wmkiitaiurfjti; HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE. REPRESENTING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES VOL 25. NEW YORK, OCTOBER 13, 1877. NO 642. Financial. Financial. Financial. THB R. T. Wilson 6c Co., Gwynne 6c Day, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS [Established 1851.] No. 16 Wall Street. National Bank-Note Co., 2 EXCHANGE COURT. Receive deposits subject to check at sight and Liberal cash advances made allow Interest on balances. Issue (INCORPORATED 1859.) on consignments of Certificates of NOVEMBER, Cotton and Tobacco to Deposit available In all parts our address ; also to ourlriencs of the United States and In Liverpool and London. Canada. Buy and Sell, on Commission, Gold, Govern- ment Bonds, Investment and other Securities. Offer Government Securities, Gold. facilities OFFICE, No. 1 WALL STREET, Stocks to parties desiring to Buy or Sell Railway and Bunds and other Shares, either cash or on time contracts NEW YORK. Bought and Sold on Commission, and LOANS NEGOTIATED. WALSTON H. BROWN. FBKD. A. BKOWN. EX6HATER8 OF TH8 Accounts received and Interest allowed on balance Walston which may be H. Brown 6cBro. United States Bonds, Notes, Currency cheeked for at sight. and National Bank Notes. BANKERS, EsoBAvnto and Pbintiko op 34 Pine Street, New York. BANK-NOTES, STATE ANT) RAILROAD BONDS, M. K. Jesup, Paton 6c Co. SPECIAL ATTENTION POSTAGE AND REVENUE STAMPS, No. GIVEN TO THE NEGOTIA 52 Willi;, ni Street, TION OF CERTIFICATES, DRAFTS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. RAILROAD AND SECURITIES. COMMERCIAL PAPERS, Draw Exchange on Union Bank of London. in the highest style of the art with tpeciat enfs- Accounts and Agencies of Banks, Bankers and Mer- Grant 6c Company, Guards devised and patented, to prevent counter cantile Firms received upon favorable terms. ielling and alterations. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Bonds, Stocks, Commercial Paper, Gold, &c, bought This Company engraves and prints bonds, postage and sold on Commission. No. 33 WALL STREET. * and paper money for various foreign Act as agents for Corporations in paying Interest TRANSACT viovemmenta and Banking Institutions—South A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Coupons and Dividends, and also Amorican, European, West India Islands, Japan, &c. as Transfer Agents. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Dividends, Coupons and Interest collected and INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Communications may be addressed to this remitted. Company in any language. R. Butdam Grant, g. St. Jons Sh»isi». J. H. VAN ANTWERP, Pres't. & Stuart & Co., J. MACDONOUGH, VIcc-Pres't. J. J. Greenebaum Bros. 6c Co. 33 NASSAU STREET. A. D. SHEPARD, Treasurer. 1 BANKERS, J.NO. E. CURRIER, Secretary. 1 8 Wall Street, New York. BILLS OP EXCHANGE ON CHICAGO HOUSE: HENRY GREENEBAUM* CO. Asa P. Potter, Prest. Sam'l Phillips, Cashier. Transact a General Banking SMITH, PAYNE A SMI Ills, business ; sell Drafts on all cities of Europe, and issue Letters of Credit for BANKERS, LONDON; Travelers, available everywhere. Maverick National Bank MANCHESTER CABLE TRANSFERS. A COUNTY BANK, Purchase "LIMITED"; and sale of Government Bonds, Munlclnal H O S T O N . and other Investment securities JOHN STUART A CO., Bankers, Special attention given to collections throughout Capital, • -..... Europe and the United * $400,000 MANCHESTER, PAYABLE IN LONDON; states. Surplus, 200,000 ULSTER RANKING COMPANY, Platt