rijirp*" -.•^•vm-3*-C>'yi,- * • • •- :--<.jr'::'^. 'ii^niof b'l Kh: '•"" l-'IJt"i, TURNER'S PUBLIC SPIRIT. iilis(„„ Fiftieth Year Ayer, Mass., S'aturday, November 3, 1917 No. 9. Price Four Cents AYER morning and may be dosed at four in hollow square. Carnations In vases the aftornoon. In uddition to the atate^ were upon each table. The stage, re­ News Itoms. otflcers to be chosen there ^are elx served for the orchestra aud spot-tu­ amendments to be yoted upon. A verdict ot $3721.73 was awarded tors, was decorated witb evergree:i.-( to Doherty Bros. In the civil session A petition has been sent to thean d autumn foliage. of the superior court In lbwell, Tues- county commissioners, signed by Al­ • The feature of tbe program was tlve day forenoon,-in thoIr action of con­ bert A. Fillebrown and live others", ask- work ot Miss Hazel Chllds. cabaret tract against Aaron J. Harris for non­ Ing the board to direct specific repairs singer nnd comedienne. In quality this New Fall Arrivals delivery of • Iron. The plaintiffs are on the following highways In the towri part of the program was di...tlnet:y -former-w«U-known' residents-of" Ayer: ot Aver: Knnf Mnln..'iireet, frnm Main abffVt yv»J-UuU.uX isml yeus.^. Uecmtv.. -IN- where they conducted an iron foundry-, street, to the beginning of tho state eral dainty and Ijeautiful costumes. later going to I.owell. where they have road; the atreet beginning at Main hSr *weet voice, and particularly her been for many years one of the best street and running to the Shirley road, grace and cbarni of nianner inaile an known and most successful llrms In known' as West Main street, and the Impression of delight upon all who road from Weat Main street to the were present. An especially beautiful Hats,Caps and Furnishings that city. Shirley town line. The commissfonere number was sung with the hail In For the first time In many years have; given notice that they will meet darkness. Currying a lighted electric there Is no democratic candidate in for the purpose of viewing the prem­ candle, the singer passed from table The latest Hat Styles have come in Soft Hats aud Derbys; thts district for representative this ises and hearing the parties at the to table, casting the light of her candle year. Frank A. Torrey, of Oroton. the commissioners' olfice. lourt house. Fast upon the features of various gallant Soft Hats in the latest colorings and models; Caps in checks, plaids republican candidate, barring a mira­ Cambridge, on Friday. November 30, gentlemen. cle. Is a sure winner at the polls next at ten o'clock In the morning. .' Graceful e.xhibltion dancing was and plain mixtures much prettier than ever before. Tuesday. done by Mr. Curran and .Mrs. Whit­ Tho heavy wind and rainstorms on Cllrbi' Club Cabaret. ten, of Boston. Mrs. Whitten, a-prom­ Shirts in a variety of striking patterns; Fall colorings; some­ Tueaday, eerlouaay Interfered v\'ith tel^i- The Unitarian Girls' club repeated inent leacher of testhetlc dancing, is phone and electric car service. In the their success of last year in a cabaret well known to Ayer people from her thing different in Neckwear and Hosiery and all the other things a outskirts of the town wires were badly heid on Thursday evening In the town work of l^st year's cabaret. She was tangled and several poles blown down. ha:ll. over 250 attendmg, Camp Dev­ heartily welcomed by many friends. well-dressed man needs are ready. The wind at times reached a velocity ens being. largely represented. Music for the • regular dances, inter­ of more than'.sixty- miles per hour. spersed among the numbers of the Fifty tables se,atl.ng four or six per- program, was furnished by the slx- Next.Tuesday, election day, the polls aotjLS were .ranged along the sides and will be bpened as usual at 6.46 in the plece Colonial orchestra of We.st Ac­ ends of the room In the form of a ton. Their playing gave great satis­ Opposite Depot faction. T>urlng the evening delicious re­ freshments'were served at.the differ­ ent tables by Misses Doris Dickerman. Bros. Ayer Auto Supply Co. Ruth Harlow, Jessie MacOregor and AYER - MASS. membersof the club. The menu in­ STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS AT 6.30 cluded Welsh rabbit, sandwiches, Dealers in sweet cider, ginger ale, coffee, grape now In camp who desire to.flle new Juice. Ice cream, frozen- pudding and claims tor exemption on the srounds fancy ijastry. Mlss Natalie Bigelow ot dependents. upOn which army of­ had charge of the retreshments. Her ficers here have authority to pass, must assistants were Mrs. A. Paul Fille­ make known their decision