In The Matter Of: BEFORE THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION January 10, 2019 Sharon Hill Court Reporting 4021 Robinwood Cr. Bryant, AR 72022 (501) 680-0888 Original File BOE - 1-10-19.prn Min-U-Script® with Word Index 1 BEFORE THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION JANUARY 10, 2019 10:00 A.M. A P P E A R A N C E S MR. JOHNNY KEY Commissioner (Non-Voting) DR. JAY BARTH BOE Chairman MS. CHARISSE DEAN BOE Vice Chairman MS. DIANE ZOOK Board Member MS. SUSAN CHAMBERS Board Member MR. R. BRETT WILLIAMSON Board Member MS. OUIDA NEWTON Board Member DR. FITZGERALD HILL Board Member DR. SARAH MOORE Board Member MS. KATHY McFETRIDGE Board Member MS. RANDI HOUSE Teacher of the Year (Non- Voting) ADE LEGAL COUNSEL: MS. LORI FRENO ADE General Counsel MS. COURTNEY SALAS-FORD ADE Deputy General Counsel MS. JENNIFER DEDMAN ADE Attorney Supervisor MS. MARY CLAIRE HYATT ADE Attorney MR. TAYLOR DUGAN ADE Attorney LOCATION: Arkansas Department of Education #1 Capitol Mall - Auditorium Little Rock, AR Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 2 I N D E X Page Exhibits Index . 4-5 A-1: PCSSD - Review of Bond Application . 6 A-2: Minimum School District Size Waivers . 9 a) Strong-Huttig . 10 b) Lead Hill . 17 A-3: Review PLSB Recommendation - David Wilson . 22 A-4: Waiver Hearing - John Pennington . 54 A-5: Consideration of Objection, Brief and Motion - Jacob Conrad de la Paz. 75 A-6: Revocation Hearing - Joshua Cameron . 78 A-7: Waiver Hearing - Mark Smith. 80 A-8: Waiver Hearing - Kyle Smith. 82 A-9: Consideration of CAP Decisions a) Exalt Academy of SW Little Rock . 84 b) Pine Bluff Lighthouse Academy . 85 c) SIATech . 103 d) KIPP Delta Public Schools . 104 e) Standards for Accreditation . 105 f) Class Size and Teaching Loan Rules . 107 g) Fountain Lake M.S. Cobra Digital Prep . 108 h) Warren Middle School . 110 (cont.) Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 3 i) Academies of West Memphis . 116 j) Cross County New Tech High School . 118 B-1: ADE Special Ed./Related Services Rule . 120 B-2: Lead/Master Professional Educator Standards. 122 B-3: District Waivers/Act 1240 a) Clarendon School District. 135 b) Cutter Morning Star School District . 168 c) Lee County School District . 189 d) Standards for Accreditation . 232 Misc. Board Member Question . 239 Adjournment . 243 Court Reporter's Certificate . 244 Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 4 E X H I B I T S (Under Separate Cover) A-4: WAIVER HEARING - JOHN PENNINGTON EXHIBIT ONE (1) PLSB File A-6: REVOCATION HEARING - JOSHUA CAMERON EXHIBIT ONE (1) PLSB File A-7: WAIVER HEARING - MARK SMITH EXHIBIT ONE (1) PLSB File A-8: WAIVER HEARING - KYLE SMITH EXHIBIT ONE (1) PLSB File A-9(b): PINE BLUFF LIGHTHOUSE ACADEMY EXHIBIT ONE (1) Letter of Support to Chairman Barth from State Representative Vivian Flowers (01/10/19) EXHIBIT TWO (2) Overview of Pine Bluff Lighthouse Academy B-2: LEAD & MASTER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR STANDARDS EXHIBIT ONE (1) Teacher Leader Model Standards, Developed by the Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium (cont.) Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 5 B-3(a): CLARENDON SCHOOL DISTRICT EXHIBIT ONE (1) PowerPoint Presentation B-3(b): CUTTER MORNING STAR SCHOOL DISTRICT EXHIBIT ONE (1) Waiver Presentation Points EXHIBIT TWO (2) School Board Resolution (11/28/18) Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 - January 10, 2019 6 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 A-1: REVIEW OF BOND APPLICATION - PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL 3 SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Now let's go down to the Action 5 Agenda this morning, and we start out with a review 6 of a bond application from the Pulaski County Special 7 School District. This is more the kind of thing that 8 would normally be on the Consent Agenda, but 9 obviously because of the nature of this and size of 10 this request it is an action. 11 And Ms. Sacrey I believe is here. Welcome. If 12 you'll come on up and introduce this item -- or Mr. 13 Rogers, whoever is coming up today. 