NOTICE OF MEETING ORDINARY COUNCIL Members of Council are advised that a meeting will be held in the Council Chambers 83 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah on: TUESDAY 23 FEBRUARY 2021 AT 5.30PM MARK R NEWMAN Chief Executive Officer 18 February 2021 AGENDA 1. OPENING OF MEETING AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY 3. APOLOGIES Leave of Absence: Councillor M Rogers 4. IMPORTANT NOTE: Members of the public are advised that any decisions made at the meeting can be revoked, pursuant to the Local Government Act 1995. Therefore, members of the public should not rely on any decisions until formal notification in writing by Council has been received. 5. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Public Question time provides an opportunity for members of the public to ask a question of Council. For more information regarding Public Question Time please visit the City’s website www.mandurah.wa.gov.au or telephone 9550 3787. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS Modification to Standing Orders Local Law 2016 - electronic attendance at meeting. 8. PUBLIC STATEMENT TIME Any person or group wishing to make a Public Statement to Council regarding a matter concerning local government must complete an application form. For more information regarding Public Statement Time please visit the City’s website www.mandurah.wa.gov.au or telephone 9550 3787. 9. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTS 10. PETITIONS Council Agenda: 23 February 2021 Page 2 11. PRESENTATIONS 12. DEPUTATIONS Any person or group wishing to make a Deputation to Council regarding a matter listed on this agenda for consideration must complete an application form. For more information regarding making a deputation please visit the City’s website www.mandurah.wa.gov.au or telephone 9550 3787. 13. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: 13.1 Ordinary Council Meeting: 19 January 2021 13.2 Annual Electors’ Meeting: 1 February 2021 Minutes available on the City’s website via council / council-meetings / agendas and minutes 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDING MEMBER (WITHOUT DISCUSSION) 15. DECLARATIONS OF FINANCIAL, PROXIMITY AND IMPARTIALITY INTERESTS 16. QUESTIONS FROM ELECTED MEMBERS (WITHOUT DISCUSSION) 16.1 Questions of which due notice has been given 16.2 Questions of which notice has not been given 17. BUSINESS LEFT OVER FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 18. REPORTS No. Item Page No Note 1 Financial Report December 2020 1 – 28 Absolute majority required 2 Financial Report January 2021 29 – 58 Absolute majority required 3 Adoption New Fees and Charges 59 – 63 Absolute majority required 4 Licence: Alfresco Dining Tod’s Café 64 – 67 5 Proposed Lease: Falcon Men’s Shed 68 – 74 Absolute majority Incorporated required 6 Code of Contact and CEO 75 – 108 Absolute majority Standards required 7 Reschedule Annual Electors’ 109 – 110 Meeting 8 City of Mandurah Waste Plan 2020 – 111 - 201 2025 Council Agenda: 23 February 2021 Page 3 9 Advertising in Road Reserves 202 - 210 Council Policy 19. MOTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 19.1 Mayor Williams: Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund 20. NOTICE OF MOTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE FOLLOWING MEETING 21. LATE AND URGENT BUSINESS ITEMS 22. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 23. CLOSE OF MEETING Council Meeting 23 February 2021 1 SUBJECT: Financial Report December 2020 DIRECTOR: Business Services MEETING: Council Meeting MEETING DATE: 23 February 2021 Summary The Financial Report for December 2020 together with associated commentaries, notes on investments, balance sheet information and the schedule of accounts are presented for Elected Members’ consideration. Disclosure of Interest Nil Previous Relevant Documentation • G.17/6/20 23/06/2020 Adoption of Annual Budget 2020/21 Background Nil Comment Financial Summary The financial report for December 2020 shows a surplus for this period of $57.9 million. A summary of the financial position for December 2020 is detailed in the table below: Current YTD YTD Var. Var.% Budget Budget Actual (b)-(a) (b)-(a)/(a) (a) (b) $ $ $ $ % 000s 000s 000s 000s Opening Funding Surplus / (Deficit) 2,197 2,197 1,195 (1,002) -46% Revenue Revenue from operating activities 111,778 100,959 103,075 2,115 2% Capital revenue, grants and Contribution 13,183 10,590 5,458 (5,133) -48% 124,961 111,550 108,532 (3,017) Expenditure Operating Expenditure (136,027) (66,710) (53,974) 12,736 -19% Capital Expenditure (44,674) (25,697) (9,114) 16,583 -65% (180,701) (92,407) (63,088) 29,319 Non-cash amounts excluded from operating activities 35,776 18,048 14,185 (3,556) -20% Other Capital Movements 17,225 (3,059) (2,943) 116 -4% Closing Funding Surplus / (Deficit) (542) 36,329 57,881 21,859 61% Report 1 Page 1 Council Meeting 23 February 2021 Key Capital Projects The following table highlights the status of the City’s key capital projects for the 2020/2021 financial year: 2020/21 2020/21 Actuals Annual Project Comment Incl. CMT Budget $`000s $`000s Project status: Skate Park – Opened to public 16 December 2020. Play Space – Off-the-shelf play equipment tender evaluated. Tender for the main play Western Foreshore 2,463 8,316 tower structure closed 18 December. Recreation Precinct Submissions to be evaluated and contract awarded early 2021. Project expected to be completed by June 2021. Toilet Facility – Construction underway with completion proposed for March 2021. Project status: Floating Jetties – Infrastructure construction is underway. Piling is complete and floating pontoons for Tuckey Lane Jetty installed. Proposed construction completion of both Eastern Foreshore South jetties end of January 2021. 