Information to non-residents becoming victims of crime in Sweden Publicerad april 2005 to acute health care free of charge within the European Union. Information to non- To be entitled for urgent treatment for accident or unexpected residents becoming illness, you must bring form E 111 with you to prove you are covered by sickness insurance in your own country. The form victims of crime in only covers temporary stays with a maximum of 1 year (or, Sweden exceptionally, 2 years if you are on secondment). When going to a hospital or the health care centre, you have to pay a smal- EMERGENCY ler amount. In urgent emergency situations call 112 which is the single TO BECOME A VICTIM OF CRIME emergency telephone number for the European Union. Calls After being subjected to either theft or an act of aggression, are answered in Swedish, English and in some areas they may violating your personal integrity, it is natural to feel confu- be answered in German, French, Finnish and Spanish. Do not sed and have feelings of guilt. As a non-resident in a foreign hang up if someone does not answer straight away. Be prepared country, you might feel more vulnerable than you would if to answer questions. What has happened? Where? What phone you are resident in the country where the victimisation took number are you calling from? The SOS operator will ask further place. Crime victims have the right to respect and recognition questions that are necessary for you to quickly receive the help you from society. Rights should apply equally regardless of age, need. All questions are designed for you to get help as quickly as sex, sexuality, race, disability, occupation religious belief or possible. 112 should be used only to raise the alarm in emergency political opinion of the person concerned. According to the situations when it is urgent. Treaty establising the European Community, discrimination THE POLICE on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited within the scope If you have been the victim of a crime in Sweden or if you are of application of the treaty. the guardian of a child who has been subjected to crime you THE RIGHT TO UNDERSTAND AND should report the crime, preferably as soon as possible. This is BE UNDERSTOOD important in order to benefit from insurance policies and to If you do not understand or speak Swedish you have the be able to receive compensation from the state. This may be right to an interpreter during trial and most often during done at the closest police authority, which you can find in the investigation. telephone book. It is possible to make a report over the telep- hone. An investigation is led either by the police or in serious EMBASSIES cases by the prosecutor. Most Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the European Union The police will take a first statement but you are normally asked provide information about their embassies and the kind of for an interview within the course of the investigation. Bring a help their consular services can offer. This assistance varies friend or someone else who can help you make yourself under- from one member state to another. Consult their websites. See stood and support you. Make sure you ask for the full name under Useful websites. and telephone number to your investigating officer. If you plan DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? to leave the country, you should tell the police. You are entitled The police should be able to provide you with contact details on to receive a copy of the police report free of charge. organisations and authorities that offer help. The National Asso- INFORMATION ciation for Victim Services (BOJ) runs a nationwide telephone The police should provide you with relevant, reliable, under- line which is open between 9-16.00 on weekdays. The telephone standable and continual information. In general, the police number is 0200-21 20 19. You will be automatically connected should tell you how the judicial procedure in Sweden runs, to your nearest local centre. On this number you will be given about available assistance and the various forms of compensa- a possibility to talk to someone familiar with the problems of tion available. There are a number of websites with information victims and you will be given emotional and practical support. in English about the legal system in Sweden, see under Useful You are entitled to have a support person in the judicial proce- websites. dure which may accompany you to the police or to the court HEALTH CARE hearing. If you do not know a suitable person who can go with It is important that you have your injuries documented. Ask you (family or friend), you may receive help from the social for a certificate from the doctor! Every EU citizen has the right services, a victim service or a women’s shelter. DAMAGES Nationals of all member states in the European Union have As an injured party you may submit a claim for damages. The the same rights to legal aid as Swedish citizens. The Legal claim will generally be considered within the criminal trial. Aid Authority will provide you with information about how You should ask the police or the prosecutor for assistance. The to apply for legal aid. The application form can be provided prosecutor is under an obligation to assist you with the claim from either the National Courts Administration or the Legal unless it is very complex. Questions on how to claim may also Aid Authority. be answered by the Crime Victim Compensation and Support EXPENSES Authority. (Brottsoffermyndigheten) If you have witnessed you will be reimbursed for necessary CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION travel and accommodation expenses, and other expenses such If you have been subjected to a crime in Sweden and the person as income losses in connection to the trial. The same applies who has subjected you to crime is unknown or has no ability to to injured parties. pay damages and if you have no insurance policy covering the INSURANCE POLICIES injuries, you may have the right to criminal injuries compensation If you have become a victim of crime you should check your from the state (brottsskadeersättning). The crime must have been travel insurance. The Scandinavian countries have a common reported to the police and you must submit a written application. alarm central: SOS International, situated in Copenhagen, to An application must be received no later than two years after which also a number of insurance companies in other member the crime has taken place, the case has been closed or after the states are connected. The operators can assist you with a number legal proceedings have been completed. Information on criminal of questions in emergency situations. The telephone number is injuries compensation is available in a number of languages. The +45 70 10 50 50. telephone service at Brottsoffermyndigheten will give you more information. The telephone number is 090 -70 82 00. IN THE COURT LEGAL SUPPORT It is considered as a social duty to witness. As a witness you are required to give evidence under oath. This does not apply to If you have been subjected to a sexual offence, a violent offence injured persons (crime victims). or another crime punishable by a prison sentence and/or when the injured party is in a great need for assistance, you are entitled Some courts have special waiting rooms for injured parties and to a legal representative; counsel for the injured party, (målsä- witnesses. Many courts in Sweden offer Witness Service, which gandebiträde) free of charge in the procedure. His/her duty is means that a person will be available in the court to explain to safeguard the general legal needs of the victim. The counsel the judicial procedure and to provide you with support and may prepare the injured party for questioning and will assist practical information in order for you to give evidence in the the injured party in claiming for damages. The counsel has best possible way. Please inform the court well in advance if you an unconditional right to be present during the questioning, have a valid reason for not attending the trial. throughout the procedure. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE OFFENDER OR TO If the parents of a victimised child are not expected to be able to APPEAR IN COURT? protect the interests of the child because they or someone who is Tell the police as soon as possible. You have the possibilities to closely related to the child is suspected of a crime against the child, various forms of legal representation. Also stronger measures of a special legal representation for children (särskild företrädare för protection are available if you are under serious threat. The court barn) may be appointed free of charge by the District Court. has the possibility to decide that someone who has intimidated a witness should not participate during questioning. LEGAL ADVICE AND LEGAL AID According to the Legal Aid Act, you have the right to legal advice for two hours in all legal matters at a lawyer’s office according to a fixed fee. The fee may be reduced if you have insufficient financial resources. Legal advice may be needed if for example the police and the public prosecution authorities can not help you with your claim for damages or if you need help in negotiations with an insurance company. To be eligible for legal aid, legal advice is required. It has to be applied through a lawyer. NON-GOVERNMENTAL USEFUL WEBSITES ORGANISATIONS A great deal of information is available on the Internet and A number of NGO:s provide help and support to victims of crime.
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