The list of the selected candidates for the post of Staff Nurse (NUHM) - GENERAL Father or Husband 51. No. Applicant Name Residential Address 5ex Caste Name Belakoba, PO-Prassanna 1 Priyanka Paul Tapas Paul F General Nagar, Dist-Jalpaiguri-735133 Vill-Chandirjhar, PO- 2 Dipika Roy Subal Roy F SC Chaparewrper, Dist-Alipurduar The waiting list of the candidates for the post of Staff Nurse (NUHM) - GENERAL Father or Husband 51. No. Applicant Name Residential Address 5ex Caste Name Vill+PO- Paschim Hemkumari, Shaykhana 1 Rafiqul Islam Sarkar PS-Haldibari, Dist-Coochbehar- F OBC Parvin Sarkar 735122 Adarpara, (Opposite Post office) 2 Sagarika Paul Saibal Kanti Paul F General PO+Dt.- Jalpaiguri-7351 01 Vill+PO- Uttar Parokata, PS- 3 Papiya Sarkar Nitai Sarkar Samuktala, Dist-Alipurduar - F General 736202 Vill-Dangapara, PO-Pandapara 4 Manidipa Roy Swapan Roy Kalibari, Dist-Jalpaiguri - F General 735132 The list of the selected candidates for the post of Staff Nurse (NUHM)-SC Father or Husband 51. No. Applicant Name Residential Address 5ex Caste Name Najir Para, PO-Pandapara 1 Susmita Roy Purna Chandra Ro~ F SC Kalibari, Dist-Jalpaiguri- 735101 The waiting list of the candidates for the post of Staff Nurse (NUHM)- SC Father or Husband 51. No. Applicant Name Residential Address 5ex Caste Name Vill+PO- Rangdhamali, Dist- 1 Sunita Das Dhananjoy Das F SC Jalpaiguri - 735121 Subhasnagar, PO+PS-Maynaguri, 2 Susmriti Barman Surajit Barman F SC Dist-Jalpaiguri- 735224 7r~11sf~ Chief Medical Officer of Health & Secretary. District Health & Fa~lly . Welfare Samiti, Jalpalgun The List of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Facility level Quality Manager (UR) 1. The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of Facility level Quality Manager (UR) Father or Husband SI No Applicant Name Residential Address Caste Sex Name CINEMA HALL PARA,WARD NO-07, PO-BAIRATIGURI,PS-DHUPGURI,DIST- 1 SUSHANTA SARKAR NIKHIL SARKAR General M JALPAIGURI,WEST BENGAL Pin:735210 2. The waiting list of the Selected Candidate for the post of Facility Level Quality Manager (UR) Father or Husband SI No Applicant Name Residential Address ~ Caste Sex Name C/O- SLiRANJAN SARKAR. VILL- DAKBANGLO ROAD, SUBHASH PALLY, P.O- 1 DR PRASANTA SARKAR SURANJAN SARKAR General M FALAKATA, DIST- ALiPURDUAR, WEST BENGAL Pin:735211 VILL- SADINAGAR, P.O- PATNIL, DIST- BIRBHUM, P.S- NANOOR, PIN- 2 SIRAJUDDOLLA SEKH RAHAMATTULLA SEKH General M 731302, W.B Pin:731302 CMOH&1l.~ Jalpaiguri The list of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Technical Supervisor of the Blood Bank (UR) 1. The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of Technical Supervisor of the Blood Bank (UR) SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Caste Sex PRADHANPARA, P.O. RAJGANJ. •ro... Q) 1 RASID ALAM LT. FAIZUL HOQUE PS. RAJGANJ. c M Q) DIST. JALPAIGURI. (,!J PIN - 735134 Pin:735134 2. The waiting List of the Selected Candidate for the post of Technical Supervisor of the Blood Bank (UR) . SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Caste Sex VILL+PO- GOSSINPUR,BAGDOGRA. Cii•... Q) 1 RIPON GHOSH MR.5USHEN GHOSH PS-BAGDOGRA. c M Q) DIST-DARJEELING (,!J PIN-734014 Pin:734014 SURJA NAGAR PARALLEL ROAD BEHIND