g ebe tinstw January 16, 2004 grebe JanuaryPeRV3 16, 2004 . Serving the Glebe community since 1973 FREE Nation watches Ottawa Centre Photos: Kristine Racicot Ted Britton reclaims the right Current NDP leader Jack Layton and former NDP leader Ed Brocuibent BY ELAINE MARLIN to Britton's name The federal riding of Ottawa Cen- tre has captured the attention of the Britton's sign is coming down this ed selection of merchandise, espe- national media. Expect to see camera . month after 37 years above the cially food items, just before another crews and lots of mainstreeting in newsagent and smoke shop at 844 newsagent, Presse Internationale, the next few months as both the high Bank Street. Ted Britton took over opened right next door. profile candidates and the less-well- the business in 1978 when his father According to Ted Britton, "at known try to woo your vote. Lionel, the original owner, became mediation in November, it was The riding has been vacant since ill. He ran the business as a mini decided that, since Mr. Britton was September when MP Mac Harb was community centre for sports fans and no longer associated with the shop, named to the Senate of Canada. A news and magazine junkies. Like his the tenant had no legal right to use by-election must be called within six father, he was active in supporting the Britton name and the signage -months (by early March) although little league baseball and in the Paul Dewar seeks NDP nomination should subsequently be removed." the by-election may get wrapped into 1970s he was also the sports editor He hints that he "is currently consid- a general election if it is called soon for the Glebe Report. ering new ventures," so it is possible afterwards. Ted sold the business with the we may spot another Britton's in the First out of the gate was Richard right to use the name to Andrew not-too-distant future. Mahoney who won the Liberal Party McCloskey in 1999. That business For the past four years, Ted has nomination on December 1. Mr. closed in 2002. The disputed use of been travelling the world, most Mahoney, a Glebe resident, has close the sign was with the current owner recently spending four months in ties to Prime Minister Paul Martin of the business at this address, Ali Australia and New Zealand. has frequently appeared on tele- January and Karimi. He set up shop last See related story on page 10. vision as a spokesman for the Liber- with 24-hour service and an expand- al Party. Not to be outdone, the current leader of the New Democratic Party, CAPITAL WARD Jack Layton, announced in Decem- Green Party candidate David BUDGET & PROPERTY TAX CONSULTATION ber that former NDP leader, Ed Chemushenko Glebe House, 2 Monk Street at Fifth Avenue Broadbent, who led the party at a The Green Party has chosen David time of top strength for the party, Chernushenko, a sustainable devel- Wednesday, January 21 7 to 9 p.m. will run for the NDP nomination in opment consultant, author and small Ottawa Centre. Paul Dewar, who had business owner as its candidate. Mr. the support of many long-time NDP Chernushenko is a graduate of organizers before the announcement Queen's and Cambridge universities. was made, remains a candidate for All of the candidates mentioned INSIDE the nomination. The nomination above live in Ottawa Centre. meeting takes place on Jan. 20. The new Conservative Party has A federal seat in Ottawa Centre yet to hold a nomination meeting for Abbotsford 2 Winterlude 20-21 was won by NDP candidate Michael the riding. After the merger of the Cassidy in 1984 by 54 votes and was Progressive Conservative and the Rhodes Scholar 3 Photography 22 lost by a narrow margin in the next Alliance parties, the Conservative election. The NDP also won the rid- Party's first priority was to choose a GCN remembers Judy Glebe Student, Living ing in two provincial elections new riding executive. Smith 6 with the Zapatistas . 26 before the new electoral boundaries Look for more information on the were drawn. in our next issue. candidates GCA 7 & 24 Profile: Gayle Singer. .27 GCC before and after . .8 Trustee Lynn Graham . .28 GNAG 9 Schools 29-32 Councillor Doucet . .11 Writing Contests 34 Business News . 