APRIL 1984 51 95 THE SOUND ENGINEERING MAGAZINE sft The MTR Series Recorders WHY IT'S OTARI FOR MORE POST-PRODUCTION PROS. Toua, s not topic is audio posr production At Otan, it was a hot topic production continues Otani Corporation .a samoK, e " ,.°_ .. ç1 l.e, 9 L Circle 10 on Reader Service Card VOLUME 18, NO. 3 APRIL 1984 FEATURES Larry Zide C,LASS IN THE STUDIO f: I )1( ;ITA I. _WHO RRoADCASTING P( f. Elaine Zide T '\" BUST() ' Ti.:sT ; )N y.. T\Vm. THREE Mark B. Waldstein Associate Eaitar 14. \TA TRACI: Ricki Zide (i1,1 TEST REP( I.Áì p, Id log ir Ttccical Ectj rii: SHI. 1'21 ENc, NIEKER Linda Cortese 54 European Edr John Borwick COLUMNS Tec,1-1,7.11 Ao,s.)r 1 I) I" EINFORCE:\IENT Job E(1 f'(//i John Eargle ECROPE job BorJeick L Kathi Lippe A DIO .1( ssf 01,01: (_;,./ilf I l'1,(11;OP,Y hl PRACTICE /),,Hootto, )9!' íi Lydia] (_;1,19,jfidr2.-.:, DJ' I-) \ (in NIr..vryir (;!\ f,11:1\[1)A 'I'( I, 4 ;P Jrphic ifEW P `,()1)(1(;'1':', /\i'Í `, 10/ 1(;1, ritit PE()PLE, (20:;'), piíisj PiJu J2 1;2 firf n91 I ./ I 1, I I y 11101 Endo .:9,11:-IfIt'i undyri9iii ',in.. I I dil , 0l9.;,1111,11`n,J.1,11, ;10,1 (inn, Iii WON: (5 I '313 VfiAbi'M 01( (:),;91,1i119, \ ii.! in did rildr ni dunii odif.00 ;in, I-ii, I, I J ,-;:, 5.00 Tgur r.;uriudd) in Ill:. t;92itr.: :to J;I:Y; tjtjitt)rjt,j, :111,1 Iii,-; )11,, j 1,4)111.1 r.:9LIInfy fix?, i/nris I 1%391. ,.;9111rnlIdd nirnulaiinn 09;li.v3uniii,1 I I;JrJ:i.inI .111 .1.i.ililOr 1.11 911i99. Letters Index of ONE Advertisers HEY GUYS, HOW ABOUT IT? TO THE EDITOR: As a freelance writer, I would like Alpha Audio 25 to express a problem I run into all the Amber 19 time. I call it the Mod NDP (Model BASF 5 The Only Four- Second Number Designation Problem). It Bruel & Kjaer Cover III Tape Erasers pertains specifically to the manu- Carvin 15 facturers of audio equipment (though Cetec Gauss 17 That's Garner... I'm sure it applies to other fields of Crown 3 technology as well). Come on, you The Quality Eraser Garner 2 a when You're recording on a machine guys...in time creating Klark -Teknik 16 that costs hundreds or standards is in, why not create one LT thousands of dollars, and amongst yourselves that will make it Sound 60 you're reoording on recycled easier for us writers -and the editors Orban 4 tape. Can you guarantee that as well -to determine whether a Otani Cover II tape is absolutely clean? You particular model number is two Polyline 59 can if you're using a Garner letters followed directly by three Production EFX 58 Audio Tape Degausser. numbers, two letters followed by a Shure Bros. Cover IV Garner is the standard of the hyphen followed by three numbers, Studer Revox 11 industry...designed to the or two letters followed by a space Tektronix 12 -13 specifications of leading tape followed by three numbers...or 3M 8 -9 manufacturers. Garner is a maybe one letter followed directly by conveyor -belt tape eraser. It can erase in less than five three numbers, or two letters, a seconds what most hyphen, two numbers, and a letter. I degaussers take up to a minute mean, I just go nuts trying to find out to erase, and Garner erasers how a certain company designates a do a better job. certain product. OK, OK. You want to Time savings, ease of be different. You don't want to be operation, quality of confused with anyone else. I can erasure, and rugged understand that. But what about the About construction make Garner poor guy /gal who has to sit with an The the most cost -effective article or transcribed tape in front of eraser available. them in which a studio owner, Cover Garner has established a producer, engineer, or artist explains reputation as the "Eraser what type of equipment they like, or People" because we have, in every category ?! It's enough manufacture a complete line of to drive me nuts. If there was a single both audio and video erasers. format say, for microphones, another Call and let us show you what a This month's cover features the for recording consoles, another for Garner eraser can do for you. ABC Radio Network in NYC. Among monitors, etc., least there would be at the equipment currently in use (L-R): some logical structure to make things an Otani MTR -90II 24 track master a little easier. But as haphazard as recorder, an Otani MTR -10 (1/2 inch things are now, it's a tough act to 4 track) recorder, Panasonic turn- follow. tables (with Dolby noise reduction -SUSAN CLARKE below), a Yamaha M916 console, and NYC an Otani MTR -10 (1/ inch 2 track) recorder. db replies: Ms Clarke, we wonder if you realize the can of wiggling worms you are opening up. Imagine the idea of manu- Dependabil ity...Guaranteed facturers actually talking to each other and agreeing entirely on doing something. Seriously, though, we have the same problems all the time and your letter has touched a semi -raw nerve. Manufacturers -are you out there? Are you reading this? 4200 N. 