6/29/2018 Schedule - Mantra Percussion (/) About (/about.html) Concerts (http://www.mantrapercussion.org/schedule.html) Media (http://www.mantrapercussion.org/video) Education (/education.html) Support (/support.html) MantraMart (http://www.mantrapercussion.org/recordings.html) Cart (­) Upcoming Concerts 2018 Date: May 6th, 2018 Location: National Sawdust (https://nationalsawdust.org/event/experiments­in­opera­and­here­we­are/) Brooklyn, NY Program: Matthew Welch ­­ And Here We Are (performed with Blarvuster (https://blarvuster.com/)) Past Concerts 2018 Date: March 29, 2018 Location: Merkin Hall, Ecstatic Music Festival (http://www.kaufmanmusiccenter.org/mch/series/ecstatic­music­ festival/) New York, NY Program: collaboration with Bent Knee (https://www.bentkneemusic.com/) (Boston, MA) Date: March 22, 2018 Location: Oz Arts (http://www.ozartsnashville.org/rushes­mantra/) Nashville, TN Program: Michael Gordon ­­ Timber Date: February 17, 2018 Location: Kent State University Vanguard Series (https://www.kent.edu/music/new­music) Kent, OH Program: Michael Gordon ­­ Timber; Aaron Siegel ­­ A Great Many https://www.mantrapercussion.org/schedule.html 1/11 6/29/2018 Schedule - Mantra Percussion Date: February 19, 2018 Location: Bowling Green State University, MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music (http://calendar.bgsu.edu/cal/event/showEventMore.rdo;jsessionid=4C DB0F43DF27CC87C1D5CA4BBEE8A110), with support from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant (https://www.foundationforcontemporaryarts.org/grants/emergency­ grants) Bowling Green, OH Program: Lesley Flanigan ­­ Hedera; Tristan Perich ­­ Moment of Inertia; Aaron Siegel ­­ A Great Many; Michael Fiday ­­ It Shakes My Teeth Date: February 21, 2018 Location: Johnstone Fund for New Music (http://www.johnstonefund.org/) Columbus, OH Program: Michael Gordon ­­ Timber Tristan Perich Date: February 22, 2018 Location: Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (http://ccm.uc.edu/about/villagenews/faculty/michael­fiday­ commissions.html) Cincinnati, OH Program: Michael Gordon ­­ Timber; Preview of new work by Michael Fiday Date: February 23, 2018 Location: Cleveland Museum of Art ­­ Transformer Station (http://www.clevelandart.org/events/music­and­performances/mantra­ percussion) Cleveland, OH Program: Michael Gordon ­­ Timber 2017 Date: November 19, 2017 Location: National Gallery of Art Lesley Flanigan (https://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/calendar/concerts/seventy­ sixth/mantra­percussion.html) Washington, DC Program: Michael Gordon ­­ Timber Date: October 1, 2017 Location: Sacrum Profanum Festival (http://sacrumprofanum.com/program/46) Krakow, Poland Program: Repercussions ­­ Reich and Ghanaian drumming, featuring Gideon Alorwoyie and his ensemble Date: April 8, 2017 Location: Vancouver New Music (http://newmusic.org/mantra­ percussion­april­8­2017/) Vancouver, BC, Canada Program: Lesley Flanigan ­­ Hedera; Tristan Perich ­­ Moment of Inertia, Paul Dolden ­­ new work; Aaron Siegel ­­ A Great Many (commissioned by Chamber Music America) Date: April 7, 2017 Location: Western Washington University (https://www.nwperc.org/2017/) Daniel Wohl (photo by Nathan Lee Bush ) Bellingham, WA Program: Tristan Perich ­­ Moment of Inertia, Aaron Siegel ­­ A Great Many (commissioned by Chamber Music America) 2016 https://www.mantrapercussion.org/schedule.html 2/11 6/29/2018 Schedule - Mantra Percussion Date: December 15, 2016 Location: Experiments in Opera (http://experimentsinopera.com/) Merkin Hall, NYC Program: Matthew Welch ­­ And Here We Are Date: December 14, 2016 Location: (le) poisson rouge (http://lpr.com/lpr_events/shobaleader­ one­december­14th­2016/) NY, NY Program: Michael Gordon's Timber (excerpt) with Shobaleader One (Squarepusher) Date: December 10, 2016 Location: National Sawdust (https://nationalsawdust.org/event/folk­ world­music­institute­presents­steve­reich­tribute/) Brooklyn, NY Program: Steve Reich Celebration: Repercussion with Gideon Alorwoyie (Ghana) Date: December 4, 2016 Location: The Dither Extravaganza with David Grubbs (Gastr del Sol) Matthew Welch (https://www.newmusicusa.org/projects/the­dither­extravaganza­ 2016/) Brooklyn, NY Program: excerpts from Prismrose Date: April 29­30, 2016 Location: Right Now Music (http://hellolara.com/?tribe_events=right­ now­music­2016­mantra­percussion­flux­quarter­ %ED%99%A9%EB%B3%91%EA%B8%B0­ %EB%B0%95%EA%B2%BD%EC%86%8C­ %EC%8B%AC%EC%84%B1%EB%9D%BD­ %EA%B3%A0%EC%83%81%EC%A7%80%EB%B0%B4%EB%93% 9C­%EB%B0%95&ckattempt=1) Seoul, South Korea Program: Michael Gordon's Timber; Mathew Rosenblum's Ostatnia Runda Date: April 22­23, 2016 Location: Duke Performances (https://dukeperformances.duke.edu/calendar/michael­gordon­ %E2%80%A2­timber­rushes) Durham, NC Program: Michael Gordon's Timber Date: February 27, 2016 Location: Redcat/Broad Museum (http://www.redcat.org/event/callings­out­context­tyondai­braxton­ daniel­wohl) Los Angeles, CA Program: Daniel Wohl's Holographic Date: February 11, 2016 Location: Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra /Liquid Music series (https://content.thespco.org/events/daniel­wohl­holographic/) St. Paul, MN Program: Daniel Wohl's Holographic Date: February 6, 2016 Location: Indianapolis Museum of Art Bang on a Can Marathon (http://www.imamuseum.org/performance/daniel­wohl­holographic) 6/22/14 Indianapolis, IN Program: Daniel Wohl's Holographic Date: February 5, 2016 Location: Philadelphia Fringe Arts (http://fringearts.com/event/holographic/) Philadelphia, PA https://www.mantrapercussion.org/schedule.html 3/11 6/29/2018 Schedule - Mantra Percussion Program: Daniel Wohl's Holographic Date: January 21, 2016 Location: Baryshnikov Arts Center (http://bacnyc.org/performances/performance/daniel­wohl) New York, NY Program: Daniel Wohl's Holographic Date: January 10­17, 2016 Location: Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art Residency (http://www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=1049) North Adams, MA Program: Daniel Wohl's Holographic 2015 Date: December 12, 2015 Location: The Stone (http://thestonenyc.com/calendar.php?month=2) New York, NY Program: Matthew Welch’s And Here We Are with Blarvuster, Mantra Percussion and Kate Maroney (mezzo­soprano), Daniel Neer (baritone), Ben Holmes (trumpet) (clarinet), Emily Manzo (piano), Ian Riggs (bass guitar), Brian Chase (drums), Matthew Welch (conductor) Date: December 6, 2015 Location: Wesleyan University Memorial Chapel (http://www.wesleyan.edu/cfa/events/2015/12­2015/12062015new­ works­for­mantra­percussion.html) Middletown, CT Program: Graduate Student Composers' Concert Date: November 4, 2015 Location: New Museum (http://www.newmuseum.org/calendar) New York, NY Program: Steve Reich's Drumming (excerpt) Fast Forward Austin 4/12/14 Date: September 14, 2015 Location: Wesleyan University (http://www.wesleyan.edu/cfa/events/2015/12­2015/12062015new­ works­for­mantra­percussion.html) Middletown, CT Program: Lecture Series: "A Hitchhiker's Guide to Writing for Percussion" Date: April 2, 2015 Location: Ecstatic Music Festival (http://www.kaufmanmusiccenter.org/mch/series/ecstatic­music­ festival) New York, NY Program: 3Nights (/3nights.html) new work with Xiu Xiu (http://xiuxiu.org/) Date: March 1, 2015 Location: Music on the Edge (http://www.music.pitt.edu/events/beyond­microtonal­music­ festival140827) Pittsburgh, PA Paula Matthusen's "So Much of Any Year is Flammable" Program: Mathew Rosenblum Wesleyan University 10/26/13 (http://www.music.pitt.edu/faculty/rosenblum) new work Ostatnia Runda with Flux Quartet (http://www.fluxquartet.com/) Date: February 28, 2015 Location: Music on the Edge (http://www.music.pitt.edu/events/beyond­microtonal­music­ festival140827) Pittsburgh, PA https://www.mantrapercussion.org/schedule.html 4/11 6/29/2018 Schedule - Mantra Percussion Program: Michael Gordon's Timber Date: February 27, 2015 Location: Avant Media Festival (http://avantmedia.org/what/avant­ music­festival/2015) New York, N Program: Paula Matthusen (http://www.paulamatthusen.com/) new work (created for Rome Prize) Date: January 15 & 16, 2015 Location: Arts Brookfield ­ Winter Garden (http://artsbrookfield.com/venue/brookfield­place­new­ york/#.U_QFsby95Qw) co­presented with Ecstatic Music Festival (http://www.kaufmanmusiccenter.org/mch/series/ecstatic­music­ festival) New York, NY Program: 3Nights (/3nights.html) January 15: new work with Ian Williams (http://bttls.com/) (guitarist River to River Festival: ECSTATIC® Summer 2013 from Battles) January 16: new works by Wet Ink (http://www.wetink.org/) composers (Alex Mincek, Sam Pluta, Eric Wubbels) with choreographer Deborah Lohse (http://www.deborahlohse.com/) 2014 Date: September 18, 2014 Location: So Percussion Studio (http://sopercussion.com/) Brooklyn, NY Program: selections of new works from 3Nights (/3nights.html) (Wet Ink, Ian Williams) Date: September 12, 2014 Location: Third Angle (http://thirdangle.org/) Portland, OR Program: Michael Gordon's Timber Date: June 22, 2014 Location: Bang on a Can Marathon (http://bangonacan.org/bang_on_a_can_marathon) New York, NY Program: Michael Gordon's Timber at Newgrange prehistoric monument; Louth, Ireland May 2013 Date: May 28, 2014 Location: Mutek Festival (http://www.mutek.org/) Montreal, QB Program: Michael Gordon's Timber Date: May 24, 2014 Location: The Stone (http://www.thestonenyc.com/calendar.php? month=1) New York, NY Program: Susie Ibarra and Brian Chase Date: May 2­3, 2014 Location: Experiments in Opera (http://experimentsinopera.com/? p=873), Abrons Arts Center New York, NY Program: Aaron Siegel's opera, Brother Brother Date: April 21, 2014 Mantra @ BAM's Fisher Center under
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