2 0 Church Bells and Illustrated Church Sews. [Ztecvj r a n BELLS AND BELL-RINGING, The North Wales Association. T h e S t . D a v id ’s S o c i e t y , B a n g o r . A t St. David’s, Bangor, on November 21st, a peal of G r a n : ;:z.e 2 3 4 5 6 M, H, T r i p l e s , 5040 changes, in 2 lirs. 55 mins. Tenor, 134 cwt., in F. 4 2 6 3 5 W illiam Crane, sen. 1 William T. Pegler .. 5 5 6 2 3 4 James H. Midwinter 2 Albert J. H ughes.. .. 6' 2 5 4 6 3 Ebenezer Taylor.. 3 Jo h n H . Grundy .. .. 7 4 6 2 5 3 Rev. T. Lewis Jones 4 William Crane, jun .. 8 3 2 4 6 5 Composed by John Carter, and conducted by William T. Pegler. 3 4 2 6 5 2 3 4 6 5 The Cleveland and North Yorkshire Association. Three times repeated -with Bobs at 1 h ’ inistead of Single in 2nd and A t the Parish Church, Skelton-in-Cleveland, on November Join, a 4th parts. W . H. I ng lesant. peal of Treble Bob M ajor, 5024 changes, in the Kent Variat'on, in 3 lirs, 20 mins. Tenor, 23 cwt., in E flat. CHANGE-RINGING, G. W. Clarkson ., 1 | W. Newton The Ancient Society of College Youths, F. P. Howcroft ,. 2 j A. W . B arrett A t the Abbey Church of St. Lawrence, Waltliam Abbey, Essex, on J. W. Newton 3 1 T. Metcalfe .. ,, November 21st, Thurstans’ Four-part peal of S t e d m a n T r i p l e s , 5 0 4 0 J. Waller .. .. 4 | T. Stephenson changes, in 3 hrs. Tenor, 19 cwt. Composed by A. Knight, and conducted by T. Stephenson, The Challis F. Winney ,, 1 Charles Matthews ., 5 first 5000 on the bells and the 25th 5000 by G. J. Clarkson. George E. Peace ... .. 2 William A. Alps .. 6 Frank Carter .. ,, 3 Herbert Baker (condr,) .. 7 Chester Diocesan Guild. George Thurgood,, .. 4 Thomas Colverd .. .. 8 S t o c k p o r t a n d B o w d o n B r a n c h . The Ancient Society of College Youths and the Hertfordshire A t St. Elizabeth’s, Reddish, on November 28th, N. J. Pitsfow’s Variation of Thurstans’ peal of S t e d m a n T r i p l e s , 5040 changes, in Association, 2 hrs. 44 mins. Tenor, 12 cwt. A t St. Augustine’s, Kilburn, on November 2 1 s t, a peal of Thomas Jackson Thomas Smithson . „ 5 Superlative S u r p r is e M a j o r , 5 0 5 6 changes, in 3 h rs . Tenor, 9 c w t. George Astbury* 10 lbs. Allen Samson Gordon .. 6 Alfred Barnes Edward Reader .. .. 7 Edward P. O’Meara ., 1 Frederick T. C. Nevett ,. 5 Tom Marshall Herbert P. Harman ,. 2 W. H. L, Buckingham .. 6 Herbert Smithson .. 8 Hubert Eden .. .. 3 Ilarry A. Ilorrex .. .. 7 Messrs. Thomas and Herbert Smithson (father and son) are members Henry Hodgetts .. .. 4 George N. Price .. .. 8 of the local company, and it is their-first peal in this method. Mr. Composed by Gabriel Lindoff, and conducted by George N. Price. Barnes is^unattached. Mr. Gordon is from St. Mary’s, Stockport; and This is the first peal o f M a j o r o n the bells, which are the lightest the remainder from St. George’s, Stockport, P* First peal in the ring o f hells in London, the weight of the treble being only cwt. method.] The band desire to thank the Vicar, the Rev. R. C. Kirkpatrick, M.A., for permitting this peal to be attempted. A meeting at Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells, is always looked for­ ward to with a great deal of pleasure by the members of this district, The Lincoln Diocesan Guild and the Yorkshire Association. and that held there lately was no exception. The threatening A t. St. James’s, Great Grimsby, on November 21st, J. J. Parker’s weather no doubt prevented a larger attendance, hut about twenty- Twelve-part peal of G r a n d s ir e T r i p l e s , 5040 changes, in 3 lirs. 5 mins. five members, put in an appearance. Ringing commenced soon after Tenor, 18 cwt. four o’clock. Shortly before six an adjournment was made to the A. W. Long C. Taylorf ... .. .. 5 George and Dragon Inn, where the members were entertained to an F. S. W. Butler J . W. Seamer (conductor).. 6 excellent meat tea by Miss R. Maealpine Leny. There were also E. Abbott'"' W. H. Heyhoe .. .. 7 present the Rector and Mrs. Mackinnon, and. Miss Kitchener, sister P. O. Bixby A. B. Shepherd .. .. 