betore No­ brown and Misses BcUe Murphy, l.ll­ vember IB. Thosi who arrive later Motor Car Accessories llan Wright and Xettie B. Roe. will be given fifteen days in which to 3^ ''t^rge^^g^ Thc abundant credit ot providing flic such cl.aims. ,- fie^i this 'dellghtfal social event for the 'AYCR. soldiers and people of the xown Is due Judge Thomas H. Cnnoily and /nit OS- to Mrs. F. Vern Plllman, the versatile Fred E. Dowllng, • of Boston, two of —^ Tires and Oils president ot the club, who had gen­ an exemption board in that city, have eral charge of the arrangements, and Biven their salaries amounting to $400 to Mrs. Goorge O. FlUebrown, who to the relief fund! of company B of had charge of the decorations and was the 301st Infantry.. Headquarters for her able assistant. Charles Curtln, oi- Waltham, a pri­ -;w* 4;^rt»p^»ote«. — — vate^ attached to_'the .Oejjot Brigade, who'was Injured i^ an automobile ac­ WEED^TmE CHAINS Percy Haughton. Harvard's head cident in Littleton last week Friday football coach, commenced his duties night, died at th^'base hospital from New Fall Suits M'onday in getting the camp football his Injuries Monday. The remains __=g;j^_IED=S^XASES=^EIRES„ . - . .ation o-X former Harvard pla.vers will assist Tuesday forenoon by a military squad — - . Eo r M en..=a4^ d-¥out h s - —--^ Haughton in the work. and sent to thc home of the deceased. CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS The government Is planning to e-t-^ where the , body was interned. Thc tend camp recreation work through death of Cu'rtin Cast a deep gloom over the co-operatloi> of the large fraternal his comrades by whom he was heid in • ^RED-SEA-tTBATTERIES organizations of the country," Secre­ high esteem. Men who know and demand the best and who want their tary ot War Baker has explained his An entertainment under the direc­ money's worth all the time always come to this store for their MOBILOILS AND GREASES desires on this matter to representa­ tion ot the I.owell lodge ot Klks was tives ot such organizations who went given at one ot the V. >l C. A. huts clothes. These men know this store as a Quality Store—a store to Washington by invitation ot the sec­ l.a.st week Frida.v night. The program ACCESSORIES FOR FORD CARS retary. The proposed plans include Included boxing bouts i)\- Thnnias Fal: honest values for your merchandise is sold and where you can get the furnishing of wholesome amuse­ and his partner, Phinney Bovie. ant! ment of the soldiers during their leis­ Thomas Doyle and Gardner iJrook.- where a good quality ofmoney. The price you pay is governed by EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS AND BATTERIES ure hours. It is possible that this The music was burnished by Walter work will be carried Into the camps Davis, John F. Roane. Jr.. Charies the quality of the fabric and trimmings. The tailoring and the style as many of the soldiers are members Clancy, Walter Cldugh and the Honev of some of the fraternal associations. Boy Four, w;Ith W. P. McCarthy as is always of the best. Many of our Suits come from that well- Frederick \V. Mansflcld, democratic accompanist, and Janies E. Donnellv known house of Park Street One Minute from R. R. Station AYER ctir.dldate for governor, has arranged as director. ; 4i)—furnish- spocial tralna-ior—Soldiers —Announeement-Ht-made- of the- mar­ who wish to go home to vote on elec­ riage at Ayer of Miss Marion Savage tion day, Tuesday, November 6. Thean d Karl Danforth Sabin. The bride expense-s ot the trip are tb be borne is the daughter ot the late Itev. John by the party orgnnlzatlon. All sol­ Arthur Sivage. formeriy minister of A. Shuman & Co. of Boston HELP WANTED diers are invited to take advantage of the First Parish Unitarian church in this opjjortunity to vote, regardless of Medfleld. and Mrs. Savage. She Is a by anyone in saving money or acquiring a home, may be their party preferences. 'graduate of Smith college and has been We bought our stock months ago, and as a result we are offering our had by applying to the Members-of the draft army sent to a resident of New "i'ork city. Mr. Sabm. Camp Devens while exemption appeals a .graduate of Norwich university, is Fall Clothing at prices considerably under the market value of the were pending, who since have been a meniber of the Fourteenth company. FITCHBURG CO-OPERATIVE BANK granted certiflcates of exemption or Fourth battalion, of th^ depot brigade same grades on today's market. None of our present stock of cloth­ discharge, will probably be permitted stationed at Camp Devens.
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