J 0,1 I 1/)/ HIGH TIDE 8-19-r~ 8-19-69 r at 01',1 4 2 at 0'154 6 at 13[,1 4 5 at 2030 t-aOURGlASS VOL 9, No 847'1 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLA_ND_S______________ _ Tate Suspect Surrenders Rescue Workers Search Debris To Po'ice for Questioning For Victims of Hurricane Camille LOS A}lGELES (UPI)-- rhe man wanted GULFPORT, MISS (UPI)-- Rescue workers struggled through the rema1ns of Gulf for questIonIng In the BenedIct Canyon Coast c1tles and villages today searching for more v1ctlms of Camille, the massacre of actress Shlron Tate and strongest hurr1cane ever to h1t the U S ma1nldnd four others turned him~elf Into pol1ce At least 18 persons were dead and scores injured, most of them along the Miss- today 1SSlPP1 Coast, Wh1Ch bore the brunt of Cam1lle's 190 mph w1nds and 20- foot The attorney for Thomas Steven Har­ tIdes rIgan, 27, saId hIS cllent was In Man­ Wreckage stretched from the Flor1da Panhandle to Ne~ Orleans Villages were hattan Beach, Calif, 25 mIles from vIrtually wIped out Surv1vors stag­ the murder scene, In the company of at gered in shock through the wreckage JORDAN least SlX to e1ght othEr persons on of the1r homes Barges lay across US C'aims North Viet • CAIRO the night of the slayings at M1SS highways At least 200,000 persons Campaign Collapsing Tate's $200,000 leased home were homeless Confusion mounted in Harr1gan, object of a search in the aftermath of the titan1c storm SAIGON (VPl)-- The North V1etnamese Western Canada durlng the weekend, was Many tried to go back Into the d1S­ heralded thelr latest mil1tary campaign accompam.ed to police headquarters by aster area from the1r shelters on h1gh today as a serles of "outstanding his attorney, Paul Caruso, who saId ground and created monumental traff1c achievements" that \'.'111 continue, but SAUDI "Harrigan is not a pr1me suspect " Jams whlch prevented rescue workers U S mll1tary spokesmen reported it ap­ A R ARABIA Harr1gan had been at the Tate home from gett1ng through w1th food and pears to have collapsed the night before the murders " That water The spokesmen sa1d ground fightlng was the last time," HarrIgan saId He Roughly 600 square miles along the cons1sted of only scattered skirm1shes was descrlbed as a fr1end of VOltyck MisSlSS1ppi coast was wlthout electr1- throughout South Viet Nam and n1ghtly Frokowsky, another of the murder V1C- cal power, and most of It without wat- sk1rmlshes throughout South Vlet Nam had t1ms er pressure fallen to the lpvel prlor to the openIng SHADED AREA shows ter~tory Israel Caruso sa1d, "Naturally re 1S very Commun1catlons were blown away, most of the Commun~st "fall offensIve" one has occup&ed SLnce the s"x-day war upset because he has a respectable roads were 1mpass1ble and few rescue week ago More than 2,500 Communlsts "n June, 196'1 Now Israel says she family llv1ng 1n Canada He has been units knew what other unlts were do- have been kllled durlng the past week, w"ll keep the Gaza Str"p livlng 1n Canada He has been llvlng ing they sa~d, whlle Amer~can losses have 1n Southern Cal1fornia Slnce January Maj Gen Walter G Johnson, M1SS- exceeded 200 Caruso sa1d reports about Harr1gan's 1ssippi's Adjutant General, said thp Rad~o HanOI descrIbed the campa1gn as Egyptians, Israelis possible involvement 1n the case were hardest-hit area of all was a flve fully successful a~d vowed that It would "completely w1thout mer1t " mlle area along the coast 1n BilOXI contlnue In commemoratlon of the 24th Exchange Ta:1k Gun Fire "He is in no way connected wlth the "ThlS looks like HiroshIma," John­ anniversary tomorrow of PreSIdent Ho ChI unfortunate homic1de," Caruso sa1d son said "Some bUll dings you can Minh's rlse to power In North VIet Nam (UPI)-- ~gyptian and Israeli forces Asked why pol1ce wanted to quest10n see clean through Some you can lust "Every battle everywhere last week ap­ along the Suez Canal exchanged spor­ Harr1gan, Caruso said, "Pol1ce are eee where they were " proximately punlshed the cruel cr1mes of ad1c artIllery and tank gun f1re a­ anX10us to talk to anyone who knew In low-lying areas--almost Invar1bly the AmerIcan aggressors and won out­ cross the 1967 cease-flre llne during Frokowsky or the people involved " slums--Johnson sald small homes were standIng achlevements to greet the hol- the day and most of today In add1t10n to Harrigan, the other flattened or blown away and "~Ie' re go- 1day," saId Rad~o Hano1 In a broadcast Israel reported an offIcer kIlled three men sought for quest10ning 1n 1ng to flnd some people dead 1n them " monltored here as the result of an Egypt1an commando Canada were Charles Tacot, Harr1s or So devastated was the area, and so "We are determl.ned to flght untll the raid and a corporal shot to death by Harrison Dawson, 26, a ,_aucaS1an w1th jammed by the homele ~ that it took Pmerlcans go