News of the Month. Metropolitan District. macadam surface course. Similar work has also been carried out hy Warringah Shire Council in Co'ndamine- The following Iwidges have bccn given minor re- street (hfail, ~~~d N~,r63). pairs antl painted recently :--Victoria Bridge, Penrith [Great \Vestern Highway). Fig Tree Bridge (Lane Cove River, Hunter's Hill), and Spit Bridge (Mos- Western District. man-Manly). A new two-span reinforced concrete bridge, 70 feet ~~~)~i~~ar~ill progress to t~lelIridgc Over E~~~~~~~long, over Cootnl)iiig Creek, on the Mid- Western High- is creek, oll (;reat \qrestern liiglllvay ill B~~~I<~~~~,~way in Lyndhurst Shire, heing huilt by thc Dcpart- Shire. This bridge was formerly only 16 feet widc ment by day labour. between kerbs, but. concurrently with re-decking, it is llcing widened to 24 feet. Ncpean Shire Council has receiitly tar-surfaced t!ie I'enrith-Mulgoa road (No. 155) for one mile, com- mencing just south of the l'enrith municipal boun- dary. Castlereagh Municipal Couricil has treated similarly one niilc of the same road between 7 miles and 8 miles north of Penrith. antl is preparing for further work of the samc kind. Vaucluse Municipal Council is re-shaping Bay-street, Watson's Day (Main Road No. 173). This has been made possible by the construction by the Council of 3. :: ft. 6 in. diameter colicretc pipe drain under the southerti sidc of the street. with consequent relief to tlie surface drainage arrangements. 'The pavement in Kurraba-road. Neutral Bay (Secon- dary liod No. ~OI()),south cf Ben Boyd road, has Penetrating with tar on the Bathurst-Oberon road been straightetietl by North Sydney Municipal Couti- (No. 256) at Kelso, in Turon Shire. cil to eliminate RII awkward liend. 'lhe re-surfacing of In Canobolas Shire, the Council is constructing a the rcmainder of the roadway will shortly he under- mixed-in-place tar macadam pavcmcnt on the North- taken. Western Highway east of Orange. The existing The uneven contour of two short section.; of Kings- macadam has been reconstructed to form a base for way (Main Road KO. 227) in the Shire of Sutherland the full length of the iicw work, I mile 3.176 feet, atid has been improved by adding a mixed-in-place tar the surface course has been completctl for 4.300 feet 'SI3940 146 MAIN ROADS. Vol. 111, No. IO. ~~ ~ l'lie district bridge gang is now reliairixg the bridge Contractors Farley aiitl Ixwers are maliing good over tlic 1,aclilan River at Condobolin, on the \Vyalong- ijrogress with the construction of tiic (leviation at C'otitlol~oliii-~l'r;ingietrllllli I-II:L<I ( NII. .j j 1. .Xbl)ott's (;qi. 011 tlic (Usley H ighway. I)ctweell Guntre- ,.dah and Coonabarxbraii, in Cooiiaharaliran Shire. Northern District. 1 his (leviation, which is about 2% iuiles long:. will .. elitiiitiatc the last stcq grades betmeeii Tamwortli and I he Stroud Shire Council has accepted the tcntlcr of r_'oonal)arabraii. 'l'lle work provides for ;I 16 feet Xlr. FI. J. 'Tliivaites for the construction of :I IO ft. I gravcl pavement and cuhwti;, atid is exl)ectetl to lie IO ft. concrele 110s culvert on the (;reat Northern open for traftic ~IJOLI~the mitlille of tI?e year. Iiighway, 8% iiiiles north of Stroud This culvert wi1.l On the Gwydir H igIiw;iy at Bullarah apprcisimately .io iiiiles west of Moree. tlie Hooini Sliire Council has conipletcrl a four-span tinilier Iieam Iiritlgtr, replacing a worn-out existing structurc over the Gooiial Iininch of !he Gwydir River. On the Great Sortliern I ligliway. in the Munici- pality of Glen Iiines. the section from Ticrgcisoii-street towards l\rtiiitlale (I mile 4,700 feet) \vi11 be recon- structed shortly in misctl-in-lilacc tar n1:icadatn. Good progress 1i;is I)cen made liy IT'algett Shire Council iii grading the formed sections of the main roads within the shire to :I very smootli riding surface. Southern District. A L)epartmental bridge gang has recently coinpletctl minor rcpairs to ;~nd p:iintetl the i)ritl:.e over the Shoalhaven River at \\!ami. 011 the ~uennlie~aii-Krai~l- wood trunk ro:itl (So. 51) 9 miles iiortli-west of l3raidwood. The gang is now engaged upon similnr kl.iin+cnancc patrol grarlcr on thc Mid-Wcstern 1 lighway in woi-k at the bridge wer thc I\Iongarlowe Ri\.er a: Lyndhurst Shire. Charleyoiig, on tlie Braitl\yootl-Ncrriga road (No 26jj replace a woril-out timlicr bt-itlge. 