MC.WILLIAM HIGHER SECONDARY C•...ii SCHOOL Q) 2 MADHUMITA DEY BILON DEY c F PO ALiPURDUAR COURT Q) (,!J DIST ALiPURDUAR PIN 736122 Pin:736122 /'"" - ./ y DHFWS, Jalpaiguri The List of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Dental Assistant (Unreserved) 1. The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of- Dental Assistant (Unreserved) SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Caste Sex PATKATA COLONY, PO- l RUPAM BISWAS MANOTOSH BISWAS DANGUAJHAR, DIST- General M JAlPAIGURI Pin:735121 2. The Waiting list of the Selected Candidate for the post of- Dental Assistant (Unreserved) ..; SI No Applicant Name .Father or Husband Name Residential Address Caste Sex NEWTOWN PARA, P.O. & 1 PINTU SAHA NIRMAl KUMAR SAHA DIST. JAlPAIGURl, WARD NO General M 19 Pin:735101 CMOH & Secte«retary, DHFWS Jalpaiguri The list of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Lab. Technician NUHM (SC) 1. The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of lab. Technician - NUHM {SC} Father or Husband .cu•... SI No Applicant Name Residential Address coIII Sex Name u VILL+PO.-PASCHIM MALLICK PARA. PS.- DHUPGURI 1 RAHUL ROY SATYENDRANATH ROY SC M DIST.-JALPAIGURI- . 735210 2. The waiting list of the Selected Candidate for the post of lab. Technician - NUHM {sq Father or Husband .< .•cu... 51 No Applicant Name Residential Address coIII Sex Name u C/O TUSHAR KANTI DAS, 213,3 NO. GHUMTI, BAIKUNTHAGIRIABASAN, 1 DIPANWITA DAS TUSHAR KANTI DAS SC F KADAMTALA, P.O.+DISTRICT-JALPAIGURI, DI~'-Tl<;1n1 WARD 2 ABHI DEB BARMAN AJIT DEB BARMAN NO:03,MILLPARA,DHUPG SC M URI,JALPAIGURI-735210 Cflf CMoH~J~a~ DHFWS, Jalpaiguri The List of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Councellor CHC Clinic (NPCDCS) 1. Selected Candidate for the post of Councellor CHC Clinic (NPCDCS) SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Caste Sex ANANDAPALLY 1 BIMAN ROY LATE NAN DALAL ROY P.O. MAL General M DIST- JALPAIGURI, Pin-735221 2. The waiting list of the Candidate for the post of- Councellor CHC Clinic (NPCDCS) SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address I~ Caste Sex " HOUSE NO.1, LNE N. 10/6, 1 CHANDRIMA ROY CHANDAN ROY SUKANTAPALLY, P.O- SILIGURI General F BAZAR, DIST- JALPAIGURI VILL KALUA COLONY, PO. 2 PURNIMA MAGAR JOY BAHADUR MAGAR SAKOAJHORA, PS. BANARHAT, General F DIST JALPAIGURI, Pin-735212 1;7 CMOH & selJ.e,?1!DHFWS Jalpaiguri The list of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Physiotherapist -NPHCE(UR) 1. The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of Physiotherapist -NPHCE (UR) Father or Husband •Q)... III SI No Applicant Name Residential Address t1l Sex Name u VILL-PARASURAMPUR •... ctl P.O.+P.S.-SABANG lOt TANMOY BANESWAR Q) 1 DIST-PASCHIM MEDINIPUR- s:: M BHATTACHARYA BHATTACHARYA Q) 721144 O - - 2. The waiting list of the Selected Candidate for the post of Physiotherapist -NPHCE (UR) Father or Husband •Q...) SI No Applicant Name Residential Address III Sex Name ut1l •... C/O:MAHADEB ctl lOt KOUSHIK SRIANIL BHOWMIK,SARATPALLY,P.O: Q) 1 s:: M CHATTERJEE CHATTERJEE PANDAP ARA-BOWBAZAR,PIN: Q) 735101 ,DIST: JALPAIGURI(WB) O •... KALUA COLONY ctl lOt NAGENDRA SAKAOJHORA Q) 2 SITARAM SINGH s:: M PRATAP SINGH VIA-GAIRKATA