San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1962 Special Libraries, 1960s 7-1-1962 Special Libraries, July-August 1962 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1962 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July-August 1962" (1962). Special Libraries, 1962. 6. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1962/6 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1962 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Putting Knowledge to Work OFFICERS DIRECTORS President SARAAULL ETHELS. KLAHRE Uniz;evsity of Hou rton Federal Reserve Bank of Clevela~zd,Clel,eland, Ohio Houston 4, Texas First Vice-president and President-Elect JOANM. HUTCHINSON MRS.MILDRED H. BRODE Research Center, Diamond Alk.11; David Taylor Model Bath. W~shiu,qio~r.D. C. Comparzj, Paiwes~,ille.Ohjo Second Vice-president PAULW. RILEY ROBERTW. GIBSON,JR. College of BusI'ne.t.r Adminirfviitiu~i Thomas J. Watron Research Cet//rv. Ydmzm Bosiott College Height.r, New Yovk Che~t~utHill, Ma.r.rachuset/.r Secretary MRS.JEANNE B. NORTH MRS. ELIZABETHB. ROTH Lockheed Missi1e.r 6 Sp~crDil~isiou. P.do Alto. Stundard Oil Company of Callfor- Culiforniil niil, San Frawrisro, Cdifor~zia Treasurer EDWARDG. STRABLE RALPHH. PHELPS J. Walter Thompsorz Compnizj Ettgineering Societie.~L;brar). A-ew Yvrk, Nru York Chicago, Illinois Immediate Past-President MRS.ELIZABETH R. 1 JSHER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: BILL M. WOODS Special Libraries Association 31 East 10 Street, New York 3, New York MEMBERSHIP Dues: Sustaining - $100; Active - $15 ; Associate - $10; Afiliate - $15 ; Student - $2 ;Emeritus - $5 ; Life - $250. For qualifications, privileges and further information, write the Executive Secretary, Special Libraries Association. PUBLICATIONS Aviation subject headings, 1949 .............. $1.75 National insurance organizations in the Bibliography of new guides and aids to United States and Canada, 1957 ........ public documents use 1953-1956 (SLA Picture sources: an introductory list, bibliography no. 2), 1957 .................... 1.50 1959 ........................................................ A checklist for the organization, opera- tion and evaluation of a company li- SLA directory of members, as of Octo- ber 21, 1960 members brary, 1960 .............................................. 2.00 ............................ nonmembers Contributions toward a special library glossary, 2nd ed., 1950 ........................ 1.25 Source list of selected labor statistics, rev. ed., 1953 ........................................ Correlation index document series & PB reports, 19S3 .......................................... 10.00 Sources of commodity prices, 1960 ........ Creation & development of an insur- Special Libraries Association-its first ance library, rev. ed., 1949 .................. 2.00 fifty years, 1909-1959, 1959 ................ Directory of special libraries, 1953 ........ 5.00 Special Libraries Association personnel Guide to metallurgical information survey 1959, 1960 ................................ (SLA Bibliography no. 3), 1961 ...... 4.00 Guide to special issues and indexes of Subject headings for aeronautical engi- neering libraries, 1949 periodicals, 1962 .................................... 5.75 .......................... Guide to the SLA loan collection of Subject headings for financial libraries, classification schemes and subject head- 1954 .......................................................... ing lists, 5th ed., 1961 .......................... 4.00 Translators and translations: services and Handbook of scientific and technical sources, 1959 .......................................... awards in the United States and Can- ada. 1900-1952, 1956 ............................ 3.00 U. S. sources of petroleum and natural gas statistics, 1961 .................................. Map collections in the U. S. and Can- ada; a directory, 1954 .......................... 3.00 Visual presentation. Our library, 1953 .. TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX-Subscription, $7.50; Foreign, $8.00; Single copies, 75$ SPECIAL LIBRARIES is .published by Special Libraries Assqciation, monthly September to April, bimonthly May to August, at 73 Mam Street. Brattleboro, Vermont. Ed~tor~alOffices: 31 East 10th Street, New York 3, New York. Second class postage paid at Brattleboro, Vermont. A magnificent large globe in a distinguished floor stand . THE COSMOPOLITE 24-inch Physical- Political Reference Globe 24" Cosmopolite Globe A globe is the only true map of the world EVERY LIBRARY SHOULD HAVE ONE! The big, new 24-inch Cosmopolite globe of lakes, rivers, mountains and other has been