J pi - m$www l x W EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELP- HIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1917 , CHRONICLE AND COMMENT CONCERNING DIVERSE DENIZENS OP GLITTERING MIMIC WORD dlreotor superintended tho building of "A widow knows r-- 'J THOMAS MARTELLE that fcaij JUtTBTO FITNESS twenty-thre- e old-sty- cannons use In STARS, MASCULINE, EQUINE, ness Is to fove nn.t i."8..ta t tflisV for FEMININE LIFE IS SEASONED -- ?,rr the battle. Nine of these were actually STUDIES WIDOWS . "A. wldov knows n,. ' W V . that ... tl cast from Iron and were Just as useful for hold a mutt Is to let him go." J t mm- - MISS ADAMS'S GOAL damage as the originals. Fifteen others FOR GEORGE WALSH Star of Walnut's Musical Play Ana- ' were .. ''AL.w!d.kn's that modesiv .. .. wooden and were lighted with flare lyzes Ruses of Modern Mrs. uiu uesi policy." " " puffs for good photographic In the anrifi . effect "A widow B':w 7I1A battle. Bardells knows 'AKR Hnrfa tn Rno KVininrvnrl ways . The Fox studios spent $6000 for ammuni- Screen Actor Preparing New wldiwtfSj? Actors Regardless of Foot-- tion alone during the making of this pro- of Thomas Martelle, portraycr of feminine "A wWoWi especially .r.7. , duction; $3000 went for cannon munitions Production Is Victim roles nnd star of "Tho Fascinating widow,' Knows that possesses when ehe CBtr.n light Prominence and the balance purchased powder nntl Many Jinxes Widow," which comes to tho Walnut Street she the bait, if ? l 1 M? '&. chemicals for the muskets used and for the TJieatro for orta week commencing Mon- question of time until hanr,ghtt , , lo - ' UUKflrc making of hand grenades. In staging the day, claims to bo nn expert nnalyst of vvoiti k. The nearest approach to the method that scene 600 shots were allowed to each otf "Smllinir dec-rue- Walsh, the vIbotous character. u&irl"rtw-jn- In vogue In the European theatre ttie nine usable cannons. An unlimited sup- William Fox star, booked for the Victoria Martelle has glen (special study to the W6re the war la the syslom carried out ply of blank cartridges was given to each next week, hnd often heard the expression: widow and her wiles In order to secure, as The Sltnrenmntt i.- - vy musket bearer. you don't weaken. He at the Maude Adams company. In the con- "It's a srent life It he says, "a. psychological acquaintance of 'The Conqueror" plcturlzes the herola life believes now that this sentiment somo his de- almost pic-tur- her philosophy." Hero uro of tinental theatres abroad the actors are com and romantic times of General Sam Hous- originated in anticipation of his new ductions: pelted to play the roles assigned them by ton, the man Proofs of this who blazed the path for the "Tills Is tho Life." Knows husbands aro the directors. It Is not uncommon, there- Independence of Texas. The story fellows apparent prophecy nbound. "A widow that whllo fore, And dom- es- nil alike, men are different." to the actor who had the Houston's career from the period when as Ttf begin with, Walsh had a narrow inating role In the play given one night a youth he was an Illiterate, the companion leaped "A widow knows that a man wilt not cape being lamed for llfo when he sweet- enacting a small. Insignificant part In tho of the Cherokee Indians, to the point whero to back of a horso nnd had tolcrato a sonso of humor In his from a wnll the heart, but ho positively demands it In flay glen tho following night. he later became Governor of his native his knee gashed by n. projecting piece of that In this country the acttr has always State, Tennessee, and afterward the lib- brass on the saddle. He wns Just recover- his wife." foufht this system tooth and nail, What erator of Texas. ing from tho effects of thla Injury, which VA widow knows thero la nothing a man with the star system, long runs and spe- forced him to walk llko an octogenarian, so much dislikes as, to bo obliged to He to a cialising In types of character portraiture, BALL when ho had to nppear In tho scene show- woman, and that ho will always telt her the actors have been able virtually to AND RAGTIME ing a perfectly nppolnted dental oftlce. tho truth If sho will only let him." rnake the managers do their own bidding. DID sitting in the chair nnd giving n "A widow knows when man Is nnd NOT MIX WELL l $ g Whllo a It la nothing In this country for an actor ffWYAJIjlKK ,iate graphic portrayal of the tortures he was when a mnn Is not In love with her. Sho to decline an engagement with a good enl-r- y suffering, Qeorgo let ono of hla flying hands