DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 08-21-06 A 23 CDB 8/17/2006 12:37 PM Page 1 August 21, 2006 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Page 23 CALENDAR Treasurer. Hyatt Regency Dearborn. Ann Arbor Ad ers. Contact: Paula Arwady, (248) 377- THURSDAY $35 members and their spouses, $50 Club and the Mas- 0833 fax, paarwady@com cast.net, or AUG. 24 others. Contact: (313) 963-8547 or ter of Science in www.corenetglobal.org. www.econclub.org. Integrated Mar- 2006 Report to Membership. The De- keting Communi- troit Regional Chamber. 4-6:30 p.m. cations program Global Awareness 2006. International Gem Theatre, Detroit. Free to members Michigan Technology Conference at Eastern Michi- business seminar. Noon-4:30 p.m. Fri- at the Business Builder membership 2006. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 12. Detroit gan University. 5- days Sept. 15-Oct. 20. Lawrence Tech- level and above. $35 others. Contact: Regional Chamber, Michigan Eco- 7 p.m. Sept. 14. nological University, U.S. Commer- www.detroitchamber.com, lelliott@ nomic Development Corp. and Au- Josh Linkner, cial Service, Automation Alley, and detroitchamber.com or (313) 596-0305. tomation Alley. Ford Conference & founder and CEO Michigan Economic Development Event Center, Dearborn. $45 for De- of ePrize. Ann Ar- Corp. Topics include international troit Regional Chamber, Automation Carville Matalin Linkner Trade Mechanics with Mexico. Grand bor IT Zone, 330 E. laws and regulations, free trade agree- Alley, MEDC and partnering mem- Valley State University’s Van Andel Comerica. Political consultants, com- Liberty St. Free for members, $20 stu- ments, international banking and fi- bers; $75 others. Contact: Wendy Global Trade Center. 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. mentators and married couple James dents, $38 others. Contact: (734) 332- nance and doing business overseas. Licensed Mexico customs broker Ed- Nodge, (313) 596-0336 or wnodge@ Carville and Mary Matalin. Cobo Center, 9033, [email protected] or www.a2ac.org. Lawrence Technological University, detroitchamber.com; or www.detroit mundo Elias-Fernandez of the law firm Detroit. $35 members, $40 guests of Southfield, $60 one session, $150 three chamber.com. Baker & McKenzie, and co-author of members, $55 others. Contact: (877) 633- CoreNet Luncheon Meeting. 11 a.m.- 2 sessions, $300 entire series. Free for the NAFTA Handbook and the Cus- 3500 or www.inforummichigan.org. p.m. Sept. 14. Michigan gubernatorial current LTU students. Contact: Eu- toms Chapter of the Mexican Tax All’s Fair: Love, War and Politics. 11:30 candidate Dick DeVos. The Fairlane gene Epshteyn, (248) 894-9617, or Guide. Schoolcraft College, VisTaTech a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sept. 13. Inforum and The Digital Revolution Has Happened. Club, Dearborn. $30 members, $60 oth- www.ltu.edu/pdc/. Center, Livonia. $175 members, $300 others, with an extra $50 after Aug. 17. Contact: (616) 331-6811 or www. vagtc.org. 10th Annual Detroit Lions Kickoff Meeting: The 2006-2007 Detroit Li- ons. The Detroit Economic Club. Noon-1:30 p.m. Lions head coach Rod Marinelli, with the 2006-07 Detroit Li- ons. Burton Manor, 27777 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia. $50 members and their spouses, $55 guests. Contact: (313) 963- 8547, [email protected] or www.econclub.org. COMING EVENTS Membership Reception. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 31. National Association of Black Accountants Inc.-Detroit Chap- ter. Fifth Avenue Grill, (inside Comer- ica Park), Detroit. Contact: (313) 965- 5459 or www.nabadetroit.org. Black Business Expo. 6–9 p.m. Sept. 1. The International Detroit Black Expo Inc. in association with the Council of Baptist Pastors, A.M.E. Ministerial Alliance of Southeast Michigan and Be Blessed Career Counseling Inc. Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit. Free. Con- tact: (313) 309-3215. Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People. Women Business Owners of Southeastern Michigan. 6-8 p.m. Sept. 5. Asya Raines, economist, banker, and author of Asya’s Laws: Lessons in Love Lost and Found. Lake Forest Golf Club, Ann Arbor. Free to members and NAWBO members, $10 others. Contact: Jan Davies, (734) 417-5745, [email protected], or www.wbo-mich.org. MMBDC Pontiac/Oakland County Re- gional Roundtable Annual Breakfast Forum. 