NCHS Instruction Manual Part 8A, Vital Records Geographic Classification, 2004 II. States, U. S. Territories, and Canadian Provinces. FIPS Place Listing State Name: Connecticut State Code: CT NOTE: an asterisk in front of a place name indicates that this is a place of less than 10,000 population. Place Name Place County Name County Class Code Code Code Agua Vista 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Allerton Farms 49880 New Haven 009 U4 Allingtown 82800 New Haven 009 U4 Amity 52000 New Haven 009 U4 * Andover 01080 Tolland 013 T1 Ansonia 01150 New Haven 009 C1 Ansonia 01220 New Haven 009 T5 * Ashford 01430 Windham 015 T1 Avon 02060 Hartford 003 T1 Baccus Corner 56200 New London 011 U4 * Bantam 02690 Litchfield 005 C1 * Barkhamsted 02760 Litchfield 005 T1 Barnum 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 Barry Square 37000 Hartford 003 U4 Bayview 47515 New Haven 009 U4 * Beacon Falls 03250 New Haven 009 T1 Beardsley 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 Beaverbrook 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Beckettville 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Belden 55990 Fairfield 001 U4 Bell Island 55990 Fairfield 001 U4 Belltown 73000 Fairfield 001 U4 Berlin 04300 Hartford 003 T1 * Bethany 04580 New Haven 009 T1 Bethel 04720 Fairfield 001 T1 * Bethlehem 04930 Litchfield 005 T1 Black Rock 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 Bloomfield 05910 Hartford 003 T1 Blue Hills 37000 Hartford 003 U4 * Bolton 06260 Tolland 013 T1 Borough 34180 New London 011 U4 * Bozrah 06820 New London 011 T1 Branford 07310 New Haven 009 T1 Bretton Heights 47290 Middlesex 007 U4 Bridgeport 08000 Fairfield 001 C1 Bridgeport 08070 Fairfield 001 T5 * Bridgewater 08210 Litchfield 005 T1 Brightview 52000 New Haven 009 U4 Bristol 08420 Hartford 003 C1 Page 1 of 10 NCHS Instruction Manual Part 8A, Vital Records Geographic Classification, 2004 II. States, U. S. Territories, and Canadian Provinces. FIPS Place Listing State Name: Connecticut State Code: CT NOTE: an asterisk in front of a place name indicates that this is a place of less than 10,000 population. Place Name Place County Name County Class Code Code Code Bristol 08490 Hartford 003 T5 Bristol Terrace 49880 New Haven 009 U4 Brookfield 08980 Fairfield 001 T1 * Brooklyn 09190 Windham 015 T1 Bunker Hill 80000 New Haven 009 U4 * Burlington 10100 Hartford 003 T1 Burnt Hill 80000 New Haven 009 U4 Burrville 76500 Litchfield 005 U4 Burwells Beach 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Camptown 19480 New Haven 009 U4 * Canaan 10940 Litchfield 005 T1 * Canterbury 12130 Windham 015 T1 * Canton 12270 Hartford 003 T1 Cedar Beach 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Cedar Heights 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Cedar Lake 08420 Hartford 003 U4 Central 37000 Hartford 003 U4 * Chaplin 13810 Windham 015 T1 Cheshire 14160 New Haven 009 T1 * Chester 14300 Middlesex 007 T1 Chippens Hill 08420 Hartford 003 U4 City Point 52000 New Haven 009 U4 Clinton 15350 Middlesex 007 T1 Colchester 15910 New London 011 T1 * Colebrook 16050 Litchfield 005 T1 * Columbia 16400 Tolland 013 T1 * Cornwall 17240 Litchfield 005 T1 Coventry 17800 Tolland 013 T1 Cranbury 55990 Fairfield 001 U4 Cromwell 18080 Middlesex 007 T1 Danbury 18430 Fairfield 001 C1 Danbury 18500 Fairfield 001 T5 * Danielson 18780 Windham 015 C1 Darien 18850 Fairfield 001 T1 * Deep River 19130 Middlesex 007 T1 Derby 19480 New Haven 009 C1 Derby 19550 New Haven 009 T5 Derby Junction 19480 New Haven 009 U4 Derby Neck 19480 New Haven 009 U4 Page 2 of 10 NCHS Instruction Manual Part 8A, Vital Records Geographic Classification, 2004 II. States, U. S. Territories, and