Q) DIST-JALPAIGURI- 735212 O DHFWS, Jalpaiguri The List of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Others Backward Class-A) 1. The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Others Backward Class-A) Father or Husband 51 No Applicant Name Residential Address Sex Name VILL: PRADHAN PARA. PO+PS RAJGANJ 1 RASID ALAM LT. FAIZUL HOQUE M DISTJALPAIGURI WEST BENGAL. Pin:735134 2.The waiting List of the Candidate for the post of Lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Others Backward Class-A) Father or Husband . 51No Applicant Name Residential Address Sex Name VILL+PO - KAMARTORE,P .5- MD MAMUN AL 1 MD ABDUL MANNAN KARANDIGHI,DI5T- M RA51D UTIAR DINAJPUR,PIN 733215 Pin:733215 VILL- WEST 5AUDAVITA, P.O- 5AHEBPARA, P.5- 2 MD ABRAHIM MD BABLU HOSSAIN M RAJGANJ, DIST- JALPAIGURI PIN- 735134 Pin:735134 CMOHiI!l DHFWS, Jalpaiguri The List of Selected candidates for the engagement of Lab. Technician - CHCClinic NPCOCS(Schedule Tribe) The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of Lab. Technician - CHCClinic NPCOCS(Schedule Tribe) SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Sex vill-murmah tea estate; po- l Nargi Tamang Suban Tamang mirik; ps-mirik; dist-darjeeling F Pin:734214 O-HFWS,Jalpaiguri The List of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Schedule Caste) 1. The list of the Selected Candidate for the post of Lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Schedule Caste) SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Sex C/O TUsHAR KANTI DAs, BAIKUNTHAGIRI ABASAN, 213,3 1 Dipanwita Das TUsHAR KANTI DAs F NO. GHUMTI, KADAMTALA, JALPAIGURI Pin:735101 Ward no:03, Millpara, P.o+p.s:Dhupguri, Dist:Jalpaiguri 2 Abhi deb barman Ajit deb barman M Pin:735210 2.The waiting List of the Selected Candidate for the post of Lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Schedule Caste) SI No Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Sex vill-milanpally; p.o-islampur; p.s-islampur; dist-uttar 1 Prasanjit mandai Madhab mandai M dinajpur Pin:733202 BELAKOBA, P.O. PRASANNA NAGAR, P.S. RAJGANJ, DIST- 2 sujay Roy JAGADISH CHAN DRA ROY M JALPAIGURI Pin:735135 Viii: Gang dhar ,P.O:Shibpur,P.S: Sitalkhuchi,Dist: Cooch 3 Archana Barman Sudharan Barman F Behar, Pin:736172 vill-khekidangi;po-islampur; ps-islampur; dist-uttar 4 Shyamal singha Satyen singha M dinajpur Pin:733202 CMOHiirv DHFWS, Jalpaiguri The List of Selected and waiting candidates for the engagement of Lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Unreserved) 1. The list of the Selected candidate for the post of Lab. Technician - CHC Clinic NPCDCS (Unreserved) SINo Applicant Name Father or Husband Name Residential Address Sex 1 PUSHPENDU SARKAR GAYANATH SARKAR Baman Para North, PO- Kharia, P.S- Kotwali, Dist. Jalpaiguri, PIN - 735101 Pin:735101 M VILL- MAHAKAL PARA,PO-MAYNAGURI,P.S-MAYNAGURI,DIST-JALPAIGURI,PIN-735224,STATE- 2 PRIYANKA DUTIA MALAY DUTIA F WEST BENGAl. Pin:735224 VILL+P.O-PASCHIM MALLICK PARA 3 RAHULROY SATYENDRANATH ROY P.5-DHUPGURI M DIST-JALPAIGURI Pin:735210 4 ARPITA DE LATE ARABINDA DE VILL+POST - MAHISHBATHAN PS-PUNDIBARI, PIN-736179 DIST- COOCHBEHAR Pin:736179 F 2.
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