Czech Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 16, 49-257 (2018) RadChem 2018 elcome to the 18th Radiochemical Conference. The conference is held in Mariánské Lázne,ˇ the second largest W Czech spa and the largest and most beautiful city – garden in the Czech Republic. RadChem 2018 aims at maintaining the more than 55 year tradition of radiochemical conferences (the 1st Radiochemical Conference was held in 1961), dealing with all aspects of nuclear- and radiochemistry, organised in the Czech Republic (or formerly in Czechoslovakia). We strive to continue in the tradition of organising a fruitful and well attended platform for contacts between experts working in both basic and applied research in all aspects of nuclear- and radiochemistry. More than 300 scientists from 36 countries registered for the conference. The verbal sessions, where more than 170 plenary, invited and contributed presentations are scheduled to be presented, will be complemented by the corre- sponding poster sessions. Selected “hot topics” in nuclear- and radiochemistry will be covered in six plenary opening lectures delivered by invited recognized experts. These talks will include laureate lectures by winners of two pres- tigious medals – Ioannes Marcus Marci Medal awarded by the Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society (won by Dr. Peter Bode) and Vladimír Majer Medal awarded by the Czech Chemical Society (won by Prof. Jukka K. Lehto). In conjunction with the technical programme, an exhibition covering technologies, equipment, technical and management services in areas pertaining to the theme of the conference will be held. The extensive social programme is expected to provide an opportunity for informal contacts and discussions among the participants. Among others, RadChem 2018 is a proud host of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. The interaction of all the above activities is hoped to maintain the high standard of this long-lasting series of conferences and through this contribute to the flourish of our Science. RadChem 2018 Organising Committee 49 Czech Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 16, 49-257 (2018) RadChem 2018 Table of Contents 1. Plenary 51 2. Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Radiochemical Problems in Nuclear Waste Management 55 3. Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements 95 4. Separation Methods, Speciation 113 5. Nuclear Analytical Methods 140 6. Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology 170 7. Radiation Chemistry 211 8. Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds 221 9. Production and Application of Radionuclides 232 10. Education 240 Author Index 245 50 Czech Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 16, 49-257 (2018) RadChem 2018 1. Plenary PLN.L01 (Id: 704) PLN.L02 (Id: 871) TOWARDS INCREASED COOPERATION AND SUPERHEAVY ELEMENTS OF THE D.I. COORDINATION OF R&I ACTIVITIES FOR MENDELEEV’S PERIODIC TABLE. PRESENT AND DECOMMISSIONING FUTURE CHRISTINE GEORGES SERGEY DMITRIEV CEA, Marcoule, France Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia [email protected] [email protected] CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy The synthesis of super heavy elements (SHE) with atomic Commission) is both the operator of important nuclear facil- numbers 113-118 has been achieved in the 48Ca-induced re- ities all over the nuclear cycle, in charge of major new built or actions. The seventh period of the Periodic Table has been D&D projects and a R&D group with dynamic policy of tech- completed. Unique data on the nuclear-physical properties of nology transfer. The position of CEA in D&D is unique be- isotopes of the new elements have been obtained. Pioneering cause of the number and the wide diversity of facilities under experiments on the chemical properties of elements 112(Cn), decommissioning, with some high level of contamination. 113 and 114(Fl) have been carried out1. Innovative solutions are thus being developed in 6 main The discovery of an Island of stability of SHE has brought axes to protect the operators, to minimize the overall costs and up a whole new series of questions: the volumes of waste: ² Can there be nuclei heavier than synthesized super ² Investigations in the facilities heavy nuclei? ² Radiological measurement of waste ² Is this newly discovered "island of stability of SHE" the ² Robotics, laser cutting devices, virtual reality to simu- last one on the map of nuclides? late and choose the best way to operate, ² Where is a limit of the Periodic Table? ² Decontamination of soils and structures ² Waste treatment and conditioning ² To what extend the chemical properties of SHE resem- ble those of their lighter homologues? And many others. ² Methods and Information Technology (IT) Tools for project and waste management CEA developed tools As a response to this challenge, a new project has