OspreyBasketball CContentsontents ABOUT UNF This is UNF Basketball _________________ 2-3 This is UNF __________________________ 4-5 Campus Life _________________________ 6-7 Excellence in Education ________________ 8-9 Jacksonville ________________________ 10-11 Local Beaches ______________________ 12-13 Local Sports _______________________ 14-15 Establishing a Winning Tradition _______16-17 UNF Facilities ______________________ 18-23 Strength and Conditioning ___________ 24-25 Sports Medicine ____________________ 26-27 Player Development _________________28-29 Winning Athletic Programs ___________ 30-31 The SunTrust River City Rumble _______ 32-33 In the Community ____________________ 34 Basketball Camps _____________________ 35 Osprey Club _________________________ 36 COACHING STAFF Head Coach Matthew Driscoll _________ 38-39 Assistant Coaches/Support Staff _______ 40-45 2010-11 OUTLOOK NORTH FLORIDABASKETBALL Team Roster _________________________ 46 Radio/TV Roster ______________________ 47 Meet the Ospreys QQuickuick FactsFacts • 2010-112010-11 Player Profiles ______________________ 48-66 Opponent Information _______________68-69 University of North Florida Basketball Staff Location .....................................................Jacksonville, Fla. Head Coach ............................................ Matthew Driscoll 2009-10 YEAR IN REVIEW Enrollment ...................................................................16,621 Alma Mater ............Slippery Rock University, 1992 Season Statistics ____________________70-74 Founded, Opened ............................................ 1969, 1972 Overall Record (Years) ..................................39-95 (5) Atlantic Sun Conference Review _________ 75 Colors .........Navy Blue (PMS 289) and Gray (PMS 430) Record at UNF (Years) ...................................13-18 (1) Nickname .................................................................. Ospreys Assistant Coach .....................Bobby Kennen (2nd year) RECORDS AND HISTORY Affi liation ...................................................NCAA, Division I Alma Mater .....................Palm Beach Atlantic, 1993 All-Time Series Records ________________ 76 Conference........................................................Atlantic Sun Assistant Coach ..........................Bruce Evans (2nd year) Year-by-Year Results _________________ 76-79 Single Season Records _________________ 80 Home Court .........................................................UNF Arena Alma Mater .............................................Furman, 1992 Career Records _______________________ 81 Capacity ...........................................................................5,800 Assistant Coach ......................Jeremy Shyatt (2nd year) Single Game Records/Team Records ______ 82 President ............................John Delaney (Florida, 1977) Alma Mater ...........................................Clemson, 2003 1,000 Scorers ________________________ 83 Director of Athletics ....................Lee Moon (VMI, 1970) Dir. of BB Operations ................Byron Taylor (2nd year) Honors and Awards ___________________ 84 FAR .................Dr. Jay Coleman (PhD., Clemson, 1988) Alma Mater ....................................Florida A&M, 2009 All-Time Letterwinners/Coaches _________ 85 Athletics Phone .........................................(904) 620-2833 Athletics Trainer ............................................. Fred Burnett Athletics Ticket Offi ce ..............................(904) 620-BIRD Strength & Conditioning ........................Tommy Barnes UNF ADMINISTRATION Basketball Offi ce Phone .........................(904) 620-2833 President John Delaney ________________ 86 Basketball History MBB Twitter.....................www.Twitter.com/UNFBBALL Director of Athletics Lee Moon __________ 87 All-Time Record .......................................................185-321 UNF Athletics Staff __________________ 88-89 All-Time Conference Record ..................................95-203 Team Information MEDIA INFORMATION All-Time Seasons ................................................................18 2009-10 record .............................................................13-18 Media Information ____________________ 90 First Season ..............................................................1992-93 Home/Away/Neutral .............................5-7/5-10/3-1 UNF Media Outlets ____________________ 90 First Division I season.....................................2005-06 2009-10 Atlantic Sun record/fi nish ................8-12/ 7th UNF on the Air _______________________ 91 NCAA Appearances .........................................................n/a Home/Away/Neutral ................................3-7/5-5/0-0 UNF Media Relations __________________ 