Canadian Provinces. FIPS Place Listing State Name: Connecticut State Code: CT NOTE: an asterisk in front of a place name indicates that this is a place of less than 10,000 population. Place Name Place County Name County Class Code Code Code Devon 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Dorlons Point 55990 Fairfield 001 U4 Drakeville 76500 Litchfield 005 U4 * Durham 20810 Middlesex 007 T1 East Bridgeport 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 East Derby 19480 New Haven 009 U4 East End 80000 New Haven 009 U4 East Farms 80000 New Haven 009 U4 * East Granby 22070 Hartford 003 T1 East Great Plain 56200 New London 011 U4 * East Haddam 22280 Middlesex 007 T1 East Hampton 22490 Middlesex 007 T1 East Hartford 22630 Hartford 003 T1 East Haven 22910 New Haven 009 T1 East Lyme 23400 New London 011 T1 East Mountain 80000 New Haven 009 U4 East New London 52280 New London 011 U4 East Norwalk 55990 Fairfield 001 U4 * East Windsor 24800 Hartford 003 T1 Eastern Point 34180 New London 011 U4 * Eastford 21860 Windham 015 T1 * Easton 23890 Fairfield 001 T1 Ellington 25360 Tolland 013 T1 Enfield 25990 Hartford 003 T1 * Essex 26270 Middlesex 007 T1 Ettadore Park 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Fair Haven 52000 New Haven 009 U4 Fair Haven East 52000 New Haven 009 U4 Fair Lawn 80000 New Haven 009 U4 Fairfield 26620 Fairfield 001 T1 Fairground 56200 New London 011 U4 Fairmount 80000 New Haven 009 U4 Fall Mountain 08420 Hartford 003 U4 Falls Switch 56200 New London 011 U4 Far View Beach 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Farmington 27600 Hartford 003 T1 * Fenwick 27810 Middlesex 007 C1 Flax Hill 55990 Fairfield 001 U4 Forest Heights 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Page 3 of 10 NCHS Instruction Manual Part 8A, Vital Records Geographic Classification, 2004 II. States, U. S. Territories, and Canadian Provinces. FIPS Place Listing State Name: Connecticut State Code: CT NOTE: an asterisk in front of a place name indicates that this is a place of less than 10,000 population. Place Name Place County Name County Class Code Code Code Forestville 08420 Hartford 003 U4 Fort Trumbull Beach 47515 New Haven 009 U4 * Franklin 29910 New London 011 T1 Franklin Square 56200 New London 011 U4 Germantown 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Glastonbury 31240 Hartford 003 T1 Glen Ridge 49880 New Haven 009 U4 Glenbrook 73000 Fairfield 001 U4 * Goshen 32290 Litchfield 005 T1 Granby 32640 Hartford 003 T1 Greenville 56200 New London 011 U4 Greenwich 33620 Fairfield 001 T1 Griswold 33900 New London 011 T1 Groton 34180 New London 011 C1 Groton 34250 New London 011 T1 Groton Heights 34180 New London 011 U4 * Groton Long Point 34460 New London 011 C1 Grover Hill 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 Guilford 34950 New Haven 009 T1 * Haddam 35230 Middlesex 007 T1 Hamden 35650 New Haven 009 T1 * Hampton 36000 Windham 015 T1 Harborview 55990 Fairfield 001 U4 Hartford 37000 Hartford 003 C1 Hartford 37070 Hartford 003 T5 * Hartland 37140 Hartford 003 T1 * Harwinton 37280 Litchfield 005 T1 Hawthorne Terrace 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Hayestown 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 * Hebron 37910 Tolland 013 T1 High Ridge 73000 Fairfield 001 U4 Hillside 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 * Holiday Homes 15840 New London 011 U4 Hopeville 80000 New Haven 009 U4 Huntington 68100 Fairfield 001 U4 * Jewett City 39940 New London 011 C1 * Kent 40290 Litchfield 005 T1 Kilby 52000 New Haven 009 U4 Killingly 40500 Windham 015 T1 Page 4 of 10 NCHS Instruction Manual Part 8A, Vital Records Geographic Classification, 