! ... 0:J· 1 . b No Game Today; Good Luck Lovejoy Dance On Your Test, Instead }OIHN HAY LEDGER Newcomers Vol. IX-No. 1 John Hay High School, Cleveland, Ohio October 1, 1937 Formality Cast Off as Electives Council Holds Party We Honor Earl G. Keevan 1 White Wing .______________ ---J Drive Opens; Presented Contrasting with the serious busi­ ness of conducting study halls and To Students ranking attendance, informality held Changes Made sway at the Student Council Get-Ac~ quainted party on Thursday, Septem­ New Check-Up System for Program for lOA's; ber 23 in the girls' gym. All Departments P 1 a n Each Council member was assigned V o I u n t a r y Workers to a team representing an eastern Announced Demonstrations college, thus giving them an opportu- A program of John _Hay e 1echves, · nity to become acquainted with each The Student Council has begun its designed to aid present lOA students other. After various games had been .~eal' o n a l Whitt- ·vVing drive. with just choose courses of study intelligently, enjoyed, refreshments were served. a f ew cha nges in procedure. A new will be shown next week in the aucli- An announcement was made by method of checking up on the wor·k- torium. Mi ss Vera Smisek, Council adviser, e 1·s has been devised and only two The heads of various departments that the left-over refreshments would White Wings will be assigned to one are assisting m· anangmg· th e ac t.!VI- · be g· 1'ven to those 1·eady to leave the l'oom except in unusual c~1 se 's where ties and are helped by Miss Zora building first. A stampede followed. more seem to be needed. Rose, English t eacher. The White Wing- organization is Under the guidance of Miss Clara p T A H ld made up of1 students who by one way Ewalt, t eacher of journalism and ... • • 0 S or another are prevented from serv- English, the English department will s· d D ing their school, a nd wishing to do feature a group of "living pictures" tu ent ance some service, join this organization. in which students will pose. Journal- It is under the supervis ion of· the ism I portrays "The Whole World Clean-Up committee of the Student Buys ;" Journalism II, "The Ledger New Officers for Term Elected·, Counc1!.· A White Wing is appomte· ct Office"; 12B and 12A English, "The Benefits of Association Are to a ce rtain room, and it is his duty Lure of Books"; and Oral English, Social and Financial W e pause to dedicate ct memorial to the life of ct friend, to see that the r oom is kept clean by "Which is yom crowd? · Your Speech a mnn, ct scholar, and ct very human being. e rasing the boards, picking up pa- Tells." Those who knew Earl G. K cevan as nn in,structm·, or as pei·s, and in general, tidying up the The art department will show metal The P.-T. A. of John Hay will hold room. Different workers are assigned craft, posters, and portrait paintings its first dance October 8 in the gym- a f ellow-worker,. revere the thought of this -man who zmcon-· to each room each pe riod of the day. of vivid coloring, planned by Mrs. nasium. sciously enriched their lives. Under the new check-up method, Helen Chudoba and Mi ss Beatrice Last term dances were held on the No memorial can fully reveal the character of a, man, charts will be placed in each room. Detlefs. I fil·st Fr·J'day of' each Jnonth. Door I When a White Wing for that period but the blues and greens· and .':!o ft colors of th1:s beautiful land- th 1 fi d · 1 h Mr. Leonard. Schnei d er WI II d. n·.ect prizes were awarded to t]:Ie hold e r ~ enters e room anc m s It c ean, e four st.ud~nt s m a ske.tch explammg 1 of lucky number s. Checking was scape seem to catch and reflect the thoughts and ideals, the [J!aces hi s initials in t he uppe r half the prmclples of Semor Science, a free of charge. generous smiles that were so closely associated with M1·. of the block. On t he other hand, if studv dealing with the chemical as- . the room is disorderly, he does not pect~ of homes, foods, cars, and cos- AdmiSSIOn this term will probably K eevan. s ign his initials. At the end of the metics. remain the same, tweny-f'ive cenLs, We r egret deeply that you, who joined the John Hay hou1· after he has tidied ~Ip the room, The head of the home economics and a ll students and their friends family this semester, came too late to know Em·l G. K eevan. he puts his initial ~ in the lower half depa rtment, Miss Carlotta Greer, has 1 are invited to attend. __,__ ___ of the block. By this way, the class charge of an exhibition on ''Buying,n Mrs. Charles Gleeson, mother of M R l A Corridor Guards Have teache r has an opportunity to see if "Food Parade," and ''Style Show." Ethel Gleeson of Room 216, was ajority U CS S the White Wing has done his duty. Social Problems students, supervis- elected president of the John Hay P.