doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01922.x Phylogenetically structured variance in felid bite force: the role of phylogeny in the evolution of biting performance M. SAKAMOTO*, G. T. LLOYD &M.J.BENTON* *Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK Department of Palaeontology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, UK Keywords: Abstract ancestor reconstructions; A key question in evolution is the degree to which morphofunctional bite force; complexes are constrained by phylogeny. We investigated the role of biting performance; phylogeny in the evolution of biting performance, quantified as bite forces, feeding function; using phylogenetic eigenvector regression. Results indicate that there are Felidae; strong phylogenetic signals in both absolute and size-adjusted bite forces, phylogenetic comparative method; although it is weaker in the latter. This indicates that elimination of size phylogenetic eigenvector regression; influences reduces the level of phylogenetic inertia and that the majority of phylogenetic signal; the phylogenetic constraint is a result of size. Tracing the evolution of bite variance partitioning. force through phylogeny by character optimization also supports this notion, in that relative bite force is randomly distributed across phylogeny whereas absolute bite force diverges according to clade. The nonphylogenetically structured variance in bite force could not be sufficiently explained by species- unique morphology or by ecology. This study demonstrates the difficulties in identifying causes of nonphylogenetically structured variance in morphofunc- tional character complexes. factor that may limit evolutionary change is ill defined. Introduction However, its effect on evolution can be observed as A key question in evolution is the extent to which phylogenetically conservative character evolution or as adaptation and constraint affect morphology (Losos & very strong phylogenetic signal in the data. Miles, 1994; Schluter, 2000; Gould, 2002). Can we regard The role of phylogeny in morphofunctional character an organism as a tabula rasa that has no significant complexes is particularly important. Adaptations history and that is subject to all the effects of natural required in performing a certain function (or subsequent selection in honing its morphology and adaptation, or are evolution of such morphofunctional characters in clades locked into particular anatomical pathways by response to selection for that particular function) cannot their history? The concept of phylogenetic constraint has occur independent of associated and necessary changes been discussed extensively by previous authors, but it is to underlying body plan (or bauplan). For instance, even still one of the most difficult questions in evolution to if there was a particularly strong selective pressure to summarize (Blomberg & Garland, 2002; McGhee, 2007); increase biting force and thus necessarily increase jaw for example, McKitrick (1993) wrote ‘in some sense, all adductor muscle mass, this cannot occur without asso- evolutionary studies implicate phylogenetic constraint, ciated changes to the cranial skeleton to allow for and reviewing the topic is like trying to catch a greased increased space. Such morphological changes can be pig’ (p. 309). And because of this widespread discussion, restricted in how they can be achieved; for instance, phylogenetic constraint as an underlying influential expansion of cranial adductor space would be severely limited by the size of the brain case. There may or may not be some underlying constraint on how such adaptive Correspondence: Manabu Sakamoto, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1RJ, UK. changes can or cannot occur, something that may Tel.: +44 117 9545400; fax: +44 117 9253385; be inherited through evolutionary history, i.e. phy- e-mail: [email protected] logeny. Identification of such phylogenetic signals in ª 2009 THE AUTHORS. J. EVOL. BIOL. 23 (2010) 463–478 JOURNAL COMPILATION ª 2009 EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 463 464 M. SAKAMOTO ET AL. morphofunctional data and quantifying the proportion of Materials and methods variance pertaining to phylogeny can indicate what scope there might be to seek other adaptive causes; these Body size index nonphylogenetically conservative features can be inter- preted as evolving at a faster rate, perhaps as a result of Because most of the cranial specimens, from which strong selection. Comparative methods allow the phylo- measurements and bite force computations were made in genetic signal in adaptations to be discerned and residual this study, were either isolated or did not have any nonphylogenetic adaptation identified (Diniz-Filho et al., associated weight records, body size needs to be assigned 1998; Desdevises