St. Boniface Martyr Roman Catholic Church Established 1898 ~ Sea Cliff, New York Serving the people of God in Sea Cliff, Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Glen Cove and surrounding communities. Reverend Kevin J. Dillon, Pastor We are a pilgrim people on a journey toward the Kingdom of God. Join us! Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: June 27, 2021 Mass Schedule 8am Mondays-Saturdays; Sundays: 5pm Saturday; 9am, 10:30am,12pm Rosary after 8am mass. Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturdays after 8am Mass Confession Church Confessionals: Saturdays 4-4:45pm Church Hours 8am-2:30pm Monday-Friday; 8am-6pm Saturday; 9am-1pm Sunday. Parish Address 145 Glen Ave, Sea Cliff, NY 11579 Phone: 516-676-0676; Fax: 516-674-6742 Email: [email protected] Website: www.saintboniface.org www.facebook.com/StBonifaceMartyr/ *New Parish Office Hours Mondays-Thursdays: 9am-3pm; Fridays: 9am-1:30pm; closed Saturdays & Sundays St. Vincent de Paul Society If you know of parishioners in need Jesus said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid, of assistance call Jovanna Lemonda just have faith.” When they arrived at the house at 516-676-0676 x124. of the synagogue official, he caught sight of a commotion, Outreach Pantry people weeping and wailing loudly. So he went in and said Saturdays 10am-12pm. For details call to them, “Why this commotion and weeping? The child Jody Fleischmann or David Meagher is not dead but asleep.” - Mark 5:36bc, 38-39 at 516-676-0676 x125. 2 Liturgy Schedule Sunday Mass Obligation: The general dispensation from Monday, June 28: St. Irenaeus the obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Days of Gen 18:16-33; Ps 103:1-11; Ps 95:8; Matt 8:18-22 Obligation Masses will end the weekend of August 15, 8am Mass (streamed) 2021. However, this does not mean that people should wait until August 15 to return to Mass. Tuesday, June 29: Saints Peter and Paul Masks: Masks are required for all unvaccinated people. Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:1-9; 2 Tim 4:6-18; Matt 16:13-19 8am Mass (streamed) For fully vaccinated people, mask wearing is at one's discretion. Ministers of Holy Communion need not wear Wednesday, June 30: First martyrs masks any longer. Gen 21:5-20; Ps 34:7-13; James 1:18; Matt 8:28-34 8am Mass (streamed) Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: June 27 Wis 1:13-15, 2:23-24; Ps 30:1-13; 2 Cor 8:7-15; Mk 5:21-43 Thursday, July 1 Gen 22:1-19; Ps 115:1-9; 2 Cor 5:19; Matt 9:1-8 The bread, wine, candles and sanctuary lamp used 8am Mass (streamed) in this week’s masses were donated in loving memory of Gerard P. Connolly Sr., by Fr. Kevin Dillon First Friday, July 2 Gen 23:1-19; 24:1-67; Ps 106:1-5; Mt 11:28; Mat 9:9-13 and Family. 8am Mass (streamed) 5pm Saturday Vigil Mass: Father's Day Novena 9am Sunday Mass: Father's Day Novena First Saturday, July 3: St. Thomas Gen 27:1-29; Ps 135:1-6; John 10:27; Matt 9:14-17 10:30am Mass: Gerard P. Connolly Sr., Parishioners 8am Mass (live streamed) 12pm Sunday Mass: Stephen Clancy 5pm Mass: Eric Tyrkko, Arthur Curley, Warren Elmslie. Prayer to St. Michael St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen. Opening Hymn: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” 3 Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 [or 5:21-24, 35b-43] Prayers & Readings When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea. One of the synagogue Gloria officials, named Jairus, came forward. Seeing him Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we saying, “My daughter is at the point of death. adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your Please, come lay your hands on her that she may great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty get well and live.” He went off with him, and a large crowd followed him and pressed upon him. Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the [There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the for twelve years. She had suffered greatly at the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at hands of many doctors and had spent all that she the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For had. Yet she was not helped but only grew worse. you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, She had heard about Jesus and came up behind you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the her body that she was healed of her affliction. destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out from that they might have being; and the creatures of the him, turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who world are wholesome, and there is not a destructive has touched my clothes?” But his disciples said to drug among them nor any domain of the netherworld Jesus, “You see how the crowd is pressing upon on earth, for justice is undying. For God formed man to you, and yet you ask, ‘Who touched me?’” And he be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made looked around to see who had done it. The woman, him. But by the envy of the devil, death entered the realizing what had happened to her, approached in world, and they who belong to his company fear and trembling. She fell down before Jesus and experience it. told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured Psalm: R. I will praise you, Lord, for you have of your affliction.”] rescued me. I will extol you, O LORD, for you drew me clear and did not let my enemies rejoice over me. O While he was still speaking, people from the LORD, you brought me up from the netherworld; you synagogue official’s house arrived and said, “Your preserved me from among those going down into the daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any pit. R. Sing praise to the LORD, you his faithful ones, longer?” Disregarding the message that was and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger lasts reported, Jesus said to the synagogue official, “Do but a moment; a lifetime, his good will. At nightfall, not be afraid; just have faith.” He did not allow weeping enters in, but with the dawn, rejoicing. anyone to accompany him inside except Peter, R. Hear, O LORD, and have pity on me; O LORD, be my James, and John, the brother of James. helper. You changed my mourning into dancing; O When they arrived at the house of the synagogue official, he caught sight of a commotion, people LORD, my God, forever will I give you thanks. R. weeping and wailing loudly. So he went in and said Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 to them, “Why this commotion and weeping? Brothers and sisters: As you excel in every respect, in The child is not dead but asleep.” And they faith, discourse, knowledge, all earnestness, and in the ridiculed him. Then he put them all out. He took love we have for you, may you excel in this gracious along the child’s father and mother and those who act also. For you know the gracious act of our Lord were with him and entered the room where the Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, for your sake he child was. He took the child by the hand and said to became poor, so that by his poverty you might become her, “Talitha koum,” which means, “Little girl, I say rich. Not that others should have relief while you are to you, arise!” The girl, a child of twelve, arose burdened, but that as a matter of equality your immediately and walked around. At that they were abundance at the present time should supply their utterly astounded. He gave strict orders that no needs, so that their abundance may also supply your one should know this and said that she should be needs, that there may be equality. As it is written: given something to eat. Whoever had much did not have more, and whoever had little did not have less. 4 Nicene Creed: I believe in one God, the Father Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus visible and invisible.
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