8 of Lord Kitchener. During the tea the Rector gave a very interesting Rung as a birthday compliment to Messrs. Shepherd and Fuller. account of the battle of Agincourt, where the Duke of Orleans was [* First peal, f First peal with a bob-bell.] taken prisoner and brought to Groombridge, and who used the money sent for his ransom in restoring and building churches, SpeldhnrPt The Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association and the being one of the churches ■ that he built. At the conelitsitL :: :h- St. Michael’s Juniors, Gloucester. business meeting, in replying to a hearty vote of tha-nfr- for the i;- of the hells, etc., the Rector said it always gave him greet pleeeut A t St. Mary’s, Prestbury, Gloucestershire, on November 21st, to meet the members of the Association, who were welcome to the Tliurstaiis’ Four-part peal o f S t e d m a x T r i p l e s , 5040 changes, in 2 hrs. use of the bells at any convenient time. Miss Leny also expressed the 48 mins. Tenor 14 cwt. great pleasure it gave her to meet and entertain members, and she Jesse Gillett .. 1 George Condick, sen. hoped they would all be spared to come again. The Rector thanked the Thomas Baldwyn, . .. 2 John Austin members on ibehalf of Mrs. Mackinnon and Miss Kitchener for the::■ Alfred T. Brunsdon ,. 8 George Oondick, jun. kind expression of appreciation at the attendance of those ladies. Tnie William C. Jones .. .. 4 Ernest E. Davis .. concluded a very pleasant gathering, and the tower was again visitri Conducted by Alfred T. Brunsdon, Rung as a birthday compliment and the bells kept going until nine o’clock. to J. Austin, whose birthday occurred on the Thursday previous. Change R inging at Bath.—L ast week, at the Church of 8-, The Middlesex County Association and the London Diocesan Michael, Bath, a true and complete quarter peal of gradsire triple-, consisting of 1260 changes, was rung by the following ringer]: — Guild. Treble, W. Simmonds; 2, C. IV. Goodenough; 3. H. W ootten: -5. A t St. Andrew’s, Hillingdon West, Middlesex, on November 21st, W. Eames; 5, C. Densley; 6, H. E. Holder; 7, C. Bell: tenor, Tkurstans’ Four-part peal of S t e d m a n T r i p l e s , 5040 changes, in 8 hrs. C. Cambridge, conducted by C. W. Bell, and rung in fortv-rlv - 5 mins. Tenor, 12J cwt. minutes.—At the Church of St. Michael, Twerton. last evening Rev. H. G. Bird Edgar Hancock* .. quarter peal of grandsire triples, 1260 changes, was runs in sistv- John J. Pratt ITenry H. Chandler t.wo minutes by the following :—Treble, J. Holman: 2. G. Temnle Henry Waitef William H. Joinerf 3, W. Davis; 4, A. Meluisk; 5, W. J. Prescott : 6. H. W. B:: t p John. Basden William Foster .. 7, T. F. King; tenor, F. A. Skuse, conducted bv T. F. K - T_ Conducted by John Basden. [* First peal with a bob-bell, f First bells were rung half-muffed, as a token of respect of the face peal in the method.] J. Hudd, his son eing a member of the above c a m u r. ESTABLISHED 1851. MEARS AND STAINBANK, BIRKBEGK BANK, ^ WHITECHAPEL BELL FOUNDRY, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, Supply and Erect Peals of Church. Bells with usual LONDON. Fittings and Frames. 2 1 0 1 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS A 1 0/ Towers Inspected preparatory to submitting Estimates. 2 /o repayable on demand. /q Bells Rehung, Tuned, or Recast. Fittings renewed. Musical Hand-beLs. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full par­ ticulars, post free. HOUB AND QUARTER BELLS. SCHOOL BELLS AS SUPPLIED TO THE LONDON SCHOOL BOaRD G. A, BAYENSCBOFT, Managing Director. 34 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, LONDON, E. Established 157*. Church Bells and Illustrated Church Sews. BELLS AND BELL-RINGING. The Essex Association. A t St. Mary-the-Virgin’s, Stansted, Essex, o n November 2 5 th . a pe±l o f C a m b r id g e S u r p r i s e M a j o r , 5 0 5 6 changes, in 3 h rs . 2 CHANGE-RINGING. T e n o r, 13 cwt. The Middlesex County Association and the London Diocesan William T. Prior ,, ., 1 John Luckey ., ,, 5 Frederick Pitstow.. .. 2 Thomas J. Watts .. .. 6 Guild. George Jordan ,, .. 3 Thomas Jordan .. 7 A t St. Paul’s, Hammersmith, on November 26th, Thurstans’ Four- Walter Prior .. .. 4 William Watts .. .. 8 part peal of S t e d m a n T r i p l e s , 5040 changes, in 2 hrs.
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