. '1 TtTESDAT, JtTVTE 19. t m Manchester Evening Herald ATCUigo Dafly Ciro^lation r w ths M o n a s f May, I84S Tha Weatkar. Red Stamps J, K, L, M, N | U. a. WaaaMi About Town Expire at Month’s End; Stamp Drive Holds TowniV 8,230 e mmmmmmrn" Red Cross Juniors tsalghty Menibsr af tha AadR Dereee society membm of . A ll of the red! aUmps in Ra- I y Barsaa sC CIroalaHnaa ^^llRisnttel U itiiem n church will tion^Book 2, conaistlng of J, Plans Made Not Liable ;X|iset nhirsdsy ereninf st K, L, M and t i , axpire at mid­ Hera's Infomifttion Yoii WiU Want To Have—Puririsfiadl ■\ ' night tomoiTo#/ Rtupp P la \ Do Effective Work Maneh&Her^A City o/ Vittage Charm St the Red Cross raodia in the By Local War Pries And Ratiouluf Bosra. Na l l L l i ♦ ■ilt dtaurcli. tilers is still sew- now good and will remain no Retailers and Theaters Town Giunsel Hyde of Is bs complsted'for this quota, during the month of July. Youjdg Folks Have Con* for children anyaiiereanyiriiere who are In rOL.LXn.,NO.'231 (dassIM AffvadWag aa Paga M)f^ MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30,1943 X. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PEiCBTHEMCnMTS Blue Btampe K, L ihid^M, In To Conduct Campaign The office of the local Rationing stamps 15 wd 15 good . for 5 Opinion Police Board ^•s it is hoped thst's food many of Board Is located in ^ the Lincoln pounds .eaeh.fbr. home canning. need. F(d*^ekifiimi'e, Mioes, clothiiULl _ Bienibsrs wlU make it a point the name book remain'-'-, good school, opposite the post offics. - ' 'Coffee tribut^^ Much Effort* and medicine haffe been provMeq I A. 1‘^to he present lliuraday night. Any until July 7. -“X To Sell‘$30,000 Quota Gin Abolish Office. Office hours are aa followa: Mon­ Hook. 1, stamp 24 for one pound fotohildren In Huissia, clothlag and \ prRsd QnsS 'fitted articles which Towards War Aid; To day, 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.; Tues­ expires June 30; stamp 21 be­ medical supplies for t*oHBh evacu­ the Dorcas members have received Retailera and theaters will Join Judge Wllliara 8. Hyde, counsel Signals on Salween Front day, 2 p. m. to 5:15 p. m.; Wed­ comes valid July 1 and will ex­ ees, cldthing and soiioa, to Greek ^^abould bs returned to Miss Esther Continue ih^ Summer. Lieutenant Gordon IVclr who' efforts during the month of July nesday, Thursday and Friday,'10 pire July 21; stamp 22 valid July for the Town of MaijcHester told children sind vitamin and quinine i)(. Johnson of Clinton street . as made a aurpriae vlait to hla par­ ~ \ tablets to Chinese children. Landing on Rendova to sell enough W ar Savings a. m. to 5:15 p. m.; Saturday, 10 22 to Augiist 11. The. Herald this morning that he soon as completed. ents, Mr. and Mra. Thomas tVelr During the past s o h ^ year, the Stamps to build a mystery aircraft a. m. to 1 p. m. The teiephione Gasoline. ' ' has given the local police commis­ A total of 1,668 articles of ail \, a t Summer street, from Blythe- number la 2-0494. / No. 5 "A’‘ coii^ns good for Junior Red Cross 'bas'dohx a quiet k nda were mai'de by Manchester President Leggett has called a carrier, ‘‘Shangri-La.’’ Manches­ sion his opinion that the town Is vlUe, Ark., haa be'en promoted to three gallons through July 21. - but jrery effective lot of work. Junior Red Caoaa members during limeting o ( V F W Club at its club- aaslstant squadron', commander,Md ter’s retallsrs and theaters are to not liable for damages the office Fuel CMI Scrapbooks, puzzles, games, 1942-43, and ^total contributions,' hooM for 8 :S0 this evening. has charge of. fifty aviation oadeu Meats,' Uhet^- Etc. ' of Deputy cailef Is aboliahed. Fol­ make an extfa elTort to attain the Book 2 -red stamps J, K, L, M Period 1 coupons In new fiiel oil Including the War ^ n d Drive, tmd ten inatruetbra. He accom­ town’s quota of $30,000 In .W ar lowing a meellng of the newly en­ favUrs, stuffed toys, bookmaike May Be First Staige 1 ' rations become valid July 1 but amounted to $888.16. The Married Couples Club will and. N expire June 30; P valiq un­ ^d'Joke books were sent to the' panied Captain Stanhope whose' Stamps. Herbert B. House is the amount has not yet beeq.