2088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 28 By Mr. CARLSON: N. Y., favoring the passage of House bill 7593, widows and H. R. 8677. A bill granting a pension to Alfred Wiley, Jr.; orphans pension bill; to the Committee on World War Vet­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. erans' Legislation. By Mr. CHAPMAN: 6692. Also, petition of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, H. R. 8678. A bill granting a pension to Gilbert Walton; to Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring sugar legislation that will protect the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ·4Jhe jobs of the Brooklyn, N.Y., sugar-refinery workers; to the H. R. 8679. A bill for the relief of the estate of Frank H. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Lusse, deceased, of Frankfort, Ky.; to the Committee on 6693. By Mr. KRAMER: Resolution of the Assembly and Claims. Senate of the State of California, relative to the continuance By Mr. DISNEY: of Japanese-beetle suppression under Federal auspices; to the H. R. 8680. A bill for the relief of Blanche Thompson; to Committee on Agriculture. the Committee on Claims. 6694. By Mr. MURRAY: Petition of I. P. Goult and Irvin By Mr. GREEN: Peterson, of VJ'automa, Wis., and others; to the Committee on H. R. 8681. A bill granting an increase of pension to James Ways and Means. · P. Case; to the Committee on Pensions. 6695. By Mr. SEGER: Petition of 750 residents of Paterson, By Mr. JOHNSON of West Virginia: N.J., and vicinity, opposing the enactment of Senate bill 2395, H. R. 8682. A bill granting a pension to Henry B. Lyons; to the so-called wheat-certificate-allotment plan, because of pos­ the Committee on Pensions. sible taxes on necessities; to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. KRAMER: 6696. By Mr. SCHIFFLER: Petition of Mrs. J. E. Harper, H. R. 8683. A bill for the relief of Chilton Craddock; to the director, and officers and members of the Youth's Temperance Committee on Naval Affairs. Council of Chester, W.Va., urging the passage of Senate bill By Mr. MALONEY: 517; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H. R. 8684. A bill for the relief of Georgie W. Rathborne; to 6697. By Mr. SUTPmN: Petition of the New Jersey High­ the Committee on Claims. way Users Conference, representing highway users and those By Mr. RAYBURN: interested in highway transportation, opposing the enactment H. R. 8685. A bill to extend the benefits of the Federal Em­ of Senate bill 2009; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ ployees' Compensation Act, approved September 7, 1916, as eign Commerce. amended, to Merton Terence Cross; to the Committee on 6698. By Mr. VANZANDT: Memorial of G. A. Reed, presi­ Claims. dent, Washington Camp, No. 889, P. 0. S. of A., Centre Hall, By Mr. SMITH of Virginia: Pa., and others, protesting against foreign propaganda, and H. R. 8686. A bill granting a pension to William B. Ludlow; urging that every effort be made to keep America out of war; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H. R. 8687. A bill granting an increase of pension to Kath­ 6699. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the State, County, and arine H. Fuller; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions; Municipal Workers of Amer.ica, Congress of Industrial Organ­ H. R. 8688. A bill for the relief of H. Glenn Cunningham, izations, Harrisburg, Pa., petitioning consideration of their Jr., C. A. Laursen, and William J. Godschalk; to the Com­ resolution with reference to the Budget; to the Committee on mittee on Claims. Appropriations. By Mr. MOUTON: 6700. Also, petition of the American Legion, Department of H. R. 8689. A bill for the relief of Desiderio Alvarez de la Idaho, Boise, petitioning consideration of their resolution Fuente; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali­ with reference to the establishment of a domiciliary center; zation. to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. 6701. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce, Annis­ PETITIONS, ETC. ton, Ala., petitioning consideration of their resolution with Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid reference to the Alla.toona fiood-control project; to the Com­ on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: mittee on Flood Control. 6686. By Mr. BALL: Petition of sundry citizens of Wil­ 6702. Also, petition of Yavapai Associates, United Civic limantic, Conn., favoring the passage of legislation for the Groups of Yavapai County, Prescott, Ariz., petitioning con­ relief of Polish war sufferers; to the Committee on Foreign sideration of their resolution with reference to the selecting A ffl'l.\r..<i ____ -· 0f .?_ .n~w ~'ltQ.1;_$t~ T.Jm!~t:l.£t~!'i.£u.Bm~u.eb.·l.llr..9£i.; .. to.