1,674 6,937 Precinct Estuary Pool – Construction has commenced on the seawall, groynes, steps and ramps. Surcharge bund in place for approx. 6 weeks. Works to resume in January 2021. Project expected to be completed by June 2021. Project status: Electrical and lighting to be commissioned 11 December 2020. Site cleaned up for Christmas. Works to resume in Jan/Feb 2021 including Smart Street Mall Upgrade 1,021 2,352 paving, planter walls, street furniture and overhead structures. Project expected to be completed by June 2021. Project status: Sports Ground Lighting - Contract has been awarded and prestart meeting complete. Works Lakelands District Open to commence early 2021. Project expected to Space and Clubroom 1,716 2,271 be completed by March/April 2021. Facility Clubrooms – Complete. Project status: Pinjarra Road Stage 1 and 2 148 1,626 Works to commence April 2021 from Parkview Road to Anstruther Road. Future works programmed for 2021-2022. Leslie Street Road - 813 Project status: Rehabilitation Report 1 Page 2 Council Meeting 23 February 2021 Works scheduled to commence February 2021. Project expected to be completed by May 2021. Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Section 6.4 Financial Report Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 Part 4 Financial Reports Policy Implications Nil Economic Implications Any material variances that have an impact on the outcome of the budgeted surplus position are explained in the Monthly Financial Report, as detailed in Attachment 1.1. Risk Analysis Nil Strategic Implications The following strategy from the City of Mandurah Strategic Community Plan 2020 – 2040 is relevant to this report: Organisational Excellence: • Ensure the City has the capacity and capability to deliver quality services and facilities through accountable and transparent business practices, governance, risk and financial management. Unbudgeted Expenditure Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) Grant Funding The Community Capacity Building team have been working with the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) to develop a new Community Action Plan that has an estimated delivery cost of $29,458. The Mandurah Local Drug Action Team aims to increase peer connection and support between young people aged 11-18 and 16-25, to reduce youth alcohol use in Mandurah. The LDAT will conduct activities that aim to increase knowledge of adolescent alcohol harm, and build capacity in young people to share these messages. Existing peer groups will create website and social media content to share messaging that positively influences peer knowledge, attitudes and behaviour to prevent alcohol-related harm. A newly established peer facilitated support group will connect LGBTQIA+ young people, to promote positive peer relationships. The Mandurah Youth Advisory Group will also increase peer connections and self- confidence by planning and delivering a Youth Week event. The Community Capacity Building Team have applied for a 2020/21 ADF grant of $26,050 and as there is unspent grant funding of $3,408 in Reserve from the 2019/20 LDAT grant, the new Community Action Plan will be fully grant funded. Subject to approval of the 2020/21 ADF grant, it is recommended that unbudgeted revenue and expenditure of $29,458 is approved by Council to leverage this grant opportunity. Report 1 Page 3 Council Meeting 23 February 2021 WA Recovery Plan – Water Tank Allocations As part of the WA Recovery Plan implemented by the WA State Government, DFES was awarded funds to provide water tanks to support bush fire response throughout the State. The Emergency Management Team were successful in securing an $11,690 grant for a 60,000L water tank for the Mandurah Southern Districts Bush Fire Brigade. It is recommended that unbudgeted revenue and expenditure of $11,690 is approved by Council for a new capital works project to leverage this grant opportunity. Conclusion The City strives to manage its finances adequately and maintain expenditure within budget to ensure services that have been approved through the budget process are fully funded. By submitting the budget variation requests to Council as they arise it allows identification of financial implications and ensures there is nil effect on the budget adopted. It is recommended that Council receive the Monthly Financial Report, Schedule of Accounts, proposed budget variations and the amendments to the Procurement Council Policy. NOTE: • Refer Attachment 1.1 Monthly Financial Report Attachment 1.2 Schedule of Accounts (electronic only) RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1 Receives the Financial Report for December 2020 as detailed in Attachment 1.1 of the report.
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