February 2019 a monthly insight into PPLLC Employee Highlight—SERGIO TAPIA This month PPLLC con)nues our quest to get to know and highlight our emplo.ees. The month of Fe0ruar. we are highligh)ng one of our superintendents, Sergio Tapia . Sergio has 0een emplo.ed 0. PPLLC since 017 and is currentl. working on Pro1ect 21170, Te3as Cit. Flood Protec)on Pro1ect located in 4alveston, T6. Sergio is one of most lo.al emplo.ees with an ama7ing work ethic. 8ust as in last months edi)on of Lakeside, Sergio was given a list of random ques)ons and asked to answer at least 10 of them. In true Sergio fashion, he was willing to go 0e.ond the call of dut. and answered 7 ques)ons, most of which are 0elow. A:er reading his responses .ou will trul. get a feel of Sergio’s character. So here is what we have found out a0out Mr. Tapia; What book did you last read? Ship of Fools 0. Tucker Carlson. Sergio Tapia What books are by your bedside? The Bi0le & Dail. Devo)ons for Men. Posi+on, What have you always wanted to try but never have? Sk.diving. Superintendent What is your least favorite food? Lam0. Employed Since, If you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring? A riAe, a Bshing 017 pole and a pirogue. Family What do you like to do on your days off? Spend )me with famil.. DifeI 17 .rs. To 8ennifer Tapia What is the best book you have ever read? To Cenew America. FatherI Sergio Tapia, 8r. (10 .rs old) What is your biggest pet peeve? La7iness. How does Sergio de)ne success? Happy wife, happy life = sheer success. What do you like to do for fun? Camping and four wheeling. Favorite -uotes What is your hidden talent? Drawing. “The Bible is alive, it speaks to me, it has feet, it runs aer me, it has hands, Are you messy or organized? Organization and Cleanliness are keys to success, period . it lays hold of me. “ - r. Mar"n Luther Favorite Travel Spot? Tennessee Mountains in Fall $ing If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see? The crea)on. “The world is a work of art, set before all for contempla"on, so that through What is the first thing you would buy if you hit the lo*ery? I’d purchase a .acht I can it, the wisdom of Him that created it Bsh from. should be known.& - Basil If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? Seafood Platter, Spicy Boiled Crawfish and Seafood Gumbo What would you like to be famous for? DeBnitel. DEICLED PEASGG Sergio is trul. a down to earth famil. man. Ee not onl. lo.al to his famil. 0ut also to his 739 S. Clark St., New Orleans LA 70119 _ Corporate Pontchartrain Partners, LLC team. Thank .ou, Sergio for .our commitment and all the (O) 504.872.3199 (F) 504.754.7826 eHorts .ou do to make our compan. great. www.pontchpartners.com 1 Mar. LeBlanc Director of Human Resources mar..le0lancJpontchpartners.com 0 /0 - Franscisco 4arcia 0 /05 - 8ordan Codosta 0 /14 - Keith Stevens 0 /15 - Walter Bates 0 /19 - Mitchell Noung 0 / 4 - Warren Turner 1 9ear 2 9ears 8 9ears 0 /05 - 8ordan Codosta 0 /15 - Dalter Bates 0 /14 - Oeith Stevens 0 /19 - Mitchell Noung .2 9ears 21 9ears 0 /0 - Francisco 4arcia 0 / 4 - Darren Turner Thank you all for your service and dedication. PPLLC appreciates ./1 1 Eddie Dilson ./17 1 Darren Turner Nick. Dufrene ./.8 1 Dilson BuKram ./2 1 Todd 4ran)er 8ordan Codosta ./3 1 Bart Cook 8ason Eaton Lee 4aines Shantell Earris ./7 1 Ca.mond Brown Caven Melrose ./5 1 Dilton Mc4ee ./11 1 Brian Deston ./14 1 Brennan Carline Mar. LeBlanc Director of Human Resources mar..le0lancJpontchpartners.com FEBRUARY 14TH “Where there is love there is life” - Ghandi 2019 tax season is upon Congratulations to our very own, Leslie Koon-McMahan us and all W2’s have and her husband on the birth of their baby girl, Lydia Rose been mailed. If you McMahan. Lydia was born January 31, 2019. Lydia was born have not received your a healthy 6 lbs., 5 oz. and 19 1/2” inches long. Mom and Lydia W2’s please contact, are both doing well. Mary LeBlanc, Director of Human Resources to cousin FredRs record pla.er. But 8ackson found her ensure your correct greatest inspira)on at Mt. Moriah Bap)st Church, mailing address in the where she sang on Dednesda., Frida., and four system. )mes on Sunda.. Even at age 1 , her powerful voice could 0e heard all the wa. to the end of the 0lock. SNou going to 0e famous in this world and walk with MAHALIA JACKSON —QUEEN OF GOSPEL kings and queens,S said her Aunt Bell, predic)ng an illustrious future for a voice that would change the A Childhood in New Orleans face of American music, empower the Civil Cights Born in New Orleans in movement, and 0ring Mahalia 8ackson worldwide 1911, Mahalia 8ackson grew renown. up in a shotgun home shared 0. 