ICSE Indian CertiHeate of Secondarfg Education Examination REGULATIONS AND SYLLABUSES M arch 1991 ^en c e should he addressed to : THE SECRETARY J n CIL for th e INDIAM SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS PRAGATI HOUSE. 3rd. FLOOR ^-«-48H«EHRir^tACE ^JUEW DElHI-110019 IvIarch719S^? This booklet contains : I REGULATI(;)NS^ Pages 1 to 17 II SYLLABUSES Pages 1$ to 149 III LIST OF PRESCRIBED TEXTS Pages 150 to 15 8 jhib. National Systems Unit, National Institute of Educationtl Planning and A ministration 1 7 -B,SriAurbind# Marg.NewDellii-llOOll DOC. ...... CONTENTS Page THE COUNCIL 1 C H A PH em A. Introductory 2 B. Conditions of entry 2 C. Minimmn Attendance Requirement 3 D. Withdrawal of Candidates 3 E. Syllabuses 4 F. Disqualification 4 CHAPTERU A. Subjects of Examination 4 B. Choice of subjects 6 C Awards and conditions for awards 7 D. Issue of results 7 E. Certificates, etc. 8 F. Ownership of answer scripts and other materials 8 G. Evaluation of answer scripts 8 H. Enquiries concerning examii^tlon results 9 I. Re-exuminption 10 J. Last datp A r retaining answer scripts 10 CHAPTER i n A. Awarding i ommittee 10 B. Use oftm£ii means 10 C. Power to ali ;r or cancel results, certificates, etc. 13 CHAPTER IV A. General Arrangemaits : NIEPA - DC 13 (1) Date of examination 13 (2) Centres of examination 13 (3) Forms of entry D4914 14 (4) Transfers 14 (5) Name and Date of Birth 14 (6) Entries for less than a (xrtificate 14 (7) Examination 14 (8) Reftmds \ 15 (9) Infectious dise^es 15 (10) Time allo^nce for questkai papas 15 (11) Materials to be provided by ciuuj^ates 15 (12) ^ lio o l eiftimates 16 (13) Stati^ment of results 16 04) Text-books 16 (1 ^ Standards m Subjects 16 (16) C^irity m d N ^tness 16 B. Speckit^p^m and alternative syUabnses 16 C. I^uivaince and ncogoition I# A tnpea^ . I f RfiOULATIONS INDIAN CBRHFICATB OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION THE COUNCIL Origin 1. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations was established in 1958 by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate with the assistance of the Inter-State Board for Anglo-Indian Education. It is registered under the Societies Registration Act No. XXI of 1860. Recognition 2. The Delhi Education Act, 1973, passed by Parliament, in •Chapter 1 under Definitions Section 2(s), recognises the Council as a body conducting public examinations. 'Constitaents 3. The Council has been so constituted to secure suitable representation of Governments responsible- for schools (which are affiliated to it) in their States/Territories; the Inter-State Board for Anglo-Indian Education; the Association of Indian Universities; the Association of Heads of Anglo-Indian Schools, the Indian PubUc Schools* Conference; the Association of Schools for the I.S.C. Exam­ ination and eminent educationists. Administration 4. The Council is administered by an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman and four members elected by the Council. The Secretary of the Council is ex-officio Secretar)' of the Committee. 5. The Secretary acts as Secretary to the Council under the authority of the Chairman. Subject to the rverall control of the Council and the Executive Committee, the Secretai7 exercises all powers of the Council related to the adminisiration of the examina­ tions in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation and of other rules and procedures approved by the Council from time to time and for the time being in force. £xainiiiatloiis 6. The Council conducts the Indian Ortificate of Secondary Education and the Indian School Certificate E laminations. 7. There is a Committee on Exammations and Subject Committees for drawing up and revismg syllabuses and receiving criticisms and suggestimis. The Council has its own teams of trained examiners, specialists and advisers. iCSE 1 r s q u ia h o n s INDIAN OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATlQlN INDIAN CERTmCATE OF SECONDARY B5)UCAX|»N EXAMINATION CHAPTER I A. lotro^Ktory 1. H ie Indian Certificate of Secondary Education ExaaunatiOD has been desired to provide an examination in a course of gmeral edwation, in accordance with the Tecommeadations of the Kothari Cofunission, through the medium of English. 2. The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Exanmati<»» wifi ensure a general education without any diversification of studies as all candidates are required to enter and sit for the six subjcfctft listed in Group I below (ref. p. 5) and Socially Useful Productive Work in Group n. 3. The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination is i School examination and the standard of the examination presup- poses a school course of ten years duration (Classes I-X). 4. Private candidates are not permitted to appear for the exAminationTj B. CondHioiis of Entry 1. Entry to the examination in the case of candidates who ar& bdng entered for the first time is restricted to candidates wiA ft minimiim of 75% attendance of the working days dnriog each year o f til» two year course at schools affiliated to the Council and registered for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. Candidates can be entered only by the school they are attending and, in this respect, the decision of the Head of the school is final. 