Distr. GENERAL CONFERENCE ON THE IAEA/CS/INF/1 STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL 17 September 1956 ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY ENGLISH ONLY UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS '1956 PROVISIONAL LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES AFGHANISTAN Representative: Mr. Abdul Hamid AZIZ Envoy Extraordinary and iiinister Plenipotentiary Perrnanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Representative: , *Dr. Abdul Hakim TA8IBI First Secretary, Permanent Mission ALBANIA Representatives: *H.E. M. Reis i-iALILE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations H. Jonus MRSINI Counsellor, Permanent Mission M. Nabi AGOLLI First Secretary, Permanent Mission ARGENTINA Representative: Captain Oscar A. QUIHILLAP, Navy President of the National Committee of Atomic Energy Alternate Representatives: .Sr; :Alberto':BENEGAS"BYNCH Big. ErMsfo'-Enrique ;'GAl:LONI Advisers: Sr; Jbrge'-^ALFONZO Attache, Permanent Mission DrJ Fidel ALCINA -InaT-Selso PAPADOPOULOS ^ married IAEA/CS/INF/1 - Page 2 AUSTRALIA Representatives: *H.tj. Sir Percy C. SPENDER, K.B.E.,.Q.C. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States Professor John Philip BAXTER H.E.TKr<: ?chnlDouglasdH6yd .H0.QD).IC.B.E. Alternate Representatives: l"ir. Charles Norman VATSON-MUNRO ^ir. Trevett Wakeham CUTTS < Counsellor, Permanent Mission Advisers: i^ir. Keith Frederick ALDER ilr. William kevin FLANAGAN AUSTRIA Representative: *H.L. Dr. Franz MTSCH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Adviser: Dr. Hans THALBERG Secretary of Legation Secretary to Delegation: Dr. Wolfgang WOLTE Attache, Permanent Mission BELGIUM Representative: ^Professor Jacques ERRbRA Permanent Mission Alternate Representatives: ' *Baron Pierre de GAIFFIER D'H^STROY Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Mission M. Georges CARLLER IA^A/CS/'INF/1 Page 3 BOLIVIA Representative: H.L. Dr. German ruiRCGA-GALDO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations BRAZIL BULGARIA Representatives: *Dr. Peter G. VOUTOV Liinister Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Professor Georgi NADJAKOV Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute for Physics with Atomic Scientific Experimental Center Secretary: *Kr. Barouch M. GiilNBLRG Second Secretary, Permanent Mssion IA^A/CS/INF/I Page 4 BURMA BYELORUSSIA CAi'IBODIA CANADA Representatives: iw. H.H. W^RSHOF, Q.C. Assistant Under-Secretary of State and Legal Adviser, Department of External Affairs Mr. W.J. BLNNETT, O.B.L. President of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Advisers: Mr. Sidney POLLCCK Dr. J.D. BABBITT Mr. W.H. BARTON *Mr. h.A. CROWE First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Donald WATSON Mr. D.H.1--J. KIRSJOOD ^ Mr. G.G.J. GRONDIN IA^A/CS/INF/1 Page 5 CEYLON CHILL Representative: ^-Sr. Oscar PINOCHET Second Secretary, Permanent Mission CHINA IAEA/CS/INF/1 Page 6 COLOMBIA Representative: 1) *H.^. Dr. Francisco URRUTIA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Representatives: Dr. Carlos VESGA DUARTE Dr. Tulio MRULANDA 1) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States CGST,L RICA Representatives: *H.E. Br. (Alberto F. EA'NAS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plcnipo^nMary to the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.,j. rSr. Gonzalo J. ,FACI0 Arr-.bass.ador ^xtraordiaary^and -RleniDotentiary to the United States Adviser: Sr. Raul TRIPOS FLUHES Alternate Representative to the United Nations CUBA Representative: *H.j:-. Dr. Emilio RTUKEZ-PORTUONDO Ainbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Representative: *H.E. Dr. Carlos BLANCO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission Adviser: Dr. Marcelo ALONSO Y RCCA Professor at University of Havana, and Secretary of Nuclear hnergy Commission of Cuba IAEA/CS/INF/1 Page 7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Representative: H.E. Dr. Pavel VJINKIER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mnistry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives: *Mr. Jaroslav PSCOLrJA Envoy iuttraordinary- and i-iinister Plenipotentiary Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Ivan UL^HLA Member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Advisers: Dr. Vratislav PECHOTA First Secretary of Embassy, ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Dusan SPACIL < i'iinistry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Veroslav SOB..K liinistry of Foreign Affairs DENMARK Representatives: *H.E. i"jr. K^rl I. ESKELUND Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent R^. .resea ative to the Urited N bions Mr. H.H. KOCH Permanent Under-Secretary of Ministry of Social Affairs, C':^irman of the Lxecutive Committee of Danish Atomic Energy Commission I^jr. H. HiALGAARD NIELSEN Assistant Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Technical Adviser: *Mr. Anker HANSEN Scientific Adviser, Permanent Mission Secratary of Delegation: RCount C.A. MOLTKE Atbache, Permanent i Assion IALA/CS/INF/1 Page 8 DOMINICAN ^PUBLIC Representatives: < Brig .G'@eMe^lH<Ailexa^erAEOViA^ Major Rafael B. GONZALEZ liASSENET R^^faJS3^r^crFAiyCR'&HIR. ' ECUADOR Representative: H.