The Dark Tower Introduction: This is a bare bones Adventure for 4-6 Players, Levels 8-10. Inside you’ll find over 30 rooms with monsters, villains, minions, NPCs and possibly a trap or two. A party of the appropriate power should feel the encounter difficulty ramp up as they advance through each level, with minor variations here and there for fun. Questions like: “When can we rest?” & “Why are we here?” ...Totally up to you. Instant Adventure, just add flavor. Created by: BROKEN AKA ROBERT W. SHARP Dungeon Properties: SPECIAL THANKS TO: Number of Rooms: 36 My Lovely Wife Party Size: 4-6 Sample file All my Players Character Level: 8-10 The DM’s Guild Minion Type: Construct Wizards of the Coast Monster Type: Undead Python 3 Community Villain Type: Fiend Apple Macintosh Boss Type: Undead Adobe Systems TSR Wyly and everyone else, you know who you are! DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast. ©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK. Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. The Dark Tower Notes: Number of Rooms: 36 This is a computer generated dungeon. It has no storyline. It is meant to be used as a skeleton Party Size: 4-6 module for your own story, or as a standalone Character Level: 8-10 hack-n-slash dungeon module. All of the monster stats are directly from the DMG tables, the names Minion Type: Construct are random and do not represent monsters from the MM. Monster Type: Undead Villain Type: Fiend “I built the Dungeon Generator software because I like to make up adventures on-the-fly and needed Boss Type: Undead a random(ish) way of making level-appropriate content in real time. This module is based on that idea with a few minor embellishments.” SPECIAL HOUSE RULES: A Minion is always killed after one or two successful hits, even if its hit points would suggest otherwise. Villains lose their special ability if their weakness is exploited in any meaningful way. Have the players make an int check vs. the save dc of the Villain Sampleto filedetermine if they can deduce its weakness even if they don’t find any of the placed clues. Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 3 Save DC: 16 The Dark Tower, Level 1 Type: Medium Undead Alignment: Neutral Evil Room 1. Main Entrance XP: 3900 total Motivation: Avoiding danger Size: Square, 10 x 10 Treasure: Copper: 1300, Silver: 4800, Electrum: Details: An illusion of the Boss appears in this 30, Gold: 200, Platinum: 0 room, a clue about its weakness might slip. Minion Group: Duodrone Hall or passage leading East: Ornate Iron Gate Number Appearing: 3 Encounter CR: 3 Proficiency Bonus: 2 Armor Class: 13 Hit Points: 34 each Attack Bonus: 4 Damage per Round: 7 each Save DC: 13 Type: Medium Construct Alignment: Lawful Neutral XP: 700 total Motivation: Trying to eat a meal Hall or passage leading North: Hidden Trapdoor in the floor, trapped... Dangerous Acid Splash Trap Spot & Disarm DC: 12 Sample file Save vs. DEX DC 15 for half damage. Damage: 4d10 Acid Room 2. Wizard Spire Size: Rectangle, 20 x 40 Details: Small piles of red clay can be found in this room. Monster Group: Wraith Number Appearing: 3 Encounter CR: 8 Room 3. Alchemy Lab Storage Proficiency Bonus: 3 Size: Square, 10 x 10 Armor Class: 16 Details: An illusion of the Main Boss appears in Hit Points: 59 each this room, a clue about its weakness might be Attack Bonus: 7 discovered. Save vs. CON DC 16 to ignore the Damage per Round: 17 each illusion and discover the weakness. 4 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Monster: Bone Naga Minion Group: Tridrones Number Appearing: 1 Number Appearing: 4 Encounter CR: 9 Encounter CR: 2 Proficiency Bonus: 4 Proficiency Bonus: 2 Armor Class: 16 Armor Class: 13 Hit Points: 200 Hit Points: 22 each Attack Bonus: 7 Attack Bonus: 3 Damage per Round: 59 Damage per Round: 4 each Save DC: 16 Save DC: 13 Type: Large Undead Type: Medium Construct Alignment: Lawful Evil Alignment: Lawful Neutral XP: 5000 XP: 450 total Motivation: Looking for an item Motivation: Trying to remember a magic word Treasure: Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 160, Platinum: 0 Hall or passage leading Down: Etched Silver Door, trapped... Hall or passage leading Up: Wooden Door, locked Minor Explosive Gas Trap Spot & Disarm DC: 10 Room 4. Barracks Save