­ 6687. By Mr. BRADLEY of Michigan: Petition of Jasper the Committee on Mines and Mining. D. Cole and 57 others, of Emmet County, Mich., recommend­ 6703. Also, petition of the Alameda County Industrial Union ing passage of Townsend bill; to the Committee on Ways and Council, Oakland, Calif., petitioning consideration of their Means. resolution with reference to a large-scale low-rent housing and 6688. By Mr. LEONARD W. HALL: Petition of officials of slum-clearance program; to the Committee on Banking and the town of Oyster Bay and city of Glen Cove; officers of the Currency. Polish National Home, of Glen Cove, N.Y.; veterans' organi­ zations; and others, adopted at a public meeting in the city of Glen Cove, requesting that Congress take action by way HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of protest to the Governments of Germany and Russia WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1940 against the treatment of Polish nationals and to lend its in­ The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. fiuence in making possible the provision of relief, food, and The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered medical care by humanitarian organizations to the needy the following prayer: citizens of Poland; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 6689. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Petition of the Our blessed heavenly Father, we pray Thee to make mani­ Yorkville Chamber of Commerce of New York City, opposing fest to us that which is entire truth, honor, and fidelity that the passage of the Neely bill (S. 280), known as the block­ these virtues may be swept into the treasury of our daily · booking bill; to ·the Committee on Interstate and Foreign conduct. We come to Thee that we may have life that is not Commerce. a mere· existence written in a wounded past and a halting 6690. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the National Society future but life rich, unfailing, ever deepening and eternal: Oh, for the Prevention of Blindness, New York City, favoring the this is life eternal that we may know Thee, the only true God, appropriation of $7,000,000 for the control of venereal Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent. Our gratitude rises to diseases; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Thee that the old world hopes and aspirations come winging merce. through the radiance of Thy glory. Oh just to be in a living 6691. Also, petition of Elriler E. Bennett, Jr., Post, No. 725, world to labor and walk its kindly, brotherly ways and be American Legion, William E. White, commander. Brooklyn, alive more and more! Enable us to heed the messages to 1940 .CONG.R.ESSIONAL .RECORD-HOUSE 2089 the churches of old: "Be thou faithful unto death and I will ment, composition, or settlement herein provided for: Provided further, That nothing in this section shall affect the allowance and give thee a crown of life." Glory be to the Father and to the exemptions of farmer-debtors as are provided for banltrupts under Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is title 11, chapter 3, section 24, of the United States Code. All such now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. allowances and exemptions shall be set aside for the use of the farmer-debtor in the manner provided for bankrupts. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and "Such farmer-debtor may, at the time of filing his petition or approved. at the time of the first or subsequent hearings, petition the court that all of his property, wherever located, whether pledged, encum­ APPOINTMENTS OF MEMBERS TO STANDING COMMITTEES bered, or unencumbered, be appraised, and that his unencumbered exemptions, and unencumbered interest 9r equity in his exemp­ Mr. CULLEN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a privileged resolution, tions, as prescribed by State law, be set aside to him, and that he which I send to the Clerk's desk. be allowed to retain possession, under the supervision and control The Clerk read as follows: of the court, of any part or parcel or all of the remainder of his property, including his encumbered exemptions, under the terms House Resolution 403 and conditions set forth in this section. Upon such a request Resolved, That the following-named Members be, and they are being made, the conciliation commissioner, under the jurisdiction hereby, elected members of the standing committees of the House of the court, shall designate and appoint appraisers, as provided of Representatives, to wit: for in this act. Patents: M. MICHAEL EDELSTEIN, New York. "Such appraisers shall appraise all of the property of the farmer­ Civil Service: M. MicHAEL EDELSTEIN, New York. debtor, wherever located, at its then fair and reasonable market Public Lands: M. MICHAEL EDELSTEIN, New York. value. The appraisals shall be made in all other respects with Revision of the Laws: M. MICHAEL EDELSTEIN, New York.
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