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68504 Phone: (402) 464 -5911 Telex: 438068 Circle 13 on Reader Service Card Our introduction to the Pressure Zone have mushroomed and the best Microphone R broke our previous recording studios use PZM R . So do a record for skepticism. But the whole lot of other people on a whole hardware converted us. Like Orville lot of stages, church podiums, and [right's gas powered kite, it conference room tables. outperformed its appearance. The Succcess has changed us. One of rest, as they say, is history. In the these days we'll probably start telling years since we be i we knew it would work all along. 1718 W. Road Elkhart, W 46517 (219)294 -5571 Call or write for details Circle 15 on Reader Service Card Calendar MAY 5 MAC '84. Sponsored by the 19 Audio Aspects of Post Pro- search Laboratory and Grad- Midwest Acoustics Confer- duction. Organized and uate Program in Acoustics. ence in conjunction with the sponsored by the Hollywood Written inquiries should be School of the Arts Institute Section of SMPTE. Loca- directed to Dr. Alan D. of Chicago. Location: Film tions: Paramount Studios, Stuart, Summer Program Center, School of the Arts Glen Glenn Sound and Coordinator, c/o The Penn Institute of Chicago, Colum- Warner Hollywood Studios. State Graduate Program in bus Drive and Jackson Blvd., For more information, con- Acoustics, P.O. Box 30, State Chicago, IL. For more in- tact: Jack Spring, c/o East- College, PA 16801. Tele- formation, contact: Thomas man Kodak Co., 6706 Santa phone inquiries may be made Yackish at 219/844 -0520, Monica Blvd., Hollywood, to Mrs. Barbara Crocken, ext. 471, or Brian Homas at CA 90038; Tel: 213/464 -6131, Administrative Assistant, 312/677 -3340. or Howard La Zare, c/o at 814/865 -6364. Consolidated Film Indus- 11 -14 2nd AES International tries, 959 N. Seward St., Conference: The Art and Hollywood, CA 90038. Tel.: 18 -29 Techniques of Digital Audio Technology of Recording. 213/462 -3161. Processing. Given by the Location: Disneyland Hotel, Experimental Music Studio Anaheim, CA. For more in- JUNE at MIT. For application in- formation, contact: Conven- 4 -29 Summer Program in Un- formation, contact: Director tion Services, Audio Engi- derwater Acoustics and of the Summer Session, neering Society, 60 East Signal Processing. Given Room E19 -356, Massachu- 42nd St., New York, NY by The Pennsylvania State setts Institute of Technology, 10165. Tel: 212/661 -2355. University's Applied Re- Cambridge, MA 02139. We thought about hiring an expensive superstar to extoll the virtues of the famous Orban 622B It speaks Parametric EQ. After all, there are 622B's backing up superstars worldwide in recording studios, arena shows, broadcast facilities... you name it! But we decided not to. Because ultimately, the Orban 622B for itself. speaks for itself -it's the most widely used, popular professional Parametric in the world. The 622B combines full, four -band Parametric equalization with tunable notch filtering to offer extraordinary versatility and control. Our "constant-Q" design provides -40dB attenuation while allowing gentle, musically -useful broadband EQ too. This makes the 622B ideal for critical sound reinforcement chores as well as studio production work. Call your local Orban for further information. Orban Associates Inc. 645 Bryant St. or ban San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 957 -1067 TLX: 17-1480 Circle 14 on Reader Service Card THE ROAD TO PLATINUM IS PAVED WITH BASF PURE CHROME. The only place to be in the recording Best of all, just about anyone can business is #1. And with cassettes tak- change over from ferric oxide to BASF ing over nearly 50% of the industry's Pure Chrome with the greatest of ease pre -recorded sales this year, the best -and without any need for additional way to get to the top is on BASF Pure equipment or expenses. Chrome duplicating tape. Find out why such major names as BASF Pure Chrome helps you climb RCA Red Seal Digital, Sine Qua Non, Van- the charts faster because it duplicates your sounds guard and Inner City all put their trust in us.
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