32 NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES P.O.Box 42-090 Wainuiomata Phone (04)564-8578 Fax (04)564-8578 Email: [email protected] - www.chess.co.nz New Zealand Stockists of the widest selection of modem chess literature in Australasia. Chess sets, boards, clocks, stationery and all playing equipment. Distributors of all leading brands of chess computers and software. Chess Send S.A.E. for brochure and catalogue (state your interest). PLASTIC CHESSMEN'STAUNTON' STYLE - CLUB/TOTIRNAMENT STANDARD Official magazinti of the New Zealand Chess Federation (Inc) 90mm King, solid, extra weighted, wide felt base (ivory & black matt finish) $ 28.00 95mm King, solid, weighted, felt base (black & white semi-gloss finish) $ 18.50 98mm King solid, weighted, felt base (black & white matt finish) $ 24.50 Plastic container with clip tight lid for above 8.00 sets $ Yol27 Number 6 December 2001 FOLDING CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 480 x 480mm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $ 6.00 450 x 450 mm thick vinyl (dark brown and offwhite) $ 19.50 VINYL CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 450 x 470 mm roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) $ 8.50 440 x 440mm soft vinyl roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to Assist move recognition (dark brown and off-white) $ 12.00 440 x 440mm semi-flex and non-folding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white) $ 12.00 CHESS MOVE TIMERS (CLOCKS) 'Turnier'German-made popular wind-up club clock, brown plastic $ 80.00 "Exclusiv' German-made as above, in imitation wood case $ 98.00 'Gambit'Deluxe wood - large, face $129.00 SAITEK digital game timer , $140.00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of200 loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $ 7.00 Bundle of500 loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $ 15.00 Score pad, spiral-bound, 50 games, score sheets as above $ 3.50 Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any page, 50 games of 70 moves, with index and diagram for permanent record $ 7.00 Artyfax peel-and-stick synbols (400 pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $ 8.00 MAGNETIC CHESS 190 x l50mm (l5mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces $ 38.50 270x20Omm(24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made) $ 19.00 Standing pocket set 125 x 125 mm (l5mm b & w squares) $ 5.00 Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squares, 65mm King) $ 24.50 WE ARE BUYING CI{ESS LITERATT]RE OF ANY AGE AND ANY CONDITION. TOP PRICES PAID. NZ JLrniors ancl Coach head fbr Spain Please contact us with details for an offer. EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. NZ Chess F 3 New Zealand Chess STOP PRESS Official journal of the New Zealand Chess Fed- New Zealand Chess eration (Inc. ), published Editors note: Volume 27 Nurnber 6 December 2001 in February, April, June, August, October, De- Please c'heck new addres,t fitr tttuguzirtr' cember. subscipt)on,r. CONTENTS Editorial correspondence, copy and advertising inquiries should be Waikato School Pupil's Chcss'lirrr rrr:r rrrt rr I 4. The 2001 world Youth Festival, Spain sent to The third annrul Waikato Sch<xrls ('lrt r,rr l,,rrr ICM Michael Freeman reports on Kiwi efforts in Oropesa Del Mar where New Zealand Chess namcnl was hcld on C)ct l4 at S[ l'itrrl , r oll, coaches and parents were bannedfrom the playing rooms. c/-P OBox1627 giate It rvas organizcdby Gcrri and (irrrr trr, I ( ' Tarpo,2730 kins with help frorn the Hamilton Chess I rr I r 10. Obituary Zygmunt Frankel (19 2 1-2 00 1) Mr W Prirrsloo did the Swiss parings u,il-h thc Ross Jaclcson pays tribute to one of the most colourful contributors to chess in 'Ihe Opimons expressed in articles, letters and other Swiss Perfect cornputer proglamme Ncrv New Zealand. contributions me those of the authors Letters Zealand under l8 coach, Ewen Creen gave a Council Corner on chess topics are welcome; limit 150 words talk and dentonstration before the event stirted 14. I;IZCF President Bob Smith outlines next year's Grand Prix moves help and marked "for publication." Erven holds the record lbr Australasia rn blind- and to lblcl chess whiuh is plaving l7 garncs at orrcc clubs help themselves. ED]TORIAL ( hc rn,on 14, drcui I irncl only le5t )) 15. NZCF Ratings Editor, Graeme Trass Fi{iy student. Iiorn 22 dillcrcnl stltooIs plir\..,I The fficial 6 monthly list-check out your progress. Overseas News Editor, Peter Stuart rn their rcspective divisions I I'rc r tnrrcr s rr,.r, )< Primarl Diyision (),ear 4 k> year (r) Correspondence Chess SUBSCRIPTIONS C)scar Lyrm liom Krighl"on Ni>nlul Sclrrx,l A curious phenomenon-ltrlanganui dominates cc chess. Subscription payrnents should be