-stn- larged board Monday night It had' snjoy a picnic tomorrow ^-evening til'eAd of July; Q becomes valid Mahehestef Memorial hospital, the Continue In Summer- home la in Providence. They left chairman of ...the local committee nounced; last year's perio^'b cou­ been stated that Deputy Chlrf Jo­ ' a t 6:S(r(m. the l^wn at M r. and July 4, , i^hlle technically the activities I the -air base Priday afternoon at and Jack Sansbn^.vice-chairman. pons are valid through September seph Prentice might sue t h r o w n County Homes in Warehouse Point Mrs. Leslie V a ti^ n ’s place, 7S Processed FrulM, Vegetabtoa and Vernon, the Newington Home, of the Junior Red .Cross suspend two o'clock and were at Bralnard ■Everybody In towift man, wom- 80; ,Worth galiosM -each -on for the failure of the p ^ c e board Ifortb Elm street. Mr. and Mrs. Book 2 blue stamps K, L and M 10 for the..summer, many of the num­ ■pleld at 10 p. ■ m. They returned an and child, la to be aalmd to buy bousahold type gallons on to carry, out an agreement with Cedar Crest Sanatorium, Chil­ L . M. -Caldwell of Starkweather valid through Jujy 7; N, P and Q 100 him. bers watHed to continue, to do their to Blythevllle Sunday aRemoon. Institutional throughout the dren’s Village, Uncas-on-Thames, Sjtreet wOl assist. beooma valid July 1 and may be part in the..work o f the Red Croes. east. Officer Prentice Is said to have Norwich, Manchester Almshouse used through August 7. Therefore, Jit wing groups have ■ \ \ ■ _ _ , . Pfc. Walter Backus of Fort Stoves' been tpld by Commissioners WH- and the Veterans* Home ip Rocky been formed inider the leadership ■J' Jackson, S. C., son of Mr. and K Shoes Rationing o f cooking qnd heat- liam Allen, Raymond Burnham and Hill. A full-sized afghan, beauti­ o f Interestec w'opien, which will •romises Nazis Mighty Navy Announces Action Mrs. Chjarlea Backus of Woodland Hook 1 , stamp 18 good through tfig stovea, forecast unofficially Thomas J. Rogers, with Mr. Rog­ fully made by the pupils o f Miss street. Is home on a ten-day fur­ meet under the direction o f the ] At Pinehunt Ootobciy^l. for Bometims this month,' has ers dlssenUng, that he would be Benson's fifth grade at Washing­ Arms of British and By Oimbined Ameri­ lough. V ■ Deputy C h ^ for six months from Production committee until the be­ r--. Eden Urges Duee Sugar been postponsd wIHis forms and ton school, is being sent to a camp ginning of school in September. Book 1, stamp 13 good for 5 regulations are beings prepared. Dee. 1 Iss^snd then elevated to hospital. American Air Forces can Forces in Central WEDNESDAY Miss Irene Hunter, Miss June pounds througn'^.^August 15; I|ay come sometime in August. the office of Chief. In diicussing A scrapbook was'made by the One bf theke groups Ms already I Mildnea Miss June 'ifeonipns, so^ this matter the poesibllity of a piipiis of Barnard school and sent under way at the Mtbmhester Will Seek Out More Solomons; Japs Have MORNING pranosf and Miss Ruth Frye, con­ Green .school, under Mrs. Kk^ward suit being brought by Officer to Hawaii in exchange for the- one Industrial * and Mili­ To Accept Terms o r Installations on Island; If p6a are fortunate enooRh tralto. all memlMrs of the choir Prentice was m^|ioned. It was received from there last fall. High Lewis’ supervision, meeting eyery | to be Ions on points... o f the South Methodist church, then decided to ask*' Judge Hyde school pupils inade 100 kit bags Thursday afternoon from 2 to"* tary Targets With .Strategic Intent of w ill be heard In a song recital to­ No Decision Reached for, hlB opinion. Judge Hyde U pf for the Red CroM production com­ Another will also meet Thuftida]^ this is to^ remind yon that morrow evening at 8:15, la the the opinion the police board can mittee. Victory' Garden blanks beginning July 8, at the Produc­ Exterminating Force; Says Britain Does Not British Bombers Strike American Move • Is nil redrpoints through the chapel o f the 'church. They are all abolish the office of Deputy Chief were distributed by South school tion center, .with Mrs. Samuel | liinese Re^aiii Greek Cities Concerted Blows at Not Fully Apparent. N series are valid only pupils of. Mrs. Nellie. Carey Rey­ or discharge the incumbent.tf It so pupils, and 80 were collected and Stevenson as leader. ^fea War More Hopeful .Intend to Approach nolds of .Hartford. Mrs. David On^ Voting districts votes . turned in. A third, under the direction of I through Wednesday. June Bennett of Woodbrldge street will Italy Regarding Ques­ Both Ends; *Air Cnu Yesterday’s Herald said that It Collect Victrola Jtecords Mrs. John Jenney, will .start on Large Section Washington, June 30.-^;F) SOth. be the accompanist and w ill also Loiid^,.
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