j r ' . ' ,, / I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, IM l Average Daily Net Press Run Aattrifrater lEttetting ISeralh For ^ Week Ended The Weather November M, IM l Forecaet of' tl. & Weutber Burcun 13,496 Partly cloudy, tumltaa colder to- COME FOR CHRISTMAS OPEN MON. thru FRI. Member of the Audit nitrbt. I»w 20-2S. Partly cloudy, Bureau of OirenlstlDn colder Friday. Hlyh In 80a. ; 9:30 to 9:00 P.M. Manchetter— A City of Villaife Charm SATURDAY 9:30 to.5:45 VO L. L X X X I, NO. 51 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1961 (ClaMlfled Advertialag on Pago 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone Ml 3-4123 A Strike in 3rd Day State News FILL YOUR GREEN STAMP BOOKS MEN'S WASH AND WEAR Roundup Envoys to Quit FOR EXTRA CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Police Scatter Space Heater KNIT SPORT SHIRT Balaguer Foes Ban Proposed N«w Haven, Nov. 30 (/P)— Geneva N-Test Ban Talks A state repre.8entative, con­ Santo Domingo, Dom inicantwlthin jrfx weeke Inatead of wait cerned over a space-heater Republic, Nov. 30 )— Police ing for BCheduled elections next DOUBLE 3.99 (/P May — but with the condition that fire in Bridgeport that caused hurled tear gas and detona­ he be allowed to say on as interim the death of five children tion bombs to scatter roving president. Tue.sya.v night, has called fo r ; 4 ^ Green Stamps. • 80% orlon acrylic, mobs on this third day of a The work stoppages which legislation to outlaw all space Deputies to Remain 20% wool general strike attempt to top­ closed virtually all shops and biisi- neeses in the nation erupted into lieaters. I ple President Joaquin Bala- Rep. Albert R, 'Webber, D-New | scattered clashea in Santo Do­ Haven, said last night: 1 TONIGHT!.. THURSDAY!.. FRIDAY! • soft, comfortable and warm guer’s government. mingo between heavily armed Thoueandii of persons poured troops and angry mobs yesterday. '•Thus is a barbaric mode of i At Stalled Sessions without weight or bulk Into the streets and launched a heating -dangerous, unclean and noisy demonstration after rumors Soldiers and police u s^ tear ga.s' unhealthy. It should be outlawed 3 with all cash purchases .•wept the downtown area that' and clubs to break w one mob here as it has been outlawed m • light gray, blue, olive, BalaRuer had re.signed. The Na­ which forced the clw ire of a few Baltimore and New York City.” ' Geneva. Nov. .30 (/Pi— The top American and British dele­ charcoal gray, beige, mint tional Palace denied the report. .stores that hadyl^niained open. Webber, who introduced such a ! gates at the nuclear te.sl ban talk.s have decided to return ot course, charge customers earn regular stamps, as always, when Meanwhile, the National Civic Some demonsti'^ors atoned taxi­ bill at tile 1961 General Assembly, Itonie tomorrow luit will leave their deputies to continue the Union, atrongeat of the opposition cabs and street* were littered with bills are paid within the allotted time. broken glass and rocks. .said he would seek s special sea- ! deadlocked conference. .mall, medium, groups, proposed creation of a pro A crowd of about 600 chanting Sion, if necessary, to prevent a Arthur H. Dean of the United States and British Mini.sler visional governing council as a repetition of the tragedy. ; large, extra "FreedomI Freedom!" formed in of State Joseph Godher came to today's third session of the formula for solving the grave gov­ front of the American consulate He also said a statewide inves­ large ernmental crisis following the de­ but dispersed with the approach tigation should be started imme- | resumed talks with their minds made up that nothing could mise of the Tnijlllo dynasty. of the dusk-to-dawn curfew im- diately to discover the more dan- ; lie gained by tlieir continued presence. The council, which would be gerous heaters. Officially. Dean i.s returning to Washington for consulta- made up of five or seven members, (Continues! on Page Nineteen) The Bridgeport tire, he said, j tions with the government on the Soviet rejection of any kind would eleot a chairman by simple convinced him that all ajiace heat- majority. ei-8, vented or unvented, were a of international control machinery. OPEN , TTie new proposal appeared to ' danger to life. Godher is returning to New '\'ork to resume his post as belie earlier report- that only de­ head of the British delegation at the U.N. Assembly. tails remained unsettled in talks Sikorsky V ote "The lo.ss of the life of one child with Balaguer on formation of a I cannot be compensated for in dol- The western side lielieves the Soviet Union has eliminated new government. ' lars and cents." he said. any