5640 THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 27, 1868. Alfred Gallimore, of Wells, Deputy Vicar Choral, William Coles, late of No. 7, Clarence-place, in the having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adju- parish of Mi!ton-next-Gravesend, in the county of Kent, dication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Lodging-house Keeper and Journeyman Cook and Confec- . Somersetshire, holden at Wells, on the 7th day of October tioner, afterwards and now of No. 202, Parrock-street, in the 1"868, a pnblic sitting, for the said pankrnpt to pass his same parish, Journeyman Cook and Confectioner, having Last Examination, and make application for his Discharge, been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication will be held at the said Court, at Wells, on the 17th day of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Kent, holden of November next, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely, at Gravesend, on the 1st of October, 1868, a public sitting, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said for the said bankrupt to pass his.Last Examination, and make bankrupt to surrender. The Registrar of the Court is the application for bis Discharge, will be held at the said Court, Official Assignee, and Messrs. Hobbs and Seat, of Wells, at the Townhall, Gravesend, on the 24th day of November are the Solicitors acting in the bankruptcy. next, at ten in the forenoon precisely, the day last afore- said being the day limited for the said bankrupt to sur- John Catherall, late in lodgings with his mother, Anne render. Mr. Francis Southgate, of Gravesend, is the Official Catherall, of Little Brook, EwIce-green, in the parish of Assignee, and Mr. G. E. Shariand, of the Townhall, Hawarden, in the county of Flint, Farmer, Carter, and Gravesend, is the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. Coal Dealer, having been adjudged bankrupt by a Regis- trar of the County Court of Flintshire, holden at Mold Jesse Bryan, of No. 1, Derby-street, Burton-upon-Trent« and Flint, attending at the Gaol at Flint aforesaid, on the in the county of Stafford, Slater, haying been adjudged 16th day of September, 1868, and the adjudication being bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, directed to be prosecuted in the County Court of Cheshire, filed in the County Court of Staffordshire, holden at Bnrton- 1 holden at Chester, a pnblic sitting, for the said bankrupt to upon-Trenf, on the 30th day of September, 1868, a public pass his Last Examination, and make application for his sitting, for the said bankrupt to pass his Last" Examina- Discharge, will be held at the said Court, at Chester tion, and make application for his Discharge, will be held Castle, on the 6th day of November nest, at twelve o'clock at the said Court, at Burton-on-Trent, on the llth day of at noon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day November next, at one o'clock in the afternoon precisely, limited for the said bankrupt to surrender. The Registrar the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said of the Court is the Official Assignee. William Henry bankrupt to surrender. The Registrar of the Court, is Churton, Esq., of Eastgate-buildmge, Chester, is the Soli- the Official Assignee, and Mr. Ralph Alexander Stevenson, citor acting in the bankruptcy. of Burton-on-Trent, is the Solicitor acting in the bank- ruptcy. John Murray Coppinger, formerly of Youghal, in the county of Cork, afterwards, of Middlesborougb, and now of William Batchelor, of Southborough, in the parish of ' Redcar, in the county of York, Photographer, having Tonbridge, in the county of Kent, Boot and Shoe Maker been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for ad- of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Durham, judication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of holden at Stoekton-on-Tees and Middlesborougb, on the Kent, holden at Tonbridge Wells, on the 2nd day of October, 9th day of October, 1868, a public sitting, for the said 1868, a public sitting, for the said bankrupt to pass 'his bankrupt to pass his Last Examination, and make appli- Last Examination, and make application for his Discharge, cation for his Discharge, •will be held at the said Court, at will be held at the said Court, at Tonbridge Wells, on Stockton, on the 10th day of November next, at eleven the 12th day of November next, at eleven o'clock in the of the clock in the forenoon precisely, the day last afore- forenoon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day said being the day limited for the said bankrupt to sur- limited for the said bankrupt to surrender. Sydney render. The Registrar of the Court is the Official As- Alleyne, Esq., of Tonbridge Wells, is the Official Assignee, B:gnee, and William