never scatters her energies In the wrong So Blossom Seeley, Wife of Mnrqunrd, per- for the reason that he decides the role hit tho actor-dentis- t. This gentleman direction." Riven him to play to be unworthy of his Brooklyn's Pitcher, Now mitted the long Btecl probo he was holding can talents. upper eyelid of his patient "A widow knows that a woman Stars Alone to puncture tho marry any innn Bho chooses If Maude engages her people for An examination disclosed thnt tho eye had Adams night would "A widow can conveniently forget her Vivian Martin their general fitness. In an actor's contract The Invention of ragtime, according to not been Injured, but that his age, provided sho does not look it." m serlouMy had tho there Is no stipulation of the parts tvr stylo learned spent havo been Impaired "A widow knows philosophy IN doctors of music who have a him n fraction of nn Inch that a little of parts he Is to play. It It plain that ho lot of valuable time tracing syncopated mel- struck la a dangerous thing to courtship." The Trouble Buster must play the roles assigned him. He ody back to Its birth, occurred long before tho lower "A widow knows that worthwhile men do might think that on account of his salary present generation of music lovers espoused Tho next day Walsh was ready for work not mako good lovors, according to tho he will never be given a small role when It, but only In comparatively recent years ngaln. He brought with him to tho big romantic notion ot what a good lover ought a less expensive player might handle It. has It becoma popular. Blossom Seeley, studio in Hollywood, Cal , a hnlf-dose- to be In this he is fooling himself widely known as a vaudeville etar nnd noted Jlnxchascrs. In his buttonholo was a four-le- af CharleyChaplin In the revival of "Quality Street' a few for her ability to cope syncopation, clover. In ono coat pocket was a small with In seasons ago Angela Ogden played Susan claims tho distinction of being ono of tho horseshoe. In another a rabblt'H foot nnd Adventurer Thrcssell, the part opposite that of Miss first ragtime singers to ndorn artistically his hand ho carried a Confederal coin. WALNUT Abv.Slh ine high-price- A QITJfh TIHJUS., Adams, and a fine nctlnsr role. During last a d theatrical entertainment The hoodoo banlshers wero of no nvnll T . A BAT. keason Miss Ogden had two lines In "The This mngnctlc star, who comes to Kelth'i The film nctor worked about nn hour, felt iiOlll J MATINEES DAILY Little Minister," but this season she has next week can be quoted ns being complete- thirsty nnd wandered Into tho electrical Our Amllenrcr T,nrcely Composed of Billie Burk come Into her own again with a good role ly wedded to Byncopated music She ad- department nearby, whero thero was a a, llrnnon , " In the last act of "A Kiss for Cinderella mittedly prefers It to the highest grndo of cooler of water. A tlncup attached ttf a nnOINNINO MONDAY MATINEE IV Robert Payton Carter has a role In the classical music, nlthough he had a fine chain was tho only aallnbtn means of get- IIAUNKY GKUARD'S Arms and the Girl musical education nnd studied long and Douglas Fairbanks, the btcetl that ho rides and Eileen Percy, the ting Unknown to Walsh tho men Free riAMAnn- - present play consisting of six words and a girl ho in a drink o.T. cough. This capable actor had the role of luird to accomplish her end before sho en- that courts the stirring screen melodrama, "Tho Man From In tho department hnd nrranged matters so Accommodations for Autoltts tered ragtime listed showing procure drink FOLLIES OF THE DAY a Liberty Captain Hook the pirate chief. In "Peter vaudellle as a vocallste. Painted Post," for at the Colonial and Locust Theatres that an outsider could not a "uy Iiond) I t Pan," a prominent role In "Chantecler" and In private life Miss Seeley Is the wlfo next week. without also getting a shock. As soon as "fat" parts In "What Every Woman of "llube" Marquard, one of the Btar pitch- Oeorge lifted tho cup to his lips womo olio VEK&a Knows" and "The Little Minister" ers of tho Brooklyn club. For more thnn pressed tho button Tho contact of tho a two seasons Miss Seeley and her huibanil W. C. FIELDS, ARTIST, FAIRBANKS TAKEN electricity and tho water Intensified the Wallace Jackson, after long alternating In Miudevllle. thought was between footmen and typm of servants, "teamed" the fact that he shock and tho Fox stnr he was known as "tho $11,000 beauty of baso-ball- " JUGGLER, TRAVELER FOR A PUGILIST going to bo electrocuted.
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