o í ‘ '."‘wV / f s , H t t Ÿ O l LU*' T h e L a w r e n t i a n 60. No. 14. Z 821 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Mondoy, Jon. 19, 1942 Barrows Tells Bober to Leave Dinko Tom asic to Join To New Post Students of New In Washington College Faculty Staff New Professor Former Professor to W ork on M em ber of University Summer Session W ar Price Control for Staff in Y ugoslavia Governm ent Agency 'Is Part of Program President Tnomas N. Barrows In Support of W ar Mr. Mandel Morton Bober, pro­ has announced the appointment of fessor of economics, is leaving Professor Dinko Tomasic of New Effort/ He Stated Lawrence after having been at the York City as lecturer in economica college for fourteen years. A summer session of ten and a His departure is accompanied at Lawrence college. He will begin half weeks will be offered at Law­ with three honors that Lawrence is his new duties at the start of tho proud to enumerate. rence to enable men to accelerate ; second semester at which time Dr. The first of these is the fact that Lawrence W. Towle, associate pro* their college course, according to ( he had been elected a member of an announcement made ir. convoca­ the National Council of the Amer­ lessor of economics, goes to tho tion this morning by President Fred Trezise ican Association of University Pro­ University of Florida on leave for fessors for this district; the dis­ the second semester. Professor Thomas N. Barrows. This, he indi- 1 trict includes several colleges and Towle, whose special field of in­ cated. is one part of the college’s Trezise Will large universities. The term of his terest is International Trade and new program in support of the war membership lasts three years. who is at present writing a book effort. Second is his connection with on International Trade and Com« price control in Washington. In this Students attendin'? this session Leave Faculty mercial Policy, will be visiting pro­ capacity he will study problems fessor of economics at the Univer­ may earn twelve hours credit, mak­ that arise in the present emergency sity of Florida. ing possible an acceleration of forty W ell-Liked Professor and will collaborate with other Has Written Articles economic leaders in an attempt to percent in the rate of progress to­ To Leave for Position Mr. Tomasic, who holds the de­ solve these problems. gree of Doctor in Jurisprudence ward completion of college work. Vice-president Dr. M. M. Bober Thus present freshmen may be In Tennessee Soon from and is a professor at the Uni­ And lastly. Mr. Bober is vice- versity of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, waa graduated one full year ahead of president of the Midwest Economic on a leave of absence from that un­ Announcement has just been Association. their present anticipation, and soph­ made that Fred Trezise, associate iversity in 1940 and a visiting pro­ He will remain at Lawrence until Announce Rules fessor at Washington University omores and juniors may accelerate professor of engineering, has ac­the end of the present semester, cepted a position offered him in the when the war prevented his return. proportionately. and will be in Washington for the Since that time he has written Personnel department of the Ten­ duration of the war, since his posi­ National Conference nessee Valley Authority at Knox­ For Semester numerous articles that have been .,5 President Barrows reported on tion is one created by the emer­ published in American scientific ville, Tenn. gency. the National Conference of College He will work with Gordon Clapp, Registration journals and for the past few and University Presidents on High- a former Lawrence alum and dean, months has been engaged with • •r Education and the War, held at who is the general manager. Mr. mission on behalf of the Yugoslav Baltimore two weeks ago which Trezise will probably leave in Stardusters Urge Law rentians to Government in Exile. Following hia pras attended by representatives of about a month although at the college training, Professor Tomasi« the national government, the war present time it is not definite. O bserve All Details did research work at the Central navy departments, and other Institute for Public health in Bel­ Came In 1920 Give Program And Regulations governmental agencies. “Out oi Mr. Trezise came to Lawrence in grade and later studied in Paris on 5 4hese meetings,” said President , IP'20 from, Michigan. During that . Tntertom Chapel A mouficement of plans for the a grant lrom the Yugoslav govern­ J&irrow'*, “cum* c clear-cut pro­ time he has spent five summers ment. On his return from Paris ho gram involving two major aspects second semester registration has and his year of absence in 1937-38 Audience W