et al., 2003). accordingly. We used two measures of size: body mass In testing for phylogenetic signals in morphofunctional and skull width. Body mass was used for species-level adaptations, we are particularly interested in focusing on analyses, whereas skull width was used for specimen- biting performance, not only because biting is a simple level computation of size-adjusted functional indexes. and basic function that is important to food procuring, Minimum and maximum body mass data were taken manipulation and processing in terrestrial tetrapods, but primarily from Nowak (2005). For S. fatalis, mass esti- also because it is easy to define. Quantification of biting mates from Christiansen & Harris (2005) were taken, performance can be achieved through application of a whereas masses for M. trumani and P. atrox were esti- simple biomechanical model, and the resulting single- mated using the regression equation for lower molar value numerical indicator, bite force, can be used in length against body mass from Van Valkenburgh (1990). further comparative analyses. Previous studies have A mean body mass was computed for each species and shown that bite force is associated with not only food used in further comparative analyses (Table 1). hardness (Van der Meij et al., 2004) and food handling time (van der Meij & Bout, 2006), but also dietary Bite force categories (Wroe et al., 2005; Christiansen & Wroe, 2007), and it is a widely used indicator of biting The most reliable source of bite force is actual physical (or feeding) performance (Sinclair & Alexander, 1987; measurements in live animals. However, in the case of Thomason, 1991; Herrel et al., 1998, 2002, 2005a,b; felids, physical recordings of bite force, whether voluntary Binder & Van Valkenburgh, 2000; Erickson et al., 2003, or involuntary, are not available from the literature. In 2004; van der Meij & Bout, 2004; Christiansen & addition, many felid species are endangered or rare in Adolfssen, 2005; Wroe et al., 2005; Christiansen & Wroe, captivity and thus in vivo recordings are practically impos- 2007). We are interested in the morphofunctional sible to obtain. While some species are commonly kept in character complex that is summarized as bite force and captivity, opportunities to measure bite force are rare as any phylogenetic signal or indeed absence of it can be these animals can be sensitive if not dangerous. Specimens used to infer morphological changes associated with this for myological sampling are also rare for similar reasons. particular biomechanical function. Therefore, an alternative source of bite force measure- We used Felidae for our case study because there is a ments, a modified version of the dry skull method recent phylogeny available to us that incorporates all (Thomason, 1991) was used to estimate bite force in the extant species (Johnson et al., 2006) and because the 39 felid species from 178 dry skull specimens. The method group underwent a relatively recent radiation (Johnson outlined in Thomason (1991) was modified to better cope et al., 2006). Therefore, we can test just how much with certain complications (see Supporting Information for phylogeny would affect simple biomechanical adapta- details). The unique advantage of the dry skull method is in tions within members of a closely related and rapidly its wide application to practically any mammalian species. diversified group. Is there a strong phylogenetic signal Using the dry skull method, the cross-sectional area as a result of rapid speciation in a short period of time, (CSA) of each jaw-closing muscle can be approximated i.e. has the biting morphofunctional character complex with ease and relative consistency (Fig. 1). CSA was remained relatively conserved across Felidae despite measured from a series of digital photographs using the relatively rapid speciation? Or is there limited phyloge- image analysis software ImageJ (Abramoff et al., 2004; netic signal and could one then look for other expla- Rasband, W.S., ImageJ, US National Institute of Health, nations, including seeking independent evidence for Bethesda, Maryland, USA. http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/, adaptation in the evolution of biomechanical charac- 1999–2009) to capture the range of possible muscle cross- ters? Furthermore, Felidae includes some unique fossil sections (see Supporting Information). The median CSA taxa with interesting features, such as the cheetah-like value of each muscle group, i.e. temporal muscle group and convergence in the North American Cheetah-like Cat masseter + pterygoid muscle complex, respectively, was Miracinonyx trumani, the extremely large American Cave computed and used for subsequent bite force calculation. Lion Panthera atrox and the sabre-toothed
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