'l'hc Cou!lcil Ius received tenders for :i timber britlgc. Sz [cct long, over Laman's Creek. ni: the saiiie road near Stroud. I. I his I)ritlgc will replace ;iii old timl)er structurc which has rcachctl the cntl of its useful lifc. The total wor!c to Iic (lone will inclutlc i:nliroving thc ;ilig:umcnt of thc ap~'r0:l'hcS. C'ontr;ictoi-s 1:ryaiit and I3uchaiiaii arc engaged in t:rr re-zurf;iciiig 011 the (;reat Knrthcrn Highway be- t\vcen l I~~xh;llnan!l 'l'ar1-0. ;Z I)ep:irtnieiital hritlgc gang has completed repairs to the bridge over the I Iiunter Iciver at .Ilorpcth. and is at preseut eiigagctl upoii repairs to the timber bridge over thc eii!r;iiice to r.akc h~l:irqn;tric, oii the Pacific I I ighway at Swaiisea. North-Western District. The Ikpartment is liuiltling liy (lay labour 2 iicw Repairingi the bridge over the Murrurnbidce'. I<IYP~at cnncrcte culvrrt on the (ireat I\r ortherti Highway at Gundagai (Hume Highway), using comprPssPd air tlic southern Iiouiitlary of the Muiricipality of :llicr- driven tools. &en. Contractors J. 1'. Nolan and Son:: have completed the A deviation 3,500 feet long is Iicing Iiuilt to super- coiistructinn of ;L two-cell 6 ft. x 1 ft. concrete cul- sede a iiarrow, winding lengtli of the I'riiicc's High- vert and approaches on the Great Northern Highway way at Palwarnbra Alountain, bctweeii 31oq a114 13 miles north of Abertlecii, in the Shire of Upper Moruya. T\veiity-live men arc einployetl. lluntcr. Two tiew concrete l)os culverts are bciiig constructetl On the Narrabri-\Vcc \l~aa-l'illip road ( Ko. I q), Iiy the Ilcpartmeiit on the Federal 1Iighw:iy near Col- a single-span timber Ixam liridge 2 j;d miles frwu lector. (hi the saiit 1iigIiwv;iy iii .\luln.;tree Shire. six Narrabri is being extentled by an atlditioiial spii to concrete Iios ciilvcrts will shortly he constructed by provide for heavy floods. the Coniicil. June, 1932. MAIN ROADS. 147 ,. 1 lie 1,ritlge over the Southern Railway at the Malt- This culvert replaces a tinilw structure washed away ings, on the I lumc 1Iighway in tlie Municipality of (luring last winter'y Aooils. T'rovitling for traftic until hlittagong, has recently been widened by the Depart- the iiew culvert was conipletd \vas unusually difficult ment, and the Nattai Shire Couiicil has commeiicetl the owing to the presence of lccal springs, the by-track work of adjusting tlie roadway to the new alignment of having to be constructed of corduroy for a distance of the bridge. The oljject of these works is to improve approxiniately 400 ft. the alignment of the road, which formerly iticlutletl a Bland Shire Council has improved many roads in it5 riglit-angle bend on either apl)roacli to the I)ritlgc, at area by conqtructing. light gravel pavements 3 inches which accitlcnts Iiavc occurred iu the past. thick. Tlie gravel utilised is all less than %-inch gauge, about 70 per ccnt. consisting of the larger sizes. South-Western District. .Roads in this district are required to carry heavy load3 of wheat and manure in the summer months only, when The Dep;irtmcnt has in hand the construction hy d2.y the ground is dry. and can furnish ample support. labour of eight small reinforcetl concrete Iiox culverts During the wintei-, the ground loses its supporting antl two concrete pipe culverts to cliniiti;ite defective power with increased moisture content, but the traftic causeways on the 1-I unic 1 I ighway betwwn 'Tarcutta then consists of light vehicles serving local and domestic and Kyeamba Gap, in Kycaniba Shire. ( hi tlie sanic purposes. Thus, a light pavement is sufficient for year- road between Kyeaniha Lap and Holbrook. seven reiii- round requirements. The advantages of small gauge forced concrete box culverts antl three 1)ipe culvcrts arc material are amenability to maintenance by a main- being constructed. tainer, which is the typc of machine found most Contractor Lf'alter Rui-lis has cornpletetl the con- ccononiical for flat country work in this Shirc, antl struction of an S ft. x S ft. rciiiforcetl concrete hos resistance to tlie tendency of a clay sub-grade to work cnlvert antl approaches at 26 miles on the Little Hilla- up into the 1):l-\wilent. Nine miles of this class of I)oiig-~l'uiii1,aruinlia road ( No. 234,) in TIolbrook Shire. pavement nerc conqtructetl tluring the past year. Expenditure from 1st July, 1931, to 30th April, 1932. Expenditure from 1st July, "31, tu list March. ,932. COUNTYOF CLIM~ERIANI) MATNROADS Fwn- s. d. C,onstruction of Roarls am1 Hriiigcs ......... ...I J2.873 IO Io Cost o! Land I<cauinptioiis ......... ...... ... 33,247 4 3 Maintenancc of Roads antl Uridgcs ......... ... I.IS,G~ 9 I Repayment of Loans .................. ... 148,Ga j .? I Survey, L)csign, Supervision, ;md Administration ...... ... 30,503 IO IO Xiscellancoii.; ..................... ... ......... ~~ Totals ... 393.87.t 18 0 - COUNTRY IfAIX l<OADs 1~lJNl)- C.onitruction ol I<oads ant1 lkirlgcs, inclnding l<rsiimptions ..
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