sent to J)irector of Play: Mrs Gerri .ludkrns ",1 Overseas News Intermediate Division (ycar 7 [o vc;rr S t NM Peter Stuart',s wrap of international news includes the FIDE trVorld New Zealand Chess Rl;rir Se Robcrlson lrom Soirthrvcli lrool Championships and another two K's match. c/- P O Box1627 Dircctor of Plar.: Mr Willianr l,r,rrrr Taupo,2730 ( 30. Obituary Robert Johnstone (192 B-2 001) tligh School Divisitln (year 9 to \/cir r I ) ) Maziar Ilojabn frorn St Jolu'r's Collcg.. Farewell to aformer North Shore Stal,tuart. ANNUAL SUts SCRIPTION RATES High School Division (year I I 1o I .l; New Zealand $20.00. Navin Singh liom St Paul's Collcgiatc: Aushalia, South Pacific, $US12.00 airmail. Director of Plar': Mr Hilton Beruretl East Asia, N Americ4 $USl 5.00 airmail Europe, $USl7.50 airmail, $12.50 economy. Rest of world, $US20 00 airmail, $US15 00 The Cunterbury Chess Club (Inc) invites entries for the 2001 economy NZ National Chess Congress Back issues available - send for details ADVERTISING RATES Fullpage, $N245.00 Dates: 28th December 2001-1lth January 2002 Half-page or full column, $N222.50 Venue: Millenium Hotel, 14 Cathedral Square, Christchurch IIalf column, $NZl2 00 COPYDEADLINE February issue, Monday January 28 For further enquiries and Tournament Programmes Contact: Homepage: http://ourworld compuserve.com./ X'ront Cover (leftto right) : Chris Wright (Vice President, Canterbury Chess Club (Inc) homepages/nzchess Puchen Wang, Michael Freeman atrl 1,,t,1'.rrtt,t Email editor: triangle@voyaget co.t1z Charamwa about to leave for the ll'ttrl,l L,trllt Tel: (03) 3518659 e-mail: [email protected] Championships in Oropesa del Mur NZ Chess NZ Chess I 5 The 2001 World YouthL Chcss -t'estival. Spain. The travel proved uneventful, via Singapore more study, rested, or caught up on other bv \ lt, lt,r,'l I t, , ,tt,ttl and Munich to Barcelona There we spent activities. one night, before joining the convoy ofbuses Whilst the games are in progress in a large Two weeks in October staying at the Marina the extra parents. ;r(l(lrlr('r,rl coaches an(l for the trip to Oropesa playing hall surrounded with glass windows d'Or City of Vacations in Oropesa del Mar, players during what is the tour isl ol ( , r ,( )l I Eugenia was competing in the under 12 girls like a hshbowl, the parents and coaches are on the CostaAzahar. Sounds great! Acconturodatiorr is provided I in llrc llol, event, which had 78 entries. Ten ofthose banned from the venue Hence, the poolside Situated in Castel16n province, Costa Aza- MariLra d'Or, is of rnodertr lrrt, r ulfch iut players had FIDE ratings, with a Ukrainian coffee bar outside the playing room does a har, on the Mediterranean coast, 90 Kilome- turc. rvith I44 rootns, all u'ith a vr( \\ scr the top seed at 2274 followed by a Chinese at roaring trade, whilst anxious parents peer tres from Valencia, 261 ftom Barcelona and ln addition, cight apartrnent t,,rr buildirrgs 2225 through the large windows with opera glasses 440 from Madrid, Oropesa de1 Mar is a taining around a total ol-250 apartntcrrls ol Puchen was competing in the under 12 boys trying to see the board. sleepy old town that is now under attack two bedroorn rurits are also fully utiliscrl event, which had 117 entries. A massive 27 To pass the time, I and the Australian sup- from developers of tourist apartments Fach apartmcnl" containcd one double hcd. ofthese had FIDE ratings, the top seed being port staff amused ourselves watching the Throughout the centuries, Oropesa del Mar, tu'o single bcds, and a couch that openecl from Russia at2398. Eleven ofthe players Spanish builders on the nearby building site with its attractive and strategic position on into anothcr srnail double grcat bed A trr- were over 2200 as they built the next floor of a new apart- the Mediterranean, has served as a settle- rangement lbr a teanr like Nerv Zcaland with By the time lrou get to the under 16 boys, 80 ment building. Never have I seen such cow- ment for many cultures occupying the Ibe- three mcubers, bu1 not so for thc larger out ofthe 102 players have FIDE ratings,50 boy building techniques. Every 30 minutes or rian Peninsula; many historical vestiges teams, u.ho fould a parent and clrildrcrr live ofthem over 2200, with a top seed of2548 so GM Ian Rogers would pass by with an along the village shou.this Ofparticular allocaled to onc apartmcnl, rcgardlcss ol'thc These facts are given to show that these update on the NZ and Australian games This interest is the Castle, conquered by Jaime I age, se\ or familr' corurections lc;rnr o1'thc events are actually tougher than anything also became an amusement, as especially in 1233 and the King's Tower (Torre del membcrs! We r,vcrc cnough llris lrrrrt.
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