DECEMBER 1968 BEAR FACTS PUBLISHED BY OCEANIDS - UCSD WOMEN VOL. VII, NO. 3 Editor - Ruth Inman, 2604 Ellentown Rd., La Jolla (453-0397) Calendar Editor - Penny Fantino, 931 Stratford Court, Del Mar (755-3174) Editorial Staff - Marge Ahlstrom, Avis Johnson, Ruth Newmark, Helen Raitt, Sally Spiess, Frieda Urey, Polly Wooster Calendar Staff - Ann Blackburn, Mary Elliott, Clara Green, Adylin Rosenblatt, Muriel Strickland Subscriptions & Circulation - Diane Halasz, 6606 Aveneda de las Pescas, La Jolla (459- 741 7) OCEANID membership $3 - BEAR FACTS subscription $2 - make out check to OCEANIDS CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PAR TY FLEA MARKET A SUCCESS by Doris Simon The OCEANIDS will hold their annual Children's Christmas Party on Saturday, December 14th from A very successful sale was the result of the many 3-5 P. M. at the South Cafeteria of Revelle College. hours, days and even weeks which so many of our mem­ The program is designed to appeal to university chil­ bers and friends spent creating and assembling the mer­ dren from about age 3 to approximately 3rd grade. chandise for the OCEANID Gift Booth at the UCSD Mrs. Jean H. Filloux will give a puppet show based Hospitals Auxiliary's Flea Market. Although final 11 on Kipling's "The Elephant's Child • Several mem­ figures are not yet available, the gross income ap­ bers of the Madrigals will sing Christmas songs for proximates $600. the children. Other activities will include Christmas On Sunday, November 17, under sunny skies and tree decorating and a dance around the tree. a bright umbrella, the boutique items of our booth Co-chairmen for this year's party are Mrs. (one of over twenty booths at the Flea Market), attra-.::ted George E. Backus and Mrs. Francis T. Haxo. Comm­ many buyers at the Mission Valley West Parking Lot. ittee members include: Mrs. Gerhard N. Schrautzer, Our merchandise consisted mainly of card table covers, Mrs. Frederick R. Jameson, Mrs. Warren L. Butler, tote bags, colorful burlap flowers, potted poinsettias, Mrs. Osmund Holm-Hansen, decorations and Mrs. sweater and glove bags, Christmas tree ornaments, Richard Rosenblatt, refreshments. aprons, bibs, sweaters, pillows, hand-puppets, book­ marks, soap turtles, and beanbags as well as hand "HOLES IN THE WALL 11 A SUCCESS cream. Among comestibles were strawberry guava jelly, rumballs, pickles and sour dough bread-all made The People to People money making event of the especially for this occasion. Hand-made pottery, c4n­ year was very successful. The 11 Holes in the Wall 11 dle-holders and many other gifts including ~hells were tour raised somewhat more than the $300 which was donated. Also donated were Torrey Pine seeds which its goal. The tour was conducted on two days, Nov­ were sold in conjunction with the Torrey Pine notepaper ember 15 and 16, for 120 people. There 15 drivers and Season's Greetings Cards which were designed the first day and 7 the second day (some devoted dri­ especially for us by Nancy McMaster to whom we vers served both days). In addition to being taken to are deeply grateful. 5 or 6 fascinating places, the guests were given an I would like to take this opportunity to thank invaluable list of other out-of-the-way spots in San each and everyone of the many contributors who worked Diego and Tijuana that they can explore at their leisure. so diligently on the preparation and execution of our Funds raised will be used for scholarships to successful event. My sincerest gratitude goes to Fran enable students from 11 Ciencas Mirinas 11 in Ensenada Tyler, whose tireless '=£forts, weeks of labor and to continue their studies at SIO. magnificent cooperation, made our OCEANID affair such a profitable one. Working with Fran has been a UCSD AROUND THE WORLD true pleasure, and the cooperation received from a large portion of our membership has been most gra­ Seventy- one new students from other counties tifying. Thank you, one and all~ enrolled for the fall quarter at UCSD, making a total In summary: The sale paid for our $100 spon­ of 233. There are one hundred seventy-five people sorship of the University Hospital Gift Shop, which from other nations on the faculty; post-doctoral list; will bear a placque with the OCEANIDS name as one working as research fellows or employed on campus. of its sponsors. Our treasury should be increased Nations represented are: Argentina; Australia, Austria; by more than $150. The $20 parking lot fee, too, was Belgium; Canada; Chile China; Columbia; Costa Rica; recovered by our sale. The Hospitals Auxiliary will Cuba; Ecuador; England; Finland France; Germany; receive all proceeds (about $150) from the sale of the Greece; India; Indonesia; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Torrey Pine Cards. Japan; Jordan; Korea; Luxembourg; Mexico, Nether­ lands; New Zealand Nigeria; Norway; Pakistan; Peru; Phillipines; Scotland; South