Lees Dobson, Esq., of Middlesborougb, and George Arnold, Esq., of Tonbridge Wells, is the Soli- is the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. citors acting in the bankruptcy. Frederick Barnes, of Southborough, in the parish of Elizabeth Hathaway, of Miller-street, Manchester, in the Tonbridge, in the county of Kent, Attorney's Clerk, for- county of Lancaster, Chair Maker and executrix de son merly of West Cowes, in the Isle of Wight, in the county tort of the personal estate and effects of Charles Hathaway, of Hampshire, and then of Tonbridge Wells, in the county late of the same place, and previously of Charter-s'reet, in of Kent, Attorney's Clerk, having been adjudged bankrupt Manchester aforesaid, Chair Maker, debased, having under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication Cquwty Court of Kent, holden at Tonbridge Wells, on the of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Lancashire, 30th Jay of September, 1868, a public sitting, for the said holden at Manchester, on the 28th day of September, 1868, bankrupt to pass his Last Examination, and make appli- a public sitting, for the said bankrupt to pass her Last Ex- cation for his Discharge, will be held at the said Court, amination, and make application for bn- Discharge, will be at Tonbridg;e Wells, on the 12th day of November next, held at the said Court, at Nicholas Croft, Manchester, ou at eleven o'clock iu the forenoon precisely, the day last the 18th day of November next, at twelve o'clock at noon aforesaid being the day limited for the said bankrupt to precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for surrender. Sydney Alleync, Esq., of TonbriJge Weils, is the said bankrupt to surrender. Mr. Samuel Kay, of Man- the Official Assignee, and Messrs, liaise, Trustratn, and chester, is the Official Assignee, and Messrs. Heath and IJirt, of No. 61, Cheapside, London, and Tonbridge Wells, Sons, of Manchester, are the Solicitors acting in the bank- are the Solicitors acting iu the bankruptcy. ruptcy. William Platt, of No. 107, Stockport-road, in Ardwick, The first meeting of creditors has been duly in the city of Manchester, in the count; of Lancaster, Bookkeeper, Butcher, Dealer, and Chapman, having been held in each of the said bankruptcies, and at (lie adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for 'adjudication of' several public sittings above-mentioned Proofs of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Lancashire, Debts of creditors who have not proved will be holden at Manchester, on the 20th day of August, 1868, a received, and the said several bankrupts will be public sitting, for the said bankrupt to pass his Last Exam- respectively required to surrender themselves to ination, and make application for his Discharge, will be held at the said Court, at Nicholas Croft, Manchester, on the said Court, and to submit themselves to be the 18th day of November next, at twelve o'clock at noon examined, and to make a full disclosure and dis- precisely, the day last aforesaid being ihe day limited for covery of all their estate and effects, and to finish the said bankrupt to surrender. Mr. Samuel Kay, of Man- their examinations. chester, is the Official Assignee, and Mr. T. G. Hogg, of Manchester, is the Solicitor actiug in the bankruptcy. John Baines the younger,, of Middlesbrough, in the county of York, Journeyman Tailor, afterwards of the Eliezer Paling, of Stodman-street, Newark-upon-Trent, same place, and lately of Loftbouse, in the faid county of in the county of Nottingham, Innkeeper and Starch York, Tailor, and Draper, and now of Middlesbrough, Manufacturer, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Peti- aforesaid, out of business, having been adjudged bankrupt tion for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in Her Majesty's under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the Court of Bankruptcy for the Birmingham District, on the County Court of Durham, holden at Stock ton-on-Tees and 3rd of March, 1868, a public sitting, for the said bankrupt Middlesbrough, on the 6th day of October, 1868, a public to make application for his Discharge, will be held before sitting, for the said bankrupt to pass his Last Examination, George Williams Sanders. Esq., a Commissioner of the said and make application for his Discharge, will be held at the Court, on the 10th of November next, at the said Court, said Court, at Stockton, OH the 10th day of November next, at the Shire-hall, in the county of Nottingham, at eleven at eleven of the clock in the afternoon precisely, the day- o'clock in the forenoon precisely, the day last aforesaid last aforesaid being the day limited for the said bankrupt being the day limited for the said bankrupt to surrender.
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