THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XLI. NUMBER 12347. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1913. PRICE, 3 CENTS. $100; City Magistrates' Court, $18; total, wells Island, at $240 per annum, to date THE CITY RECORD. $118. from November 1, 1913. Report of fines received during month Appointed Temporarily : Timoth Kil- OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. of October, 1913, and disposal of same: loran, Stationary Engineer at City Prison, Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the From Court of General Sessions, $75; Manhattan, for one month from Novem- BOARD . OF CITY RECORD. Court of Special Sessions, $75; City Mag- ber 1, 1913, at $4.50 per diem. ARDOLPH L. KLINE, MAYOi. istrates'Court, $142; total, $292. To City Temporary Appointment Extended: ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, CORPORATION COUNSIL. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, CoxPTaort.ta. Chamberlain, $213; Board of Health, $79; James J. Reynolds, Keeper at Penitentiary, total, $292. Telephone money, $8.75 (to Blackwells Island, extended to November DAVID FERGUSON, SUPERVISOL General Bookkeeper and Auditor to be 14, 1913, at $1,200 per annum. Supervisor's Office, Park Row Building, 13-21 Park Row. applied on monthly telephone bills). Total Promoted: William C. Holmes, Keeper Published daily, at 9 a. in except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 98 Reade street (north side), receipts, $308.75. at Branch Workhouse, Rikers Island, at between West Broadway and t hurch street, New York City. $1,200 per annum, promoted to Head Keep- Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a . copy. From District Prisons—Report of fines week ending October 25, 1913: City Mag- er, transferred to Workhouse, Blackwells SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Dol- Island, and salary increased to $1,800 per lars; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly dis- istrates' Court, $626. From Penitentiary, trict; Law Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents Blackwells Island—List of prisoners re- annum, to date from November 1, 1913. each section; postage prepaid. ceived during week ending October 25, Salary Increased: Salary of John ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) 1913: Men, 65; women, 7. From Work- Hayes, Warden of City Prison, Brook- days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for cort'ection before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. house, Blackwells Island—Reporting that lyn, increased from $2,000 to $2,500 per COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least fines paid at Workhouse during week end- annum, to date from November 1, 1913. THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Salary of William Kearney, Orderly at Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. ing October 25, 1913, amounted to $31. From City Prison, Brooklyn—Report of Workhouse, Blackwells Island, increased fines received during week ending Octo- from $240 to $360 per annum, to date from TABLE OF CONTENTS. ber 25, 1913: Court of Special Sessions, November 1, 1913. $500; City Magistrates' Courts, $131: total, Transferred : John J. Hanley, Warden, Branch Workhouse, Harts Island, trans- Assessors, Board of— Instructions to Bidders for Work to be $631. From City Prison, Queens—Report Completion of Assessments 11938 Done or Supplies to be Furnished 11944 of fines received during week end;nq Oc- ferred to City Prison, Manhattan, and Notice to Present Claims for Damages 11938 Law Department— salary increased from $2,500 to $3,000 per Extract of Transactions of the Office tober 25, 1913: City Magistrates' Courts, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Depart- annum, to date from November 1, 1913. ment of— of the Corporation Counsel for $32. Proposals Week Ending November 15, 1913 11926 Resigned : Charles A. Farrell, Hospital Board Meetings 11939 Manhattan, Borough of— Appointed : Tames R. Hunter, M. D., Helper at City Prison, Brooklyn, resigned, Bridges, Department of— Auction Sale 11939 Resident Physician at the Penitentiary, to take effect on October 31, 1913; salary, Abstract of Transactions for Week Proposals 11939 Blackwells Island, at $1,200 ner annum, $480 per annum. Ending December 6, 1913 11905 Municipal Civil Service Commission— Auction Sale 11937 to date from November 1. 1913. lames PATRICK A. WHITNEY, Commis- Proposals 11937 Notices of Examinations 11936 Normal College of The City of New R. Byrne, Orderly at Workhouse, Black- sioner. Bronx, Borough of— Proposals 11931 York— Brooklyn, Borough of— Notice of Examination 11939 Proposals 11940 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- 11944 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FIRST DISTRICT. Report for Quarter Ending June 30, ings, etc. 1913 11913 Official Directory 11927 No. 154 NASSAU Change of Grade Damage Commission— Parks, Department of— STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Time and Place of Meetings 11936 Proposals 11931 Calendar for the Week Commencing December 15, 1913. Changes in Departments, etc. 11912 Police Department— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- Friday, December 19, 1913-11 a. m.