12-13 Poetry Review 36 Sports 16-17 Books 37 CDs 15 & 18 Religion 38 NEXT DEADLINE: FOR THE FEB. 13 ISSUE FRI., JAN. 30 - ADS, MON., FEB. 2- COPY Liberal candidate Richard Mahoney with his wife Kathy Photo: Giovanni NEWS Glebe Report January 16, 2 Abbotsford's new The Friendly Faces of 70 program guide is out BY CATHERINE MASON "You certainly don't look 70," was the oft-repeated comment I heard when BY BORGNY PEARSON people learned I was slipping quietly, and with great dignity and delight, from The weather outside may be my seventh to my eighth decade. frightful (or not), but inside the What, I began to ponder, does 70 'look' like? Abbotsford Senior Centre the atmos- "Mirror, mirror on the wall. What sayest thou?" Its reflected silence was phere is warm and friendly as people strangely discomfiting. get together for recreation, good Who, I wondered, might heip? Who? Of course: my silent self, my inner meals, special interest clubs, crafts friend, my guiding light. Wasn't It always ready with wise counsel? and art classes. It stared at me in disbelief and replied curtly: "Seventy is, well, just that- A new winter program guide (12 seventy. Why do you want to know what it looks like. Just be happy," It said. pages) is packed with information. "I am happy," I said. "I just want to know what 70 looks like, and why peo- is a bare-bones Here sampling of Christmas Bazaar brought in ple don't think I look 70. What makes 70 look different from other birthdays?" some the of activities and services: more than $12,000. "Quit complaining," It said. "Be grateful. Accept what is. And stop being Fitness: muscle-toning, line-danc- "Thanks to the generosity of indi- silly," It said. ing, tai chi. Classes start the week of viduals and businesses in the Glebe, "I'm not complaining," I said. "And I am grateful, and as for being silly, if Jan. 12, so it is important to register Ottawa South and elsewhere, we had there is one thing I have learned during my seven decades, it's that each of us ASAP. tables overflowing with beautiful needs more 'silly' in our lives. Thank you for reminding me. I'm off to find and tempting offerings for sale," said some silly." Kathy Nichol, program facilitator. "You are exasperating," It replied. "Don't you think it's time you started act- ing your age?!" Though it is not possible to name "But that's the whole point. I don't know how 70 acts, or looks, or feels. But them all individually, among them I have learned how silly acts and it's ever so much fun." were: "And just how does silly act?" It asked. T'D Bank, Eresh Emit Compa- "Silly is being who you really are deep down in that special place inside ny, C.A. Paradis, hiCCary CCeaners, you. It's smiling from your heart. It's when your heart sparkles all the way to Patty's Pub, Trew Mornina Tutons, your toes. It's smiling at a stranger. It's hugging a child who needs a hug; it's West Coast Video, Lman Antiques, hugging a friend, or a stranger. It's offering a hand to someone in need. It's lis- Mother (fongue 'Books, T'he Mud tening when someone needs to be listened to. It's taking a chance. It's not wor- Oven, Art guise, BuckCands CCoth- rying about what others think of you. It's laughing and crying with a friend. Illustration: Gwendolyn Best frig, grebe Emporium, Bank Street It's when your heart overflows with so much happiness, you think you will 'Framing, Lipiht of India, Capital burst. It's friendship. It's love." Special interest: opera, movie, horne hardware, Ered Astaire "Maybe that's what 70 looks like," It said. stamp-collecting, play-reading and Dance Studio, RandaCC's Paint, the "Maybe it is," I replied, "maybe it is. And if it is, then I look forward with book clubs. CCock T'ower Brew Pus, Yarn Por- you to my next 70th birthday." and Cards other games: bridge, ward and Sew On, Metro Music, "We will celebrate together," It said, "with family and friends gathered in a euchre, snooker, Scrabble, begin- Escaye CCorhing, Prater!? Restau- circle of love, caring and friendship." - ners' snooker for women. rant, La Cache, Inniss Pharmacy, And that's what 70 looks like, feels like and is like. I am blessed. Arts and painting, crafts: stained gCebe rhecary, Davidson's aew- Catherine Mason, a Glebe resident, celebrated her 70th birthday in Novem-j glass, pottery, sewing, knitting, etrers, ticaC E'xceCCence, Dilemme ber 2003. woodwork, hand-sewing teddy bears gIft Shcy, Starbuck's Coffee, Arbour for the annual bazaar (specialty nvironmentar ShT), Y.D. Adams group). Xitchen, 'Infusion Bistro, grebe Computer and Internet train- Tashion C eaners, gamesPower, ing: private tutoring enables partici- gebe Photo, -glebe Chirozractic pants to proceed at their own pace. Canic, Mayo Sui Barrister SoCic- Well-being: blood pressure clin- iror, Wardish Syeciaky 'Foods, T'he GLEBE PET ics, footcare. HOSPITAL Arrow and the Loon, gjhe Payery, Serving the Glebe area for 15 years... Abbotsford boutique: fashion- gCebe 'Trotters, Mister Miter, able nearly-new clothing for men BasiCisk Dreams Books, yha and women at surprisingly low video, qrene's Pub, Prime Crime, prices.
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