Ann Inspired Care Ltd page 5 of 8 Inspection report What the service has done to meet any recommendations we made at or since the last inspection Previous recommendations Recommendation 1 In order to ensure that standards are consistently maintained and to support continuous improvements in the service, the provider should further develop its formal quality assurance arrangements. Reference: National Care Standards Care Homes for Older People - Standard 5: Managing and staffing arrangements.
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