:■ 7 i M : - ■■ « — .w inancljratpr lEu^nitts Ifrrald SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, I960 i tfV Tha Waathar Av«ng« Dully Net PrSM Run Faraeaal a< C. B, Waatfeav Banns mlaalng. After checking up' with actually trylqg to aava fact. But For the Moath of Augoat, 1986 About Town other workers in the reataurant It lest we ha conalderad oplnionatad. Today fair and enal, M n y t No Herald waa decided that the bottlea muat come out to the Broad Straet v i i X i higbeot tampatature aboat 74, to- Heard Along Main Street have been atolen at aome time School hearing September 19, and 9,653 ZiitiUAU'iiirjtiiliri night fair and eool; loweat naar Mr. and Mrs. Thomsi Miner, when the bar-tender had itepped find out for youraelf. The whole Manber of tha Audit 80t Wedaeoday fair aad eooL toraMrly « f SOO Spruce street, Monday And on Some of Manchester"$ Side Streete^ Too out of the tap room for a few mln- ■tory i^ll astound you! hsvs moved to their heme on BoI> DRASTIC Bufeaa of Obmdattoaa M anchester^ A City o f VttUqge Charm utea. too Oniter coed, Bolton. The bar-tender waa ao upset A local man who began his pub-. flavor. They weren't quite aa A local reildent who does some No issue of the Manches­ over the loss, and the fact that he electrical work now and then waa Workmen of the Ley Oonstrue- lie school education In the kinder-: common aa ths standard "orange" (TWELVE PAGES) tlM compeny of New York have ter Evening Herald will would probably have to make up at the kitchen table making out (ObMataed AdvartlalBg ua Pago t f) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1950 PRICE FOUR CENTS garten of the Ninth District, when I orange, but it seems, we recall, the loss, that he went into some VOL. LXIX. NO. 285 started to do excavation at the site be published on Monday, the late Miss Ella Washburn was I they were seasonal—they could be an order to Dept. L-14 at the Gen­ REDUCTIONS of the Belton Notch highway re- sort of trance for the next few eral Electric plant In that city in Sept. 4, Labor Day. supervisor; then transferred to , purchased only at certain times, hours. huilding Job. Their work is said to Northern New York sute. Ha had the ■ first kindergarten In the ola ' For quite some time it was dlf In came a Pabat beer salesman he in Connecticut with testing and Union school on North School ficult to find a fruit stand that the ordpr made out on his own USED CAR CLEARANCE communications relocation. and in getting the order for the street, and on through the grades, carried red bananas, but now they restaurant's needs In his line he plain, white stationery. He knew was showing the school where he seem to be back In quantity. So Ordered up a bottle of Pabat and what he wanted and what depart­ The standard first aid course for received his early education to his perhaps some day we will run ment to address, but when it all civilian defense personnel will asked other fellows at the bar to South Pupils small daughters, both of whom across some blood oranges in the have a bottle on him. Nervously came to putting the name of the begin Wednesday at 7:30 at the were bom in another town. They market. city where this particular General Northern Front the bar-tender reached for the beer Hole Hollister school auditorium- It is Reds Tear / were not much impressed with the ! cooler and hurriedly set up bottles Electric plant is located he lust expected that about ISO civiiian appearance of the old building, un­ couldn’t spell it. defense workers wili take the Bus Schedule Well, are barber prices In town ' of beer in front of the salesman til one of them happened to spy going up or not? and other customers. He set up N* pondered for quite a time. course, to be held on six successive the antenna atop one of the ga­ Some barbers say “No" and still Wednesday evenings. beer all right, but the salesman "Sk” —no, that didn't teem right. Transportation to Dif­ bles, and exclaimed; "Oh. daddy, others say "Yes." wouldn’t pay. , "See"—well, that was more like they had television when you went Barber prices have gone up in Joseph E. Ferguson of 61 Foster In his confusion the bar-man aet it, but something seemed missing. ferent Schools Out­ to school!” For some time Man­ nearby communities and it la true "Seke”—no that waa definitely U. N. Takes Up U. S. Charge Xw6 Enemy ColuB street nko recently underwent a up—not Pabat, but Budweiser Gov» ^sks Special chester’s "finest" have