K. Dickinson, Howard c. Dickinson. Special attention given to COLLECTIONS, and BELFAST, IRELAND; Member of Stock Lxch ge. Member of stock Exch'ge prompt remittances made on day of payment, Jons It. Wallke. bu8lllB" papcr discounted. Correspondence AND OX THS nrtted" NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. ALSO, Dickinson, Waller 6c Co. Kountze CABLE TRANSFERS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT Brothers, BANKERS AND BROKERS, BANKERS, Lazard Freres, 25 BROAD STREET, 12 WALl STREET, NEW YORK, 65 Pine Street, Transact a general Banking Business. Buy and Sell Issue Letters of Credit, available In all parts of the on Commission Stocks, Bond and Gold. DRAW SIGHT & TIME BILLS on the UNION BANK world also, Time | and Sight Bills on the UNION Having been Identified with California Interests, and BANK LONDON, OF LONDON. Cable Transfers made. having a connection In San Francisco, are prepared On LAZARD FKERES & CO., to buy and sell on commission all stocks dealt In on R. A. PARIS, Lancaster & Co., the San Francisco Stock Exchange, and to give Infor And on the PRINCIPAL BANKERS AND BROKERS, CITIES IN EUROPE. matlon respecting the same. 60 Broadway, New York. Transfers of Money by Telegraph SOUTHERN to Paris and San AND MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES Francisco. Adolph Bcissevain 6c Co. Bought and Sold on Commission VIRGINIA 6TATE AND RAILROAD Circular Notes and Letters of Credit through Messrs. BANKERS SKCURITU8 LAZARD FKKUES A Specialty. A CO., at PARIS, payable lu any AND part of Loans .Negotiated. Europe. i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Charles G. Johnsen, Trask 6c Stone, AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Buy and Sell on Commission American Securities No. 7 NEW STRUET, NEW YORK, In Holland and other Continental Markets. MERCHANT AND BANKER, Mak! Collections throughout the Transact Continent of a General Banking Business. Europe. STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD Bougnt and Sold on Make Payments on Letters of Credit to Travelers 166 GRAVIER 8TREKT Commission, and carried on Margins. and transact a general American Banking Business. Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. Refer by special permission to Messrs. Blakfj *** Accounts of Country LNEW Banks and Bankers re- Brothers * Co., Boston and New 5 ork, sod ORLEANS, LA ceived on to Messrs favorable terms. 8.* W. Welsh, Philadelphia. 11 THE CHRONICLE [Vol. XXV. Boston Bankers. Southern Bankers. Canadian Bankers. Geo. Wh. Ballou. George H. Holt, THE CITY BANK OF HOUSTON, Member N. Y. Stock Exchange Capital, $500,000, Bank of Montreal. Houston, Texas. Geo.Wm.Ballou&Co CAPITAL, We give special attention to collections on all acces- $12,000,000, Gold. sible points. SURPLUS, 8 WALL STREET, 72 DEVONSHIRE ST., Directors.—Benjamin A. Botts. Pres't: C. S. Long- 5,500,000, Gold. cope, W. J. Hut ;h!ne. F. A. Rice, C. C. Baldwin, W. B. New York, Boston, Botts, Eob't Brewster. BENJ. A. BOTTS, Pres't. B. F. WEEM8, Cashier. GEORGE STEPHEN, President. BANKERS AND DEALERS IN James Hunter, R. B. ANGUS, General Manager. Municipal Bonds. NEW YORK OFFICE, P. 0. Box 81. Savannah, Georgia, AND Nos. 50 & 61 WILL STREET. S J V M K HUNTER Ac CO., C. P. Smithers, > . .. A£ents. Brewster, Basset & Co., Walter Watson, ( 26 Pine Street, New York, Brokers and Dealers In Southern Securities. Loans BANKERS, Bay and eell Sterling Exchange and Cable Trans- Negotiated. Advances made on Securities placed in fers; grant Commercial and Travelers' Credits, No. 35 STREET, our hands for sale at current rates. CONGRESS available in any part of the world ; issue drafts on References.