NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To: SCRUTINY PANEL STRATEGY AND Subject: GRANTS TO VOLUNTRY AND POL I CY I MP LE ME NTATlON COM MUN ITY ORGAN ISATIONS From: CHIEF EXECUTIVE I Date: 1 June 2005 Ref: YCll61Grants 1. 1.I This report aims to address issues raised at the Scrutiny Panel meeting held on the 5 March 2005 in relation to financial support available to the voluntary and community sector from the Council and the progress being made in relation to the customers satisfaction survey. 2. Background 2.1 The voluntary sector in North Lanarkshire, as elsewhere, is diverse and accommodates a wide range and type of voluntary and community organisations. It is estimated that there are in excess of 1500 voluntary and community organisations operating within North Lanarkshire. 2.2 These include small-scale community run organisations involved in locally based activities, interest groups and large scale voluntary organisations that provide services to North Lanarkshire residents. 2.3 The Council supports a significant number of community and voluntary organisations across the spectrum through various funding arrangements. 2.4 Within the Council there are 5 departments that organisations can apply to for funding 2.5 Table one below details the Council departments that offer support to voluntary and community organisations and the amount allocated by each department in 2004l2005. Table one Community Services: Annual Grants 670,480.00 Community Grants 268,173.39 Playscheme Grants 19,760.66 Total Grant Aid 2004105 f958,414.05 Social Work Department: Community Grants 456,709.00 Carer Development Funding 351,543.00 Total Grant Aid 2004105 f808,252.00 Planning and Environment: Voluntary Organisations and Other Bodies Total Grant Aid 2004/05 f2,188,558 Education Department: Child Care (Childcare Strategy) 19,050.00 Child Care (Early Years General) 96,921.OO C hi Id Care (Accessibi I i ty/Availa biI ity) 83,355.00 Child Care (Infrastructure) 22,897.00 Child Care (Child Poverty) 157,160.00 Child Care (Education - QDS) 10,840.00 Child Care (Quality) 9,900.00 Child Care ( Early Years Commission) 318,361-00 Total Grant Aid 2004105 f71 8,484 Housing and Property Services Total Grant Aid 2004/05 f76,946 Chief Executives - Social Inclusion Partnership Fund Total Grant Aid 2004/05 fl .I1 1.188 Total f5.861.843 2.7 To support the Audit Scotland “Follow the Public Pound” code, a corporate funding process including guidance notes, application form and the assessment process has been developed and is used across the Council. 2.8 Organisations in receipt of funding of more than f10,000 have the support of a monitoring officer and organisations receiving between f2,000and E 10,000have a link officer. 2.9 The role of these officers is to ensure that funding is spent appropriately as set out in the conditions of grant agreed by the grant recipient. 2.10 Appendix one details the funding awarded to the voluntary and community sector in 2004/05. 3.0 Customer Survey 3.1 At the last meeting of the Panel it was requested that a customer survey be undertaken with organisations and groups who receive funding from the Council. 3.2 A customer survey form was developed and is attached as appendix two. The survey looks at all aspects of applying to the Council for funding. 3.2 The surveys were sent out in April 2005 and are due to be returned on the 27 May 2005. The results will be available at the meeting. 4.0 Recommendation It is recommended that the Scrutiny Panel: (i) note the content of this report. Chief Executive June 2005 Appendix 1 Department: Community Services Annual Grants Name of Organisation Amount Rochsoles Community Resource Project, Airdrie f40,253 North Airdrie Music and Arts Proiect, Airdrie f2.000 Caldercruix Youth and Community Development Project, f45,253 Caldercruix Youth and Community Development Project - f 1,000 Caldercruix Youth and Communitv DeveloPment Proiect - f 1.000 Caldercruix Youth and Community Development Project - f 1,000 Jackson Youth Group, Airdrie f 1,000 Longriggend Village Association, Longriggend f2,000 Airdrie Craft Workshop. Airdrie f2.000 Caldercruix Ladies Educational Group, Airdrie f 300 Youth United, Airdrie f 10,300 Chapelhall Womens Group. Airdrie f 1 .ooo Bellshill and Mossend YMCA, Bellshill f24,387 Living Waters Community Outreach Project, Bellshill f3,000 St Gerards & Noble Primarv Adult Education Group. Bellshill f300 The Safety Zone, Bargeddie f 10,403 Langloan I Dundyvan Community Care Caravan, f2,000 Glenboia Neiahbourhood House. Glenboia f3.000 Benhar Youth and Activities Club, Harthill f2,000 Golden Opportunities in Education, Coatbridge f 300 Interdav. Coatbridae €4.000 Townhead Adult Returners to Education Group, Coatbridge f500 Kirkshaws Single Parents Holiday Scheme, Coatbridge f2,500 Calder Senior Citizens