2004 II. States, U. S. Territories, and Canadian Provinces. FIPS Place Listing State Name: Connecticut State Code: CT NOTE: an asterisk in front of a place name indicates that this is a place of less than 10,000 population. Place Name Place County Name County Class Code Code Code * Killingworth 40710 Middlesex 007 T1 Lakeridge Heights 47290 Middlesex 007 U4 Lakewood 80000 New Haven 009 U4 Lattins Landing 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Laurel Beach 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Laurel Hill 56200 New London 011 U4 * Lebanon 42390 New London 011 T1 Ledyard 42600 New London 011 T1 * Lisbon 43230 New London 011 T1 * Litchfield 43300 Litchfield 005 C1 * Litchfield 43370 Litchfield 005 T1 Long Hill 80000 New Haven 009 U4 Long Hill 47290 Middlesex 007 U4 Long Ridge 73000 Fairfield 001 U4 Long Society 56200 New London 011 U4 * Lyme 44210 New London 011 T1 Madison 44560 New Haven 009 T1 Manchester 44700 Hartford 003 T1 Mansfield 44910 Tolland 013 T1 Margerie Manor 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 * Marlborough 45820 Hartford 003 T1 Maromas 47290 Middlesex 007 U4 Meriden 46450 New Haven 009 C1 Meriden 46520 New Haven 009 T5 * Middlebury 46940 New Haven 009 T1 * Middlefield 47080 Middlesex 007 T1 Middletown 47290 Middlesex 007 C1 Middletown 47360 Middlesex 007 T5 Milford 47515 New Haven 009 C8 Milford 47535 New Haven 009 T5 Milford Lawns 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Mill Hill 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 Mill Plain 18430 Fairfield 001 U4 Millville 49880 New Haven 009 U4 Monroe 48620 Fairfield 001 T1 Montville 48900 New London 011 T1 Morningside 47515 New Haven 009 U4 * Morris 49460 Litchfield 005 T1 Myrtle Beach 47515 New Haven 009 U4 Page 5 of 10 NCHS Instruction Manual Part 8A, Vital Records Geographic Classification, 2004 II. States, U. S. Territories, and Canadian Provinces. FIPS Place Listing State Name: Connecticut State Code: CT NOTE: an asterisk in front of a place name indicates that this is a place of less than 10,000 population. Place Name Place County Name County Class Code Code Code Naugatuck 49880 New Haven 009 C1 Naugatuck 49950 New Haven 009 T5 Naugatuck Gardens 47515 New Haven 009 U4 New Britain 50370 Hartford 003 C1 New Britain 50440 Hartford 003 T5 New Canaan 50580 Fairfield 001 T1 New Fairfield 50860 Fairfield 001 T1 * New Hartford 51350 Litchfield 005 T1 New Haven 52000 New Haven 009 C1 New Haven 52070 New Haven 009 T5 New London 52280 New London 011 C1 New London 52350 New London 011 T5 New Milford 52630 Litchfield 005 T1 Newberry Corner 76500 Litchfield 005 U4 Newfield 76500 Litchfield 005 U4 Newfield 73000 Fairfield 001 U4 Newfield 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 Newfield Heights 47290 Middlesex 007 U4 Newhallville 52000 New Haven 009 U4 Newington 52140 Hartford 003 T1 * Newtown 52910 Fairfield 001 C1 Newtown 52980 Fairfield 001 T1 Noble 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 * Norfolk 53470 Litchfield 005 T1 North Branford 53890 New Haven 009 T1 North Bridgeport 08000 Fairfield 001 U4 * North Canaan 54030 Litchfield 005 T1 North End 80000 New Haven 009 U4 North Haven 54870 New Haven 009 T1 North Stamford 73000 Fairfield 001 U4 * North Stonington 55500 New London 011 T1 Norwalk 55990 Fairfield 001 C1 Norwalk 56060 Fairfield 001 T5 Norwich 56200 New London 011 C1 Norwich 56270 New London 011 T5 Norwichtown 56200 New London 011 U4 Occum 56200 New London 011 U4 * Old Lyme 57040 New London 011 T1 Old Saybrook 57320 Middlesex 007 T1 Page 6 of 10 NCHS Instruction Manual Part 8A, Vital Records Geographic Classification, 2004 II.
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