92 NIT Appearances ...............................................................n/a Postseason ...................................L, 76-69 vs Jacksonville Conference Regular-Season Titles ..............................n/a in A-Sun quarterfi nals Conference Tournament Titles .....................................n/a Starters returning/lost ....................................................4/1 Conference Affi liations: Letterwinners returning/lost ........................................7/5 NAIA Independent: ..................................1992-93 (1) Newcomers .............................................................................5 Sunshine State, DII: ...........1993-94 to 1996-97 (4) Players to watch: Peach Belt, DII: ....................1997-98 to 2004-05 (8) Andres Diaz (F, So.); Jerron Granberry (G/F, So.) Atlantic Sun, DI: ....................2005-06 to Present (5) Matt Sauey (F, Jr.); Brad Haugabrook (G, Sr.) [ 1 ] North Florida Basketball 2010-11 This is Osprey BASKETBALL Experience the Swoop!! UNF CHEER: Who are we? OS-PREYS!! And what do Ospreys do? SWOOP!! TThehe hhomeome ofof thethe UniversityUniversity ofof NorthNorth FloridaFlorida basketballbasketball isis UNFUNF Arena,Arena, a state-of-thestate-of-the artart facilityfacility tthathat ccanan seatseat 5,8005,800 screamingscreaming OspreyOsprey ffansans onon gamegame night.night. TThehe ffacilityacility aalsolso sserveserves asas thethe hhomeome toto thethe UNFUNF volleyballvolleyball tteameam aandnd iiss uusedsed ttoo hhostost sspecialpecial eeventsvents ssuchuch aass cconcerts,oncerts, ggraduationsraduations aandnd vvariousarious ootherther ccommunityommunity activities.activities. TThroughhrough tthehe yyears,ears, tthehe UUNFNF mmen’sen’s aandnd wwomen’somen’s bbasketballasketball tteamseams havehave ccreatedreated a home-courthome-court ““magic”magic” aatt UUNFNF AArena.rena. BBothoth pprogramsrograms oopenedpened ttheirheir DDivisionivision I eerara wwithith hhomeome vvictoriesictories overover DDivisionivision I foesfoes inin 2005-062005-06 – thethe menmen overover SavannahSavannah StateState oonn DDec.ec. 1122 aandnd tthehe wwomenomen againstagainst BBethune-Cookmanethune-Cookman onon Dec.Dec. 19.19. TThehe UUniversityniversity ooff NorthNorth FloridaFlorida iiss thethe oonlynly ccollegeollege iinn tthehe nnationation toto featurefeature thethe OspreyOsprey aass iitsts mmascot.ascot. TheThe OspreyOsprey iiss a bbirdird ooff ppreyrey tthathat ddoesoes iitsts hhuntingunting dduringuring tthehe dday,ay, ffeedingeeding oonn a ddietiet aalmostlmost eexclusivelyxclusively ooff fi ssh.h. OtherOther namesnames forfor OspreysOspreys iincludenclude sseahawkseahawks andand fi shsh hawks.hawks. OspreysOspreys mmakeake ttheirheir hhomesomes nnearear bodiesbodies ofof waterwater aandnd aarere ffoundound oonn everyevery continentcontinent exceptexcept AAntarctica.ntarctica. TThehe uniqueunique talonstalons andand reversiblereversible outerouter toestoes ofof OspreysOspreys givegive tthemhem tthehe aabilitybility ttoo sswoopwoop iinn onon ttheirheir preyprey andand holdhold ontoonto iitt wwhilehile ttransportingransporting itit fromfrom waterwater aandnd uultimatelyltimately tthroughhrough tthehe aair.ir. OOspreysspreys hhaveave nnoo nnaturalatural eenemies.nemies. OOtherther tteamseams tthathat uutilizetilize tthehe OOspreysprey nnicknameickname iincludenclude a mminorinor lleagueeague bbaseballaseball tteameam iinn MMontanaontana aandnd a rrugbyugby tteameam inin WWales.ales. the university of NORTH FLORIDA DDIDIDUNF YYOUOU KNOWKNOW • The Princeton Review included UNF as one of 139 colleges receiving the designation “Best in the Southeast” in the online feature “2009 Best Colleges: Region by Region.” The Coggin College of Business as being among the best business schools in the country. • The UNF Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team has won 11 regional championships since 1996. UNF’s SIFE ranks 13th in the nation and earned a semi-fi nalist designation in the national competitions in 2008. • In 2008, the Student Nutrition Club was presented a Clinton Global Initiative University Outstanding Commitment Award for the club’s eff orts to reduce racial and income health disparities in Jacksonville by addressing the access and knowledge barriers to healthy lifestyle choices. • The UNF Fine Arts Center’s Lazzara Performance Hall, home to the second-largest stage in Jacksonville, presents national and international performances as well as numerous campus and community events. • Sixty-seven percent of student-athletes who competed for UNF in spring 2008 were named Atlantic Sun All-Academic Team members. CAMPUS LIFE UNF’s student government plays an active role in The UNF campus plays host to special events such as
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