Holidav Caravan Scheme. f 1.400 Ladywell Womens Group, Motherwell €300 Forgewood Womens Group, Motherwell f 500 L.A.C.E., Motherwell f 300 Biro Babes Womens Writing Group, Motherwell f 300 Croy Community Centre, Croy f20,600 Carbrain Learning Centre Trust, Cumbernauld f 13,500 Communitv Help and Resource Information Service f 11.749 ~~ Answers Youth Information Project, Cumbernauld f 10,300 The Mount Ellen Project Group, Mount Ellen €2,000 Abronhill Regeneration Forum, Cumbernauld f 800 Cumbernauld & Kilsyth Unemployed Workers Centre, f 1,500 Shotts Community Music Project, Shotts f 750 ~ Wishaw YMCA. Wishaw f 500 Craigneuk Lifelong Learning Association, Wishaw f51,481 Glencassels Community Development Project, Wishaw f29,146 Newmains Action Group, Newmains f4,500 The Caledonian Award. Bearsden f 500 ~ ILEAD Scotland, Edinburgh jf 1,000 Ace/complan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix Sense Scotland, Glasgow f 1,250 North Lanarkshire Muslim Women and Familv Alliance. f2.500 Mobile Play In Action, Coatbridge f30,451 Campaigners Scotland, Glasgow f 500 North Lanarkshire Federation of Food Co-ODS- Mobile Food f24.876 Workers Educational Association (WEA Lanarkshire), f6,000 Coatbridge Federation of Tenant and Resident f7,210 Lanarkshire Scout Area. Larkhall €3.000 North Lanarkshire Disability Forum, Motherwell f 1,000 Rape Crisis Centre, Glasgow f 1,000 Lanarkshire Deaf Club. Motherwell f 1.ooo North Lanarkshire Senior Citizens Asian Group, Coatbridge f 150 West of Scotland Playscheme Advisory Forum, Bellshill f 18,360 Reeltime Music. Newarthill f 15.244 North Lanarkshire Foyer - YMCA-YWCA, Cumbernauld f2,000 Cu mbe rna u Id Y MCA-Y WCA, C u mbe rna u Id €24,372 I Junior Focus Committee. Uddinaston If860 I Groovy Chicks, Uddingston f 1,000 Keenagers ITC, Bellshill f 300 Eastfield Community Action Group, Harthill f6,250 Eastfield and Harthill Flute Orchestra. Eastfield f3.000 Motherwell YMCA, Motherwell €3,000 Monklands Association for Voluntary Services (MAVS), f10,712 Communitv and Voluntarv Oraanisations Council (CAVOC). f 10.712 North Lanarkshire North Council for Voluntary Services f 10,712 North Lanarkshire Volunteer Development Agency f64,840 Sikeside And Greenend Education Centre (SAGE Centre). f62.984 CSV-1 Clyde Action I Cash for Kids, Glasgow f5,000 Youth United - F.A.C.T., Airdrie €2,500 Lanarkshire District Fellowship of The Boys' Brigade, f 500 Lanarkshire Chinese Association, East Kilbride f4,000 Ethnic Junior Youth Group, Motherwell €7,000 Islamic Societv (Asian Education. Culture. Welfare). f2.000 Muslim Boys Group, Carfin f3,000 Parent Action for Safe Play, Coatbridge f 12,000 Kirkwood Familv Holidav Scheme. Coatbridae f5.575 North Lanarkshire Youth Council, Bellshill f5,000 f 670,480 (Communitv Grants I I 10th Coatbridge Guide Unit f475.00 14th Airdrie (St David's) Scout Grow f400.00 14th Airdrie Guides f200.00 15th Motherwell Guides f300.00 16th Coatbridge Brownies f 150.00 18th Cumbernauld Brownies f 170.00 18th Cumbernauld Brownies f260.00 18th Cumbernauld Guides f700.00 19th A Coatbridae Brownie Pack f400.00 11 st A Tannochside Brownies lf200.00 Acelcomplan/l6scrutiny panel/grants Voluntary Organisation Appendix -1 st A Tannochside Guides f200.00 1st A Tannochside Guides f250.00 1st Bonkle Brownies f80.00 1st Chapelhall Boys Brigade (Junior & Company Section) f550.00 1st Chapelhall Girls Brigade f400.00 1st Newmains Boys Brigade f80.00 1st ViewPark Senior Section Unit f200.00 -20th Coatbridge Rainbows f218.00 20th Cumbernauld Brownies €300.00 2nd Bargeddie Brownie Pack f300.00 3rd Bellshill Boys Brigade f300.00 3rd Motherwell Girls Brigade f250.00 4th Coatbridge Girls Brigade f 250.00 4th Stems Brownie Unit f275.00 5th Airdrie Scouts f450.00 5th Cumbernauld Girls Briaade f300.00 5th Motherwell Girls Brigade f400.00 6th Coatbridae Girls Briaade f200.00 8th Airdrie Brownies f 120.00 9th A Motherwell Brownies St Brendans f300.00 9th Cumbernauld Girls Brigade f300.00 Abbotsford Court Neighbourhood Watch f300.00 Abilitv Fest f240.00 Abronhill C.E Indoor Bowling Club f290.00 Abronhill Church Mother & Toddlers and PlavarouD f425.00 Abronhill Credit Union f50.00 Abronhill District Guidina f 220.00 Abronhill District Guiding Fund f 170.00 Abronhill Indoor Bowlina Club f 110.00 Abronhill Regeneration Forum f 550.00 Abronhill South Over 60's Club f 175.00 Abronhill Thistle Boys Club f300.00 Abronhill thistle Football Club f830.00 Ailsa Nurserv Centre Parents Group f600.00 Air Training Corps f 500.00 Airdire Shotokan Karate Club f220.00 Airdrie & Coatbridge Cage Bird Society f 190.00 Airdrie Central Bowlina Club f250.00 Airdrie Craft Workshop f300.00 Airdrie Hiah Church Senior Members f 175.00 Airdrie St John Senior Citizens Club f 180.00 Airdrie United Boys Club 16's
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