prospect for a disarnianienl agreement at this time by Meanwhile, Arturo Morales Car­ Fails to Settle He said such heaters, often i rejecting the location on its territory of any international rion, U.S. deputy undersecretary of ' found in tenement buildings, kill j machinery to control nuclear weapons testing. TONIGHT till 9! state for Latin American Affairs, persons every year. Neither American nor feriU.sh* ------ •• ■ met with Civic Union President Unions Issue Bridgeport, Nov. .30 i>Pi -Plans officials would say that the West­ ■Vlriato Flallo but declined to give ern delegates’ departure reaulled any information on the talk. Stratford, Nov. 30 A second ' for a city crackdown on oil-burn­ ing labinel-type space healers I from a conviction that the 3-year- UN Unit Asks N O W O P E N Asked when he planned to return election will have to be held to de­ were under way today as a re- ; old negotiations are now doomed to Weishington, Morale.- Can ion termine which union will represent •sult of a tenement fire here Tues­ to failure in their (present form, replied, "Who knows?" The U.S. j The deputies, Charles C. Stcllc official'flew 7errk7leVproVTm^^ ».000 production and raainte- day night in which five children Halt on Spread perished. 1 of the United Slates and Sir Mi- OUR EXCITING “MR. CHRISTMAS" elemenLs threatened to overthrow’ nance workers at th? Sikor.sky air At a conference in City Hall, j c.hael Wright of Britain, are to the Balaguer regime almost tw’o craft plants here and in Bridge­ today, Mayor Tedesco and Alder- Astronauts John Glenn, right, and Scott Carpenter, aelerted as the pilot arid backup on the United continue meeting Russia’s Se.myon Of N-Weapons weeks ago and had planned to de­ port. iman Frank V. Ferolelo agreed States' first manned orbital flight, are pictured in a happy mood at Cape Canaveral, Fla., during a K, Tsarapkln for the time being. part last Monday. Yesterday's election was Incon­ I that the alderman will draft an press conference yesterday after their selection. lAP Photofaxi. 'T R IM T H E H O U S E and TREE S H O P " Morales Carrion’s precise role clusive, although the Teamsters But as Tsarapkin refuses to dis­ United Nations. N. Y., Nov. 30 ordinance proposal for banning (/Pi—The mam U.N. Political Com­ / was not clear but he has been re­ Union narrowiy mis.sed victory. I .sale and use of such heaters, with cuss controls, and the West re­ S W E 6 | V e / ported backing the Civic Union, None of- the three choices on the fuses to discuss a test ban with­ mittee overrode opposition of the the measure slated to go to the Western power.s today and called Christmas trees 2’ to 8' high 3.99 to 39.99 which demanded that Balaguer re­ ballot received a majority of the common council at its meeting Yale Students Enos Shows the Wav out controls, the prospects of com­ sign in favor of a provisional votes. The election W'as conducted I Monday night promise appear nil. Any step to­ for U.N. action aimed at halting junta headed by Fiallo. bv the National Labor Relations ; Fire Chief Sylvester E. Jennings ward a test ban would require a the spread of nuclear weapons to additional countries. • Christmas wreaths and garlands Infonned sources said Balaguer 1 Board, said today that in hi.s opinion, oil- Slate Polaris fundamental revamping of one po­ LA K E L A N D 'S had offered a new compromise The Teamsters Union received . burning space heaters of the kind sition or the other. The vote was 57-12 on a resolu­ GREEN combining features of his earlier ! 2,193 of the 4,821 votes cast. This blamed for Tue.sday night's fire U.S. Selects Glenn Dean and Godder had an oppor­ tion sponsored by Sweden and sev­ .STAMPS. propasala for a coalition with the ] was 218 .short of a majority. should. be outlawed. ^Victory Walk’ tunity to tell Tsarapkin of their en other nonaligncd countries. All sizes poinsettia decorations opiK>sition's demand for a transi-1 The Independent Aircraft Guild, departure at a luncheon Dean Specifically, it requested acting tional government void of hold-, a union which would be strictly Theft Charges Dropped New Haven, Nov. 30 (.Pi—Plans gave for hi.s. two colleagues just U.N. Secretary-general U Thant CARAVELLE overs from the Trujillo era. votes. were mapped today for a .‘iS-mlle For Manned Orbit before today's session. The lunch­ to inquire into the possibility of Balaguer also is reported to --------- Hartford, Nov. 30 !/T - Two '■'Victory Walk " by the Yale Uni­ eon apparently was held in a setting up^a "non-nuclear club’’ of have offered to hold elections i (Continued on Pago Eight) sailors from the U.S.
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