2. Candidates who were entered as school candidate in accordance with 1 above, and who were not awarded Pass Certifi*^ cates may be entered a ^ n by a school on the school entry form pro* vided that such candidates are in attendance at an affiliated and registered School in the year of the examination. Candidates can be entered only by the school they are attend*- ing and, in this respect, the decision of the Head of the school is- final. 3. Candidates entered as school candidates in accordance: -with 1 or 2 above atid who are not awarded Pass Certificates will be ICSE 2 REGULATIONS INWAN CBRTIFICATB OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION permitted to re-appear for the examination once only in the year following their failure, Jbut not thereafter, without further attendance at an affiliated and registered school. They must apply on the special form provided for the purpose which will be obtainable from the Council’s office, through the Principals of Schools from which the candidates appeared for the examination the previous year and failed. 4. Candidates who have been awarded Pass Certificates will be permitted to enter for a Supplementary Pass Certificate without further attendance at an affiliated and registered school. They must apply on the special form provided for the purpose which will be obtainable from the Council’s office through the Principals of Schools from which the candidates appeared originally for the examination. , 5. There is no age limit for candidates taking the examination. C. Miniamm Attendance Requirement Candidates whose attendance is below 75% of the working days are ordinarily not eligible to sit for the examination. However, the Secretary has authority to condone the shortage in the case of candi­ dates whose minimum attendance is not less than 60% of the working days. Heads of Schools may represent to the Secretary cases of candidates who deserve special consideration for condonation, provided that the attendance of such candidates is not less than 60% of the working days. D. Withdrawal of Candidates Candidates may be withdrawn at any time previous to the commencement of the examination : Provided that, once the entries have been acknowledged as accepted by the Council’s office. Heads of Schools may only withdraw candidates: (a) on account o f illness o f the candidates certified by a registered medical practitioner, or (b) at the express written request o f the parents I legal guardians o f the candidates. Applications for withdrawals will have to be submitted on the special form to be supplied by the Council’s office. Refund of fees in the case of candidates duly withdrawn will ICSE 3 REGULATIONS INDIAN CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION oe made in accordance with the conditions laid down under the lieading ‘Refunds’ on page 15 of these Regulations. E. Syllabuses The syllabuses of the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education for the Compulsory Subjects (Group I) and Socially Useful Productiye Work (Group II) are incladed in this booklet and are obtainable from the Council’s office or from booksellers to be notified by the Secretary of the Council. F. Disqualification , If any of the regulations made for the conduct of the examina­ tion is disobeyed, the candidate or candidates concerned may be disqualified. CHAPTER II IMPORTANT NOTE : The responsibility for the correct selection of subjects to meet university or professional requirements of a candidate or candidates will be that of the school. A. Subjects of Examination Part 1 : Compulsory In te r^ l Examinajtion or Internal Assessment Candidates for the examination will be required to have com- fpleted satisfactorily courses in— (a) a third language from at least Class V to Class V III: (Internal Examination). (b) jArt: (Internal Assibssment). (c) Socially Useful Prbductive Work and Community Service (Injternal Assessment). (d) Physical Educatiojp. (e) Education in Motal and Spiritual Values. NOTE ON THE THIRD LANGUAGE The third language to be studied should be determined as •under: ICSE 4 REGUK^ATIONS INDIAN CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION Candidates of Indian nationality (i) offering Hindi as a compulsory subject for the External Exam^ation (see P ah II) will be required to study one o f the following languages : Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannaija, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi^ Sanskrif, Tkmil, Telugu, Urdu or oth«er Indian language* approved by the Council. (ii) offerin| one of the languages in (i) ^bove other than Hindi, will be/required to offer Hindi or other Indian language- apj!>roVedI by t^e Council.
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