designed to help understand geo- physical features as well as names of graphical relationships more readily. It cities, countries, states, etc. National and shows every continent, island and country state boundaries are outlined prominently in its true relationship to every other, in purple. The International Date Line is without the distortion that appears on shown. Lettering is clear and distinct. many flat world maps. The Cosmopolite is over 75 inches in circumference with a The globe rotates in its cradle, permitting scale of 333 miles per inch, larger than easy viewing. Any spot on the globe can many good sized wall maps. instantly be brought into view. The dis- tinguished period-style cradle stand is The physical-political globe map presents made of hand-rubbed solid walnut. Over- physicdl facts as well as political data, all height of stand with globe is 42 and is beautifully colored in greens, buff inches, overall width 34 inches. and brown to show elevations above sea level. Ocean depths appear in shades of Truly, the Cosmopolite is a conversation blue. Warm and cold ocean currents are piece as well as a magnificent reference also shown. tool. It will be an attractive addition to any library and will fit well into any On the more than 1800 square inches of background-to become a prized posses- map surface appear thousands of names sion of lasting usefulness. For additiorlul information write for Brochu7-e G63 in ~0l07.. DENOYER-GEPPERT COMPANY Educational Publishers Maps Globe Atlases 5235 Ravenswood Avenue Chicago 40, Illinois JULY-AUGUST 1962 MACMILLAN PRESENTS NE A monumental new work in physics, plus important titles in the technical, scientific, and business fields ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY OF PHYSICS Editor-in-Chief: J. Thewlis (Harwell) . Associate Editors: R. C. Glass (London), D. J. Hughes (Brookhaven), and A. R. Meetham (Teddington) The first work of its kind in English - a nently authoritative, and entirely new, this unique 8-volume set that puts the whole of reference work will prove indispensable to physical knowledge on one bookshelf! Con- scientists, engineers, doctors, and teachers. tains 15,000 articles by 3,609 distinguished Complete set, $298.00 scientists from a11 over the worId. Material Special price to schools and libraries: is alphabetically arranged. Exhaustive, emi- $238.40 FREE GLOSSARY! "Many excellently written contributions .... A four-language glossary (English, French, The classical fields are very udl coverrd German, Russian) of 15.000 terms supplied and presented ....A serious and monu- free to all purchasers of the Dictionary. Also mental endeavor ....A vrry useful addition to... any library." -Science available separately for $60.00 ASTRONOMY OF THE PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICAL THE 20TH CENTURY GUIDE TO INSURANCE Otto Struve and Velta Zebergs Arnold Geier A major publishing event-one of today's great- All the facts a doctor needs to bul- and manage est astronomers examines 20th-century diseov- insurance wisely, including tax advantages, in- erirs and the personalities behind them. Over suring a practice, and personal insurability. 200 photographs and diagrams. Nov. $10.00 Sept $5.00 SPECIAL LIBRARIES )OKs FOR SPECIAL LIBRARIES THE TWILIGHT OF CITIES THE CRESCENT DICTIONARY OF E. A. Gutkind MATHEMATICS An historical critique of the city and a bold new William Karush proposal for future patterns of living. Quick, easy reference summaries of every phase A Free Press Book Nov. $5.00 of mathematics, from the elementary to the ad- vanced. Over 400 figures and diagrams. Oct. $6.50 MONOGRAPHS IN MODERN LOGIC G. B. Keene, General Editor A new series designed to fill the gap between DATA QUALITY CONTROL - elementary and advanced logic. Each mono- A NEW RESEARCH TECHNIQUE: graph offers a precise and explanatory treat- Prolegomena to a Cross-Cultural Study ment of a relatively confined field. of Culture Stress A Free Press Series Sept. paper $1.25 ea. Raoul Naroll PROPOSITIONAL CALCULUS An important new research technique that P. H. Nidditch avoids the subjective element in traditional criticism. A Free Press Book Sept. $5.50 AXIOMATICS Robert Blanch6 THE DEVELOPMENT OF DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES IN MATHEMATICAL LOGIC PATTERN RECOGNITION P. H. Nidditch George Sebestyen ACM Monograph Series RECENT SOVIET CONTRIBUTIONS Statistical decision theory directly applied to TO MATHEMATICS machine learning and decision-making problems. Edited by J. LaSalle and S. Lefschetz Nov. $7.50 11 experts evaluate recent Soviet scientific re- search and
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