been for its own D&D projects when they didnŠt exist yet 2 launched at FLNR (JINR) –“SHE Factory” , comprising: the on the market: robots, tele-operated equipment, cutting construction of a new heavy ion accelerator produced stable process and software for validation and optimization of and radioactive isotopes with masses A = 10–100 and intensi- intervention scenarios. ties up to 10 p¹A. The new laboratory will be equipped with target materials, new separators and detectors for the study of Concerning decommissioning and environmental remedi- the nuclear, atomic and chemical properties of the new ele- ation (D&ER), there appears to be a general consensus: ments. ² Significant redundancy exists in current R&D pro- grammes for D&ER being undertaken in different coun- REFERENCES tries, though often no basis for industrial competition 1. Oganessian Y.T., Dimitriev S.N.: Russ. Chem. Rev. exists, e.g. on methods for treatment of exotic waste or 85(9), 901 (2016). for conditioning of intermediate and high activity waste; 2. Dmitriev S., Itkis M, Oganessian Y.: EPJ Web of Conf. ² Project managers are often reluctant to use innovative 131, 08001 (2016). technologies and need confidence from pilot operations with successful results to minimize project risks; ² Individual countries are finding it increasingly difficult to justify expenditure on developments that can require up to 10 years to complete; and ² Many possibilities exist to promote exchanges of infor- mation and lessons learnt but, beyond these, there is an urgent need to promote and organize at multinational level, the co-financing of R&D developments by actors with common objectives. 51 Czech Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 16, 49-257 (2018) RadChem 2018 As a forerunner to the establishment of a framework for col- Fallout of the Chernobyl accident requires good laboration on R&D activities related to D&ER, it is proposed competence firstly to undertake a study to provide the following outputs: The competence developed in the weapons tests fallout ² A mapping of the needs of D&ER projects, R&D studies became very important in 1986 when Finland was ex- programmes, human resources and platforms currently posed to a radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident. available; In fact Finland received the largest fallout excluding the three closest countries to Chernobyl, Ukraine, Belorussia and Rus- ² Identification of candidate topics for international finan- sia. The environmental surveillance and research department cial collaboration, identification of actors involved with of STUK had considerably increased to about 60 persons of current sources of funding and rough business plans and which 20 were researchers. Thus they had good resources to schedules; react to the accident which they very well did. Department ² Choice of financial and organizational model after of Radiochemistry, University of Helsinki, focused on the be- benchmarking in other fields; and havior of transuranium elements in the environment and, for example, together with STUK and the Finnish Meteorological ² Proposal for an implementation schedule for projects Institute unique spatial distribution maps of Pu, Np, Am and that may begin immediately with varying timeframes Cm in Finland were developed. It is no exaggeration to say for implementation, with the main focus being on that no other country has such a deep knowledge on distribu- projects taking place over the next 5-10 years. tion and behavior of radionuclides from the Chernobyl fallout on their own territory. National needs to study naturally occurring radionuclides PLN.L03 (Id: 867) Through intensive fallout studies we have, however, ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY RESEARCH IN learned to know that the radioactive pollution has only a mi- FINLAND nor effect on the radiation doses to humans. Eve in the most critical groups, such as reindeer herders in 1960’s and most JUKKA LEHTO exposed groups after the Chernobyl accident, the doses from pollution radionuclides have been below that received from in- Department of Chemistry - Radiochemistry, University of door radon on average. During the last twenty years or so, Helsinki, P.O.Box 55, FIN-00014, Finland the importance of naturally occurring radionuclides has gained jukka.lehto@helsinki.fi more attention in research in Finland. Studies like uranium series radionuclides of U, Ra, Po and Pb in the drinking wa- Nuclear weapons test fallout studies – radioecology ter and in forest environment have tackled important national competence developed problems and considerably increased our knowledge in these Environmental radioactivity in Finland is an established areas. Latest achievements are studies on the behavior of nat- research field and has long traditions. Research started at the urally occurring radionuclides
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