- Former Hayites Turn Get-Acquainted Party Mi ss Vera Smisek, Co uncil adviser, eel by Mr. Harry Ankeney, explain by T. A. at its fi1,;s t meeting of the t erm fi d expressed her hope of g<:'tt ing as dialog-ue t he interest present in a so- held September 23. Con rme Annexites Approximately three hundred-fifty manY. students as possibl e for differ- cia! science laboratory. Other officers a re: Mrs. Lesli e con·idor guards will attend a get- ent roo ms. The chi ef I'l'quis ites of Mi ss Myrtle Glueck plans to show Cheney, vice president; Mrs. Fannie I To what extent do teachers of John acquainted party given by their or- a n appli cant are that he knows a how girls are picked for the cooper- Mullen, recording secretary; M1·'· H . th . t d . ganization, on October 7, in t he clean room when he sPes one and can 1 ~y m. ative retail store group and late r Thomas Barrett, corresponding secre- ay en,1oy ei r presen ° gmg !11 The committee in charge of t he fo ll ow t ilE' Corridor Guard nile that chosen by employers. tary; Mrs. Albert Dieringer, treasu- the ed ifice of the Annex? party consists of Gladys- Thomas. any debris big · enough to be seen is The co mmercial department will ~ ·e r; and Mrs. J. M. Lawton, histor- Inte rviewed on the above question, , Virginia Leisenheimer, Eleanor Brad- I big enough to be picked up. present for observation the grand Jan. Mi ss Era M. Haupert, smilingly stat- ley, Mary Sobonya, and lJJ t·othy . prizes a nd first awards won in the This organization cooperates with eel: Trask, chairman. New Book Room m Basement State contest; the plaques won at the the teachers for the welfare of the "I h . b "The object of this pa r ty," says Because students have been sup- (Continued on Page 4, Col. 4) schoo ] b y g!Vmg· · f'mancia · 1 anc• 1 soc1a· 1 am most ent usmstic a out t 11e M1. ss Helen Baldwin,. corridor. · guard· plied with text books this year by the assistance. As stu.de. n~s well know, it I Ann e~ . :ve ~av e well ~·u.n classes, , adviser, "is to sh.ow the hard-worki.ng- Board of Education, Room !:1, form­ Mr. Welton Gels New Secretary sponsorJ:; dances, a1ds m the plannmg a.nd m e f l ee ftom the ete1nal commo- guards a good t1me and a lso to g1ve erly a class room, has been changed The chic brunette in the office, who of the Christmas party for needy ele- , bon so typical of over-crowded halls. them a little more spirit in their to a book r oom. Margue rite Nussel, is so enthusiastic about her work, is mentary school children, and works Teache rs do not change from room work." a former student, is in ch arg-e. The Mr. \Velton's new secretary. She is in behalf of the school levies. It has to room but meet our classes in one Newly-organized Annex guards, first week was rather hectic, but now Miss Frances Schildhouse, a graduate rendered financial assistance to the mom. This is a great help to the headed by Alice Michalsky, will also that bus iness is s lack, she assists in of Glenville High School. Previously band and to needy graduates of John smooth system on which the building · attend the party. the main office. she worked in a downtown office. Hay. ! is run." I Miss Neva D. Jones not only dit- 1 toed the above remarks but added Chewing · Gum, Boxes, Cameras Desks of Hayites Are Drawing i that the privilege of remaining in one room was most satisfactory to the teachers. Show 'reachers Weak Budgeteers Boards in School Art Gallery "I like the Annex beyond all J crrow, !wad of the soc ial science de­ doubt," affirmed Mi ss Magdalen E. The arrival of the monthly check is scores of athletic games and notes on partment:, will readily dec lare volun­ \Vhether or not it has been noticed Soisson.
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