—Henry Talmadge & Co., and Eugene and make collections in Chicago and throughout Boston, Mass. Kelly & Co., New York; Southern Bank, Savannah, Ga the Dominion of Canada. Dealers in Stocks, Bonds, Gold and Commercial B. K. Burrusb, Pres't. A. K. Walker, Cashier. paper. London Office, No. 9 Blrchln Lane. Orders executed on Commission at Brokers Board First National Bank, Auctions, and Private Sale. WILMINGTON, N.C. AGENCY OP THE Investment Securities constantly on nana. olleclionB made on all partR nf the United States Bank of British Chas. A. Sweet & Co., Western li «. anker North America, BANKERS, Exchange Bank, No. 53 WALL STREET. 40 STATE STREET, BOSTON. DENVER, COLORADO. Commercial Credits Issued for use In Europe, China, Japan, the East and West Indies, and South America. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Capital Stock, - • - - - $250,000 Demand and Time Bills of Exchange, payable In State, City, County and Railroad Bonds. London and elsewhere, bought and sold at current Capital Paid-in, - - . - - 185,000 rates; also Cable Transfers. Demand Drafts Parker & Stackpoie, F. J. EBERT, Pres't. A. J. WILLIAMS, Vlce-Pres't. on Scotland and Ireland, also on Cashier. B. G. COLLINS, Canada, British Columbia and San Francisco. Bills BANKERS, 78 DEVONSHIRE STREET CORRESPONDENTS. Collected and other Banking Business transacted. New York—Tradesmen's National Bank. D. A. MaoTAVISH.S Agents.>„„,,.. BOSTON, San Francisco—Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Bank. C. M. MORRIS, } Especial attention given to Collections, and Re- Bny and Sell Western City and mittances promptly made. County Bonds. AGENCY OF The Nevada Bank Merchants' • Phila. &. Baltimore Bankers. Bank OP SAN FRANCISCO, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Wilson, Colston & Co., Canada, BANKEBS AND BROKERS, Capital, fully paid in coin, $10,000,000. 62 WALL STREET. BALTIMORE. Capital. ..... $9,000,000 Gold. LOUIS MoLANE, President. INVESTMENT and VIRGINIA SECURITIES a Paid up, ..... 8,128,626 »• C. FLOOD, Vice-President. specialty. J. Bills of Exchange bought and sold. Commercial Correspondence solicited and Information fur- C. T. CHUISTENSEN, Cashier. nished. Credits granted, Drafts on Canada issued. Bills collect* N. Y . Correspondents—McKlm Brothers & Co. CORRESPONDENTS: ed, and other Banking business transacted. LONDON Smith, Payne & SMITH8. WM. J. INGRAM, I . „„„,„ JAMES GOLDIE, Agcnte- Bell Austin, NEW YORK The Bank or Nrw York, N. B. A f J. 8TOCK BROKER, The Bank of New York, N.B. A., Is prepared to Issue LONDON AGENCY, 32 Lombard St. 203 WALNUT PLACE (316 WALNUT ST.), Telegraphic Transfers, Letters of Credit and Drafts PHILADELPHIA. on The Nevada Bank of San Francisco. Exchange Orders In Stocks and Bonds promptly executed at Bank the Philadelphia and New Kork Boards. THE OF CANADA. Southern Bankers. Anglo-Californian Bank (LIMITED), Capital Paid Up $1,000,000. THOS. P. MILLER, R B. WILLIAMS, JNO. W. MILLER LONDON, Head Office, 3 Angel Court. 'HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Thos. P. Miller & Co., SAN FRANCISCO Office, 433 California St. BANKERS, NEW YOKE Agents, J. & W. Seligman & Co. M. H. GAULT, Pres't. C. R. MURRAY, Cashier MOBILE, ALABAMA. Authorized Capital, - - $6,000,000. BRANCHES: Special attention paid to collections, - with prompt Paid-up and Reserve, 1,550,000.
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