UNITED STATES OF AMERICA tiS (b/ i 9r / ss . Q:ongrcssional Rccord d PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 93 CONGRESS FIRST SESSION VOLU,ME 119-PART 19 JULY 13, 1973 TO JULY 19, 1973 (PAGES 23745 TO 25050) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINT:::NG OFFICE, WASHINGTON, 1973 23896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE July 1J,., 1973 carrier under the .provisions of this para­ the bill; and to the distinguished Sen­ graph shall be made by the Secretary of the funds or intrusion of the Federal Govern­ Treasury from funds hereby authoriZed to ator from West Virginia (Mr. RAN­ ment into the area. ofchild abuse.. be appropriated in such amounts as may DOLPH), who has undertaken the floor Its authorization of $90,000,000. over a be necessary for the purpose of carrying management of the bill, together with 5-year period-roughly $20,000,000 a out the provillions hereof." Senator STAFFORD. year-is very modest indeed considering It is quite clear that the dimensions The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ques­ the present efforts I have.outlined and of child abuse in the Nation exceed the needs-and even then it is 'to be tion is on agreeing to the committee greatly the capa~ity of State and local amendment. directed in efforts in which the Federal and Federal efforts to deal with the Government will serve basicallY an inno­ The committee amendment was agreed problem. to. vative and catalytic function. As noted in the committee report, The bill is clearly only an interim The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ques­ 60,000 cases of child abuse are reported tion is on the engrossment and thil'd measw'e-not yet a comprehensive pro­ almually; in New York City alone more posal to deal with child abuse across the reading of the bill. than 10,000 cases of child abuse or sus­ The bill (S. 1925) was ordered to be board. pected abuse were reported in 1972. Ac­ Mr. President, it is quite clear from engrossed for a third reading, was read cording to the testimony of Barbara the third time, and passed. testimony of very distinguished experts Blum, assistant administrator r.:ommis­ on the State and city level in New York, sioner of the special services for children as well as elsewhere, that at least as program in New York City, 50 children equally important as this bll1, will be NATIONAL CENTER ON CHILD ABUSE died in New York City alone last year in some sharpening of efforts under title AND NEGLECT . cases of child abuse. IV-A of the Social Security Act, which as The Senate resumed the consideration The Department of Health, Education, noted, is the principal source of funding of S. 1191 to establish a National Center and Welfare testified in hearings before at this time. on Child Abuse and Neglect, to provide the committee that of the $46 million Accordingly. I amvery pleased that the financial assistance for a demonstration available for children's programs under Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, program for the prevention, identifica­ title IV-B of the Social Security Act in while unable to effect changes in that tion, and treatment of child abuse and 1973-the principal source of funding­ law since it is within the jurisdiction of neglect, and for other purposes. only $507,000 was spent on activities re­ the Senate Finance Committee, will worle Mr. MANSFIELD. I suggest the ab­ lated to child abuse. with that committee, and as ranking sence of a quorum. This means that for each of the 60,000 minority member I pledge every effort The assistant legislative clerk pro­ reported cases in the country-and we to that end. ceeded to call the roll. can expect that that flgure would be Also, I am delighted with the inclusion Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, I ask multiplied many times were reporting in this bill of the number of provisions unanimous consent that the order for laws more adequate-less than $10 is that I added on the basis of testimony the quorum call be rescinded. now available from Federal, State, and during the hearings in New York and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lo~al sources. elsewhere; these include: objection, it is so ordered. The administration, which opposes The provisions set forth in section 2 Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, will the this bill, points to a number of efforts (a) (4) under which the national center Senator from West Virginia yield for a now conducted or to be conducted by on child abuse would provide technical .parliamentary inquiry? .the Department of Health, Education, assistance to public and nonprofit pri­ Mr. RANDOLPH. Yes, I yield. and Welfare, through the Office of Child vate agencies. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, follow­ Development and other agencies; these Provisions set forth in section 4(b) to ·ing the consideration of the child abuse efforts which in~lude expanded funding, insure that parents, State and local om­ .bill, will the time on the Alaska Pipeline a review of existing programs, and the ·cials as well as other persons serve on the bill be under control for the rest of the establishment of model codes, are set National Commission to be established day? forth in a letter to Senator WILLIAMS, under that section. The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is a chairman of the Committee on Labor The provisions contained in section general time limitation on S. 1081 which and Public Welfare from Secretary 4(d) mandating that the Commission will be in effect following the considera­ Weinberger, and printed at page 8 of shall explore the relationship between tion of S. 1191. the committee report on this bill. drug abuse, alcoholism and child abuse Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask The administration's basic position is and neglect and the adequacy of fund­ unanimous consent that upon the dispo­ stated on page 9 of the report as follows: ing for efforts to deal with child abuse. sition of the pending business and our We believe the most effective approach to I am also pleased that the bill con­ return to the consideration of the Alaska the problem is to work with State and local tains, in section 3 (a) (3) an authorization government, voluntary agencies, and pro­ for the funding of parent self-help or,. bill there be no time limitation for the fessional associations to obtain a more ade­ remainder of the day. quate picture of the incidence and charac­ ganizations. This will permit Federal The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without teristics of child abuse than we have now. "seed money" for "Parents Anonymous" objection, it is so ordered. Rather than creating new offices and com­ programs which have been conducted in The question before the Senate is on missions, as proposed by S. 1191, I am of New York City and in other areas of the the passage of S. 1191. Who yields time? the opinion that coordination and intensifi­ country with such success. Mr. STAFFORD obtained the floor. cation of existing efforts and organizations Mr. President, for these reasons I sup­ Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, will the will produce greater and more lasting posi­ port the committee bill and urge that it distinguished Senator from Vermont tive results. be passed. yield me 2 minutes? In my opinion-without faulting the Mr. STAFFORD. Mr. President, I yield Mr. STAFFORD. I yield 2 minutes to commendable plans of the administra­ myself as much time as I may consume. the distinguished Senator from New tion-that, in essence, is exactly what I ask unanimous corisentthat an ex­ York. this bill would do. cerpt from the committee report .be Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I wish to The basic elements of the committee's printed in the RECORD. express myself as being in favor of the bill-the establishment of a national PURPOSE bill. S. 1191, the Child Abuse Prevention center on child abuse, the establishment The purpose of the legislation is to provide and Treatment Act, which I have co­ of a demonstration program and the financial assistance .for demonstration pro­ sponsored. establishment of a national commission grams for the prevention, identification, and treatment 01 child abuse and neglect, to es­ I desire to express my deep appreda­ on child abuse and neglect-are all tablish a National Center ,on Child Abuse tion to the distinguished Senator from directed to the end of the Federal Gov­ and Neglect, and for other purposes. Minnesota (Mr. MONDALE), who is the ernment "working with State and local NEED FOR S. 1191 basic author; to the distinguished Sen­ governments, voluntary agencies and Each year ·In this country, tllousands or ator from Vermont (Mr. STAFFORD), on professional associations" to the end· of innocent children are beaten, burned, poi­ the Republican side, who has given a dealing with the problem of child abuse. soned, or otherwise abused. by adults. great deal of energy, intelligence, and The committee bill does not represent One source-the National Center for the constructive effort to the fashioning of a substantial "flooding" of Federal Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse 'July 1#~ 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 23897 and Neglect In Denver-estlmates that 60.000 discipiinary coordination, could be rehablll­ abuse if financial support were available to cases of child abuse are reported annually. tated· • *." expand and strengthen them. These efforts Barbara. Blum, assistant administrator com­ Witnesses agreed that only about 10 per­ have started and managed to exist through missioner of the special services for children cent of adults who abuse children are psy­ foundation grants, community contribu­ program in New York City, testlfled that in chotic or seriously mentally m; and that the tions, and contributions of staff and facilities that city alone; more' than 10,000 cases of other 90 percent 1n1l1ct abuse on a child out by hospitals, welfare agencies, police depart­ child abuse or suspected abuse were reported of frustration about other problems or un­ ments, and other institutions and agencies, in' 1972.' Witnesses agreed that most esti­ realistic expectations about how a child The funds available from these sources are mates of the incidence of child abuse repre­ shOUld act.
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