had a that an Increase locally has been beer. wrong. second operation' at Manchester lined by Stations game room over there. discusaed. Hartford ahopa are said Memorial hospital, is making fa­ to be planning to charge fl.25 for •His young son came into the vorable progress toward recovery. We chanced to meet an old house, saw that his father was That Russian Plane Fired t ty ai a haircut and many of the shops ", i •« ' i i starting September S. children The Connecticut company seemn Jriend in one of the Main street puzzled snd asked what happened living in the south end of town In that city refuse to do any shav­ 1948 PACKARD $1599 Session to Expand to have do problem whatever, in stores the other day. He is now to be the trouble. The father ask­ who are eligible for transportation attracting any number of bus ing. Shaves take longer in most cases and the price for shaving living In California and was back ed the boy if there were any New $249 DOWN—S49.S0 PER MONTH On Allied Fleet o//ATore« Exploit Breakthrough; t.. South Barnard and Nathan Hale drivers, either that or they change LONELY PEOPLE Is usually about half that charged in town on a vacation vlait. York state maps, geographies, or schools) should board the bus at them around from one route to for a haircut. 2-Door Club Sedan. Radio, henier. defroster, white wall Mrea. We do not care bow old you the station nearest to their homes. another. Commuters get used to During the conversation he the like around, but none could be Low mileage. are. Meet new friends. Join We know several families In pointed to the prices on fruits and State Housing Plan Times and bus stations are as fol­ a bus driver and almost resent found. Finally the father told the town who have hair clippers and vegetables. He remarked that Lake Success. Sept. 5—(/P>—Se­ the Council. The delegations still President Truman waa Informed the GET ACQUAINTED CLUB. lows: these frequent changes. Rcmetji- son the name of tlje city he want­ curity council delegations hurried­ No minors. For Information either the mother or father la be­ in California living costa are mucii ed to address. had not received an official text of the Incident but Presidential il 8:00—Corner of South Main and ber how It was with Gus Walir, ly summoned their advisers into Secretary Charles G. Rota told re­ Race on Taegu, Pusan coming quite adept at trimming lower beca,uae of the abundant this morning, but all had rsad It can Mrs. Barnes, 40 Church Mt. Nebo Place, who came from Rockville to Man­ ^Tie boy said "O. K. Pop. give me Street, Hartford. Tel. 7-4862 the children's hair. Electric shav­ fruit and vegetable production Lodge Queationa Feaai-, ]\ q - private huddles today to study the in the newspapers. porters he did not hear him ex­ 8:05—Corner of Spring and chester to live, and to work for a pencil and paper and I'll get the 1947 PLYMOUTH $1145 Wcck Elld United States report that a So­ press any reaction. Rosa said he ers have become quite popular and He said that the climate la such spelling for you." Will Ask Explanation Lewis atreetg. the old Hartford-Manchester the more a man uses one the more bility of More Houa- , , viet plane had been shot down at­ Informed quarters said Jebb pro­ assumes Mr. Truman had approv­ Rockville Tramway Company for­ that there is a big aaving in the The father watched as the son Rpil SprarhuBfl Sweeps- 8:07—137 Spring street, efficient he becomes in shaving coat of heating during the rainy $249 DOWN—$47.50 PER MONTH tacking the U. N. fleet off Korea. bably would read the report at ed In advance the submission of 8:10—Comer of Fern and Gard­ ty-eight years ago as a conduc­ himself. It Is s diilerent problem, dashed out of the front door to the ing Aid at This Time; IratllC DeatllS There was no immediate com­ the opening of the session. This the report by the State Depart­ Kntl of a llolitluv tor; later manning a one-man bus spells and that natural gas costs Heater, defroster. BeauHful gray club coupe. Good tires, very Glusc to Yongchon; ner streets. however, when one considers giv­ are so low that the heating of wa­ sidewalk along the street in front clean. Seea Conflict With Na­ ment, but there was little doubt would open the way for discussion. ment to the U. N. as a matter of , 8:15—Corner of South Main and aa both motorman and conductor ing himself a haircut—so it's a of the houae.
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