, , , Wild Duck -page VOL. XVI, NO. 103 an independenr srudenr newspaper serving notre dame and sainr mary's WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1982 More SMC, ND students implicated in drug incident By DIANE DIRKERS concerning reacceptance. Stuff Reporter Conklin also commented on the two students who, two weeks ago, Twenty-two students have now were flown back to the U.S. been implicated in thl" hashish inci­ One student from lnnsbruck was dent involving the Notre Uamc-Sailll dismissed due to a record of prior Mary's foreign programs. Included drug abuse. The other - from An­ in this group, which had originally gers - was "believed to have soml" wcalkd nineteen, arc four students <.·onncction with the <!rug abuse in from Saint Mary's and one from Holy lnnsbruck," according to Conklin, Cross junior College, according to who gave no further comment on Notrl" Dame's Director of Informa­ the issue. tion Services Richard Conklin. Conklin expressed concc:rn about Twenty-one of these students arc the widcsprl"ad media coverage of from the lnnsbruck program, while the ha~hish incident. "It's not that the other one had been studying in the University is afraid it will look Angl"rs, France. bad - many worse scandals have hit <:onklin relates the details of the the media and we've weathered investigation as follows: "When the them," hl" stated. "WI." are more con­ dirc<.:tor of thl" lnnsbruck program cerned with the welfare of those stu­ wa~ informed of the hashish abuse dents involved." and the possible threat of legal ac­ "There is no fifth amendment in tion, hi." confrontl."d thl" Innsbruck Austria," he expiaincd further. "If Regina Mushabec, an outstanding cellist, and her Auditorium as part of the University Artists Series. studl"nts and asked those involved to any news of this reaches the Austrian accompanist, George Cheny, perfonned in Armenberg (photo by Beth Prezio) come forward." authorities, and they decide to ques­ Evl"ntually, twenty-one of them tion thl."sc students about their drug admitted to bdng engaged in thl" abuse, the students must admit to it. widc:sprcad usc of hashish, and ac­ This could result in a criminal inves­ Literary Festival tion was takl"n by their respective tigation and charges against the stu­ deans of students. dents." "ThoM: I 5 students from Notre "We hope that this will not Dame allowed to remain in ln­ happen," Conklin continued. "In the Terry comments on poetry and plays nsbruck have bt:cn sent a letter from evl"nt that it docs, we arc fairly confi­ dent that the Austrian authorities Dean Roemer, notifying thc:m that By KATHLEEN DOYLE Megan Terry was born in Seattle, In a brief introduction bcforl." the the following actions will be taken," feel we have handled the situation News Staff Washington in 19~2. Her interest in Notre Dame-Saint Mary's Lab cxplaincd Conklin. "First, they arc sufficiently and will leave things be. tht.•atcr began in her childhood. She Tht."att·r productions of Advances, Howl."vcr, there is no way we can be now on conduct probation. Second, Playwrights and pt>l"ts should be wrote, directed, and performed in Pro Game. and Brazil Fado, director sure." th<.·y will bc dismissed from the: Uni­ encouraged to try more complex her tirst ·musical during seventh Bt."a Bosco described ·rcrry's plays In light of this, the University has versity. dfcctive at the end of the forms, according to Megan Terry. grade. She later studied at thl" Scattk "as collages, instt.•ad of paintings, bl."l."n very cautious with their press spring tl."rm. Third, they will be "For the human mind can take in a Rt."pcrtory Playhouse, the University whl."rc diffl."rcnt scraps of life art." given thl" opportunity to reapply for rclca~cs, which will now be handled lot more than most people think." of Alberta. and thl" Banff School of pasted togl"thc:r." exclusively through Notre Dame In­ the fall semcstcr of 19H2." "I tend to trust the audience," ycs­ Fine Arts. Tl"rry often l."mploys the tech­ In the r<.·admission application, formation Services. Absolutely no tt."rday's artist for the 19H2 Sopho­ Her fame ha~ come primarily from nique of transformation in hn plays. names will be rdcascd now, or in Conklin added, an essay will be fl."· more Literary Festival stated last her involvement in The Open This devict.• involvl"s actors <.'On· the fiJturl". quired, explaining what the students night during a question and answer Theater. whkh she hdped found. scantly t.·hanging t·haractt.