13 people. Caised In Chicago 0. her Aunt Duke a:er her 8ackson was 16 when she 1oined her Aunt Eannah mother died in 1917, eco- on 0oard the Illinois Central Cailroad. Like man. nomic circumstances forced African Americans in the South, she moved to Chica- 8ackson to quit school and go for 0eKer opportuni)es, 0ut she found onl. low- work at home when she was in fourth grade. Eer earli- BLACK pa.ing domes)c work during her Brst several .ears est inPuences were the sights and sounds of Uptown there. Ever li:ing her spirit through church and its HISTORY New OrleansI 0anana steamships on the Mississippi music, 8ackson 1oined the 4reater Salem Bap)st Civer, acorns roas)ng in Audu0on Park, hot 1a77 MONTH Church and 0egan touring with the 8ohnson Broth- 0ands, the 0eat-driven music of the Sanc)Bed Church, ers, ChicagoRs Brst professional gospel group. As a and Bessie SmithRs 0lues. voice wa:ing from her 3 Mar. LeBlanc Director of Human Resources mar..le0lancJpontchpartners.com was 0uilding a communit. of gospel musi- failed to secure a na)onal sponsor. cians. Among these was Thomas Dorse., a 8ackson found wild mainstream success in talented Atlanta-0orn African American com- the late R50s, touring the world and recording poser and pianist who had migrated north several successful al0ums for Colum0ia. with a vision for gospel music. Ee chose 8ack- Though she could not convince a television son out of all the singers in Chicago to 0e his network to grant her a show of her own, partner, and, as a traveling act, the two ush- 8ackson did appear as a guest on man. ered in the 4olden Age of 4ospel. SwhiteS variet. shows including those hosted In 1948, Mahalia 8ackson recorded SMove On 0. Dinah Shore, Steve Allen, and Ed Sullivan. Up a LiKle EigherS for Apollo Cecords, selling She also performed at do7ens of monumen- one million copies in the United States. A tal events, including her Brst European tour white radio D8, Studs Terkel, helped to popu- and an appearance at the 1958 Newport 8a77 lari7e the recording, pla.ing it alongside the Fes)val, which .ielded the classic al0um Live hit rh.thm and 0lues records of the da.. at Newport 1958. In the same .ear, 8ackson Dith her rive)ng contralto, 8ackson was as colla0orated with popular orchestral arrang- cap)va)ng as popular 0lues singers, and gos- er Perc. Faith to record the hit al0um The pelRs 0ouncing 0eat proved 1ust as dancea0le, Power and the 4lor., and contri0uted vocals SBsh and 0readS singer, 8ackson performed even to those who didnRt go to church. 8ack- to Duke EllingtonRs suite, Black, Brown, and for dona)ons in storefront churches, 0ase- son 0egan to tour e3tensivel.. And though Beige. B. 1960, 8ackson was an interna)onal ment halls, and other makeshi: venues. Lat- she 0aKled racism and segrega)on, especial- star. Eer congrega)onal call-and-response er, she made )ckets for her appearances T l. in the South, she could collect hundreds of st.le, com0ined with her soulful, voluminous ten cents each T and found work singing at dollars for a single concert. In 1950, she was voice, made gospel music popular all over funerals and revivals. During this period, invited to perform at Carnegie Eall as the the world. But 0ack home, 8acksonRs Bnancial 8ackson made a vow that she would live a headlining act at the First Negro 4ospel Mu- success 0rought racist 0acklash. She received pure life, free of secular entertainment. She sic Fes)val, a monumental event in the histo- violent threats from neigh0ors who did not promised to use her voice for spiritual song r. of gospel music. want an African American woman to live on T a promise that she kept. the quiet street in the Chicago su0ur0s In 1954, 8ackson signed with Colum0ia Cec- where she had purchased a home. Seeds of Success ords and recorded Bless This Eouse. The Brst of her 30 al0ums for the la0el, it included 1937, 8ackson had made her Brst set of re- Ci il Rights tradi)onal num0ers such as SDown B. the cordings with Decca Cecords. Eer Brst side, Civerside,S two composi)ons 0. her old Mahalia S4odRs 4onna Separate the Dheat from the friend Thomas Dorse., and a spiritual version 8acksonRs Tares,S onl.
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