Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) in the Collection of the Zoological Museum, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel

Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) in the Collection of the Zoological Museum, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel

Report on hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) in the collection of the Zoological Museum, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel W. Vervoort Vervoort, W. Report on hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) in the collection of the Zoological Museum, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel. Zool. Med. Leiden 67 (40), 24.xii.1993:537-565.— ISSN 0024-0672. Key words: Cnidaria; Hydrozoa; Hydroida; eastern Mediterranean fauna; Red Sea hydroid fauna. Twenty-eight hydroid species are recorded from the eastern Mediterranean and the northern part of the Red Sea, all material originating from the collections of the Museum of the Zoological Institute, Tel-Aviv University. The collection also included four species that could only be identified to generic level. Though the majority had previously been recorded from either the Mediterranean or the Red Sea, some constitute the first definite record from Israeli coastal waters. All material has been re- deposited in the Tel-Aviv collection; slides and some duplicate samples are in the collections of the National Museum of Natural History (Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, now also incorporating the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie), Leiden, the Netherlands. W. Vervoort, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, RO. Box 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands. Introduction The collection of Hydroida reported upon below was sent to me for identification several years ago by Dr Y. Benayahu, Zoological Museum, University of Tel-Aviv; additional specimens have intermittently been received. The collection is of interest because it contains a number of samples from Mediterranean waters off Israel, a region poor in hydroid records, though a report on a smaller collection from the same area and also belonging to the Zoological Museum, Tel-Aviv, was previously published by Picard (1950). I have been permitted to make slides for the collections of the National Museum of Natural History [Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (NNM), now incorporating the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie (RMNH)], Leiden, the Netherlands; those slides bear a registration number (RMNH Coel. no....) and a slide number and are indicated under 'Material' in the text, along with the reg• istration number of the Tel-Aviv Museum (NS.... and CO....). In such cases where a sample has also been deposited in the NNM collections this has been indicated. My thanks are due to Dr Y. Benayahu for placing the collection at my disposal and for commenting upon a preliminary draft of this paper. I am grateful to the authorities of the NNM for facilities to carry out my research. List of species EUDENDRIIDAE Eudendrium spec. SOLANDERIIDAE Solanderia secunda (Inaba, 1892) 538 ZOOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN 67 (1993) PENNARIIDAE Pennaria disticha (Goldfuss, 1820) TUBULARIIDAE Tubularia crocea (L. Agassiz, 1862) MILLEPIRIDAE Millepora spec. LAFOEIDAE Hebella parasitica (Ciamician, 1888) Hebella scandens (Bale, 1888) HALECIIDAE Halecium beanii (Johnston, 1838) AGLAOPHENIIDAE Aglaophenia acacia Allman, 1883 Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845 Aglaophenia picardi Svoboda, 1979 Aglaophenia tubiformis Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890 Aglaophenia spec. Gymnangium eximium (Allman, 1874) Macrorhynchia philippina (Kirchenpauer, 1872) KIRCHENPAUERIIDAE Ventromma halecioides (Alder, 1859) PLUMULARIIDAE Nemertesia antennina (Linnaeus, 1758) Nemertesia rantosa (Lamarck, 1816) Nemertesia tetrasticha (Meneghini, 1845) SERTULARIIDAE Dynamena disticha (Bosc, 1802) Sertularella diaphana (Allman, 1885) Sertularella ellisii (Deshayes & Milne-Edwards, 1836) Sertularella fusiformis (Hincks, 1861) Sertularella ornata Broch, 1933 Sertularella spec. Sertularia marginata (Kirchenpauer, 1864) THYROSCYPHIDAE Thyroscyphus fruticosus (Esper, 1793) CAMPANULARIIDAE Campanularia/Clytia spec. Clytia gracilis (M. Sars, 1851) Obelia dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758) Obelia geniculata (Linnaeus, 1758) Orthopyxis integra (Macgillivray, 1842). List of localities with species collected (arranged chronologically) No data: Hebella parasitica (Ciamician, 1888); Aglaophenia picardi Svoboda, 1979. Atlit, Mediterranean, summer 1946, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Tubularia crocea (L. Agassiz, 1862); Aglaophenia tubiformis Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890; Dynamena disticha (Bosc, 1802); Obelia geniculata (Linnaeus, 1758): Orthopyxis integra (Macgillivray, 1842). Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, iv.1951, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Tubularia crocea (L. Agassiz, 1862). Tantura, Mediterranean, 10.vii.1951, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Aglaophenia tubiformis Marktanner-Turneret• scher, 1890. VERVOORT: HYDROIDS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM, TEL AVIV 539 Tantura, Mediterranean, 08.vii.1954, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Pennaria disticha (Goldfuss, 1820): Aglao• phenia tubiformis Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890; Aglaophenia spec; Dynamena disticha (Bosc, 1802); Sertularella spec; Sertularia marginata (Kirchenpauer, 1864); Campanularia/Clytia spec; Obelia geniculata (Linnaeus, 1758); Orthopyxis integra (Macgillivray, 1842). Tantura, Mediterranean, 05.vii.1955, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Hebella scandens (Bale, 1888); Aglaophenia tubiformis Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890: Dynamena disticha Bosc, 1802; Sertularella fusiformis (Hincks, 1861); Sertularia marginata (Kirchenpauer, 1864); Obelia geniculata (Linnaeus, 1758): Orthopyxis integra (Macgillivray, 1842). Tel-Aviv electrical power station, Mediterranean, i.1956, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Tubularia crocea (L. Agassiz, 1862). Tel-Aviv, Mediterranean, i.1956, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Tubularia crocea (L. Agassiz, 1862). Akhziv, Mediterranean, 26.vi.1960, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Eudendrium spec; Aglaophenia picardi Svoboda, 1979; Ventromma halecioides (Alder, 1859); Sertularia marginata (Kirchenpauer, 1864); Obelia genicu• lata (Linnaeus, 1758); Orthopyxis integra (Macgillivray, 1842). Apollonia, Mediterranean, 20.ix.1960, leg. L. Fishelson: Pennaria disticha (Goldfuss, 1820). Tel-Aviv, Reading, Mediterranean, 28.ix.1960, leg. Nussbaum: Pennaria disticha (Goldfuss, 1820). Tantura, Mediterranean, 26.ix.1961: Aglaophenia tubiformis Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890. Tel Baruch, Mediterranean, 01.iii.1962: Tubularia crocea (L. Agassiz, 1862): Aglaophenia tubiformis Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890. Off lira, Mediterranean, 40-45 fms [= 73-82 m], 28.iv.1968, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Sertularella ornata Broch, 1933. Off Haifa, Mediterranean , 30 fms [= 55 m], 29.iv.1968, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Nemertesia tetrasticha (Meneghini, 1845). Ras Burka, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, North facing reef, 05.X.1968, leg. L. Fishelson: Solanderia crosslandi (Thornely, 1908). Ras Atantur reef, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, 15.X.1968, leg. L. Fishelson: Distichopora violacea (Pallas, 1766). A-Tur, Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, Stn 11,06.vii.1969: Sertularella diaphana (Allman, 1886). El Bilaiyim lagoon, Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, 24.viii.1971, leg. D. Popper: Macrorhynchia philippina (Kirchenpauer, 1872). Ras Rareb, Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, 24.viii.1971, leg. D. Popper: Macrorhynchia philippina (Kirchenpauer, 1872). Ras Sudar, Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, 25.X.1971, leg. L. Fishelson: Macrorhynchia philippina (Kirchenpauer, 1872). Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, xi.1971, leg. L. Fishelson: Millepora spec Ras urn Sud, southern tip Sinai, Red Sea, 09.iv.1972, leg. N. Gunderman & D. Popper: Hebella scandens (Bale, 1888); Thyroscyphus fruticosus (Esper, 1793). Ras Um Sud, southern tip Sinai peninsula, Red Sea, 35 m, ll.iv.1972, leg. N. Gunderman & D. Popper: Solanderia crosslandi (Thornely, 1908). Ras Um Sud, southern tip Sinai peninsula, Red Sea, 16.X.1972, leg. D. Popper: Solanderia crosslandi (Thornely, 1908). Ras Kanisa, Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, 1 km off shore, coral reef, 1-2 m, 17.X.1972, leg. Ch. Lewinsohn: Gymnangium eximium (Allman, 1874). Haifa Bay, Mediterranean, clay and stones, 66 m, 14.V.1974, leg. leg. M. Tom: Nemertesia ramosa Lamarck, 1816. Haifa Bay, Mediterranean, in Caulerpa-beds, 46 m, 14.V.1974, leg. M. Tom: Eudendrium spec; Aglao• phenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Mediterranean, 32°35/30//N-34°59,E, sand-silt, 31 m, 10.vii.1974, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845; Obelia cf. dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758). Haifa Bay, Stn no. 31, 32°53'N 35°04'E, Mediterranean, sand, 10 m depth. 10.vii.1974, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Stn no. 32, 32°53'30"N 34°59'E, Mediterranean, silt-sand, 31 m, 10.vii.1974, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845; Obelia cf. dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758). Haifa Bay, 32°54'30"N 34°56/30"E, Mediterranean, sand-silt and clay, Caulerpa spec, 40 m, ll.vii.1974, 540 ZOOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN 67 (1993) leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Stn no. 52, 32°53'30/N 34°59'E, Mediterranean, silt-sand, 33 m, 24.xii.1974, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Stn no. 53, 32°54'30"N 34°56'E, Mediterranean, silt-sand with clay and Caulerpa scalpelli- formis, 45 m, 25.xii.1974, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Stn no. 56, 32°52'N 34°58'30"E, Mediterranean, sand, 24 m, 25.xii.1974, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Stn no. 62, 32°53'30"N 34°59'E, Mediterranean, silt-sand, 31 m, 13.ii.1975, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Stn no. 66, 32°52'N 34°58'30'E, Mediterranean, sand, 25 m, 16.ii.1975, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845. Haifa Bay, Stn no. 72, 32°53'30"N 34°59'E, Mediterranean, silt-sand, 32 m depth, 28.iv.1975, leg. M. Tom: Aglaophenia elongata Meneghini, 1845; Nemertesia tetrasHcha (Meneghini, 1845) Haifa Bay, Stn no. 74, 32°53'30//N 34°54'E, Mediterranean, silt and clay with coarse sand and

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