THE NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1926 VOL. XXXIV—No. 27. $ 2.00 A YEAR. Glengarry lligli School PREMIM IICM'S ElECIlflll CA8IIIE1 Ex-Clengarrians Suffer Mr. and Mrs. H. Oeau- Ihe Elorious Twelflli Kenyon lowosliip Loss of Two ren Enfrance Rosulfs 1926 champ Given Surprise Party McCrimnion ■ ' ^ Council Meeting Ottawa July 13.—The following ministers at- The week of June 14th, 1926, will ALEXANDRIA On the evening of Sunday, the 11th Members of Orange Lodges of the The Municipal Council of the Town- tended On His Excellency the _ Governor-General ever be remembered by Mr. and Mrs. HONORS: inst.j a number of friends assembled Counties of Glengarry and Prescott, ship of Kenyon, pursuant to adjourn- this evening and accepted office in the new Govern- W. A. Macdonald, formerly of Glen Asselyn, Hayden; Boisvenue, Pearl; at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. Beau- together with their friends, numbering ment met at the Township Hall, Green- Norman, but now of Detroit, Mich., as Cheney, Phyllis; GauthiOr, Rose; Geof- champ, Gernish Street, to take formal in all some five thousand, celebrated being one of the saddest 'of their lives, frey, Simone; Gormley, Angus; Goulet, field, on Tuesday, July 6th. All mem- Right Hon. Arthur Meighen, Prime Minister, Se- leave of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beau- the glorious 12th by holding a mam- for, during the course of that one week, bers present. After the reading and , cretary of State for External Affairs, and presi- Jeanne; Guerrier, Beatrice; Hope, champ who wore leaving town moth Picnic and Walk in Mr. the Angel of Death visited their home Keith; Huot, Gabrielle; Htmt Romeo; the adoption of the minutes the follow- dent of the Privy Council. to make their permanent home Stewart Campbell’s grove, a mile south Irvine, Bruce; Kelly, M. ‘Catherine; ing accoxints were ordered paid: Wm. Hon. Sir George Perley, Secretary ot State. twice and claimed a loving little at Jean d’arc, Que., (Tem- of McCrimmon. The arrangements daughter and son. J. McCallum, first estimate for crush- Hon. R. B. Bennett, Minister of Finance. Leduc, Marguerite; MacLennan, Don- pleton). It took the form of a sur were in charge of McCrimmon L.'O. L. ald; MacRae, Lenore; McDonald, Cos- ed stone between lots 8 and 9 in the ’ The loss of a loved member of a fam prise party which was complete in 771, the committee being composed of ‘ Hon. E. L. Patenaude Minister of Justice. / ily is always one of the most painful mas;^McDougall, Catherine, McLeister, 12th concession $1274.40; McIntosh and every particular. The house' decora- Messrs. Hamish G. MacLeod, W.M., Rod •Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Minister of National Defence. sacrifices loving parents are called upon Catherine; MePhee, Clanence A; Mor- McDofugall part payment on crushed tions were roses and ferns. Cards erick McGillivray, Ed. MeGillivray, Hon. H. H. Stevens Minister of Customs. to make but when the lives of brother ris, Raymond; O’Reilly, Albina; Porte- stone on road No. 9 $2200.00; D. D. were played at several tables followed Urquhart McDonald and Thomas Mc- Hon S. F.' Tolmie, Minister of Agriculture. and sister are snatched away within lance, Mary Theresa; Sharpies, Marion; McLeod to 1 sheep killed by dogs $10. by music by Miss Eileen Sauve and Leod, who in a very complete manner Hon. W. A. Black, Minister of Railways. the period of five days, then no one Whick, Joy; Council adjourned to meet on Tues- Mrs. Finlayson, of 0*ts.wa, piano and carried out to the minutest detail the but immediate relatives can realize the Aug. 3rd, 1926, at the hour of one Hon. R. J. Manion, Postmaster-General. PASS : violin, and Mr. Storing of Pembroke, day’s proceedings, thus displaying extent of the loss. Such was the ex- Beauchamp, Joseph; Brooks, Donald o’clock p.m. Hon. J. D. Chaplin, Minister of Trade and Com- on the saxaphone. Prior to th,e serv- considerable executive ability. 'That treme sorrow that Mr. and Mrs. Mac- 0 merce. Lyman ;Campbell, Virginia; Cataford, ing of a dainty supper, Mr. A. Meloche they ahd their work cut out for them Donald were called upon to bear and Hon. George B. Jones, Minister of Labor. Meriza; Guerrier, Eva; Davidson, Don- read an address and Mr. W.' Periard and their crops of assistants will be they bore their bereavement with Hon. E. B. Ryckman, Minister of Public Works. alda; Delage, Jules; Decoste, Yvonne; presented the guests of honor with a realized when -vv'e state that upwards ChrisGan fortitude and resignation. Wily Ranks Cut Ricli and WITHOUT PORTFOLIO Dugas, Irene; Dupuis, Viola, May; Du- handsome mantel clock. Mr. Beau- of four tliousand partook of meals, On Monday, .June 14th, their daugh- puis, Hansford Winston; Emberg, Mar- champ responded very feelingly ex- outside of the catering d-onc by three Hon. Sir. Henry Drayton. ter, Margaret, aged 5 years and 9 tin; Emberg, Roddie; Franklin, George