1885. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 105 Mr. EDMUNDS (at 1 o'clock and 40 minutes p. m. ). I am advised GEORGIA. that it will be about an hour yet before we can receive a communica­ Thomas M. Norwood. James H. Blount. Henry G. Turner. Judson C. Clements. tion from the House of Representa.tives. I therefore move that a fur­ Charles F. Crisp. Seaborn Reese. ther recess of one hour be taken. Henry R. Harris. Allen D. Candler. The motion was agreed to; and (at 1 o'clock and 40 minutes p.m.) N. J. Hammond. George T. Barnes. the Senate took a recess, and at the expiration of the recess (at 2 o'clock ILLINOIS. and 40 minutes p. m.) the President pro tempore resumed the chair. Ransom W. Dunham. William H. ~eece. Frank Lawler. .Tames M. Riggs. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. James H. Ward. George E. Adams. fo~~:~:rii~~~~[· Mr. CLARK, the Clerk of the House of Representatives, appeared be­ A. J. Hopkins. Joseph G. Cannon. low the bar of the Senate and delivered the following message: Robert R. Hitt. Silas Z. Landes. Thomas J. Henderson, John R. Eden. Mr. President, I am directed by the House of Representatives to in­ Ralph Pluinb. "William R. Morrison. form the Senate that there is a quorum of the House of Representatives Lewis E. Payson. Richard W. Townshend. present, and that JoHN G. CABLISLE, a Representative from the State Nicholas E. W011hington. John R. Thomas. of Kentucky, has been elected Speaker, and John B. Clark, jr., of the INDIANA. State of Missouri, has been chosen Clerk; and that the House of Rep­ John J. Kleiner. James T. Johnston. resentatives is now ready to proceed to business. Thomas R. Cobb. Thomas B. Ward. Jonas G. Howard. William D. Owen. It has also resolved that a committee of three be appointed on the part William S. Holman. George W. Steele. of the House, to join the committee appointed on the part of the Senate, Cow·tland C. Matson. ~obertLowry. to wait on the President of the United States and inform him that a Thomas M. Browne. George Ford. William D. Bynum. quorum of the two Houses has assembled and that Congress is ready IOWA . to receive any communication that he may be pleased to make, and B. J. Hall. Edwin H. Conger. that Mr. BLOUNT, 1\Ir. RANDALL, and Mr. REED have been appointed J. H. Murphy. William P. Hepburn. members ofthat committee on the part of the Honse. David B. Henderson. Joseph Lyman. William E. Fuller. Adoniram J. Holmes. DEATH OF VICE-PRESIDENT HENDRICKS. Ben. T. Frederick. IsaacS. Struble. J. B. Weav er. 1\Ir. VOORHEES. Mr. President, in the discharge of the saddest KANSAS. duty of my public life I beg leave to offer resolutions which I send to E. N. Morrill. John .A . .Anderson. E . H. Funston. Lewis Hanback. the Chair. Bishop W. Perkins. Samuel R . Peters. The PRESIDENT pro tEmpore. The resolutions will be read. Thomas Ryan. The Chief Clerk read as follows: KENTUCKY. William J. Stone. William 0. P. Breckinridge. Resolved, That the Senate bas received with p;ofound sorrow the intelligence Polk Laffoon. James B. McCreary. of the death of Thomas A. Hendricks, late Vice-President of the United States, John E. Halsell. · W.H. Wadsworth. and for a ·number of years a distinguished member of this body. Thomas A. Robertson. W. P. Taulbee. Resolved, That the business of the Senate be suspended in order that the emi­ .AlbertS. Willis. Frank L. Wolford. nent public services and the private virtues of the deceased may be appropriately John G. Carlisle. commemorated. LOUISIANA. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to communicate these Louis St. Martin. Newton C. Blanchard. resolutions to the House of Representatives. Michael Hahn. J. Floyd King. Mr. VOORHEES. I ask that the resolutions lie on the table sub­ Edward J. Gay. Alfred B . Irion. ject to be called up at a future day, of which the Senate will have due MAINE. and timely notice. Thomas B. Reed. Seth L. Milliken. Mr. HARRISON. Mr. President, out of respect to the memory of Nelson Dingley, jr. Charles .A. Boutelle. the late Vice-President I move that the Senate do now adjourn. MARYLAND. The PRESIDENT pro t&mpore. The resolutions will lie on the table. John V. L. Findlay. The question is on the motion of the Senator from Indiana [Mr. H.AR­ Barnes Compton. :RISON] that the Senate do now adjourn. Louis E. McComas. The motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and 42 minutes p.m.) MASSACHUSETTS. Robert T . Davis. Eben F. Stone. the Senate adjourned. John D. Long. Charles H . .Allen. Ambrose A. Ranney. · Frederick D. Ely. Patrick A. Collins. William W. Rice. Edward D. Hayden. William Whiting. Henry B. Lovering. Francis W. Rockwell. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. :MICHIGAN. MONDAY, William C. Maybury. Ezra 0. Carleton. December 7, 1885. Nathaniel B. Eldredge. '.rimothy E. Tarsney. James O'Donnell. Byron M. Outcheon. This day, in compliance with the prescription of the Constitution, Julius 0. Burrows. Spencer 0. Fisher. the members-elect of the Hou8e of Representatives of the Forty-ninth Charles 0. Comstock. Seth C. Moffatt. Congress assembled in their Hall, and at 12 o'clock m. were called t{) Edwin B. Winans. order by Mr. John B. Clark, Clerk of the last House. · MINNESOTA. Milo White. John B. Gilll.llan. The CLERK. Gentlemen, the hour having arrived for the meeting J. B. Wakefield. Knute Nelson. 4>f the Forty-ninth Congress of the United States, the Clerk of the H. B. Strait. Forty-eighth Congress will proceed, as required by law, to call the roll MISSISSIPPI. of Representatives-elect who have complied with the law in furnishing John M. Allen. 0. R. Singleton. J. B. Morgan. H. S. Van Eaton. proper certificates of election. - T. 0. Catchings. E. Barksdale. The roll was called, showing the presence of the following Members F. G. Barry. and Delegates : MISSOURI. .ALABAMA. William H . Hatch. John J. 0 'Neil1. James T. Jones. Thomas W. Sadler. John B. Hale. John M . Glover. Hilary A. Herbert. John M. Martin. Alexander M. Dockery. Martin L. Clardy. William C. Oates. William H. Forney. James N. Burnes. Richard P. Bland. Alexander C. Davidson. Joseph Wheeler. William Warner. William J. Stone. John T. Heard. William H. Wade. ARKANSAS. John E. Hutton. William Dawson. Poindexter Dunn. John H. Rogers. t NEBRASKA. C. R. Breckinridge. Samuel W. Peel. Thomas C. McRae. Archibald J. Weaver. George W . E. Dorsey. James Laird. CALIFORNIA.. NEVADA. Barclay Henley. W. W. Morrow. William Woodburn. J.A.Louttit. Charles N. Felton. Joseph McKenna. H. H. Markham. NEW HAMPSHIRE. COLORADO. Martin A. Haynes. Jacob H. Gallinger. George G. Symes. NEW JERSEY. CO~CTICUT. George Hires. William W. Phelps. John R. Buck. John T. Wait. James Buchanan. Herman Lehlbach. Charles L. Mitchell. Edward W. Seymour. Robert S. Green. William McAdoo. James N . Pidcock. DELAWARE. NEW YORK. Charles B. Lore. Perry Belmont. Archibald M. Bliss. Felix Campbell. John J. Adams. FLORID.A. Darwin R. James. Timothy J. Ca mpbell, Robert H. M . Davidson. Cha rles Dougherty. Peter P. Mahoney. Joseph Pulitzer. 106 CONGRESSIONAL· RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 7, Abram S. Hewitt. J. Thomas Spriggs. When the State of Nebraska was reached in the call, Truman .A. Merriman. JohnS. Pindar. The CLERK said: The Clerk desires state tha.t he has some doubt .Abraham Dowdney. Frank Hiscock. to Egbert L. Viele. Stephen C. l'tlillard. as to whether the certificates from the State of Nebraska fully comply William G. Stahlnecker. Sereno E. Payne. with the law, but as they are identical with the certificates filed with Lewis Beach. John Arnot. John H. Ketcham. Ira Davenport. the Clerk of the House of Representatives of the Forty-seventh and James G. Lindsley. Charles S. Baker. Forty-eighth Congresses, and as there is no protest or contest, he has Henry G. Burleigh. John G. Sawyer. placed the names upon the roll. · John Swinburne. John M. Farquhar. George West. John B. Weber. The calling of the roll was concluded. Frederick .A. Johnson. Walter L . Sessions. Mr. BENNETT. My colleague, Mr. JoHNS. HENDERSON", is detained .Abraham X. Parker. at his room by illness. NORTH CAROLINA. l'tfr. DIBBLE. My colleague, l'tfr. AIKEN, is absent on account of Thomas G. Skim:ier. Risden T. Bennett. sickness. James E. O'Hara. John S. Henderson. Wharton J. Green. William H. H. Cowles. Mr. LANHAM. My colleague, Mr. CRAIN, is sick an~ unable to be William R. Cox. Thomas D. Johnston. present. James ,V. Reid. Mr. VIELE. l\Iy colleague, Mr. MULLER, is detained at home by omo. sickness. Benjamin Butterworth. Albert C. Thompson. Charles E. Brown. Joseph H. Outhwaite. The CLERK. Three hundred and nineteen members, more than a James E. Campbell. Charles H. Grosvenor. quorum, have answered to their names. Charles M . .Anderson. Beriah Wilkins. Of interest to members and as a matter of permanent record the­ Benj::u:nin Le Fevre. George W. Geddes. William D. Hill. A. J. Warner. Clerk presents in tabulated form the changes in the list of members George E. Seney. Isaac H. Taylor. since the election of the Forty-ninth Congress, and requests that it be John Little. Ezra B. Taylor. incorporated in the RECORD. It is as follows : William C. Cooper. William McKinley, jr. Jacob Romeis. Martin .A. Foran, List of cltanges since tile election of Forty-ni-ntl~ House of Rep1·esentatives. W. W. EUsberry. OREGON. Date of Binger Herman," District. Name. vacancy. Successor. PENNSYLVANIA. Edwin S. Osborne. Franklin Bound. Henry H. Bingham. Frank C. Bunnell. Nineteenth Penn- William A. Duncan*.. Nov.14, 1884 ... John A.
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