·rs and havc learncd from their experit:ncl" Saint Mary's Dean of Student Af­ period following the production of The Open Theater is an off­ scenes. in lnnsbruck. lkcisions will he fairs Kathleen Rice ddayed com­ three of her plays in the LaFortunl" Broadway theater in which aqors "In a play that is more complex, in ment on thl" mattl"r until a later date. madt: on an individual basis Hallroom. and directors work. togl."thl"r to form a collage, I can rl."presl."nt a whok a drama. Terry also gained recogni­ country with just a ft.·w actors by tion through her most famous play using transformation as I did in and rock opera. Viet Rock. Brazil Fado, Tl"rry said. "Thl" tcdl­ Proposed draft affects millions "My job as a playwright is not one niqul" was dt.·vdopcd in workshops. of a monarch, but one of a transmit­ It is a way of condcn~ing. Th<.· actors ter, instrument. and shapcr, to give a can deal with negativt.· material in a By MIKE SCHIERL rcprl."sl."nts a real possibility demand­ only 77 pl"rcent last yl"ar's I 8 ycar­ voice to the concerns of othl"rs." positiVI." way." "Tht· tl"chniquc grl"W Staff Rt!porter ing a tlrm moral response." olds t."ver rl"spondcd. ''In the strl"cts and in the thl"atcr - out of observing thl" plays of Fl"dcral rt."gulation governing the Indeed, the dt."crl."asing response thcsl" arc the last two places in children, stand-up comedians, and America where you can still tdl tht· impressionists," slw continued. "By Pr<.·~it.knt Rl"agan's withdrawal of prcst.·nt n:gistration and draft may well be due to what Budget his pnsonal opposition to draft process wert." t1nalizcd on Novem­ director David Stockman Iabdkd truth. How long thl" strt·cts and the using transformation a great deal of rcgiMration in late 19H I rais<.·d ber 17, 19.8 I. Rl"agan's subsequent slipshot management. but kft un­ theater arc kept up is a matter of vital See PLAYS, page 4 legitimate concern over the im­ approval of the plan's institution, in chcck<.·d. this trend could result in a concern to all of us." mirwncy of anotht•r draft. Tlw ex­ late 19H I, mad!." it ckar that registra­ group of non-rl"gistrants largl" pnlknt impkm<.·ntation of the tion would remain a legal obligation. l"nough to make full prosecution im­ R<.·agan-approvcd plan since that Acccording to law, the penalty for possible. time have undoubtedly heightened Accordingly the Sclectiw Service Director leaves Poland, thi~ t.·onn·rn. A workable registra­ WEDN ESD A Y:l~1tl~1~f[ System ( SSS) is taking appropriate tion system, nJUplcd with Reagan's steps to avoid any such "snowball ef­ proposed dcft-nse spending in­ fect." The SSS has recently l:f<.'a't.', signitics American ~lliii~lii~t:F o c us· purchasl."d certain comml"rcial comes to Notre Dame "prl"part."dn<.·ss" in the event of mailing lists and intends to send out By MARY BETH PORTER military confrontation. a "general reminder" of registration Canada and will arrive at Notre News Staff Dame Thursday. This politit'al "ml"~sagl"" <.·an sud­ not registering is fivc years in jail, procedure to random members of dl"nly hccome extrcrnly important S I 0,000 dollars, or both. Prcsl"ntly the general public. In addition, a Braun will remain for thl" rest Kazimicrz Braun, tht.• polish of thl" Sl"mestl"r, but Professor Lif· to Cl"rtain young ml."n, howl."ver, if all Aml."rican males arc legally rc­ large publicity campaign is current­ director scht•dukd to work with ton gavl." no details as to how he thl"y takl" time to considl"r fully its quirl."d to register within ~0 days ly undnway to incrl."asc thl" number thc Notre Dame-Saint Mary's will complete the semester. Lif­ po~sibk impfications. By signing his bdilrl" or after their 18th birthday. A of registrants. Obviously, the intl"nt Theatre Department and direct name to a draft registration card, a "grace" period lasting until thl" end of the SSS is to avoid , prosecution, if ton said he ha~ to speak with the Shakcspcarl."an comedy has young man puts himsl'lfonly one let­ of Ft."bruary has bl."cn l."stablished for at all possibk, by encouraging Braun bcforl." any dd1nitc ar­ procrastinators, the uninformed, arrived in Montreal, Canada and rangements arc announced. t<.·r and ten days away from active all prl."vious non-registrants. is in route to N T otrc Dame. military duty. Thl" prospects of a Prosecution of non-registrants af­ and the misinformed to register im­ According to Mary Franccll, Braun, unable to leave Poland draft art." unprl"dictablc. While the ter that date is almost certain due to mediately. publkit}' coordinator for the when martial law went into t.•ffcct tim!." separating the notification lct­ gradually declining rl."sponsc.
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