vs. DEX DC 11 for half damage. Damage: 2d10 Fire Size: Rectangle, 40 x 80 Details: This room was decorated years ago for a party or wedding that never happened. Room 5. Guard Room Villain: Balor Size: Rectangle, 10 x 20 CR: 9 Details: The walls of this room are covered in Proficiency Bonus: 4 Samplehighly file advanced mathematical formulae. Armor Class: 16 Villain: Dretch Hit Points: 202 CR: 9 Attack Bonus: 7 Proficiency Bonus: 4 Damage per Round: 61 Armor Class: 16 Save DC: 16 Type: Huge Fiend Alignment: Chaotic Evil XP: 5000 Motivation: Trying to remember a magic word Special Ability: Shadow Step, The villain can instantly teleport to a new target each turn. Range: up to 30 feet. Weakness: Susceptible to Piercing damage. Treasure: Copper: 700, Silver: 6000, Electrum: 0, Gold: 1550, Platinum: 110 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 5 Hit Points: 193 Hit Points: 89 each Attack Bonus: 7 Attack Bonus: 7 Damage per Round: 58 Damage per Round: 26 each Save DC: 16 Save DC: 16 Type: Small Fiend Type: Medium Undead Alignment: Chaotic Evil Alignment: Lawful Evil XP: 5000 XP: 3900 total Motivation: Trying to slay a rival Motivation: Looking for an item Special Ability: Demonic Metamorphosis, At 50% Treasure: Copper: 0, Silver: 3000, Electrum: 0, health the villain transforms into its true form. Gold: 280, Platinum: 0 Weakness: The villain falls when an ancient enemy forgives its past actions. Hall or passage leading Down: Stone Archway Treasure: Copper: 1000, Silver: 5000, Electrum: 0, Gold: 1900, Platinum: 110 Room 7. Barracks Magic Items: Potion of vitality Size: Circle, 40 diameter Minion Group: Alarm Droids Details: This room is decorated to look like the Number Appearing: 4 final Boss encounter. Monster: Demilich Encounter CR: 2 Proficiency Bonus: 2 Number Appearing: 1 Armor Class: 13 Encounter CR: 9 Hit Points: 24 each Proficiency Bonus: 4 Attack Bonus: 3 Armor Class: 16 Damage per Round: 4 each Hit Points: 202 Attack Bonus: 7 Save DC: 13 Sample file Type: Medium Construct Damage per Round: 58 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Save DC: 16 XP: 450 total Type: Tiny Undead Motivation: Trying to slay a rival Alignment: Neutral Evil XP: 5000 Hall or passage leading Up: Carved Wooden Door Motivation: Seeking wealth Treasure: Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 170, Platinum: 0 Room 6. Hot Spring Bath Size: Square, 10 x 10 Hall or passage leading Down: Wooden Door, Details: Small piles of red clay can be found in trapped... this room. Dangerous Guillotine Trap Monster Group: Mummy Spot & Disarm DC: 12 Number Appearing: 2 Save vs. DEX DC 15 for half damage. Encounter CR: 8 Damage: 4d10 Slashing Proficiency Bonus: 3 Armor Class: 16 6 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Room 8. Dinning Hall Treasure: Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 130, Platinum: 0 Size: Circle, 50 diameter Details: Everything in this room has been painted Hall or passage leading North: Hidden Trapdoor a strange color. in the floor Monster: Mummy Lord Number Appearing: 1 Encounter CR: 9 Room 10. Torture Chamber Proficiency Bonus: 4 Size: Rectangle, 30 x 60 Armor Class: 16 Details: This room is decorated to look like the Hit Points: 203 inside of a ship at sea. Attack Bonus: 7 Minion Group: Animated Torture Devices Damage per Round: 58 Number Appearing: 3 Save DC: 16 Encounter CR: 3 Type: Medium Undead Proficiency Bonus: 2 Alignment: Lawful Evil Armor Class: 13 XP: 5000 Hit Points: 35 each Motivation: Defending its lair Attack Bonus: 4 Treasure: Copper: 0, Silver: 2400, Electrum: 0, Damage per Round: 7 each Gold: 50, Platinum: 0 Save DC: 13 Type: Large Construct Hall or passage leading East: Secret Door Alignment: Lawful Neutral XP: 700 total Room 9. Armory Storage Motivation: Trying to remember a magic word Size: Rectangle, 10 x 20 SampleHall file or passage leading Down: Solid Iron Gate, Details: A diabolic monster once used this room locked to butcher and eat wayward adventurers. Monster: Revenant Number Appearing: 1 Room 11. Destroyed Alchemy Lab Encounter CR: 9 Size: Square, 50 x 50 Proficiency Bonus: 4 Details: This room is decorated to look like Armor Class: 16 a throne room, but the decorations are just Hit Points: 202 cardboard.
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