8 a.m. Sept. 7. Douglas Maibach, vice president of corporate affairs, Barton Malow Co. Marriott Pontiac at Centerpoint, 3600 Center- point Parkway, Pontiac. $25. Pre-reg- istration required. Contact: www. mmbdc.com. Detroit Economic Club. Noon-1:30 p.m. Sept. 7. Ron Gettelfinger, president, International Union, United Auto Workers. Masonic Temple, Detroit. $35 members and their spouses, $50 others. Contact: (313) 963-8547 or www.econclub.org. Detroit Economic Club. Noon-1:30 p.m. Sept. 12. Anna Escobedo Cabral, U.S. CALENDAR GUIDELINES More Calendar items can be found on the Web at www.crainsdetroit. com. Please send news releases for Calendar to Joanne Scharich, Crain’s Detroit Business, 1155 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, MI 48207- 2997, or e-mail jscharich@ crain.com. You also may submit Calendar items in the Calendar section of crainsdetroit.com. DETROIT BUSINESS MAIN 08-21-06 A 24,25 CDB 8/17/2006 12:40 PM Page 1 Page 24 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS August 21, 2006 Casting about for a great meeting city? BRIEFLY No takers on developing part Wuxi, Jiangsu province. It will Worth, Austin and Houston areas. produce trailer axles and suspen- Learning Care Group said The of county park in Trenton sions for manufacturers in China Children’s Courtyard will contin- No bids were submitted before as well as North America and Eu- ue to use the same name and that the July 21 deadline to develop a rope. its management team would re- 42-acre parcel of 162-acre Elizabeth The plant will be the supplier’s main in place. Park, owned by Wayne County in second wholly owned operation — Sheena Harrison Trenton. there. The county issued a request for — Crain News Service Café to open in Penobscot proposals May 12. The park is at Get hooked on Grand Rapids … and get hooked on fun, service West Jefferson and Grosse Ile Learning Care Group buys The Morning News Café will be and value! Our convention center is a cutting-edge learning and Parkway and the Detroit River the moniker of a new restaurant networking space. It’s just steps away from a salmon-rich river, borders it on the east. Texas child-care business scheduled to open by Sept. 1 on the lower level of the Penobscot Build- an award-winning hotel, and more than 60 restaurants and Dennis Niemiec, spokesman for Novi-based child-care provider ing, said Rick Duistermars, direc- nightclubs. Go ahead, take the bait … visit our web site today! Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano and member of a commit- Learning Care Group Inc. has agreed tor of tenant relations and market- MeetGrandRapids.com • 1-800-678-9859 tee to give project recommenda- to acquire The Children’s Courtyard ing. tions, said there was interest be- of Arlington, Texas, for an undis- Replacing the former Epicurean Grand Rapids closed amount, according to a The grand city of Michigan’s West Coast cause more than 10 groups of Café that closed at the end of June, developers, marketers and busi- statement issued Aug. 9. The deal the 15,000-square-foot café will be ness owners attended a pre-propos- is expected to close in September. operated by Frank’s Creative Cater- al meeting. Learning Care Group is the par- ing, currently headquartered in He said investors indicated it ent company of Tutor Time Child Southfield but planning to also was difficult to work through the Care/ Learning Centers and Child- open offices in the Penobscot county’s terms for developing the time Learning Centers. Building, Duistermars said. property. Learning Care, which has 450 lo- Rows of magazine and newspa- The county had offered busi- cations worldwide, was acquired per racks, 13 flat-screen TV moni- nesses a five-year concession by A.B.C. Learning Centres Ltd. of tors and Wi-Fi service prompted agreement with the opportunity Australia in January. the café’s naming, he said. for three five-year renewal op- The Children’s Courtyard oper- Breakfast and lunch will be tions. ates 46 centers in the Dallas/Fort See Briefly, Page 25 In the agreement, the business wouldn’t own the property but would develop “any concept that enhances the (park’s) usage and You are one click away historical nature … while main- taining the area as a public park.” ...from your complete source for wireless solutions... The agreement also would include From two-way a negotiated tax cost and percent- age of profit sharing. radios to pagers Niemiec said businesses might to parts and MOTOROLA VISAR SPECIAL want a longer contract term to be accessories $$ Hit The Jackpot $$ able to borrow money and recoup with New Visars • One Year Factory Warranty • Model # H05RDD9AA4DN the dollars put into the develop- and everything • 403-470 Mhz, 16 Channels • Battery - NTN7394C New ment. • Standard Antenna, Holder and Dual Charger in between NEW IN THE BOX Any ordinance changes would come from the Wayne County Com- $449.00 is your complete mission, which is looking at the is- Call 877-5RADIOS Today sue. wireless solution The park has been county- in Metro Detroit. VIEW owned since 1919, and the land was OUR DAILY sold to the county on the condition it remain a public park. SPECIALS Niemiec said all the efforts are ONLINE to generate more park use and he intends for the project to be rebid www.comsourcemi.com later. — Bowdeya Tweh or call 1-877-5RADIOS 2130 Austin Drive • Rochester Hills, MI 48309 Southfield company to build two ethanol plants NextGen Energy L.L.C., a new al- ternative-energy company based in Southfield, announced Tuesday TESTING ENGINEERS that it has received preliminary site plan approval to build two & CONSULTANTS, INC.
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