Africa; Soviet Union; Spain; Editors note: OCEANIDS wishes to thank Doris Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Turkey; United King­ Simon and Fran Tyler for their enthusiasm and many dom; Uraguay; United States of America; Venezuela; hours of hard work which made possible the terrific Vietnam and Yugoslavia. success of our booth at the Flea Market. GERTRUD WEISS DIRECTS HEALTH STUDY UCSD ARTISTS SHOW EAST AND WEST by Mary £lliott Dr. Gertrud Weiss, known to most OCEANIDS as Trude Szilard, was recently appointed project di­ Over East as well as here in California art rector for a health study of Southeast San Diego. Thi_s galleries and museums are exhibiting the work of study will be carried out under the Comprehensive teachers in the Visual Arts Department of UCSD. Health Planning Association of San Diego and Imperial These painters and sculptors have had, are having, Counties with a grant from the California State Depart­ or will have shows in New York, Los Angeles, Newport ment of Public Health. The study has begun a search Beach, and La Jolla during the current season. for existing data which includes a search for and a Newton Harrison's 11 shaped paintings, 11 for ex­ compilation of all surveys made in the area in recent ample, are on exhibition at the La Jolla Museum years. The study will then obtain the information not through December 6. John Baldessari is in a group otherwise available thru a sample household survey show at the Richard Feigen Gallery in New York, and which will be conducted with the help of the UCLA his work was shown recently at the Molly Barnes Survey Research Center. Gallery in Los Angeles. Last month, in New York, "An important aspect of the survey is cornmun - Paul Brach's paintings were exhibited at the Kornblee ity participation. Area residents wil 1 be used as in­ Gallery; in march, Miriam Shapiro 1 s one_-man show terviewers, " said Dr. Weiss. "We expect to deter­ of paintings will open at the Andre Emmerich Gallery mine what the health needs are at present, and also in New York. And a joint-retrospective exhibition of how the residents of the area perceive their needs and works by the two artists, Brach and Shapiro, is now 11 what they want done about it. The results of this being organized to open at Newport Harbor Art Museum study_ will be given in a report which will make recom­ in January and at La Jolla Museum in March. mendations for a comprehensive health care system Currently showing at the UCSD Art Gallery are for Southeast San Diego. The methods and findings examples of the work of the four artists mentioned will be presented in such a way that they will be ap­ above together with paintings by Harold Cohen and plicable to other urban poverty areas throughout constructions by Michael Todd. All are members of California. the Visual Arts faculty. The exhibition runs through Since many agencies are working in the area December 14. and are in need of current health information, the P. S. Eleanor Antin, painter-wife of David Antin, study is being carried out in close cooperation with director of the campus Art Gallery, is showing too: the Model Cities Program (which has recently received a group of collages- - "Fragments from Roissy"- - at a federal grant to operate in the same area), the the Molly Barnes Gallery in Los Angeles this month. Economic Opportunity Commission, the Regional {For details see the enclosed Calendar, art section.) Medical Program, the S. D. County Health Department, the S. D. State Service Center, the County Medical and Dental Societies, the UCSD School of Medicine CHRISTMAS VACATION CAMPING and others. Therefore, a health committee is now being established which will include representatives A recently published book Beaches of Baja by from the above mentioned agencies and also residents Walk Wheelock, La Siesta Press ($1. 95) will be of living in the area. It is anticipated that the study will interest to those who yen fer a camping trip. The be completed in one year. It will be conducted from author, who spends half of his weekends in Baja, knows offices in the Comprehensive Health Planning Assoc - well about the beaches and roads he describes. They iation and the State Service Center (which is located are all within 250 miles of the International Border. A in Southeast San Diego). previous publication by publisher Walk Wheelock and Dr. Weiss, a native of Austria, received her authored by John W. Robinson is Camping and Climbing medical degree from the University of Vienna. She in Baja. also received a degree in Public Health from Columbia --These are excellent additions to guide books University in New York. After working as district for Baja campers, many of whom have seen Gerhard health officer in the New York City Health Department and Gulick's Lower California Guide Book.
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