away and the puppet Sa1gon a snlper llght brown hair and green eyes and flve hours to drIve the L5 miles from governmeht tumb~es " Fgyptlan offlcials said anti-air­ W1ll1am Doyle, 26 - 28,with brown eyes BlloXI to Gulfport Cars were lined Ho Chi Mlnh and hIS followers, known craft gunners shot down an Israeli and halr up at the few service statlons still as the Vlet MInh, assumed power In the warplane, belleved to be an Amerlcan able to pump gasoline Republic of V1et Nam Aug 19, 1945 a made Skyhawk Jet, south of the Great New s Blackout Natural gas maIns were burst and move that led to the e1ght-year war Bitter Lakes late this afternoon leaking allover the entirL area that drove the FrenCh out of IndochIna They said two other Israeli planes Imposed on Copter Landmarks that had stood for nearly In an attempt to thwart any revlval were drIven back to the Israeli-occu­ a century 1n the area were gone with of the Communlst offenSIve on the pled east bank Downed in Korea out a trace All that remained of the annIversary, AmerlCan B52 bombers flew They also reported that Egyptian SEOUL (UPI)-- U S ofl1cials imposed Merchants Bank of Waveland was the repeated mlSSlons today over the Jung­ long-range art1llery near ~uez City a news blackout today on the latest vauu.t les near the Cambodlan borner where the at the southern end of the waterway , Korean lncldent, the shoot1ng down by Martial law was decldred in Bay St North Vietnamese army and V1et Cong opened fire at Israeli re1nforcements the North Koreans of an unarmed U S louis and three persons were Jailed troops appeared to have gathered the1r spotted mOVIng up to the front lines Army heliqopter w1th thlee men aboard for lootlng Volunteer patrolmen, major forces The bombers dumped more on the canal The fate of the Amer1can crewmen was some uniformed, some armed, stood at than 800 tons of explosives on a five­ In Tel AVIV, however, unofficial unknown each corner square m1le area near the border sources saId there had been a marked The North Koreans announced their decrease In Egyptian and Jordanian ground gunners shot down a helicopter Regular Army attacks as the result of WhICh intruded across tlte truce line Clement Haynsworth Jr. Named Israell aIr strikes in recent weeks yesterday The North Kroreans made no At the same tlme, they said there mention of the fate of the crew had been an upsurge In Arab guer1lla They were 1dent~fled ly U S mili- Associate Supreme Court Justice operat10ns, partlcularly from Leban­ taryauthoritles as (apt David H SAN CLEMENTE, CALIF (UPI)-- President ~ixon broadened the conservati\e-mod­ on Crawford, whose wife Janice lives at erate base of the Supreme Court today by naming Federal Appellate Judge Clement Pooler, Ga , Warrant Ofticer Malcolm F Haynsworth Jr as Associate Justice W Loepke, whose wife DIane lives at The nom1nation of Haynsworth, 56 of Greenville, S C , ChIef Justice of the Riot PartiCipant Gets Richmond, Ind , and Spc 4 Herman E Fourth Circult Court of Appeals, was announced without fanfare by Presidential Hofstatter, whose parents are Mr and Press Secretary Ronald L Zlegler at the Laguna Beach Press Room, 17 miles from Two Sentences Mrs Lee Hofstatter of lowpoint, Ind the Western White House CLEVELAND (UPI)-- Black Natlonalist The inCIdent occurred just three With qU1ck confirmation likely, Haynsworth will succeed Abe Fortas who resign­ Lathan Donald was convicted by a jury days before the schedulEd departure of ________________________________-, ed from the high bench last May 15 after today of seven counts of first and President Park Chung-HeE for talks his close ties to Ja1led financ1er LOU1S second degree murder In four deaths w1th President Nixon on measures to E Wolfson were d1sclosed durlng dlsorders In the CIty'S Glen­ t1ghten South Korea's security against Expressing the PreSIdent's views v1lle sect10n last summer North Korean provocations The talks Ziegler lavished h1gh praise on Hayns­ Common Pleas Judge John Angelotta scheduled for Aug 21-22 will be held worth, an Fplscopalian and a Democrat sentenced Donald to consecutive prl­ in San Franc1sco who voted for Presldent EIsenhower in son terms of 100 years for the con­ In Wash1ngton, the State Department HURRICANE CAMILLE -- Stronqest hurr"­ 1952 and 1956 vict10ns in the deaths of three po­ sa1d the Un1ted Nations Command had cane "n the h"stopY of the U S h"ts "The President feels that in h1S Jicemen and a Negro civilian requested a meeting of the M1litary the South choice of Haynsworth he has selected a The convictlons bv the Jury of ArmIstice Comm1ttee at PanmunJom for man who has a proven record as a Jurist',' eight women and four men in the three tomorrow, Korean time, to seek further SAIGON -- Sk"~shes cont"nue "n the Ziegler said "He feels that
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