^. Dr. Jose V. TRUJILLO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations EGYPT EL SALVADOR LiLA/CS/lNF/1 Page 9 ETHIOPIA FRANCE < GERMANY (Federal Republic of) L'L,A/CS/INF/1 Page 10 ' GRZ^,CE , Representatives: ' ^H.u. iir. George V. i-ELAS Ambassador Lxtraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States itear Admiral Athanase SPANIDIS, R.H.N. President of the Hellenic Atomic Energy Commission iir. Themistocles L. CHRYSANTH0P0UL0S First Secretary Advisers: Fir. Constantine VLRNARDIS Director, Linistry of Finance i<ir. George PAPADATOS GUATMIALA HAITI Representatives: H.L. H. Jacques L-Gi^R Ambassador Extraordinary^ and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Professor Parnell MARC Faculty of Sciences HONDURAS Representative: Sr. Juan F. FUNES Consul-General, New York Adviser: *Sr. I'Rguel PAZ PAREDES Attache, Permanent Mission IALA/CS/INF/1 Page 11 HUNGARY";* h'-. ^UitAS Representatives: Dr. Peter KOSl) Envoy ^extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Fir. Gyorgy SZIGETI Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences Mr. Laszlo R..CZEI Professor of University Advisers:' *Mr. Imre HOLLAI Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Janos SZABO Permanent Mission *Mr. Pal RACZ Second Secretary, Permanent Mission 1) iuivoy Lxtraordinary and id.nister Plenipotentiary to the United States ICELAND Representative: *H.J. Mr. Thor THORSl) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Adviser: Mr. Hannes KJARTANSSON C onsul-Gene ral 1) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States INDIA BUA/CS/INF/1 Page 12 INDONESIA Representative: *H.i,. Dr. 5UDJARW0 Tjondronegoro Ambassador.Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Representative: *Dr.; Sdjono SURJOTJONDRO Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Mission IRAN Representatives: . ^H.E. Dr. Djalal ABDOH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations *D'r. Mohammad Ali MASSOUD-ANSARI Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Mission Adviser: * ' Dr. Gholam Ali BAZARGAN Professor, Technical Faculty of Teheran University Secretaries: Dr. Jafar NADIM Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Shamsedin GOLESTANEH Third Secretary, Permanent Mission IRAQ IAEA/CS/INF/1 Page 13 . IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY Representative:: ^H.E. Dr. Leonardo VITETTI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate'Representatives: RM. Eugenio PLAJA Counsellor of Legation, Permanent Mission M. Luciano GIELTTI Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers: Professor Felice IPPOLITO Secretary-General of the Committee for Nuclear Research Ing. Antonio BAGLIO Ministry of Industry *M. Vincenzo TORNETTA ) Secretary of Legation^ Pernanent Mission IAEA/CS/INF/1 Page 14 JAPAN Representatives: ^ *H.E. Mr. Toshikazu KASE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Observer to the United Nations Mr. Ichiro ISHIKAWA Member of the Atomic Energy Commission i-'ir. Ichiro KAWASAKI Director, International Cooperative Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representative: *Mr. Hideo KITAHARA First Secretary, Permanent Observer's Office Technical Adviseis Mr. Takashi MUKAIBO First Secretary, Embassy, Washington AdvMrsrReinosuke HARA Member of the Atomic Energy Laboratory Advisers: Mr. Fumihiko KANBARA Secretary, International Cooperative Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yoshio FUJIMOTO Secretary, International Cooperative Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs JORDAN KOREA IAEA/CS/INF/1 Page 15 LEBANON Representative: *Dr. Alif GEBARA Permanent Mission LIBERIA Representative: ^H.E. Mr. Charles T.O. KING Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations LIBYA Representatives: Mr. Fathi ALABIDIYAH Counsellor of Embassy Charge d'Affaires, Embassy, Washington Mr. A.F. BEN-SAOUD First Secretary of Embassy LUXEMBOURG MEXICO IAEA/CS/INF/1 Page 16 MONACO MOROCCO Representative: H.E. Dr. iiehdi Ben-ABOUD Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States NEPAL NETHERLANDS IAEA/CS/INF/1 Page 17 NEW ZEALAND Representative: . ^H.E. Sir Leslie MUNRcD Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Representatives: Mr. G.D.L.
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