—Room 305—Case No. 1753—Long Island City Record, Board of— 11932 Proposals 11937 erty Public Charities, Department of— Railroad Company—"Service on lines of railroad from and to Long Island City and Correction, Department of— 11937 on 34th street-Long Island City ferry line"—Commissioner Cram. 11 a. m.—Room Abstract of Transactions for Week Proposals Ending November 1, 1913 11905 Public Service Commission, First Dis- 305—Case No. 1270—Staten Island Railway Company—"Accounting as to altera- Docks and Ferries, Department of— trict- tion of grade crossing on the Amboy road, near Huguenot"—Commissioner Cram. Proposals 11937 Calendar for Week Commencing De- 11 a. m.—Room 305—New York Consolidated Railway Company—"Petition for con- cember 15, 1913 11905 Education, Department of— 11937 struction of elevated station at Myrtle avenue and Cumberland street"—Commis- Proposals 11938 Proposals c Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— Queens, Borough of— sioner Cram. 11 a. m.—Room 305—Case No. 1648—Long Island Railroad Company 11934 Notice of Public Hearings—Franchise Proposals —"Application for permission to relocate Winfield station"—Commissioner Cram. Matters 11934 Richmond, Borough of— Meeting of the Committee of the Whole held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Notice of Public Hearings — Public Proposals 11937 and Friday at 10.30 a. m. in the Committee Room. Improvement Matters 11933 Street Cleaning, Department of— 11932 Executive Department— Proposals Regular meeting of the Commission held every Tuesday and Friday at 12.15 Hearings by the Mayor qn Legislative Supreme Court, First Department— p. m. in Room 310. Bills 11905 Filing Bills of Costs 11941 Finance, Department of— Filing of Final Reports 11941 Confirmation of Assessments 11934 Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 11941 Corporation Sale of Buildings 11935 llearngs on Qualifications 11942 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, 11936 Interest on City Bonds and Stock Supreme Court, Second Department— 11936 Notice of Sale of Tax Liens, etc. Filing Bill of Costs 11943 Sureties on Contracts 11936 Filing of Final Reports 11943 REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 13, 1913. Vouchers Received December 18, 1913 11910 Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 11943 Warrants Made Ready for Payment Hearings on Qualifications 11943 11907 December 18, 1913 Notice of Appointment 11942 TYPHOID FEVER DURING 1913. Fire Departnient- Supreme Court, Third Judicial District— Proposals • 11939 Applications for Appointment of Com- The typhoid fever figures for the first eleven months of the year 1913, after the Health, Department of— missioners 11944 elimination of the duplicates and reported cases proving not to be typhoid fever, Abstract of Minutes of Meeting of Board Held December 9, 1913 11913 Water Supply, Board of- amount to a total of 2,487 cases. This compares favorably with the figures of pre- Amendments to Sanitary Code 11940 Proposals 11937 vious years. During 1912 there were 2,881 cases, and the average for the past five Proposals 11940 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Depart- years was 3,096. The showing of 1913 is the more remarkable on account of the Report for Week Ending December ment of— 13, 1913 11905 Proposals 11930 sharp outbreak which occurred in the lower eastern section of Manhattan. There were fewer cases reported in the city as a whole than during any corresponding period since the organization of the greater city. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. All of the boroughs except Manhattan have participated in this showing. Man- hattan exceeded the five-year average by 65 cases, Up to the week ending September 6 the number of cases reported for this borough was considerably less than during HEARINGS BY THE MAYOR ON LEGISLATIVE BILLS. the previous year and much below the average of the past five years. From this time Pursuant to statutory requirement, notice is hereby given that an act, Senate up to the week ending October 11 the number of cases reported was in excess of all Bill No. 66, int. No. 62, has been passed by both branches of the Legislature, entitled: figures for corresponding periods, but declined thereafter from week to week until An Act to authorize the transfer of certain public records from the office of on November 22 it reached the average of the previous years. There'were fewer cases the register of the county of New York to the office of the register of the county reported in the week ending December 6 than during the same period of 1912, and of Bronx, and the making and certification of certain other records, and to fix the a smaller number than the average for the last five years. But for the decisive fees of the register of the county of Bronx. action taken early in September in excluding a suspected milk supply, the sharp out- Further notice is hereby given that a public hearing upon such bill will be held break might have reached epidemic proportions.
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