14 MS. SACREY: Good morning. Anita Sacrey. I'm 15 the coordinator of State LEA funds and loans and 16 bonds. And this item was presented to the Loans and 17 Bonds Committee for discussion in our November -- our 18 regular November meeting, and the Committee tabled 19 the application due to concerns about this district 20 using fund balances during this school year. And 21 just -- we wanted to make sure that they were going 22 to be able to handle the second lien bond with no 23 additional revenue, and so we asked the District to 24 come in and meet with us as a committee in December, 25 which they did and presented a five-year budget Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 - January 10, 2019 7 1 projection on how they would handle these bond 2 payments. And the Committee, in December, met and 3 was satisfied with the plan that was presented. The 4 District took into account their declining 5 enrollment; they projected a 2% increase in 6 assessment, presented a plan for reducing 7 expenditures by 3%, and reducing staff through 8 attrition. And the committee was satisfied enough to 9 recommend approval of this application to the Board. 10 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Great. Thank you, Ms. Sacrey. 11 I'll start over here. Any questions on this 12 side? 13 Ms. Zook. 14 MS. ZOOK: If I'm recalling correctly, Pulaski 15 County Special School District passed a millage that 16 is for a new high school in Sylvan Hills. Can that 17 money be used in any other way, other than to fund 18 the building of that school? Does that play into 19 their abilities here? 20 MS. SACREY: I would have to defer. We have 21 some Pulaski County -- 22 COMMISSIONER KEY: Yeah. I think that question 23 is probably best deferred to the County or to, you 24 know, Mr. Trumper or any of his team that are here as 25 well. So with y'all's permission, we can -- Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 - January 10, 2019 8 1 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Of course. 2 COMMISSIONER KEY: -- ask them to come on up -- 3 or the superintendent. 4 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Welcome. 5 SUPT. McNULTY: Good morning. Great question. 6 No, it cannot. 7 CHAIRMAN BARTH: If you'll just introduce 8 yourself for the record. 9 SUPT. McNULTY: Oh. Dr. Charles McNulty, 10 superintendent, Pulaski County School District. 11 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Welcome. 12 SUPT. McNULTY: No. It's tied to the Sylvan 13 Hills construction. 14 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Okay. 15 MS. ZOOK: I move that we -- 16 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Let me see if there are any 17 questions over here. Any -- 18 Yeah, Dr. Hill? 19 DR. HILL: No, I didn't have any. 20 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Okay. Any other questions? 21 All right. Ms. Zook. 22 MS. ZOOK: I move that we approve the use of 23 second lien bonds or the issuance of second lien 24 bonds for the Pulaski County Special School District, 25 based on the ADE's recommendation. Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 - January 10, 2019 9 1 DR. HILL: Second. 2 CHAIRMAN BARTH: All right. Motion by Ms. Zook, 3 second by Dr. Hill. 4 All in favor say "aye." 5 (UNANIMOUS CHORUS OF AYES) 6 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Opposed, same sign. 7 Thank you. 8 MS. SACREY: Thank you. 9 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Thank y'all for being here this 10 morning. 11 A-2: PETITION FOR MINIMUM SCHOOL DISTRICT SIZE WAIVERS - 12 ARKANSAS CODE ANNOTATED §6-13-1613 13 CHAIRMAN BARTH: Okay. We now move down to two 14 minimum size district -- Minimum School District Size 15 waivers, and Ms. Freno is going to walk us through. 16 We see these every once-in-a-while and we're here 17 again. 18 MS. FRENO: Yes. Thank you, Dr. Barth. Lori 19 Freno, Department of Education. 20 This month the Board is going to be considering 21 two Minimum School District Size waivers. The first 22 will be the Strong-Huttig School District and the 23 second will be the Lead Hill School District. 24 Just as a way of explanation a little bit, if a 25 school district is below 350 students according to Sharon Hill Court Reporting (501) 680-0888 - January 10, 2019 10 1 the District's average daily membership for two years 2 immediately preceding the current school year they 3 are placed on what's called the Consolidation List, 4 and this is under the law. And I gave you like a 5 little summary with the packet, with the agenda 6 packet, and it lists the code section. And if a 7 school district is placed on a Consolidation List 8 they can -- they either must consolidate or annex 9 with another school district or they can file a 10 petition for a Minimum School District Size waiver. 11 And to seek a waiver the district must file a 12 petition with the State Board, and according to the 13 law that governs these waivers, which is Arkansas 14 Code Annotated §6-13-1613, the State Board shall 15 grant a petition if the district demonstrates those 16 items set forth in subsection (b)(2)(a)(2)(d) of that 17 law. And you all should have a copy of that law as 18 well.
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