pressing regret entertained by Mrs. large renfix^ahment booths. The order Newspapers Slay Pnor Hon. Donald Sutherland. months passed away after a slight ill- Albert; Huueaut, Laura; iHutchison, Beauchamp and himself at leaving. was perfect and the opportunity was Hon. R. D. Morand. ness of but a few days^ duration. She* Jack; Jette, Aurore; Kemp, Irene; One of ithe heaviest items of ex- The rest of the evening was given furnished many the pleasure of renew- Hon. John A. Macdonald. appeared to be suffering from a cold, Kennedy, Isabel; Kerr, Dorothy; Kerr, over to dancing, ^1! entering heartily ing old acquaintances, young and old pense in the newspaper business we The portfolios of Marine and Fisheries, the In- but prior to her passing it was discov- Jessie; Lafleur, Emariza; Lalonde, into the pastime. entering fully into the event. find, is the exchange and discount ered that her illness was due to a Mas- account. In this office we receive terior, Immigration and Colonization, Health and Yvette; Legault, Irene; Legault, Lu- Among those present were Mr. and There were thirteen Lodges in the two dollar checks in payment of Soldiers’ Civil Re-establishment and the, post of toid. s cienne; Leroux, Laurette; Liboiron, Mrs. Ulrie Lalonde; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. parade together with five Lodges of subscriptions. These checks come Solicitor-General are left unfilled for the present. The family had scarcely recovered Edmoudine; MaeCrimmon, Penelope; Lalonde; Mr. and Mrs. E. Poirier; Mr. the L.O.B.A. and as in every instance from their sudden bereavement when from all over the country from Dan Three of these will he allotted to the province of ■ MacDonald, Fanny Mae; MacDonell, and Mrs. E. Leduc; Mr. and Mrs, J. there was a large turnout of members Howard, their youngest son, Mar- to Beersheba. 'We deposit them of Catherine; MacRae, Janet E.; Mac- Beaulne; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lalonde; the march with kilted Highlanders, Quebec, of which it is expected two will very short- course. The exchange is 15 cents garet ^s little playmate, aged 4 years Sweyn, Sarah G.; Marcoux, Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. - W. Periard; Mr. and Pipe Bands, varied coloured Banners, ly be filled. It is intended that the portfolio çf on each, which figures out at the ra- and 2 months was. attacked with a McCarthy, Vera E-; McCormick Fran- Mrs. E. Lortie; Mr. and Mrs. A. Mel- Flags, :etc., proved quite imposing. The the Interior shall go to the province of Saskat- •severe cold which proved to be bron- tio of 7% to 15%, The worsit shock cis; McCulloch, Catherine; McDonald, oehe; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sauve; Mr. and Parade left the grounds about 1.36 be- chewan. came to us the other day, says the chial pneumonia and on the following Angus Joseph; McDonald, Archie John; Mrs. D. Eavary; Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Pi- ing headed by County Director Urqu- Mr. Patenaude will be Acting Minister of Mar- Wiarton Echo, when we received a Sunday, 19th fune, he too gave up his McDonald, Cuthbert; McDonald Mary geon; Mr. and Mrs. P. Lalonde, all of hart McDonald preceding the County check from Walkerton fbr forty-five ine and Fisheries ; Hon. R. B. Bennett will be Act- 'pure, spotless 'sold at the call of the Catherine; McRae, Allan; Moore, Alexandria; Mr. J. Cameron, Miss Eileen Officers moving northward to the cents (45e) please note the large ing Minister of the Interior ; Dr. Morand, of Health Master to join his sister in the eter- Donalda; Morris, Beatrice; O’Connor, Sauve, Mrs. Finlayson, Ottawa, Mr. cross roads one half mile distant, and amoqnt. At the. bank they soaked us and Soldiers’ Civil Re-establishment, and Sir Henry nal, celestial bliss of tho Holy Inno- Wilfrid; Ouellette, Germaine; Ouellette Storing, Pembroke. returning, to the grounds in the same 15c 'exchange, which figures out at Drayton of Immigration and Colonization. cents. William^ Sabourin, Yvbnne; St. Denis, order. Some two hundred brethren 33 1-3%. Now, we are writing this Dr. J. L. Chabot, of Ottawa will be made a The funerals were held on the 16th Juliette; Tobin, Nora; Trottier, Yvette; from Montreal who took part in the for the benefit of those subsoribers Privy Councillor. I •and 21st June respectively to Mount Vailancourt, Zotiqué; Villeneuve, parade received a warm reception to Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, and both and others who send us small checks, in absence of Mr. Meighen during the course Irene; Wylie, Margaret. Bne Way to Lower Prices Glengarry. were attended by a large concourse of MAXVILLE 80 hereafter please. add exchange or A heavy downpour of rain threaten- of the campaign. Sir Henry Drayton will be acting relatives and friends of the family HONORS: If you pay your bills promptly our send us P.O.
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