ith Songs been issued from the deans’ office became head of the Research de­ Of our problem: the immediate and in Tennessee working with the partment of the Institute of For­ the long-range. It was clearly indi* this week, and Lawrentians are T.V.A. Yesterday in convocation the urged to observe the following eign Commerce in Belgrade. cated by all speakers and by a let­ He has been extremely popular Stardusters’ Choir, under the direc­ Studied at Columbia ter from President Roosevelt that points and regulations as closely as with members of the faculty and tion of Doii Ann Daily, entertained possible: A year later the Rockefeller in the times ahead both during and students during his sfay at Law- Lawrentians in a musical perform­ Foundation awarded him a stipend •iter the war this nation will need 1. All college and conservatory rcnce college. He is considered by ance. This choir, composed of fresh­students must register. This in­ which enabled him to study at Co« men with college training.” many as the best friend of the stu­ man girls brought together during lumbia university and the Univer­ President Barrows pointed out cludes any who have already con­ dents among the members of the the first weeks of school by Miss ferred with either of the Deans sity of Chicago. Among the writing! that colleges are well fitted to pro- faculty. His never-failing genuine Daily, has sung at various functions concerning second semester pro­ of Professor Tomasic are two books i Vide opportunities for attaining interest in the students’ problems during the school year and has grams and any who may be in on the cultural and political rela­ physical fitness; for developing has made him a sincere friend of made an outstanding impression. doubt about passing. tions between the peoples of Yugo­ f trained minds; for providing basic many students who have or are at­ The program in chapel was com­ 2. Registration includes: slavia, and a 6tudy on World Peace t training in mathematics, sciences, tending Lawrence. posed of Sweet and Low, followed a. Payment of second semester which was translated and published | languages and other fields contrib­ by Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, both fees by college and conservatory in English, French, German, and uting directly to immediate needs; arranged by Doii Daily. During the students prior to 4:00 p. m., Mon­ Italian. for cultivating qualities oi charac­ Three Students A ttend first half of the program a double day. February 2. Term bills have In announcing the appointment ter essential to both the immediate President Barrows pointed out that Discussions Held trio, made up of six choir members, been sent to parents, unless other­ and long-rtmge programs; and for sang Night and Day. accompanied wise requested, and should be paid some of our fine large universities providing leadership in civilian Among Four Colleges on the piano by Pat Ferguson. on or before that date. have been able to avail themselves morale. The last half of the program in­ b. Approval of the list of courses of distinguished foreign scholars New Courses Marjorie Harkins, Ruth Shields cluded Stardust, Strike Up The to be taken during the second se­ and stated “that Lawrence is for­ In addition to the accelerated and Jaye Scho'f attended the sec­ Band, and Lover Come Back to Me. mester tunate to have a man of this inter* program, President Barrows an­ ond series of round table discus­ We hope to hear more of the Star- (1) Students who have no chang­ national distinction joining the fac­ nounced the immediate offering of sions held at Madison yesterday. dusters in the future—they’re es call at the registrar's office and ulty even if only for a semester." some new courses and the probable Northwestern, Lawrence, Madison good! approve existing program. c' ange in emphasis in others. He and Rockford v/ere the colleges in (2) Students who prefer to changc attendance. warned against rumors and urged Calkins and W olfe programs, or must do so because of Announce List careful deliberation and the seeking “The Federal Regulation of La­ alterations in the course schedule, of advice from parents and officers bor Unions” was tht subject. The To Enter Institute see Mr. Anderson or Mr. DuShano. of the college. group appeared over WHA at 3:30 (3) Students who may have to Of New Heads “Thus far you have shown fine Richard Calkins and Dextor Wolfe, both of the class of 1942, change programs because of failure qualities of level-hcadedness,” he Desk Editor Job Is O pen call at the Registrar’s Office to ap­ See These People if You said, “I assure you we are not un­ have been chosen to enter the In prove existing programs.
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