May 4, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7165 Colonel Sharon S. DeRuvo was commis- Each of us is in Congress today because and a coach extraordinaire. During his lifetime, sioned through the Walter Reed Army Medical we had along the journey of our education, Earl Woods played catcher for Kansas State; Center Institute of Nursing in 1989. She grad- teachers who inspired us to achieve, to in- the first black to play baseball in the Big Eight uated from the University of Maryland with a quire, to excel, and to dream. Conference. He was also a Green Beret in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing and Teaching today is different than when we U.S. Army Special Forces. He served for two received a Master of Science Degree from the were in eighth grade or high school. It is not tours in Vietnam rising to the rank of lieuten- University of Arizona in 1992. She also earned just the content of mathematics and science ant colonel. His second tour shaped the latter a Master of Strategic Studies Degree in 2003 courses that is different. Additionally, there is part of his life. from the Army War College. more valid scientific research in the area of He met his soon-to-be second wife Kultida Colonel DeRuvo has held a variety of posi- how students learn and how to integrate math- Punsawad, a receptionist in Thailand and they tions culminating in her current assignment as ematics and science knowledge into their intel- wed in 1969. He fought alongside a Viet- Commander, General Leonard Wood Army lect, and into their lives. We know that stu- namese friend who he nicknamed because of Community Hospital, Fort Leonard Wood, Mis- dents must be engaged in the learning proc- his courage and bravery. Earl promised Tiger souri. Past assignments include staff nurse ess, actively involved in the lesson, not just Phong that he would name a son after him. positions at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, listening to the teacher. Eldrick ‘‘Tiger’’ Woods was born December Denver, Colorado and Brooke Army Medical Mrs. Gendaszek’s classroom is one of ques- 30, 1975. Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. She also tioning for deeper understanding. She has cre- Earl Woods was instrumental in helping his held positions as Head Nurse, Hematology- ated a learning community of inquisitive mid- son establish the Tiger Woods Foundation and Oncology, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort dle-schoolers who seek to understand mathe- he also wrote a book, ‘‘Training a Tiger: A Fa- Sam Houston, Texas; Director, Quality Assur- matics in their everyday lives. This is no small ther’s Guide to Raising a Winner in Both Golf ance, Brooke Army Medical Center, Texas; accomplishment, Mr. Speaker. To create such and Life’’ to share his experiences of guiding Assistant Chief, Department of Clinical Inves- an environment requires daily dedication to and nurturing his son. tigation, Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii; her students. Most people identify with Earl Woods as Chief, Medical Nursing Section and Chief Clin- Ms. Lyons’ classroom is also one of ques- Tiger Woods’ father. Yes it is true that Earl ical Nursing at Landstuhl Regional Medical tions and exploration. She has learned how to Woods had done a remarkable job raising a Center, Germany; and Deputy Commander for make chemistry less intimidating to her stu- son who was empowered to chose his direc- Health Services, Fort Carson, Colorado. dent by connecting the concepts to her stu- tion, accept responsibility, and stay committed, Colonel DeRuvo has earned numerous dents’ lives first, thus engaging their curiosity. focused and honest as he journeyed into be- decorations and badges for her outstanding Research into student motivation tells us that coming a role model with great character. Earl service in the military. Her awards include the relevance is key to facilitating intrinsic motiva- Woods made sure that Tiger had tools essen- Meritorious Service Medal with Four Oak Leaf tion in students and creating life-long learners. tial to his development as he grew into a good Clusters, the Army Commendation Medal, and Teachers in our Nation do not receive person first and a championship golfer sec- the Army Achievement Medal with Four Oak enough respect or recognition for the work ond. Leaf Clusters. She has received several Tri- that they do each day of the school year for Earl Woods was extremely proud of his Service Nursing Research Grants, and was our youth and for our Nation. As I work to youngest son. I know he can rest assured that awarded the Orthopedic Surgeons and Nurses pass the Congressional Teacher Award Act, I his legacy will live on. He devoted countless National Research Award. She is a member of am happy to celebrate these mathematics and hours to shaping and molding his son’s char- the Order of Military Medical Merit and the science teachers through the Presidential acter and making sure that Tiger was ‘‘men- Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society. awards. As the United States seeks to find its tally strong.’’ He told Tiger, when he was a Mr. Speaker, I know the Members of the place in the emerging global knowledge econ- young man, ‘‘You’ll never run into another per- House will join me in paying tribute to Colonel omy, our attention has turned to those who son as mentally tough as you.’’ Tiger believes Sharon S. DeRuvo for her exceptional service educate our youth, for teachers truly can his dad. In a statement made by Tiger today to the United States and will wish her and her change the future. I look forward to the leader- he admits, ‘‘I wouldn’t be where I am today family all the best in the days ahead. ship in the classroom, in New Jersey, and in without (my father), and I’m honored to con- f the United States of Mrs. Gendaszek and Ms. tinue his legacy of sharing and caring.’’ This Lyons to help maintain the leadership of the statement is a true testament to how the love HONORING MRS. BONNIE SCOTT United States in the global economy. and dedication of Earl Woods was the reason GENDASZEK AND MS. LOIS ELIZ- f for Tiger Woods’ success. ABETH LYONS Mr. Speaker: I send heartfelt condolences to A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF EARL Kultida, Tiger, and the rest of the Woods fam- HON. RUSH D. HOLT WOODS ily as they mourn the passing of their loved OF NEW JERSEY one. I pay tribute to an extraordinary man who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL left an indelible impression in his own right. Thursday, May 4, 2006 OF NEW YORK f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to RECOGNIZING THE SESQUICENTEN- honor Mrs. Bonnie Scott Gendaszek, an Thursday, May 4, 2006 NIAL OF THE FIRST CHRISTIAN eighth grade mathematics teacher at John Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to CHURCH OF MONMOUTH, OR Witherspoon Middle School in Princeton, New pay tribute to the life of Earl Woods, a gen- Jersey and Ms. Lois Elizabeth Lyons, a high tleman who was more determined to raise a HON. DARLENE HOOLEY school science teacher at High Technology good son than a great golfer. As a testament OF OREGON High School in Lincroft, New Jersey. Mrs. to his legacy I submit that he achieved both IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gendaszek and Ms. Lyons are the two New goals. Sadly, Earl Woods passed away today Jersey recipients of the 2005 Presidential at the age of 74. Thursday, May 4, 2006 Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathe- Earl Woods was born March 5, 1932, in Ms. HOOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to matics Teaching. Manhattan, Kansas, the youngest of six chil- recognize the First Christian Church of Mon- The Presidential Awards for Excellence in dren. His parents died by the time he was 13. mouth. In the past 150 years, the members of Science and Mathematics Teaching program His father wanted him to play for the Kansas this church have proven again and again the is administered by the National Science Foun- City Monarchs in the Negro Leagues, and his depth of their caring and giving, not just to dation to recognize and reward outstanding mother stressed education. He eventually at- their community, but to all those in need. mathematics and science teachers who serve tended Kansas State, graduating in 1953 with From 1850 to 1853, pioneers like Elijah Da- as role models for their colleagues, and to en- a degree in sociology and he also fulfilled his vidson, Ira F.M. Butler and others came to the courage these talented individuals to remain in obligation to play baseball. Oregon Territory from their homes in Mon- the teaching field. We must, as Members of More than a dedicated father, Earl was a mouth, Illinois—the inspiration for what be- Congress, celebrate these fine individuals. true mentor, a dedicated soldier, an author came Monmouth, Oregon. These settlers, VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:53 Mar 15, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00185 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK5\BR04MY06.DAT BR04MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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